Thank you for your interest in sponsoring healthcare IT’s most popular Web site!
Why should your company sponsor HIStalk?
- Reader loyalty. Not only does HIStalk receive a mind-boggling number of page views and visits each month, its readers are loyal.
- Reader stature. HIStalk readers are experienced industry pros and decision-makers.
- Selective advertising. HIStalk is a free read that’s off the radar of the big-ad companies. Your ad here stands out as personal and different.
- Supporting HIStalk makes a big difference and costs only a fraction of other online publications with far fewer readers.
- Cost. CPM is ridiculously low compared to other sites.
E-mail me for a full packet, but check out these results from the most recent HIStalk annual reader survey:
- 100 percent say HIStalk influences their perception of products and companies
- 86 percent say they have a higher interest or appreciation in companies we write about in HIStalk
- 44 percent say they have a higher interest or appreciation in companies that sponsor HIStalk
- 92 percent say reading HIStalk helps them perform their job better
- 30 percent say they work for a provider organization and have influence in technology-related purchasing decisions valued at more than $10,000
Contact me and I’ll e-mail a sponsor packet with survey results, sponsorship levels, and representative reader titles and quotes. Your support makes a difference!
Sponsor Banners
Platinum and Gold sponsors receive a full year of advertising on HIStalk. Sponsor banners appear in the right column of every page of HIStalk. Platinum banners are 120 x 240 pixels in size and appear in the Platinum section toward the top of the page. Gold banners are 125 x 125 pixels and appear below the Platinum section. The sponsorship agreement contains details about acceptable graphics formats. The year-long sponsorship begins once we receive the signed sponsorship agreement, your banner, and payment. All new sponsors are announced on HIStalk and are acknowledged at renewal as well.
Text Ads
We have great sponsor packages, but maybe you want to run a short-term ad — a position listing, an announcement, or your booth number at an upcoming conference. Or, perhaps your company is between budget cycles and can’t commit to sponsorship yet. We’ve got an answer – HIStalk text ads.
Text ads are up to five lines long and are highly cost-effective. You’ll get about 25,000 impressions per week, reaching HIStalk’s highly targeted and loyal audience of healthcare IT decision-makers. Think small text ads don’t work? They’ve made two Google kids billionaires!
Text ads are payable in advance online by credit card. We’ll post your ad quickly and you’ll see results almost immediately. Need a count of impressions or clicks? We can provide that. Why waste money on magazines that never get read and with months of lead time required? The best way to quickly reach the critical mass of the healthcare IT industry is right here on HIStalk.
1. E-mail Mr. HIStalk with the text you’d like posted.
2. You’ll receive instructions for making the online payment.
3. Once finished, we’ll set up and run your ad within a few hours.
Sponsor Contact
Lorre Wisham
(520) 991-1817
PO Box 12457
Tucson, AZ 85732
Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays Arizona (Pima County) time.
You described my weekend with mom.