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Curbside Consult with Dr. Jayne 7/10/23

July 10, 2023 Dr. Jayne 2 Comments

In my past life, I did a fair amount of medicolegal consulting. Although I don’t regularly work in that space anymore, I’m mentoring a young clinical informaticist that finds himself thrown into that space without much warning. When you’re a front-line physician, you know that there is always a chance that a patient complication or a poor outcome could lead to a legal claim. Even when you’re not primarily responsible for the situation, if you’ve participated in the care of a patient, you might be contacted to serve as a fact witness. Regardless of the situation, depositions can be nerve wracking. No matter the industry you work in, generally people don’t really look forward to being dragged into a legal situation. Most informaticists don’t expect to be drawn into legal issues, but when complex systems are involved in documenting the care that was rendered, it’s becoming increasingly more common.

In the past, fulfilling legal requests meant that the health information management department would pull hundreds of pages of paper records and photocopy them to send to the requesting attorney. When we started transitioning to EHRs, sometimes the records requests were fulfilled in a hybrid manner depending on where the hospital was in its EHR journey. There might have been a mix of documents, with some being photocopied and others being printed from the EHR. When I first started seeing these kinds of records, it amazed me how different the EHR output was from different hospitals. Some had better formatted notes than others; others were sometimes downright confusing. The transition of electronic flowsheets to paper output is particularly problematic at times, and when I used to work legal cases regularly, I’d sometimes have to put all the paper representations of formerly electronic flowsheets across the living room floor to try to make sense of them.

Now that the majority of care delivery sites are fully documented using electronic records, the size of documentation on a per-note basis has grown dramatically. Hospital daily progress notes that typically would have been a page or a page and a half in the paper world are now three to five pages long. Despite efforts to the contrary, they often exemplify the concept of “note bloat” with lots of copy and paste and more carry-forward documentation than most of us want. Even a short hospital stay, when converted from an EHR chart to a paper record, can generate thousands of pages of records. Wading through them can be challenging, even when you’re experienced in looking at EHR output. Lately, I’ve seen some notes from hospitals that are exposing metadata within the notes themselves. For example, tagging every sentence with its author in a superscript, or tagging sentences to identify whether the content was generated from a template or through manual entry.

My young colleague has been working in clinical informatics for a couple of years, but mostly spending his time as a super user and helping support his specialty colleagues at the point of care. He only recently started getting into more strategic areas of EHR management. He served on a couple of EHR committees, one of which was depicted last year in a glowing article in the health system’s public-facing newsletter. That particular article was about work that the informatics team had been doing to revisit procedure documentation in a particular specialty area as part of a preventable harms project. It was intended as a feel-good piece, describing how the hospital was using information systems to promote patient safety. Various people were quoted in the article, including my friend, who talked about how the committee was reviewing procedure note templates and order sets to ensure they were being kept up with current evidence and represented the highest standards of care.

Unfortunately, the quotation in the article also ended up tagging my colleague as a potential expert in how the hospital decided to redo its clinical content. Apparently, there was a potential legal claim after a procedure that resulted in a poor outcome, and there’s a hypothesis that an outdated order set contributed to the situation. Since the article appeared on the hospital’s website, it’s easily found in an Internet search, leading to a request for deposition from some enterprising attorneys. He’s now second-guessing the EHR Quality Committee’s strategy in deciding which documentation pathways to review now versus those that were marked for later analysis. Like all of us, his organization was struggling with the idea of having so much to do and so little time, so hard decisions had to be made.

In learning more about the case, it’s not clear how much influence the EHR really had on the situation, even if its documentation was outdated. Ultimately the clinician at the bedside is responsible for placing the right orders for the right patient and for ensuring that they meet the standard of care. Unfortunately, many of us have become so dependent on the EHR as our mechanism for ensuring we’re ordering what we should be ordering. I’ve seen plenty of physicians who have let their critical thinking skills slide and who don’t question what they’re seeing even when they know it’s not right. They’ve come to rely on the prompts and reminders given by the EHR, sometimes to the detriment of the patient when the EHR either doesn’t have any care pathways for a particular situation or when there’s a technology outage.

Plenty of us are speculating as to how artificial intelligence can help us be better doctors – whether it be through helping us write notes that make more sense than what humans are currently generating or whether we’re using it to suggest alternative diagnoses or treatments that might not be top of mind. However, such technology is only going to take us further down the proverbial rabbit hole of reliance on tech. Some of the most harrowing moments I’ve had in clinical practice have been during an EHR downtime and I don’t wish that experience on anyone. Particularly, I feel for those clinicians who work at hospitals that have been hit by ransomware and who have to resort to downtime procedures for extended periods of time. Technology may be making us dumber, in a way.

In the meantime, I’m helping my colleague through the legal process as much as I can, recommending additional training about how his system presents data and educating him on what it will be like to be deposed. He’s incredibly nervous and he never dreamed that EHR governance was going to be on his mind as much as it is now. No one ever said being a clinical informaticist was dull, but I hope for his sake that the next couple of weeks are fairly boring, including the deposition. Being in his position is certainly something they didn’t teach us about in medical school or residency, and definitely not in clinical informatics training. Fortunately, though, in those educational environments they do teach us critical thinking skills, logic, and the need for ongoing learning, so I hope my friend can use those skills to weather the current storm.

Has your IT department ever been cited as party to a legal action? Was it juicy enough to be the subject of a courtroom drama? Leave a comment or email me.

Email Dr. Jayne.

Morning Headlines 7/10/23

July 9, 2023 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 7/10/23

Two Years After Coding Changes Sought to Decrease Documentation, Notes Remain ‘Bloated’

An Epic analysis of 1.7 billion clinical notes written by 166,318 outpatient providers during a nearly three-year period finds that average note length increased just over 8%, while the average time spent on documentation decreased 11%.

Intermountain Pediatric Telehealth Connects Local ERs with Primary Children’s Hospital

Intermountain Health expands its Pediatric Telehealth program to give its ER doctors access to virtual consults with pediatric specialists at Primary Children’s Hospital in Utah.

Lovelace hospital using AI to improve care for patients with chronic illnesses

Lovelace Health System (NM) implements CareHarmony’s AI-powered care coordination software to help patients with two or more chronic conditions better manage their treatment, including medications.

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Monday Morning Update 7/10/23

July 9, 2023 News Comments Off on Monday Morning Update 7/10/23

Top News


An Epic analysis of 1.7 billion clinical notes written by 166,318 outpatient providers during a nearly three-year period finds that average note length increased just over 8%, while the average time spent on documentation decreased 11%.

Analysts also determined that providers spent less time on reviewing clinical activities within the EHR, and that providers who decreased their use of copy/paste functionality and smart documentation tools reduced their average note length.

The analysis was undertaken to determine if CMS changes made in 2021 to evaluation and management CPT billing codes did indeed lead to a hoped-for reduction in administrative burden.


July 12 (Wednesday) 2 ET. “101: National Network Data Exchanges.” Sponsor: Particle Health. Presenter: Troy Bannister, founder and CEO, Particle Health. It’s highly likely that your most recent medical records were indexed by a national Health Information Network (HIN). Network participants can submit basic demographic information into an API and receive full, longitudinal medical records sourced from HINs. Records come in a parsed, standardized format, on demand, with a success rate above 90%. There’s so much more to learn and discover, which is why Troy Bannister is going to provide a 101 on all things HIN. You will learn what HINs are, see how the major HINS compare, and learn how networks will evolve due to TEFCA.

July 26 (Wednesday) 1 ET. “Lessons We’ve Learned Since Launching our Cancer Prevention Program.” Sponsor: Volpara Health. Presenter: Albert Bonnema, MD, MPH chief medical information officer, Kettering Health System, and Chris Yuppa, product owner for oncology services and cancer prevention, Kettering Health System. Kettering’s IT department has played a critical role in providing an EHR-driven framework to bring cancer risk assessment and individual prevention plans to more than 90,000 patients. Primary care, OB/GYN, oncology, and imaging providers are now able to assess the hereditary, genetic, and lifestyle factors that affect the risk of developing lung, breast, ovarian, colon, and prostate cancer in any patient encounter. Learn how Kettering brings together people, processes, and technology to be more proactive in the fight against cancer and where its cancer prevention program is headed next.

July 27 (Thursday) noon ET. “Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Use Generative AI.” Sponsor: Orbita. Presenter: Bill Rogers, co-founder, president, and chairman, Orbita. The advent of generative AI tools truly represents a paradigm shift. And while some healthcare leaders embrace the transformation, others are hesitant. Invest 20 minutes to learn why you shouldn’t wait. When combined with natural language processing, workflow automation and conversational dialogs, generative AI can help leaders address a raft of challenges: from over-extended staff, to the rising demand for self-service tools, to delivering secure information to key stakeholders. You will learn where AI delivers the greatest value for providers and life sciences, how it can solve critical challenges faced by healthcare leaders, and how Orbita has integrated generative AI into its conversational platform so healthcare leaders can leverage its full capabilities safely and securely.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present or promote your own.



Loyal names Lauren Struck (BioDigital) chief people officer.

Announcements and Implementations


Lovelace Health System in New Mexico implements CareHarmony’s AI-powered care coordination software to help patients with two or more chronic conditions better manage their treatment, including medications.

Government and Politics

CMS proposes a voluntary pathway, dubbed Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies, that will enable companies with emerging medical “breakthrough devices” to more easily secure Medicare coverage.


Intermountain Health expands its Pediatric Telehealth program to give its ER doctors access to virtual consults with pediatric specialists at Primary Children’s Hospital in Utah.

Sponsor Updates

  • CereCore publishes the latest edition of its Partnership Perspectives magazine.
  • Meditech makes available to customers presentations and recordings from its Clinical Informatics Symposium.
  • NeuroFlow releases a new Bridging the Gap Podcast featuring EvolvedMD co-CEO Erik Osland.
  • KLAS Research names Nuance as the clinical documentation integrity leader in partnering with customers to drive efficiency and outcomes.
  • PerfectServe announces that customer satisfaction with its clinical communication solutions have been highlighted in a new KLAS Research report, “Clinical Communication Platforms 2023: A Closer Look at Customer Adoption.”
  • Surescripts releases a new There’s a Better Way Podcast, “Mayo Clinic CIO Criss Ross: Finding Opportunity in the Face of Adversity.”

Blog Posts


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
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Morning Headlines 7/7/23

July 6, 2023 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 7/7/23

Telehealth startup TytoCare lays off 10% of workforce

TytoCare will reportedly lay off 20 employees, or 10% of its workforce.

Johns Hopkins Medicine joins national move to charge patients for messaging their doctor

Johns Hopkins Medicine (MD) joins at least 14 other healthcare providers across the country in charging patients for certain types of messages sent through their patient portals.

After years of planning, Finger Lakes Health will join URMC becoming UR Medicine Finger Lakes Health

Finger Lakes Health will implement Epic when it becomes a part of the University of Rochester Medical Center (NY) system in August.

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News 7/7/23

July 6, 2023 News 1 Comment

Top News


Sleep management technology company ResMed acquires Somnoware, a sleep and respiratory care diagnostics software vendor based in California.


July 12 (Wednesday) 2 ET. “101: National Network Data Exchanges.” Sponsor: Particle Health. Presenter: Troy Bannister, founder and CEO, Particle Health. It’s highly likely that your most recent medical records were indexed by a national Health Information Network (HIN). Network participants can submit basic demographic information into an API and receive full, longitudinal medical records sourced from HINs. Records come in a parsed, standardized format, on demand, with a success rate above 90%. There’s so much more to learn and discover, which is why Troy Bannister is going to provide a 101 on all things HIN. You will learn what HINs are, see how the major HINS compare, and learn how networks will evolve due to TEFCA.

July 26 (Wednesday) 1 ET. “Lessons We’ve Learned Since Launching our Cancer Prevention Program.” Sponsor: Volpara Health. Presenter: Albert Bonnema, MD, MPH chief medical information officer, Kettering Health System, and Chris Yuppa, product owner for oncology services and cancer prevention, Kettering Health System. Kettering’s IT department has played a critical role in providing an EHR-driven framework to bring cancer risk assessment and individual prevention plans to more than 90,000 patients. Primary care, OB/GYN, oncology, and imaging providers are now able to assess the hereditary, genetic, and lifestyle factors that affect the risk of developing lung, breast, ovarian, colon, and prostate cancer in any patient encounter. Learn how Kettering brings together people, processes, and technology to be more proactive in the fight against cancer and where its cancer prevention program is headed next. 

July 27 (Thursday) noon ET. “Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Use Generative AI.” Sponsor: Orbita. Presenter: Bill Rogers, co-founder, president, and chairman, Orbita. The advent of generative AI tools truly represents a paradigm shift. And while some healthcare leaders embrace the transformation, others are hesitant. Invest 20 minutes to learn why you shouldn’t wait. When combined with natural language processing, workflow automation and conversational dialogs, generative AI can help leaders address a raft of challenges: from over-extended staff, to the rising demand for self-service tools, to delivering secure information to key stakeholders. You will learn where AI delivers the greatest value for providers and life sciences, how it can solve critical challenges faced by healthcare leaders, and how Orbita has integrated generative AI into its conversational platform so healthcare leaders can leverage its full capabilities safely and securely.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present or promote your own.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock

Constellation Software’s Harris Computer business acquires the US-based EHR, practice management, and RCM assets of Canadian company CloudMD for $6.3 million.

TytoCare will reportedly lay off 20 employees, or 10% of its workforce. The company, which has offices in Israel and New York City, offers a virtual care app and companion diagnostic devices.


  • Northwell Health (NY) and Nebraska Medicine select healthcare workforce management software from Laudio, which announced a $13 million Series B funding round last month.



Cincinnati Children’s promotes Tony Johnston to VP of information services and CIO.


CMS Digital Service Director Andrea Fletcher takes on the additional role of chief digital strategy officer.

Announcements and Implementations


Habersham Medical Center goes live on Epic as part of its transition to the Northeast Georgia Health System.

In New York, Finger Lakes Health will implement Epic when it becomes a part of the University of Rochester Medical Center system in August.

Government and Politics


The Georgia Health Information Network will use a $1 million USDA grant to develop a telehealth network that will improve patient access to care in rural communities. GaHIN will work on the project with HealtHIE Georgia, Jefferson Hospital, Emanuel Medical Center, Wills Memorial Hospital, Washington County Regional Medical, Ready Computing, and InterSystems.



Johns Hopkins Medicine (MD) joins at least 14 other healthcare providers across the country in charging patients for certain types of messages sent through their patient portals. Beginning July 18, patients with private insurance can expect to incur charges of between $10 and $50 for messages pertaining to health issues that require clinical judgment and more than five minutes to answer.

Sponsor Updates

  • Central Virginia Health Services upgrades to the latest EClinicalWorks technology to enhance efficiency and care coordination for more than 50,000 patients.
  • AGS Health publishes a new e-book, “Does My Healthcare Organization Need Computer-Assisted CDI?”
  • Baker Tilly publishes a new case study, “MedTech company launches digital health platform with help of effective clinical study design.”
  • Biofourmis unveils its innovation lab at its offices in Boston.
  • CereCore releases a new podcast, “Healthcare CIO Advice on Leading Through the Complexities of Change.”
  • Elsevier launches ClinicalKey Now in India to accelerate access to localized clinical guidelines and content for clinicians at the point of care.
  • Fortified Health Security names Anton Mekhael strategic account manager.
  • MedPeds (MD) successfully upgrades to EClinicalWorks V12.
  • Konza National Network announces that an additional 123 Konza-powered members have been awarded NCQA’s DAV accreditation, bringing the total to 348.
  • Rhapsody publishes a new guide, “Enterprise Master Person Index (EMPI): Everything healthcare product leaders need to know now.”
  • OSF HealthCare (IL) details its use of Current Health’s remote patient monitoring technology.

Blog Posts


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
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EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 7/6/23

July 6, 2023 Dr. Jayne 1 Comment

I mentioned recently that July marks the traditional start of the new training year for medical education in the US. Those interns are approaching the end of their first week on the job and are likely to be using a variety of coping strategies to figure out how they’re going to make it through the next three to 10 years of their lives. Figuring out when and what you’re going to eat when you have little time is usually a big part of that survival strategy. Jenn clued me in to this cooking contest for vegan hospital food. The District of Columbia Hospital Association recently held its third annual Healthy Hospitals Initiative Cooking competition with a “secret ingredient” this year of carrots. The event is also sponsored by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and winners included MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital with its purple carrot ravioli and carrot halwa pistachio trifle.


I read with interest this piece about Cleveland Clinic opening a new telehealth hub at one of its hospitals. The facility’s 57 rooms are equipped with technology to allow patients to have consultations with physicians who are at other locations. Knowing that they plan to staff cases remotely, it will be interesting to see what kinds of providers and staff are actually in place at the facility. I’m guessing they’ll go with a minimum staffing approach, and as far as licensed providers, probably will leverage nurse practitioners and/or physician assistants more than you might at a facility with traditional staffing. I hope someone is doing outcomes research and looking at how these patients fare compared to those being cared for under usual care models. If research proves this approach is equivalent but less costly, or drives better outcomes with the same cost, it will truly be a game changer.

Speaking of telehealth, it’s often cited as being key to solving the access problem for patients in need of mental health services. Author Health, which has a platform for seniors on Medicare Advantage, just announced a $115 million funding round with Humana as a payer partner in south Florida. The platform also addresses substance use disorders. Author Health delivers care both virtually and in-person with a cross-functional team including physicians, therapists, nurses, and community health workers. All of the resources are virtual except the community health workers. They’re hoping to manage workforce issues by recruiting providers first and getting them licensed in target states, rather than trying to recruit those who already have specific licensure. That’s easy in some states but harder in others, so I’m sure it will drive their expansion plans.

In reading more about the Author Health arrangement with Humana, it appears to be based on a fee-for-service model with a goal of transformation to a value-based model in the future. They also hope to be able to demonstrate improved outcomes for patients’ comorbid medical conditions, such as diabetes. It will be interesting to see how the platform grows over time and whether or not the partnership with Humana helps it yield results faster than competitors. I enjoyed learning a little about their branding – the name Author Health is drawn from the idea that patients should be writing their own life story and defining how they want the next chapters to unfold. I’ve got the company on my tracking list, so we’ll see how it fares over the coming months to years.

Mental health apps are also a big topic of conversation as a way of solving the access issue. I ran across this article looking at the pros and cons of direct-to-consumer virtual mental health apps. Before reading the article, my major concern with these offerings was the protection of patient data. Most patients don’t realize that the majority of apps aren’t required to protect the privacy of patient data nor do they know that some app developers are actually selling their personal data. I’m sure the number of consumers that actually reads the full Terms and Conditions when downloading an app is very small. According to the article, there may be between 10,000 and 20,000 mental health apps out there. Although the sheer number might be a good thing, the article brings up additional pitfalls beyond privacy and security concerns. It notes that we don’t know for sure whether apps can deliver the same quality of care as existing treatments do, and that traditional healthcare providers and payers need to play a role in making sure that quality is assessed.

Given the fact that digital therapeutics companies who have the proof of their outcomes have struggled to make a go of it, I’m not optimistic about the ability of front-line care providers to participate in the process to prove whether an app meets the standard of care. The boom in app use in other disciplines has contributed to provider frustration, as many have to spend already scarce clinical time explaining why some apps might be a bad idea. Many of my colleagues in women’s health have spent a lot more time counseling patients on the risks of using period tracking apps because patient privacy cannot be guaranteed, especially for patients in states that have restricted abortion care. I used to occasionally have to counsel patients about the validity of various home blood pressure cuffs and the data they generated, and with current technology patients can send me hundreds of data points at the click of a button that I now have to figure out how to reconcile. There can be a lot of effort needed for physicians to figure out what to do with all this information, and given the conversation in the physician lounge, people may be less than enthusiastic about rising to this particular challenge.

Bad news for those of us who like our downtime: There may be a link between napping and esophageal cancer. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified prolonged sleep as a risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma, with those sleeping nine hours per night having double the risk of individuals sleeping seven hours per night. They also found increased risk in patients who slept less than six hours per night. In looking at patients who slept or napped during the day, they also identified increased risks. Researchers think that the link to increased cancer risk might be due to disruption of sleep/wake cycles that leads to reflux of stomach acid, or to immune dysfunction that might cause increased cancer risk. Thinking as an average person, it sounds like this isn’t terribly conclusive. There may be other factors involved such as obesity, although the researchers did adjust their data for sex, smoking status, body mass index, and whether or not patients engaged in shift work. I consulted my favorite otolaryngologist and we both agreed that a good afternoon nap is probably worth the risk.

When is the last time you had to do an all-night upgrade or IT work that made you want to nap the next day? If you’re a napper, are you willing to give it up to lower your cancer risk? Leave a comment or email me.

Email Dr. Jayne.

Morning Headlines 7/6/23

July 5, 2023 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 7/6/23

Mount Sinai Launches Center for Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence and Human Health

In New York, Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine launches the Center for Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence and Human Health to help ophthalmologists diagnose eye disease and assess underlying health conditions.

CloudMD Divests Non-Core U.S. Electronic Medical Records and Practice Management Business

Constellation Software’s Harris Computer business acquires the US-based EHR, practice management, and RCM assets of Canadian company CloudMD for $6.3 million.

ResMed Acquires Somnoware, a Leader in Digital Sleep and Respiratory Care Diagnostics Software

Sleep management technology company ResMed acquires Somnoware, a sleep and respiratory care diagnostics software vendor based in California.

BlueKey Equity Partners Invests in Telemetrix

Remote patient monitoring vendor Telemetrix secures an undisclosed amount of funding from BlueKey Equity Partners.

Anatomy IT Enhances Value-Based Care Services Through Acquisition of MIPS Business Unit from MarsdenAdvisors

Health IT and cybersecurity business Anatomy IT acquires the MIPS/value-based care business of MarsdenAdvisors.

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Healthcare AI News 7/5/23

July 5, 2023 Healthcare AI News Comments Off on Healthcare AI News 7/5/23



In New York, Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine launches the Center for Ophthalmic Artificial Intelligence and Human Health to help ophthalmologists more quickly diagnose eye disease and assess underlying health conditions. The center will initially work with AI models in Mount Sinai’s ophthalmology tele-consult program, tele-retina program, and eye stroke service.



A local Dallas media outlet profiles Sniffle, an AI-powered virtual care app that offers telemedicine to patients, and white-label virtual consult capabilities to physicians. The State of Arkansas has invested in the company, and its technology is now used by 85 physicians in 10 Arkansas clinics.



Crisis call support line operator Protocall Services and Lyssn will use a $2 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to customize Lyssn’s AI technology for use in the analysis and review of crisis calls. Lyssn’s call evaluations and summary dashboards are intended to help call center counselors improve their assessment of a caller’s suicide risk. The companies will soon begin an 18-month study to determine whether or not Lyssn’s software improves the performance of counselors over time.


UPMC researchers develop a machine learning algorithm for the ECG diagnosis of occlusion myocardial infarction in patients with chest pain that outperforms providers and other ECG interpretation software.



The Responsible AI in Healthcare consortium launches to help health systems and other providers safely use AI. Backed by the Responsible AI Institute, Harvard Business School, and NHS in the UK, the group is working to develop a Responsible Generative AI Safety Index scoring system for healthcare.


Mayo Clinic scientists develop an AI-augmented kidney stone test to help providers pinpoint any underlying health conditions that may have contributed to the patient’s condition.


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
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Morning Headlines 7/4/23

July 3, 2023 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 7/4/23

Alfie nets $2.1M for obesity management

Virtual obesity management clinic Alfie raises $2.1 million in a pre-seed funding round.

WHO and HL7 collaborate to support adoption of open interoperability standards

The World Health Organization and Health Level Seven International will work together to support the global adoption of open interoperability standards.

Apple closes at $3 trillion market cap

Apple becomes the first company to close a day of trading with a $3 trillion market cap.

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Curbside Consult with Dr. Jayne 7/3/23

July 3, 2023 Dr. Jayne 1 Comment

In advance of the holiday, the HHS Office of Inspector General dropped this sweet hundred-plus page final rule on information blocking. It includes the details of the civil monetary penalties that health IT developers will be subject to if they’re caught and OIG determines that information blocking did indeed occur. The document won’t be fully official until it is published in the Federal Register, and the majority of it will go into effect 30 days after that publication date.

I like the OIG’s clear description of the problem that it is trying to address: “Information blocking poses a threat to patient safety and undermines efforts by providers, payers, and others to make the health system more efficient and effective. Information blocking may also constitute an element of a fraud scheme, such as by forcing unnecessary tests or conditioning information exchange on referrals.” The fact that the mention of patient safety is the first thing on the list is important. Often, in the technology space, I see organizations that forget that none of the things that we’re trying to do mean anything if there’s not a patient at the center. Personally, I know I can give better care when I have full access to all of the patient’s information, but I often don’t have it.

This final rule specifically addresses civil monetary penalties for practices that are “likely to interfere with, prevent, or materially discourage access, exchange, or use of electronic health information (EHI) if the practice is conducted by an entity that is: a developer of certified health information technology (IT); offering certified health IT; a health information exchange (HIE); or a health information network (HIN) and the entity knows or should know that the practice is likely to interfere with, prevent, or materially discourage the access, exchange, or use of EHI. Most of the information blocking that I see as a physician isn’t being done by healthcare IT developers. I’ve been behind the scenes with the development teams of multiple EHRs over the last two decades and I’ve seen a tremendous amount of effort around data sharing. One of those vendors helped me stand up the first HIE in my state “way back when” and was as shocked as I was when we couldn’t get healthcare delivery organizations to play nicely with us.

On the flip side, the HIE in a neighboring state was charging what I thought was an exorbitant fee for providers to connect. In digging deeper, their entire pricing model was built around the idea of connecting large health systems to the HIE, with little consideration for independent providers. I was working as a locum tenens physician at the time, providing coverage across a number of organizations in the state and was trying to get my own credentials to access the system so that I could have the most data at my fingertips regardless of where I was seeing patients. They had no way of accommodating anything like that at the time and said they could only do a direct EHR connection. Even if a smaller practice (most of the ones I was working with had five physicians or less) wanted to connect, the price tag was daunting. They definitely wouldn’t be going to the expense and time commitment of a project like that just because I asked for it, so I was never able to get connectivity to better serve my patients.

In reality though, the majority of information-blocking activities that I see in real life are directly related to behaviors by health systems and care delivery organizations. The hoops that patients go through to try to make sure that consulting physicians receive the records needed to render service are unreal. And sometimes, the physicians themselves don’t even understand what needs to happen or how to help make the system effective even when organizations are freely sharing data. I’m a member of a number of online physician forums, and questions about this come up frequently. Just this past week, there was a complaint from a primary care physician that a consulting physician sent back a “snarky” letter about a patient’s condition, suggesting that the primary care physician hadn’t taken appropriate steps to address the patient’s condition before sending a referral.

In digging deeper, the relatively inexperienced primary care physician assumed that since they and the consultant were on the same enterprise EHR, that the consultant would have full access to the chart. It didn’t occur to them that the consultant might not want to (or have the time to) wade through the dozens of encounters that were present trying to figure out what was going on, especially if those encounters contained a lot of confusing cut-and-paste documentation. Since the EHR’s referral module was largely about handling insurance referrals and ensuring payment for the consultant versus conveying useful clinical information, there wasn’t clear communication about the nature of the consultation request. Several more senior physicians chimed in with stories of “back in my day” before we could easily share records, where we’d draft a one-page letter to the consultant, summarizing what had already been done, our thoughts, and what questions we had for them. It sounds like the primary care physician didn’t do anything like this, and ultimately the patient’s time was wasted (not only at the appointment but the multi-month wait leading up to it) as well as the consultant’s time.

Unfortunately, this is all too often the kind of care we see now that everyone is operating under great pressure – whether it’s time pressures created by administrative teams, or whether it’s due to the scarcity of certain kinds of consultants, or whether it’s due to physician burnout, patient care ultimately suffers. Information-blocking rules aren’t going to fix that. The current information-blocking rules also aren’t going to fix the problem of health systems dragging their feet releasing records or images to competing health systems, although many of us are hopeful that a proposed rule for provider penalties will help with that particular problem. As a patient who watched organizations argue with each other about some pathology slides a couple of years ago, I’m supportive of most anything that will make things easier for the patients.


Over the weekend, we slipped from June into July. For many of us who are physicians, July 1 has a special place in our memories because it’s traditionally the date that newly minted physicians become interns at training hospitals. For other residents, it’s the day you move up in the hierarchy, becoming a supervisor of the brand-new interns who just started. For those just using their medical degrees for the first time, it can be terrifying, especially when you’re called in the middle of the night to look at a STAT x-ray or to give orders in response to lab results for patients you’ve never met. I was fortunate to be part of an amazing intern class that you could always count on to have your back. Even decades later, we know we can call each other for things big or small. Honestly, I would hop on a plane with a moment’s notice if one of them needed me, because those are the kinds of relationships that are forged when you go through those kinds of circumstances with a team like that. A toast to my class, and a salute to all the new interns who are on Day 3 of the rest of their lives.

If you’re a physician, what’s your best or worse memory of internship? Leave a comment or email me.

Email Dr. Jayne.

Morning Headlines 7/3/23

July 2, 2023 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 7/3/23

Santa Monica-based Headspace meditation app maker lays off 15% of employees

Mental health and meditation app Headspace Health lays off 181 employees, its second round of job cuts since December.

LIJ Forest Hills Hospital to implement telehealth pilot program for burn patients

Northwell Health’s Forest Hills Long Island Jewish Hospital launches a tele-burn virtual consult service, giving on-site providers the ability to virtually consult with specialists at Staten Island University Hospital’s Regional Burn Center.

Mountain View Hospital restores clinical functions; culprit behind cyberattack still unknown

Mountain View Hospital and Idaho Falls Community Hospital and its partner clinics restore their clinical systems after a cyberattack forced them offline over a month ago.

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Monday Morning Update 7/3/23

July 2, 2023 News 2 Comments

Top News


Staffing and consulting services company Optimum Healthcare IT acquires ECloud Managed Solutions, a cloud adoption and digital transformation firm based in Georgia. ECloud Managing Partner Eric Sanders will transition to Optimum as head of business development.

HIStalk Announcements and Requests


A majority of patients have been receptive to their physician’s decision to not prescribe a desired drug or treatment.

New poll to your right or here: How will health IT business conditions change in the next 12 months?


July 12 (Wednesday) 2 ET. “101: National Network Data Exchanges.” Sponsor: Particle Health. Presenter: Troy Bannister, founder and CEO, Particle Health. It’s highly likely that your most recent medical records were indexed by a national Health Information Network (HIN). Network participants can submit basic demographic information into an API and receive full, longitudinal medical records sourced from HINs. Records come in a parsed, standardized format, on demand, with a success rate above 90%. There’s so much more to learn and discover, which is why Troy Bannister is going to provide a 101 on all things HIN. You will learn what HINs are, see how the major HINS compare, and learn how networks will evolve due to TEFCA.

July 27 (Thursday) noon ET. “Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Use Generative AI.” Sponsor: Orbita. Presenter: Bill Rogers, co-founder, president, and chairman, Orbita. The advent of generative AI tools truly represents a paradigm shift. And while some healthcare leaders embrace the transformation, others are hesitant. Invest 20 minutes to learn why you shouldn’t wait. When combined with natural language processing, workflow automation and conversational dialogs, generative AI can help leaders address a raft of challenges: from over-extended staff, to the rising demand for self-service tools, to delivering secure information to key stakeholders. You will learn where AI delivers the greatest value for providers and life sciences, how it can solve critical challenges faced by healthcare leaders, and how Orbita has integrated generative AI into its conversational platform so healthcare leaders can leverage its full capabilities safely and securely.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present or promote your own.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Specialty medication enrollment software startup RxLightning opens an office – its first – in Indiana after having been a remote-only company since its launch in 2020.


Bright Health exits the insurance business with the sale of its California Medicare Advantage business to Molina Healthcare for $600 million. The company, which now solely operates 70 clinics in California, Florida, and Texas, announced in March that it had overdrawn its credit and was unsure about its ability to remain in business. Its valuation at the time was down 97% since its IPO height of $11 billion two years ago.

Mental health and meditation app Headspace Health lays off 181 employees, its second round of job cuts since December.



Vyne Medical names Caleb Manscill (DentalRay) president.


Kathleen Bresette (DrFirst) joins RxLightning as chief revenue officer.

Announcements and Implementations


In New York, Northwell Health’s Forest Hills Long Island Jewish Hospital launches a tele-burn virtual consult service, giving on-site providers the ability to virtually consult with specialists at Staten Island University Hospital’s Regional Burn Center.

Government and Politics

Amazon Pharmacy’s PillPack will pay $300,000 to settle allegations that it failed to keep accurate records of controlled substances. Amazon acquired PillPack in 2018 for $753 million.

Privacy and Security

In Idaho, Mountain View Hospital and Idaho Falls Community Hospital and its partner clinics restore their clinical systems after a cyberattack forced them offline over a month ago. Administrative functions, including billing, have yet to be fully restored.

Sponsor Updates

  • Black Book releases its analysis of top customer-rated vendors serving the payer industry. Recognized HIStalk Sponsors include NTT Data (infrastructure and core IT modernization services), Wolters Kluwer (member and consumer education solutions), and Optum (payer analytics outsourcing/end-to-end RCM outsourcing).
  • AdvancedMD releases over 25 product enhancements to drive greater productivity for private practices.
  • Memorial Health System evolves its patient engagement app using Meditech’s Greenfield Workspace.
  • Nordic releases a new Designing for Health Podcast featuring Memorial Hermann Health System VP of Consumerism Dense Worrell.
  • OptimizeRx wins a Digital Health Merit Award for its connected digital health point-of-care programs.
  • Waystar publishes a report with HFMA featuring research and insights on denials in healthcare.

Blog Posts


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
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Morning Headlines 6/30/23

June 29, 2023 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 6/30/23

Optimum Healthcare IT Acquires eCloud Managed Solutions

Staffing and consulting services company Optimum Healthcare IT acquires ECloud Managed Solutions, a cloud adoption and digital transformation firm based in Milton, GA.

RxLightning opens 8,000-square-foot New Albany headquarters

Specialty medication enrollment software startup RxLightning opens an office – its first – in Indiana after having been a remote-only company since its launch in 2020.

HHS Office for Civil Rights Settles HIPAA Investigation with iHealth Solutions Regarding Disclosure of Protected Health Information on an Unsecured Server for $75,000

IHealth Solutions will pay $75,000 to settle potential HIPAA violations related to the 2017 unauthorized transfer of PHI from an unprotected server.

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News 6/30/23

June 29, 2023 News Comments Off on News 6/30/23

Top News


Just in time for the long holiday weekend, HHS publishes a 130-page final rule outlining the civil money penalties health IT developers will incur for information-blocking. HHS may publish a proposed rule for provider penalties in September.


July 12 (Wednesday) 2 ET. “101: National Network Data Exchanges.” Sponsor: Particle Health. Presenter: Troy Bannister, founder and CEO, Particle Health. It’s highly likely that your most recent medical records were indexed by a national Health Information Network (HIN). Network participants can submit basic demographic information into an API and receive full, longitudinal medical records sourced from HINs. Records come in a parsed, standardized format, on demand, with a success rate above 90%. There’s so much more to learn and discover, which is why Troy Bannister is going to provide a 101 on all things HIN. You will learn what HINs are, see how the major HINS compare, and learn how networks will evolve due to TEFCA.

July 27 (Thursday) noon ET. “Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Use Generative AI.” Sponsor: Orbita. Presenter: Bill Rogers, co-founder, president, and chairman, Orbita. The advent of generative AI tools truly represents a paradigm shift. And while some healthcare leaders embrace the transformation, others are hesitant. Invest 20 minutes to learn why you shouldn’t wait. When combined with natural language processing, workflow automation and conversational dialogs, generative AI can help leaders address a raft of challenges: from over-extended staff, to the rising demand for self-service tools, to delivering secure information to key stakeholders. You will learn where AI delivers the greatest value for providers and life sciences, how it can solve critical challenges faced by healthcare leaders, and how Orbita has integrated generative AI into its conversational platform so healthcare leaders can leverage its full capabilities safely and securely.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present or promote your own.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


The Idaho Health Data Exchange prepares to exit bankruptcy after filing for Chapter 11 last August. The nonprofit found itself facing insolvency after government funding dried up and business deals fell through, leaving it $4 million in debt and facing lawsuits from creditors. The exchange, which replaced its executive director several weeks ago, plans to achieve funding through user fees, which may be a challenge given that only 46 healthcare organizations are currently signed up for IHDE’s top tier of service.


  • Ochsner Health (LA) selects Aidoc’s enterprise AI implementation and integration platform and imaging AI algorithms.



Cordea Consulting names Mike Blundell (Sharp HealthCare) VP of consulting and delivery.


Evelyn Daniels (2Morrow) joins Laguna Health as VP of business development.

Announcements and Implementations


Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center (IL) integrates Sonifi Health’s patient engagement and educational content with its interactive bedside television system.

Community Health Northwest Florida rolls out EClinicalWorks across its 19 locations.


Cleveland Clinic prepares to open a new hospital in Ohio that will offer patients in each of its 57 rooms the ability to access telehealth services from off-site specialists.

EMPI vendor 4medica announces GA of its new EZReg patient registration software.

AtlantiCare leverages Unite New Jersey, the care coordination and social services referral network developed by Unite Us.

Government and Politics

IHealth Solutions, doing business as medical coding, billing, and health IT services vendor Advantum Health, will pay $75,000 to settle potential HIPAA violations related to the 2017 unauthorized transfer of PHI from an unprotected server.

Sponsor Updates

  • EClinicalWorks releases a new podcast, “Redesigned Dashboard: Transforming Safety & Compliance.”
  • VisiQuate announces its selection as the number-one solution for hospital and health system financial IT revenue analytics by Black Book Research.
  • Carson Medical Group (NV) successfully transitions to the EClinicalWorks Cloud EHR.
  • Everest Group names AGS Health a leader in RCM operations for the third consecutive year.
  • Pivot Point Consulting partners with HIMSS as part of the HIMSS Digital Health Technology Partnership Program.
  • First Databank names Eddye Hernandez advanced software engineer, Paul Kuzma software test engineer, and C. Brett Smith business development representative.
  • The Health Information Resource Center honors Healthwise with six digital health awards for its medical illustrations and health education videos.
  • Cordea Consulting names Bill Smith (Affirm) director, Epic practice; Aubrey Sherffius (Cerner) senior revenue cycle consultant; Henry Jemiola (Meditech) HIS consultant; and Kendra Krauss (Krames) strategic account director.
  • Interbit Data partners with Florie, bringing its connected communications application to Interbit’s Beacon Active downtime solution.

Blog Posts


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
Get HIStalk updates.
Send news or rumors.
Contact us.

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EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 6/29/23

June 29, 2023 Dr. Jayne Comments Off on EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 6/29/23

Telehealth is here to stay, and the Creating Opportunities Now for Necessary and Effective Care Technologies (CONNECT) for Health Act has been reintroduced in the US Senate, this time by a bipartisan group of 60 Senators. A companion bill was also introduced in the US House of Representatives. The bill was first introduced in 2016 and aims to expand coverage of telehealth services through the Medicare program. It would amend the Social Security Act and includes provisions to: expand the range of health professionals who can deliver telehealth services; remove requirements for in-person visits in tele-mental health programs; expand telehealth in rural health clinics and health centers; remove geographic restrictions on telehealth services; and require research on the impact of telehealth on quality of care.

Broadening the reach of telehealth is part of the overall solution package needed to deal with the physician shortage, disparate distribution of physicians between urban and rural areas, and lack of access for many in the US. It’s naturally complimentary to other strategies such as team-based care, nontraditional appointment times, and the ability for patients to be seen at a location that is convenient to them. In speaking with members of my community, a large number of people aren’t aware of the care options available to them, including after-hours clinics and telehealth. In addition to legislation, health systems and care delivery organizations need to do a better job informing patients of their options for care beyond the traditional doctor’s office. It seems like payers and employers are doing a better job pushing telehealth (most likely because they see it as a lower-cost alternative to in-person visits), but depending on where they’re steering patients, it might be contributing to fragmented care. We’ll have to see how this bill makes it way through Congress or if it will just sit there on Capitol Hill like so many other bills.

I’ve been following some public health informatics issues, and was surprised to see a recent write up describing the transmission of malaria in the US. A handful of cases have been detected in Florida and Texas, after being eliminated from the US in 1951. (An eight-person cluster of cases was identified in Florida in 2003 without further spread.) Although the risk of being infected with the disease is low in the US, there are plenty of other reasons to either use insect repellent or wear long pants and long sleeves during outdoor activities. Malaria is a serious medical condition and most physicians in the US don’t think about it when they’re seeing patients who haven’t traveled to areas in the world where transmission is more common. I’ve seen a couple of professional organizations issue bulletins to their members, so hopefully this will help get the word out as well. Maybe some of us in the CMIO trenches can consider clinical decision support interventions to help our clinicians think of diseases that might not yet be on their radar. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and fatigue. Although patients typically get sick within a few weeks, there can be a lag of up to a year after the initial infection, which adds to the difficulty in diagnosis.

In other public health news, healthcare expenditures due to pickleball are on the rise. UnitedHealth Group has detected an increase in healthcare utilization due to pickleball-related injuries. The game is increasingly popular among the senior set and may be contributing in the neighborhood of $377 million to healthcare costs for procedures such as emergency department visits, outpatient visits, knee surgeries, and hip replacements. It would be interesting to see if the increase in costs is similarly associated with paddle tennis, which is a similar concept but “not remotely the same” according to my racquet-wielding friends who can cite the differences like they’re defending a dissertation. Pickleball growth continues with estimates that the number of players will reach 22.3 million this year, with seniors accounting for nearly a third of the pickleball regulars.

Complaining about the EHR is a common activity for many physicians, especially those whose organizations haven’t taken steps to tame the inbox or provide adequate support staff to manage the rising numbers of patient-generated messages and requests. A recent study in JAMA Network Open notes that part-time primary care physicians spend more time using the EHR per hour of clinic than their full-time colleagues, and also spend more time outside scheduled appointments. Data from the University of Wisconsin-Madison looked at 11 months between May 2021 and March 2022. EHR measures were normalized per week and per eight hours of scheduled patient time. The authors found that panel size, visit volume, or message volumes didn’t explain the additional time spent by part-time physicians.

They did find that the part-timers spent more time in their inboxes but were unable to fully draw conclusions from that finding, hypothesizing that “more EHR work outside scheduled hours … may allow them to feel caught up or allocate more time for panel management work ….” The study is limited by the fact that it was done at only one center and had a relatively small number of participants. It also included non-patient-care EHR administrative work that part-timers (such as your friendly neighborhood CMIO, super user, or practice champion) might do. Understanding exactly what is going on in the EHR with various providers is the key to improving their efficiency. I continue to see physicians who refuse to take advantage of EHR features that are designed to make their lives easier, and who would rather type the same phrase 20 times each day than spend the seconds it takes to create it as a favorite for future use. It’s baffling, and I struggle to get into the user psychology that supports it, but I’ll continue to advocate to get physicians on the happy path.

On a recent trip, my inbound aircraft was carrying the remains of a fallen soldier. I was impressed by the level of respect shown by those waiting at the gate as well as the airport staff. Resources from the airport fire department and security offices were lined up on the tarmac in tribute alongside what appeared to be family members. The flight crew held all passengers on the plane while an honor guard transferred the flag-draped coffin from the aircraft to a waiting hearse. For that moment in time everything stopped – a fitting tribute to someone willing to give his or her life in service of our country. Well done, MKE, well done.

For those of you preparing for the Independence Day holiday and the potential family gatherings this weekend – be safe, enjoy the time with family, celebrate our nation’s birth, and don’t forget the insect repellent.

Email Dr. Jayne.

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Morning Headlines 6/29/23

June 28, 2023 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 6/29/23

Regulations to govern use of AI in health records could come later this year

ONC hopes to finalize a rule later this year that will require EHRs that use predictive solutions like AI and algorithms to provide end users with an explanation of how that technology works, as well as a description of the data used.

Blueprint Raises $9 Million Series A to Help Therapists Deliver Higher Quality Care in Less Time

Blueprint, which offers mental health providers patient tracking and outcomes assessment technologies, raises $9 million in a Series A funding round.

Cleveland Clinic to open first telehealth hub at new Mentor Hospital

Cleveland Clinic prepares to open a new hospital in Ohio that will offer patients in each of its 57 rooms the ability to access telehealth services from off-site specialists.

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Healthcare AI News 6/28/23

June 28, 2023 News Comments Off on Healthcare AI News 6/28/23



Navina develops a generative AI assistant to help improve the workflows of primary care physicians.

Ballad Health will use MedAware’s AI-powered medication safety monitoring platform to identify and prevent medication-related safety errors.


Former Optum Health Chief AI Officer Dennis Chornenky joins UC Davis Health as its first chief AI advisor, tasked with establishing an AI strategy for the health system.

Nuance will make its Dragon Ambient EXperience Express solution available to select Epic users this summer. The AI-powered tool can automatically generate draft clinical notes after a patient visit, as well as quickly generate notes from real-time recordings of physician/patient interactions.



Medical imaging data and AI company Flywheel raises $54 million in a Series D investment round.


BeeKeeperAI, a San Francisco-based AI development and deployment support startup, announces $12 million in funding.



In an effort to even out workloads for cancer patient navigators, researchers at OSF Healthcare develop a smart algorithm that predicts upcoming navigator workloads and then distributes new patients to navigators accordingly. The health system plans to incorporate the algorithm within its OSF Community Connect automated workflow platform and pilot it when its new OSF Cancer Institute opens next year.


A new report from the World Economic Forum highlights the challenges and promises of using AI in healthcare, noting that provider shortages, an exponential growth in health data, and increasingly swift advances in AI technology make its adoption and utilization an almost foregone conclusion in the areas of diagnosis and risk stratification, outbreak prediction, and clinical trial optimization.

Researchers determine that large language models like ChatGPT may potentially assist primary care providers in making clinical decisions, evaluating patients, and ordering appropriate imaging tests for breast cancer screenings and breast pain.



FedScoop reviews an ONC proposed rule, released in April, that would require EHRs that use predictive solutions like AI and algorithms to provide end users with an explanation of how that technology works, as well as a description of the data it uses. ONC is reviewing comments now and hopes to have a final rule published later this year.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pushes forward with potential legislation regulating AI, highlighting national security, misinformation and bias, and transparency from AI developers.


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
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