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Weekender 10/2/20

October 2, 2020 Weekender Comments Off on Weekender 10/2/20



Weekly News Recap

  • A GAO report says that state prescription drug monitoring program databases would be more useful in patient care if they were more widely integrated with EHRs.
  • Nordic acquires Tasman Global.
  • The VA sets October 24 for its first Cerner go-live.
  • Epic and M Health Fairview offer Epic sites free use of an algorithm that can diagnose COVID-19 from chest X-rays.
  • A study finds that a high percentage of Apple Watch notifications of atrial fibrillation don’t result in a corresponding diagnosis and were likely not useful, also noting that nearly one-third of the patients who sought medical care as a result should not have been using the tool because they fall outside of FDA guidelines because of age or known AFib.
  • HHS and ONC launch a program with the American Board of Family Medicine to measure the use and potential burdens of health IT by office-based physicians.
  • UnitedHealthcare and Anthem end their no-cost coverage of telehealth visits that are not related to COVID-19.
  • A malware attack at Universal Health Services takes down computer and phone systems at 250 facilities, with some hospitals closing departments and diverting patients.
  • Allegheny Health Network (PA) and a Pittsburgh investor create an innovation hub that will provide seed funding to companies that are involved in diagnostics, therapeutics, medical devices, and health IT.

Watercooler Talk Tidbits


Readers funded the Donors Choose teacher grant request of Ms. M in Texas, who asked for hands-on STEM kits for her middle school class. She reports, “They were excited to work with all the different kits. I began each lesson with an objective, explanation, and expectations. The kits were an extension to the lessons taught. My students couldn’t finish their work fast enough to get to the hands-on part of the lesson. It is really exciting to see students eager to learn. They were engaged the whole time. It was very interesting to see how students would come up with alternative solutions to the problems they were facing.”

A Virginia couple who found a bat under the bedsheets with them is given a $500 hospital estimate after insurance to get rabies shots. The hospital charged $36,000, leaving them with a $7,000 cost after their deductibles.


Companies are using covert surveillance software to monitor their work-from home employees, reviewing their screenshots, login times, and keystrokes. One program takes a photo from the employee’s webcam at regular intervals for managers who miss the control they had when looking over the physical shoulders of employees. One employee was caught logging in at 9 a.m. and off at 5 p.m. doing nothing in between except writing two emails. I was pressured years ago by a peer executive to send her reports about screen time and browsing history of her licensed professionals, leading to our official IT position that we weren’t in the surveillance business and management must be pretty poor if the only measurable output is adequate time sitting in front of the computer.


In Quebec, a hospitalized Indigenous patient records video of nurses belittling her in French, telling her that she is “stupid as hell,” that “she’s good at having sex more than anything else,” and “who do you think is paying for this?” She died shortly afterward of what the family believes was an accidental morphine overdose by staff, leaving seven children behind. The hospital has fired one nurse and the family is suing.


Irma Dryden, a black woman who served as a nurse to the famed Tuskegee Airmen during World War II, dies at 100. The New York-born nurse was assigned to Tuskegee Airfield in Alabama as her first exposure to the Deep South, when the military was segregated and black service members weren’t allowed to eat until the white soldiers had finished. Her ashes will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery. The head of the Tuskegee Army Nurses Project observes that those in the Tuskegee Airmen were fighting Adolf Hitler over human rights, but faced segregation and discrimination in their own country and even in their own military service. 

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Morning Headlines 10/2/20

October 1, 2020 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 10/2/20

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Views on Usefulness and Challenges of Programs

A GAO report finds that lack of integration of state prescription drug monitoring program tools with EHRs is the key challenge in PDMP use for patient care, with lookups requiring 3-5 minutes without integration versus 2-15 seconds with.

Nordic Acquires Tasman Global

Nordic acquires Netherlands-based EHR consulting firm Tasman Global, which expands the company’s reach into Europe and Asia.

Third time’s the charm? VA sets new date for initial electronic health record rollout

The VA plans to go live with a first round of Cerner EHR capabilities on October 24 at the Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center in Spokane, WA, with a second round scheduled for next spring.

Phreesia Acquires Co-Developed Patient Care Applications by Merck and Geisinger

Patient intake platform vendor Phreesia acquires two workflow applications that were developed by Geisinger and drug company Merck.

FastMed Becomes the First Independent Urgent Care Operator to Launch Epic

FastMed Urgent Care goes live on Epic at its 29 Arizona locations, the first independent urgent care operator to do so.

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News 10/2/20

October 1, 2020 News 2 Comments

Top News


A GAO report finds that lack of integration of state prescription drug monitoring program tools with EHRs is the key challenge in PDMP use for patient care, with lookups requiring 3-5 minutes without integration versus 2-15 seconds with.

Physicians said PDMP access helps them detect doctor-shoppers and also helps them avoid prescribing duplicate drugs or ordering doses that are too high when taken with other drugs.

Most of the 31 doctors who were interviewed said their PDMP is not integrated into their EHR.

They also reported that they could not access the PDMPs of other states, that dispensing records from opioid treatment facilities and the VA aren’t always included, and that PDMP searches are hampered by patient matching problems.

HIStalk Announcements and Requests


A reader asked me to note that Nordic VP Pat Hingley will hit the 50-year mark in her healthcare IT career Friday, going all the way back to her teen job as a full-time “data processing” employee who rigged an IBM 402 accounting machine (a punch card reader with an integrated printer) to produce clinic reports (gifters: the 50th calls for gold). Congratulations to Pat. Is anyone else out there hitting their health IT semicentennial?


None scheduled soon. Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present your own.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Nordic acquires Netherlands-based EHR consulting firm Tasman Global, which expands the company’s reach into Europe and Asia. Tasman founder and CEO Adrienne Flatland was a Willow implementer at Epic for seven years, then started the company in 2015.

Walmart will offer Medicare Advantage plans for Georgia seniors that will give them access to its Walmart Health Centers.


Patient intake platform vendor Phreesia acquires two workflow applications that were developed by Geisinger and drug company Merck – Family Caregiver (a SMART on FHIR-integrated patient-provider communication app) and MedTrue (medication reconciliation and adherence).


Israel-based personal health monitoring solutions vendor G Medical Innovations files IPO plans that values the company at $329 million. The early-stage company reports annual revenue of $5 million. The company will de-list its shares from the Australian Securities Exchange, which have a market cap of $33 million, before moving to the Nasdaq. One-year performance on the ASX finds company shares down 65% to $0.04. 


ProPublica looks at a private equity firm’s acquisition and expansion of Prospect Medical Holdings, which it expanded to 17 hospitals and loaded with $400 million in debt, with the PE firm’s CEO and one of his executive peers personally pocketing $222 million. Meanwhile, the hospitals report non-working elevators, ambulances that can’t fill their gas tanks because of unpaid gas card bills, and shortages of medical supplies and PPE because of overdue bills. One of its hospitals had the first COVID-19 death of an ED doctor, who reported being forced to wear a single mask for four days, while another had six COVID patient deaths in a 21-bed locked psychiatric ward due to poor infection control. The chain has been accused of fraudulent Medicare billing and is running out of cash with high debt and a laundry list of hospital quality issues.



Medical practice marketing technology vendor PatientPop hires Arman Samani, MBA (AdvancedMD) as chief product officer. He was announced as chief product officer for animal health technology vendor Covetrus on June 1, 2020, but I guess that didn’t work out since it’s not on his LinkedIn.

Announcements and Implementations

FastMed Urgent Care goes live on Epic at its 29 Arizona locations, the first independent urgent care operator to do so. The company’s clinics in North Carolina and Texas are up next in early 2021. FastMed chose Epic in January 2020 and announced last month that it has formed a joint venture with Phoenix-based non-profit health system HonorHealth, which uses Epic, to operate all of its Arizona clinics.

Netsmart integrates its MyUnity hospice EHR with Delta Care’s pharmaceutical care solution, allowing hospice nurses to consult with Delta Care’s pharmacists for medication changes that are then integrated into the EHR.


Amwell will integrate TytoCare’s $250 on-demand medical exam device with its telehealth platform, allowing providers use its stethoscope, thermometer, otoscope, tongue depressor, and camera in virtual visits. 

Banner Health reduces unnecessary medication-related decision support and dosing alerts by one-third, working with Cerner Continuous Improvement Delivery to by studying its own alert history and implementing best practices from other Cerner clients.

Specialty pharmacy operator AllianceRx Walgreens Prime will integrate medical data from the recently announced Inovalon DataStream. I spent several minutes reading the announcement and Inovalon’s website trying to figure out exactly what DataStream, ScriptMed Cloud, and Inovalon One do exactly (beyond spawning buzzwords) but I lost interest.

OSF Healthcare goes live on Kyruus ProviderMatch for Consumers on its website.

Government and Politics


The Department of Justice charges 345 people, including more than 100 medical professionals, with submitting $6 billion in fraudulent medical claims, most of them related to telemedicine. Telemedicine company executives were accused of paying doctors and nurse practitioners to order medically unnecessary medical equipment, genetic counseling services, and pain medications with minimal or no interaction with the patient, then selling the orders to other companies. CMS has revoked the Medicare billing privileges of 256 more medical professionals for their involvement.

Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center (WA) will go live on Cerner on October 24 in the VA’s first activation.



Bloomberg describes the coronavirus precautions used by the University of Arizona, which include installing tents so students can wait for classes outdoors in the shade, sending student health ambassadors around campus in golf carts to hand our masks and to offer distancing reminders, requiring returning students to take a rapid coronavirus test, and performing daily wastewater analysis to quickly identify dorms in which someone is infected. The program was designed by 17th Surgeon General of the United States Richard Carmona, MD, MPH, who is a public health professor at the university. He dropped out of high school to join the US Army Special Forces as a medic and was decorated for combat in Vietnam. He earned a GED, completed a nursing program, then attended UCSF to earn undergraduate and medical school degrees and later University of Arizona for an MPH. Carmona has practiced as a paramedic, RN, surgeon, and deputy sheriff and has held leadership roles in emergency services, hospitals, and the Pima County, AZ health system. He issued the Surgeon General’s report on the effects of second-hand smoke.

Cornell researchers find that President Trump is the single largest driver of coronavirus misinformation that has appeared in major English language news outlets around the world, which they found ran false information – often without the publication’s own commentary or correction — about miracle cures, political conspiracy theories, and Anthony Fauci, MD. Mentions of the President made up 38% of the overall “misinformation conversation.” Just under 3% of articles contained falsehoods.


University of Minnesota researchers develop an Epic-integrated AI algorithm that can diagnose COVID-19 from chest X-rays, which Epic and M Health Fairview will make available to all Epic sites without charge. All 12 M Health Fairview hospitals are using it.

Northwell Health develops a COVID-19 early warning system that analyzes patterns in its website traffic to predict demand for staffing and supplies. It says the two-week prediction has tracked closely to actual caseload so far, adding that it will offer the source code to other health systems who have the expertise to convert it to work with their own websites.

The CEO of Pfizer says in a company memo that he is disappointed that political rhetoric around coronavirus and vaccine development is “undercutting public confidence,” adding that despite the $2 billion the company has risked in not accepting money from any government, it will not succumb to political pressure to release a vaccine either faster or more slowly than “the speed of science” allows.

Two companies that were developing at-home, antigen-based saliva tests for coronavirus have abandoned those plans, as public health experts say it was naive to think that the virus antigen would predictably collect in the mouth. Saliva seems to work for PCR testing, but those tests are subject to testing material shortages and require hours to provide a result.

The US government turns distribution of remdesivir back over to its manufacturer, Gilead Sciences. The drug, which has proven to be modestly useful in shortening COVID-19 hospital stays without reducing deaths and whose development was partly paid for by US taxpayers, costs $3,120 per course of treatment. The company will make at least $9 billion in 2020-21 since its manufacturing cost has been speculated to be less than $1 per vial.  



Kaiser Health News covers the offshore scribe industry, where young, aspiring healthcare professionals in India toil overnight their time to create EHR documentation of US office visits. Augmedix recruits college graduates who can pass tests for English reading, listening comprehension, and writing, then sends them to a three-month training program that covers medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology and then takes them through mock visits. Scribes there earn an average of $500 per month, 20% of what their US counterparts are paid, and their time is billed at $12 to $25 per hour. Companies say remote scribing is a small but growing part of the market. Doctor-owned Physicians Angels offers audio-only services (saying that video is intrusive to patients and scribes should be paying attention only to what the provider verbalizes), says it can’t be breached since scribes enter information only in the client’s EHR, completes charts the same day since anything else is just a transcription service, and offers a no-obligation trial for 30 days at $15 per hour. The company’s founder and CEO is a Toledo-based, US-educated otolaryngologist. 

Canada-based preventive health operator Medisys Health Group pays a ransom to restore the data of 60,000 of its patients. The company is owned by digital health solutions vendor Telus Health, which bought the chain from its private equity owner in August 2018 for $100 million. Parent company Telus, a telecommunications vendor, offers cybersecurity services. 


Mayo Clinic researchers find in a small study that 85% of people who receive an atrial fibrillation warning from their Apple Watch don’t end up with a corresponding diagnosis, leading them to warn that such widespread screening is likely causing overuse of healthcare resources from the “worried well.” They also observe that 8.7% of the patients who reported Watch AF warnings were under 22 years of age and 22% had known atrial fibrillation, meaning that they should not have been using the Apple technology per FDA guidance regarding use cases that have not been studied.

Campbell County Health (WY) receives a $1 million insurance settlement toward an estimated $1.5 million in cost for a September 2019 ransomware attack that wasn’t fully resolved until December 2019.

Sponsor Updates

  • Insight Success names Goliath Technologies Chairman and CEO Thomas Charlton a top 10 influential leader in medtech.
  • Arcadia extends its free vaccination, preventative screening, and appointment reminder outreach program to additional at-risk patient populations.
  • Cerner releases a new podcast, “Why you don’t want to miss Cerner Health Conference 2020.”
  • Saykara will host a virtual roundtable on using AI to reduce physician burnout on October 28.
  • Hayes CTO Ritesh Ramesh wins Silver in the CEO World Awards, Executive Achievement of the Year for IT Services category; and the company wins Bronze for Team of the Year in the inaugural COVID-19 Business Response category.
  • Wolters Kluwer Health publishes a new report, “Closing the Nursing Education-Practice Readiness Gap.”
  • Medhost and Senator Bill Frist discuss improving rural healthcare.

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EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 10/1/20

October 1, 2020 Dr. Jayne Comments Off on EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 10/1/20


For those of you still playing along with the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program, October 3 is the last day to begin the required 90-day EHR reporting period. This applies to eligible hospitals who want to try to avoid getting a negative payment adjustment (aka penalty) down the road.

It’s hard for some organizations to even care about the CMS programs any more. They are trying to keep their doors open on a month-to-month basis, and the idea of future penalties isn’t on the radar when they’re juggling staffing issues and figuring out how to protect their employees.

Another deadline approaching is that for submitting comments on the 2021 Proposed Rule for the Quality Payment Program. That comment period closes October 5 at 5 p.m. ET and comments may be submitted through

COVID and the related lockdowns, shutdowns, and limitations to healthcare delivery are having negative impacts on patients in other ways. The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from September 11 presents the results of a survey done in June looking at patients whose routine care was delayed. The survey estimates that 41% of US adults have delayed or avoided care, including 12% who reported having avoided urgent care.

A close friend of mine is going through some stress following a delay of care. When she was finally able to get in for her annual GYN exam, there were some abnormal findings, and now she’s beating herself up about whether they would have been found earlier had she gone in April as originally scheduled. I reminded her that in her age group she’s not even recommended to have an annual pap test, which means that her physician performed it “early” per the guidelines rather than “late” due to COVID. It’s hard for most laypeople to wrap their minds around how guidelines are constructed, especially when they’re worried whether they have cancer. At least her care team is running full tilt now, so hopefully she’ll have the answers she needs very soon.


ONC announces the awardees for the STAR HIE (Strengthening Technical Advancement and Readiness of Public Health Agencies via Health Information Exchange) program. The goal was to support state and local public health agencies, as they use health information exchange services to respond to public health emergencies such as natural disasters and pandemics. Five HIEs were each awarded two-year cooperative agreements: Georgia Health Information Network, Health Current (AZ), HealthShare Exchange of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Kansas Health Information Network, and Texas Health Services Authority.

I enjoyed this article in Nature looking at how researchers are using virtual assistants to diagnose coronavirus infections along with dementia, depression, and more. Vocalis Health, a start-up with offices in Israel and the US, modified an app that was being used to detect worsening chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in an effort to detect COVID-19. They asked patients who had tested positive to use a research app to record their voices, with the recordings processed through machine learning to try to identify a COVID voiceprint. The article goes on to cover the history of voice analysis with neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease as well as how it can be used for behavioral health conditions like mania, where voice features can be telling. I ran the article past my favorite voice expert who thought it was “very fascinating,” although I’m personally curious about how it handles patients speaking different languages with different dialects and regional accents.

Greenway Health is getting into the telehealth game with a solution slated to be available in October. It claims to “deliver quality care from remote locations without interrupting established workflows” and they’ve got a video on the website from their chief product and technology officer, but I’d find it a lot more credible if they had a physician announcing it. The rest of the information requires you to provide your information, so I took a pass.

My state chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians reached out to me on behalf of the state department of health as they try to plan for administration of a COVID-19 vaccine. The documentation is extensive, including a participation agreement and a multi-page provider profile that requires details down to the brand, model, and type of storage unit that will be used for housing COVID-19 vaccine prior to administration. Based on our already unstaffable volumes, I can’t see my practice agreeing to be an administration site, but you never know.

I registered for the all-virtual Lenovo TechWorld conference today, to be held at the end of October. Based on my interests, it suggested a couple of sessions for me. I’m not sure where the “liquid cooling innovation” one might have come from, but it does sound pretty cool (pun intended). Unlike an in-person conference, it’s easy for the day-to-day to get in the way of virtual conferences, so we’ll see if I make it to any of the sessions.


I’m mostly interested in seeing how the virtual conferences run and what platforms they use, as well as how they engage (or don’t engage) attendees. The Optum Forum had some glitches this morning, with participants having to log out and back in as well as reload their browsers to continue. Sessions that may have been missed are posted for on demand viewing through October 30, however.

I’ve been dealing with some non-work issues lately, so I’ve been much more likely to answer phone calls from unknown numbers. I had the ultimate bad cold call the other day. I answered the phone as I always do, “Hi, it’s Dr. HIStalk” and the caller says, “Jayne, this is Dave.” “Sorry, Dave who?” “You know, Dave, from XX company. We met at the YY conference a couple of months ago (insert name of conference that I most certainly didn’t attend, because you know, COVID) and you said to call you in a couple of months.”

“I’m sorry, what is this about?” “I wanted to follow up on your cybersecurity needs.” When I began to explain that I don’t have any cybersecurity needs, he literally hung up on me. Definitely not a best practice for the sales playbook, and needless to say, his number is now blocked. I’ll also be making sure that all my hospital and healthcare friends who might actually have pressing cybersecurity needs know what bozos the company has hired so that they’re not inclined to give them their business.

What’s the worst cold call you’ve received? Leave a comment or email me.

Email Dr. Jayne.

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Morning Headlines 10/1/20

September 30, 2020 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 10/1/20

CORHIO and Health Current Join Forces and Announce Intent to Form New Regional Organization

Colorado-based CORHIO and Arizona-based Health Current announce plans to merge, potentially creating the largest HIE in the Western United States.

Private equity firm’s healthcare SPAC SCP & CO Healthcare Acquisition files for a $200 million IPO

Blank-check company SCP & CO Healthcare Acquisition files for an IPO of up to $200 million.

Nebraska Medicine to resume appointments, procedures after battling cyberattack

Nebraska Medicine resumes all appointments, procedures, and surgeries after making “significant progress” in recovering from a cyberattack on September 20.

HHS Announces Funding for Health Information Exchanges to Support Public Health Agencies – STAR HIE Program Funds Five Organizations to Improve Interoperability of Health Data

GaHIN, Health Current, HealthShare Exchange, KHIN, and Texas Health Services Authority will receive a combined $2.5 million from the HHS STAR HIE Program to better support public health agencies in their response to emergencies like COVID-19.

Apple Accused of Delaying Masimo Legal Fight to Gain Watch Sales

Masimo contends in a court filing that Apple is trying to delay a legal fight over allegedly stolen blood-oxygen monitoring technology in its latest Apple Watch so that it can gain more market share.

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Readers Write: Technology Augmented by Behavioral Science Theory Leads to Improved Health

September 30, 2020 Readers Write 1 Comment

Technology Augmented by Behavioral Science Theory Leads to Improved Health
By Rhea Sheth

Rhea Sheth is a clinical and marketing intern at Carium and an undergraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley studying integrative human biology.


Behavioral science is the study of human behavior. It asks the question: why do we act the way that we do? The simplicity of this question masks a complex science that underlies it.

Understanding human behavior has many invaluable applications in our society. If we can better understand human behavior, we can shape our policies in a way that will better engage individuals or present public health information in a way that will lead to an increased compliance rate.

The intersection of behavioral science and technology is an area of huge opportunity. With the rise of technology, there has also been a rise in the number of opportunities to move healthcare away from a fee-for-service model and instead move towards a value-based approach. The incorporation of behavioral science theory into mobile health platforms can help facilitate the movement towards more patient-centric care and improved health outcomes.

Research-backed behavior change techniques should be intentionally incorporated in digital health platforms to help individuals manage chronic disease. Influencing behavior change in chronically-ill patients is a crucial public health intervention. According to the CDC, 6 in 10 adults in the US have a chronic disease and 4 in 10 adults in the US have two or more chronic diseases.

Smartphone apps are a convenient, cost-effective way to provide behavioral interventions at the appropriate times. In addition, they help reduce healthcare disparities by increasing reach to populations who were previously unreachable due to demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic barriers.

Behavior change techniques can be woven into virtual healthcare tools to help users identify and manage negative behaviors that may be contributing to worsened health outcomes. Self-monitoring is one of the techniques that enable this type of positive behavior change and has been found to lead to reduced hospitalization and readmission rates.

In the context of healthcare, this includes tracking metrics indicative of health-related behaviors such as calories eaten, weight change, and blood pressure levels, often collected through devices such as wearables and fitness trackers. Through digital health platforms, users can track their desired metrics in which they can also see short-term and long-term trends in their health data. This data can be shared with care teams and providers can then keep track of their patients’ health metrics through remote patient monitoring (RPM).

According to the American Heart Association, through RPM, providers can obtain a more holistic view of the patient’s health through data, gain insight into a patient’s adherence to treatment, and develop a deeper patient-provider relationship. RPM can also help reduce healthcare costs by enabling timely health interventions before a patient’s health deteriorates to the point of requiring a costly procedure.

Before the rise of mobile health, self-monitoring was done primarily through paper journal methods, where participants would manually record entries such as calories eaten, blood pressure readings, and blood sugar levels. With recent advances in mobile technology, there are opportunities for more convenient, real-time self-monitoring. Rather than having to carry around a bulky paper journal, individuals can simply enter their data into a mobile device and see their short- and long-term trends.

For an individual with diabetes, taking a daily measurement of blood sugar can help increase awareness about their positive or potentially harmful behaviors. Seeing a huge spike in blood sugar one morning can cause the individual to, first of all, be aware that there is a change in their health, and then reflect on what actions could have caused that. They might remember that they ate three fudge sundaes last night and did not go on their daily walk. The question is, are they now likely to change their behavior?

Here’s where behavioral science comes in again. The act of self-monitoring has increased the probability of behavior change by making the individual aware that there is a change in their health. However, the act of self-monitoring does not guarantee that someone will change their behavior. The next day, the individual may have a craving for ice cream and engage in harmful behavior again.

While they may be aware now that eating ice cream is affecting their blood sugar in such a drastic manner, there may be other underlying factors that cause the individual to perpetuate a negative behavior. It may be that the individual does not understand the consequences of having high blood sugar because they haven’t received information regarding its risks. It may be that they are lonely and feel like no one cares about their health because they do not have frequent access to a healthcare professional. Or, it may be that the individual has a goal of reducing blood sugar but does not know how to achieve that goal and thus becomes demotivated.

To help mitigate the risk of perpetuated negative actions, mHealth apps can integrate different behavior change techniques with self-monitoring to enhance user engagement and increase the probability of behavior change, such as secure messaging and educational materials. Secure messaging is one way for providers and patients to interact and strengthen their relationship, and learning materials such as diabetes-self management education also help improve health outcomes.

Studies show that self-monitoring is more effective in improving health outcomes when used in conjunction with other behavior change techniques in this manner. Self-monitoring was also found to lead to reduced hospitalization and readmission rates.

Making sure technology caters to the complexity of a human being is imperative. Behavior change techniques help us do that. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for behavior change, but intentionally designing technology based on research-backed behavior change techniques has been shown to improve health outcomes. In this way, we make movement away from episodic transactional healthcare and instead towards mutually beneficial, patient-centered, and holistic healthcare.

Much like having a trainer at the gym can motivate people to reach their fitness goals and feel stronger, more confident, and successful, having a digital health platform with specific behavior techniques such as self-monitoring, health coaching, prompts / reminders to take medication, and motivational messages can help patients achieve their health goals.

Readers Write: Remember the Opioid Crisis?

September 30, 2020 Readers Write 1 Comment

Remember the Opioid Crisis?
By  Peter J. Plantes, MD

Peter J. Plantes, MD is physician executive with HC1 of Indianapolis, IN.


The last few years have ushered in significant progress on the opioid crisis containment front. Acknowledging decades-long misinformation shortfalls, negligence, and improper prescribing patterns, the healthcare industry took important steps on national and state levels to get out in front of devastating statistics.

A March 2020 report suggested the needle was finally pointing in the right direction. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a 13.5% decrease in opioid overdose deaths from 2017 to 2018.

Unfortunately, that report was quickly overshadowed by the global pandemic that brought the nation to its knees. Opioid misuse, like many other critical healthcare priorities, took a back seat to COVID-19. The fallout is notable. A recent analysis points to a spike in opioid overdose cases by 18% since the start of the pandemic.

It’s not just overdose rates that have many across the industry concerned about the current state of the opioid epidemic. Public health officials also report a surge in relapse rates due to limited access to treatment.

The reality is that 2020 has delivered a perfect storm of factors that are contributing to a problematic front for opioid misuse, including mass unemployment and the isolation created by stay-at-home orders that interrupted existing care plans and contributed to an increase in mental health issues. In addition, studies reveal that opioid prescription rates for procedures such as hip and knee replacements continue to rise. Prescription rule changes aimed at helping patients during the pandemic may also have had negative effects by opening the door to increased fraud and “doctor shopping.”

Amid alarming trends, today’s providers face a complicated front at the intersection of increased addiction and appropriate opioid prescribing. Within what is now a highly regulated framework, healthcare organizations must ensure that they are optimizing patient safety by following prescribing guidelines and adhering to ongoing monitoring processes to detect misuse.

This is especially true for patients covered under a population management program of health insurance (ACOs, Medicare Advantage, and HMOs.) Neglecting this opioid substance abuse patient population can result in poor financial performance as well as regulatory scrutiny. NCQA issued additional opioid abuse management measures that are required to be reported as part of HEDIS 2020 standards. These will encourage both:

  • Timely “Follow-up After High-Intensity Care for Substance Use Disorder” (FUI), and
  • Sustaining “Pharmacotherapy for Opioid Use Disorder” (POD) patients.

In late 2020 and heading into 2021, there is much at stake with the opioid crisis. Healthcare organizations should reprioritize efforts now and increase their engagement to get the opioid trajectory moving in the right direction. It will not be easy, as accessing the right data and complying with guidance remains complex for the average resource-strapped provider.

At a minimum, healthcare organizations need to address the problem by:

  1. Taking into account the public health emergency declared by HHS Secretary Alex Azar. This move on January 31, 2020 subsequently lead to the March 18, 2020 clarification from the US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) that healthcare professionals can now prescribe a controlled substance to a patient using telehealth technology.
  2. Improving leadership through opioid stewardship committees. The Joint Commission mandated that all healthcare facilities implement leadership teams and performance improvement processes in 2018 to address safe opioid prescribing. Opioid stewardship committees can advance best practices by identifying existing gaps and implementing processes that meet best-practice guidelines that include risk assessment, using state implemented Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data, laboratory testing, and patient education. 
  3. Conducting optimal patient risk assessments, monitoring, and education. Comprehensive risk assessments seek answers to the following questions: 1) Was a patient assessed for potential risk of misuse prior to a procedure or prescription? 2) Did the provider and patient have an open and honest discussion about whether opioids were the right choice? 3) Did a patient receive monitoring during follow-up care to ensure appropriate use of opioids? 4) Was a patient counseled on proper procedures for disposing unused opioids? These risk assessment standards should especially be part of telehealth-based opioid prescribing.
  4. Accessing the right data in the most efficient way possible. Access to PDMP data is a critical first step, but it doesn’t always provide the full picture, especially in cases where patients are doctor-shopping across state lines. Healthcare organizations can extend the value of this data by combining it with dispensing records from multiple states and intelligent drug consistency assessment via laboratory testing to support precision prescribing.

Smart prescribing and oversight of opioid risk is more important than ever, as is equipping providers with easy access to the right patient data for monitoring. Technology that efficiently brings together the right data and delivers it in an actionable way to providers is improving this outlook. Technology that does not hinder the doctor-patient encounter is especially important for effective delivery of safe opioid prescribing practices. The technology must assist the physician in rapidly and completely engaging all required regulatory expectations without creating an administrative bottleneck in the daily practice setting.

Readers Write: Debunking Price Transparency Myths to Enable True Progress

September 30, 2020 Readers Write Comments Off on Readers Write: Debunking Price Transparency Myths to Enable True Progress

Debunking Price Transparency Myths to Enable True Progress
By Kyle Raffaniello

Kyle Raffaniello, MSHA is CEO of Sapphire Digital of Lyndhurst, NJ.


For years now, the US has had the highest healthcare costs in the world. While high medical costs are nothing new, these costs, in combination with the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, could turn healthcare from unaffordable to unattainable for many Americans. Now more than ever, we must kick the nation’s price transparency conversations into overdrive to increase industry competition and lower the cost of care.

Increasing price transparency in healthcare is not a new goal by any means. The term has been used for years to not much avail, but has gained headlines in recent months because the Trump administration is making it a health policy focus and has announced multiple rules aimed at increasing transparency. However, confusion and uncertainty still linger around what transparency truly means for healthcare and whether it really works.

The truth is that it’s the foundation to making healthcare more affordable for Americans. Unfortunately, several common transparency myths muddy the waters for all:

Myth #1: Transparency Doesn’t Work

Transparency not only works, it is essential to lowering healthcare prices in our country and saving money for consumers and employers. For example, a hospital in Kentucky recently heard about the success Kentucky Employee Health Plan (KEHP) was having helping members find cost-effective facilities for their care when they used digital shopping solutions. Now the hospital wants to lower its prices and be more competitive in order to keep local business, as consumers had been going to get procedures done at more cost-effective facilities. Market forces will compel high-cost facilities to lower their prices to compete.

Myth #2: Cost Equates to Quality

An age-old adage, cost equating to quality, is simply not true when it comes to healthcare. Through the use of the right digital shopping tools, consumers can compare cost options and quality to find and select low-cost facilities that have high marks on quality, equating to high-value care. It’s time we all understand that quality doesn’t need to be compromised for cost or vice versa – this isn’t an either-or scenario.

Myth #3: Industry Stakeholders Don’t Want to Support Transparency

A common misconception is that not everyone in healthcare supports transparency because it’s not in their best interest. The truth is that most industry stakeholders do support transparency — they simply have differing views on how to achieve it. We must accept that different parts of the industry have different viewpoints when it comes to strategy and focus on the ways we can come together to achieve the common goal.

A recent survey found that nearly half (47%) of Americans age 18-64 surveyed are more concerned about the cost of healthcare now than they were before COVID-19. That same percentage of people also said they plan to change how they access care as part of our “new normal.” It’s clear that consumers want to shop for care and the market wants to increase transparency. In order to align stakeholders and ignite change in healthcare, companies in the transparency space must educate consumers about the right tools, support, and information to compare care options and engage the consumer in actively shopping for that care.

When we talk about the right information, this goes well beyond publishing a list of prices for procedures online, as these lists are not true to what patients will pay out of pocket. True transparency involves digital shopping platforms that can present consumers with a look at how much they will individually owe based on their insurance provider and individual health plan. Additionally, the listing of prices does not provide insight into the quality of care at a particular hospital or medical facility.

Digital tools will include the important qualitative information consumers can’t get elsewhere to ensure they’re not only choosing low-cost care, but high-quality care as well. Offering incentives to help consumers go beyond their research and actively shop for their procedures is important, too. Some digital shopping tools offer cash rewards, as a share of the savings, for consumers who choose high-value care.

Everyone needs and deserves access to low-cost, high-quality care, and we need to work together as an industry to make that happen. Through raising awareness of these tools, more consumers will become empowered and incentivized to use them, ultimately making more informed and confident decisions about their care. Additionally, there will be healthy competition among hospitals and medical facilities in the industry, driving down costs for the entire healthcare ecosystem.

The need for robust transparency that presents an easy healthcare shopping and comparison experience for consumers has never been more important following the impacts from COVID-19. As facilities reopen and begin rescheduling appointments, we must put the pedal to the metal and bring true transparency to the healthcare industry. Transparency is no longer an option, but a necessity for the livelihood of the industry and the consumers who power it.

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HIStalk Interviews Brent Lang, CEO, Vocera

September 30, 2020 Interviews Comments Off on HIStalk Interviews Brent Lang, CEO, Vocera

Brent Lang, MBA is chairman and CEO of Vocera of San Jose, CA.


Tell me about yourself and the company.

I’ve been with Vocera for 19 years. I was brought in by the founders, initially as the VP of marketing back when it was just a few guys in a dark lab trying to figure out if they could make our product work. My wife used to tease me that I was the VP of business, as opposed to the VP of marketing, since I was trying to figure out our go-to-market strategy, our pricing strategy, and our target customer.

The company was not originally created as a healthcare-focused company. The founder’s vision was to enable wearable communication across multiple markets. One of my first jobs as a VP of marketing was to go out and interview a bunch of potential customers about the idea of wearable, hands-free communication. We started talking to some hospitals and nurses were so excited. I remember one hospital nurse saying to me, “You’re going to change the way nursing is practiced around the world.” At that time, I had no idea what she was talking about because I had not come from a healthcare background. I was more of a technologist, having made my way through Silicon Valley tech companies with an interest in technology and business strategy.

I fell in love with the impact that technology could have on hospitals and healthcare workflows. I was an industrial engineer back in school and never really thought about too much how I would use that until I started thinking about the role that communication can have on improving workflow and operations within a healthcare setting. I tell people all the time, just learn what you can, because you never know what knowledge you’re going to pick up along the way that will be relevant to you at some point in your future career, even though it may not seem particularly relevant at that particular moment in time.

Cell phones, apps, and phone-based texting were not around when the company was started. How have they changed the appeal or the marketing of healthcare-specific communications?

People forget that we created the company before Siri, Alexa, and the IPhone. Vocera revolutionized the idea of communication using voice as a user interface and thinking about mobility. We built the original Vocera badge because there weren’t any other appropriate devices. The closest ting might have been a Palm III, Palm V, or later, the Treo. Hands-free is critical in a hospital, so we built the device mainly because there was nothing else that would work. We have learned over the years just how essential the hands-free capability is.

We have embraced a range of different devices. Our strategy is very much about being device of choice, and our software platform supports iPhones, Android devices, tablets, and desktop interfaces. But we find that the closer a clinician is to direct frontline care, the more important it is to have that hands-free capability, and it’s even more relevant during COVID. But what has been important for us was to figure out ways to bring in those other modes of communication that you mentioned — text messaging, alerting, alarming, and other forms of media — into the platform and into the devices that we support.

The new Smart Badge recognizes a “wake word” to make everything hands-free. How important is that to clinicians?

We introduced the wake word earlier this year. You can say “OK, Vocera” to wake up the Smart Badge and allow you to issue a voice command, such as, “call the nurse for room 101” or “call a respiratory therapist.” You don’t have to have any interaction with a button on the badge at all. In this era where people are wearing personal protective equipment, or PPE, a lot of people are excited about the wake word functionality, because they are able to wear their Smart Badge underneath their gowns and maintain an entirely hands-free environment.

Could you integrate your system with inexpensive consumer voice assistants that could be placed in patient rooms, which would allow patients and nurses a simple, hands-free way to communicate, either along with or instead of a call system?

This is actually an area that we are really excited about. We are building a Vocera skill for Alexa that will allow you to put an Alexa device, like an Amazon Echo, in the patient’s room and enable the patient to issue voice commands. Those messages are then routed to the appropriate caregiver. We can leverage our software platform and routing intelligence so that we know who to notify if the patient asks for a blanket, but if the patient says that they are in pain, it can go directly to their nurse to take immediate action. 

It’s really combining, as you said, the consumer devices that are becoming so available and the prevalence of using voice as a user interface and speech recognition as a user interface, combined with the intelligence and routing capabilities of our software, and then the connectivity that we have out to the employees of the hospital. We’ve shipped over a million Vocera badges out into the marketplace. There are hundreds of thousands of people using them every day. That gives you an instant connection to nurses, transport techs, housekeepers, and food services. A patient can get immediate access to all those people, rather than it just being a hardwired connection back to the nurse station, where someone then has to figure out how to deal with that patient’s request. We are seeing a convergence of technologies that people have become used to and comfortable with in their personal lives and in their homes, merging with hospital-specific workflows and hospital-specific solutions that leverage the sophistication that we can build within software.

How has COVID affected the use of your products and the trajectory of the company?

The pandemic has raised the awareness for our company, our solutions, and the value proposition of what we offer, in particular, the hands-free capability. Every time a care team member removes or replaces their PPE, there’s a risk of contamination. Minimizing the number of times PPE is removed reduces the risk of infection and helps preserve these valuable resources. Whether that’s in a triage tent, an ICU room, or an isolation room, the hands-free capability of our solution has been really valuable, because it can be worn underneath the personal protective equipment.

We have seen the product being used in temporary tents being set up to triage patients. We’ve seen the Vocera badge being used connected to the bedrail, to allow patients to reach care team members and for nurses to do virtual rounding, where they can call a patient’s room instead of going in and out for a quick conversation, which keeps them safer and reduces the amount of PPE used. It allows them to reach out to family members. It has been exciting to see the role that that communication can play.

For our employees, our connection to our mission has never been stronger. Our mission is to improve the lives of caregivers, patients, and family members. While the pandemic has been tragic in many regards, it has been inspiring for the employees. Our level of employee engagement is higher than it has ever been because we have been part of the solution. It has been inspiring for employees to feel like they are doing something that is having a direct impact on patients, caregivers, and family members.

What sales and marketing changes have you made given travel limitations and the cancellation of HIMSS20?

We were one of the first companies to drop out of HIMSS when we saw the pandemic rising. Maybe it was the benefit of being out here on the West Coast and seeing what was happening in Washington. But we very quickly started transforming the company to being virtually oriented in our sales, services, and marketing efforts.

Just to give you an example, within 30 days of this all coming about, about 90% of our professional services had been transitioned to remote work using Zoom or other virtual technologies. Our sales team quickly embraced reaching out and working with customers on a virtual basis. Our marketing team did a really good job of creating new use cases and case studies talking about COVID-specific workflows and how the product could be utilized in these environments. We used it as an opportunity to support our customers. We issued several thousand free, temporary license keys for our software to customers who needed to increase their capacity to respond to COVID surge situations.

I’ve been incredibly proud of the response by the company and by the employees to support our customers and do the right thing during these really challenging times.

How do you position your offerings in rounding, patient experience, pre-arrival, and patient monitoring software within the framework of enterprise communications?

Our vision is around enabling the real-time health system across the care continuum. That is more than just voice communication. It is more than just communication broadly. It is all about eliminating the friction points in a patient’s journey and making sure that the right data is delivered to the right person, on the right device, at the right time, with the right level of urgency.

Take as an example our recent acquisition of Ease, which is a patient and family communication application. It enables caregivers to give updates to family members when a loved one is in the hospital for surgery, COVID, or other situations that prevent family members from visiting them. This speaks to our desire to expand to enable this real-time health system.

The company has its roots in the Star Trek communicator kind of mindset, but our software platform is much broader than that now. We have had to evolve as the industry’s has evolved. In the old days, a lot of actions in a hospital were triggered by a nurse walking into a patient’s room and noticing a change in their condition. The workflow started by the nurse needing to reach out to get the appropriate help. More and more today, patient monitors, physiologic monitors, smart beds, and the electronic health record are becoming expert systems. They can, in many cases, notice a change in the patient status quicker than the nurse who is walking into the room. The event that needs to be triggered from that, and the people who need to be activated as a result of that change in patient status, can be coming from lots of different sources beyond just the initial human interaction with the patient.

As a company, we focus on evolving what we do to be able to incorporate all this data coming from these expert systems, route it through our workflow engine, and more importantly, prioritize it and triage it so that we aren’t creating cognitive overload or cognitive burden on the clinician, so that they’re receiving just the most critical information. and know the most important activity to act on next.

You are at a blurred line between what you’ve traditionally done and new technologies that are gaining in popularity, such as chatbots, artificial intelligence-powered population health management, asynchronous text-based provider chatting, and patient-reported outcomes, all of which are usually offered by a standalone startup company. Do you see Vocera getting more involved in either these specific technologies or with those companies that offer them?

You’re absolutely right. Hospitals tell us all the time that they are looking to consolidate the number of vendors that they are working with. They are looking to build platforms that are unified and fully integrated.

We try to create as much of an open platform as we can. We want to be interoperable with data from a range of different systems. Whether it’s a piece of technology that we develop ourselves, creating an interoperability relationship or some sort of partnership, or a potential acquisition — those are all ways of building up a platform that is easy to use and is delivering the right information to the caregiver.

I love to see the innovation that is occurring in the space, because the more information and the more data that gets generated, the more of an opportunity there is for us to analyze that data, route that information, and provide better patient context. When a call or message comes in, it’s not just an interruption, it’s actually patient context-aware events that provide the caregiver with situational awareness that allows them to decide what the next action is.

Our strategy is to say that we are going to do a lot of this ourselves, but we’re also going to create open APIs and open standards that allow us to bring data in from other organizations. One of my favorite examples is sepsis alert technologies, those sophisticated algorithms that can  predict when a particular patient might be headed towards sepsis. The challenge with those is that often that the algorithm can identify the patient who is at risk, but it may not do a good job of notifying somebody who can take action. In that case, we do a simple integration with them, they send us that alert, and we route that to the appropriate caregiver. They can take action much more quickly than if we were just waiting for the clinician to go log into the electronic health record or some other expert system that has identified that the patient is at risk.

Do you have any final thoughts?

Technology vendors have an important role to play in transforming healthcare, whether it’s providing improved safety for clinicians and for patients, reducing the cognitive burden, our doing a better job of protecting our frontline caregivers. Technology must be part of the answer to bridge the gap between where we are and where we need to go. Vocera is really excited to have an opportunity to participate in that.

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Morning Headlines 9/30/20

September 29, 2020 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 9/30/20

HHS Launching Initiative to Track Physician Use and Burdens of Health IT

HHS and ONC launch a program with the American Board of Family Medicine to measure the use and potential burdens of health IT by office-based physicians.

As insurers move this week to stop waiving telehealth copays, patients may have to pay more for virtual care

UnitedHealthcare and Anthem will end their virtual visit benefit Thursday, after which patients will once again pay co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles for virtual visits that are not related to COVID-19.

JLL Partners strikes deal to buy Thoma Bravo’s MedeAnalytics

PE Hub reports that private equity firm JLL Partners will purchase MedeAnalytics from Thoma Bravo, which acquired it in 2015.

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News 9/30/20

September 29, 2020 News 1 Comment

Top News


Universal Health Services begins recovering from a Sunday morning malware attack that locked computer and phone systems at 250 facilities, forcing some to close departments and divert patients.


An anonymous staffer reported seeing the phrase “shadow universe” on computer screens as the breach commenced, leading cybersecurity experts to assume that Ryuk ransomware was involved.

HIStalk Announcements and Requests

I had to switch concierge doctors after mine closed his practice to take a drug industry job. Allow me to correct my own convenient but incorrect use of the term “concierge doctor,” which mine was not. A concierge practice still bills your insurance company and/or you personally — you are just snootily buying your way around the velvet rope at a cost of thousands of dollars per year. What I have is “direct primary care,” where you pay an average of $75 per month for anytime access to your family practice doctor via call or text, unlimited office visits or telehealth sessions, wellness exams, physicals, health maintenance, minor in-office treatments and surgical procedures, and often at-cost labs and prescriptions right in the office. Savings on routine lab work alone – paying the heavily discounted doctor’s cash price instead of your insurance’s deductible — can cover much of the entire year’s cost. I feel like a VIP when I have a minor, obvious health issue (pinkeye and a swollen toe being the most recent examples), I text a photo to my doctor on a weekend or holiday, and almost immediately I have a prescription waiting to pick up at the drugstore, with follow-up available if I need it. I keep my regular insurance, with the few hundred dollars per year DPC cost a modest luxury that lets me avoid the usual poor customer service. I expect quite a few physicians fail at DPC due to inadequate business skills (especially marketing), but otherwise small panel size, lack of insurer meddling, and freedom from bureaucracy makes it a great model for both doctor and patient when done right. Plus doctors can choose which patients they want to work with.


September 30 (Wednesday) 11 ET. “The Hidden Threat: New Research on Security Vulnerabilities and Privacy Gaps in Healthcare Apps.” Sponsors: Verimatrix, NowSecure. Presenters: Neal Michie, MEng, director of product management, Verimatrix; Brian Lawrence, direction of solution engineering, NowSecure. The presenters will present research on the security risk profile of 1,000 healthcare apps in managing patient privacy, how they compare to those in other industries, and where the biggest vulnerabilities lie. Attendees will learn how to make their healthcare apps more secure in managing protected health information.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present your own.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Defunct personal health record vendor Medlio notifies users that cancer reference lab NeoGenomics Laboratories has acquired some of its assets, but will sunset the patient-facing mobile app and health records download service. Medlio co-founder Lori Mehen took a full-time product manager job with NeoGenomics Laboratories early this year.


  • Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital (CA) will implement Ensocare’s Transition and Choice automated referral software.
  • The US Air Force selects NeuroFlow’s behavioral health integration technology, beginning with deployment to a division of Space Force.
  • Provider communications platform vendor Updox will integrate its systems with inpatient EHRs using technology from Redox.
  • CareSignal will white-label a conversational AI chatbot from QliqSoft to automate the traditional call center model of remote patient monitoring.



The Chartis Group promotes Roger Ray, MD to chief physician executive.


Mount Sinai technology commercialization spin-off Rx.Health names Richard Strobridge (Nextbridge Health) CEO.

Announcements and Implementations

LifeBridge Health implements Artifact Health’s mobile physician query software at Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital and Grace Medical Center in Maryland.


West Tennessee Healthcare deploys Cedar’s patient engagement, messaging, and billing platform.

EMpower Emergency Physicians (AZ) and Integrated Care Physicians (FL) adopt RCM software and services from R1 RCM.


A new KLAS report on  oncology software finds Elekta as the leader in both medical and radiation oncology software, with Varian (slated for acquisition by Siemens Healthineers for $16 billion) coming in second. EHR vendors Cerner and Epic have seen significant adoption of their medical oncology software, but with functionality gaps and click-heavy, multiple ways to complete tasks that hurt usability and training. Medical oncology EHR vendor Flatiron Health, acquired by drug maker Roche for $2 billion in April 2018, placed in the middle of the pack with strong product design and support expertise that is dragged down by poor communication around enhancement requests, upgrades, and delayed support response. Varian leads in the tiny field of radiation therapy treatment planning, as more than half of Philips Pinnacle treatment planning software customers say they’re switching to a different vendor (presumably Varian) due to lack of development effort and failure to keep promises.

Best Buy-owned GreatCall releases the Lively Flip smartphone for seniors, which builds on the previous Jitterbug phone in adding Alexa voice services, a bigger screen and keyboard, a dedicated button for calling an urgent care provider, and 24/7 access to its telehealth service. The phone costs $100 plus a $35 activation fee, while monthly plans run $20 to $35 not counting unlimited text and talk, which adds $20. Best Buy acquired Great Call for $800 million in August 2018.

Government and Politics

HHS and ONC launch a program with the American Board of Family Medicine to measure the use and potential burdens of health IT by office-based physicians.

Premera Blue Cross will pay the HHS Office for Civil Rights $6.85 million to settle potential HIPAA violations stemming from a 2015 data breach that affected 10.4 million members. An OCR investigation found the Pacific Northwest payer failed to implement risk management and audit controls and failed to conduct an enterprise-wide risk analysis.



Health systems are creating “one-stop shop” clinics for patients who have survived COVID but who are experiencing ongoing problems such as lung or heart damage, neurological issues, fatigue, and anxiety. The director of the Center for Post-COVID Care at Mount Sinai says that if even if less than 10% of infected patients experience long-term symptoms, that means 500,000 Americans will require medical care of unknown duration. He says half of the clinic’s patients have test results that show damage, while the other half have symptoms but inconclusive test results.

The White House will send 150 million Abbott BinaxNOW rapid coronavirus tests, purchased for $750 million, to states and other jurisdictions by the end of the year, with several million going out this week to be used for vulnerable populations such as nursing homes. The tests use a shallow nostril swab, require no special equipment, and give results in 15 minutes, so they can be used in medical practices and pharmacies. However, they are approved for use only in symptomatic people, must be administered within the first seven days of symptoms, and cannot be self-administered at home. Experts praised the news, but say 150 million tests is a drop in the bucket given their likely use and they still don’t solve the problem of assessing true prevalence. Public health officials also question how the results of the tests will be reported, particularly if administered outside the health system such as in schools.

The federal government has sent rapid COVID-19 test machines to 14,000 nursing homes since last month, but they come with a catch. The nursing homes must agree to test each employee and resident weekly and pay for their own supplies at $32 per test, meaning that even small facilities could be on the hook for thousands of dollars each week. They also report that manufacturer BD is back-ordered on testing supplies. Health departments haven’t figured out how to collect data from nursing home tests. Some facilities that have become frustrated by the cost and availability challenges of the BD tests are using state labs, but they don’t get results back for several days.



@Cascadia is right – the VaccineFinder website operated by Boston Children’s Hospital, CDC, Harvard Medical School, and HealthMap shows no locations offering flu vaccine anywhere, which I can personally contradict since I got my flu shot yesterday. At least some other vaccine searches seem to work, although the location list seems incomplete when it says no Walgreens in Chicago offers Tdap or shingles vaccine.

UnitedHealthcare and Anthem will end their virtual visit benefit Thursday, after which patients will once again pay co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles for virtual visits that are not related to COVID-19. Nobody knows how much patients will have to pay or how the cost of a telehealth visit compares to the co-pay for an office visit. Other insurers that had planned to end expanded telehealth coverage on September 30 have extended the program until the end of the year.

A Spok survey of 600 healthcare professionals finds an inability to communicate effectively, remote workers, and lack of or insufficient devices have been the biggest communication problems during COVID-19. H


Amazon announces a palm vein scanner that will let customers of in-person shops check out with a wave of the hand, which hopefully will reinvigorate the healthcare interest in that biometric technology that made perfect sense a few years ago to positively identify patients in a non-threatening way compared to fingerprints and retinal scans. HT Systems (PatientSecure, now owned by Imprivata) and Fujitsu (PalmSecure) were the healthcare players in palm vein scanning 10 years ago and I was a fan of the idea.

Not related to health IT, but fascinating and fun to watch, is this UK paramedic’s test of a 1,000-horsepower jet suit made by Gravity Industries for air ambulance response in the mountains of Cumbria. I pondered how much a private equity-owned ambulance or air flight service would charge for that trip in the US.

Sponsor Updates

  • Kyruus will host ATLAS, its Annual Thought Leadership on Access Symposium, virtually October 20-22.
  • CarePort Health wins the 2020 Tech Cares Award from TrustRadius.
  • CareSignal develops AI-powered predictive models to help providers and payers keep patients engaged with digital health programs.
  • Datica achieves top marks for interoperability solutions from Chilmark Research.
  • Everbridge announces that, in addition to Anthony Fauci, MD and Sanjay Gupta, MD, a former World Head of State will speak at its COVID-19 R2R: The Road to Recovery virtual leadership summit October 14-15.
  • Audacious Inquiry founder and CEO Chris Brandt joins University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center’s Board of Operations.
  • Arcadia publishes a new case study, “CareMount ACO Uses Arcadia Analytics to Build a Narrow SNF Network and Reduce ALOS by 4 Days.”
  • MassChallenge features “A Look at How OSF Health Care Teamed with Startup CareSignal to Help Their COVID-19 Response.”
  • Ellkay sponsors the BCBS 2020 Virtual Summit through October 2.
  • Experity opens registration for its half-day Virtual User Experience October 15.
  • Black Book Market Research publishes, “Top Healthcare Human Resources Outsourcing Solutions Vendors.”

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Morning Headlines 9/29/20

September 28, 2020 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 9/29/20

Healthcare giant UHS hit by ransomware attack, sources say

Universal Health Services experiences a ransomware attack that has locked computer and phone systems at several facilities across the country.

Startup Hims Nears a Deal to Go Public Via Oaktree SPAC

Online health and wellness company Hims prepares to go public through a merger with Oaktree Acquisition Corp., which is raising $75 million to help fund the deal.

CloudMD Acquires Majority Interest in Innovative U.S. Based Provider of Cloud Based Practice Management and Electronic Health Records with US$4.9M in Sales

Canadian health IT vendor CloudMD will acquire a majority stake in Lynchburg, VA-based EHR, practice management, and RCM vendor Benchmark Systems from AntWorks for $4.4 million.

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Curbside Consult with Dr. Jayne 9/28/20

September 28, 2020 Dr. Jayne 1 Comment

Just when you can’t think 2020 can get any weirder, here comes the story of a copperhead snake that made an appearance during a patient’s televisit.

Every week it seems like there’s something more bizarre going on than there was in the previous week, and that’s really saying something when you’re in the 39th week of the year.

I’ve had another couple of surreal clinical shifts, to the point where I can’t even talk about them. Some of the issues are just medically complex and are nearly impossible to blind for HIPAA purposes. Others have been so traumatic for the care team that I don’t want to relive them in any way, shape, or form.

In that context, I was glad to have a low-key informatics weekend. I spent a good part of it being on call for an upgrade, playing the role of the “IT person who just happens to be a physician.” They wanted someone to be on call to do additional testing of any clinical issues that cropped up during the upgrade, as well as to test any hotfixes that had to be done on the fly.

Fortunately, my client is a solid organization that understands the value of a well-planned upgrade. They’ve been tweaking and enhancing their test scripts over the years to the point where they are super solid. We only had one small issue that turned up early Saturday morning, and fortunately, it was with a new feature that we just turned off while waiting to troubleshoot with the vendor on Monday morning. It was certainly different from the white-knuckled adventures that I had with my IT team in my early days as a CMIO.

The rest of the weekend was spent on various consulting projects. One was to help a startup company with their messaging, which I always find to be fun work. Sometimes the smart folks behind a great tech idea don’t fully understand how to translate their solution into the language their target audience is looking for. I did some proofing for a redesigned web site and editing of a potential case study. The most fun part of the messaging work was working with a couple of sales reps to help them hone the delivery of their pitches. Sometimes being able to correctly pronounce medical words is the difference between building credibility and being shown the door, so I hope I made a difference in how those individuals will be able to convey their message going forward.

Another project involved designing order sets for a mid-sized medical group, which has spent a lot of time trying to do the work without much success. The physicians struggle to agree on anything, and the IT team is trying to distill hundreds of different physician-specific order sets down to something manageable. The project was originated by the quality department, who was tired of trying to promote various quality interventions when physicians would just refuse to use the global set and use their own instead.

Essentially, I had to export all the order sets and compare them by specialty and by location, identifying the commonalities and analyzing data about their use. The physicians had agreed to get on board with a data-driven approach. When I’m done, we’ll have a real understanding of which order sets are used and which parts of order sets are manually altered. They actually allocated ample time to mine the data and achieve physician buy-in, so I’m fairly confident the project will be successful when it goes live in a couple of months.

I also started working on a new medico-legal project, which was at times exciting, but overall made me sad. If there’s anyone in a healthcare IT organization who believes they can take actions within an EHR and not get caught, they really should think twice. Sifting through hundreds of pages of audit trails isn’t what I enjoy doing on a beautiful fall day, but it’s important to my client to understand the havoc that their employee created. I’ve identified the impacted patients (which fortunately isn’t that extensive of a list) and the next step is to audit the individual charts to see whether the employee modified any of the data, and if so, what they modified. I also need to see what kinds of data was specifically visible and whether any of it falls into the sensitive category.

Stories like this are a good reminder for organizations to check their security settings and to make sure employees only have the minimum access necessary to complete their work. It’s not just “a HIPAA thing,” but it’s a major integrity issue when you have to notify patients that someone was caught snooping through their charts.

I’m getting things caught up and organized since I’ll be out of office for part of next week, this time taking a much-needed mental health break. From a clinical standpoint, I know there are a lot of us that have hit the breaking point and I can tell I’m approaching mine if I’m not already there. It’s time for three days in the desert to sort things out while trying not to think of COVID (although I’m sure it will be front of mind on the flights there and also on the way home).

My favorite desert escape is closed through at least 2021, so we’ll have to see whether VRBO can deliver. Regardless of the accommodations, I’m looking forward to lots of sun and fresh air with no mosquitoes or ticks involved. My traveling companion already sent a list of the cocktail supplies she’ll be bringing with her, so it’s looking to be a good getaway even if we have to shake our own martinis since we’re physicians who will be self-isolating. I’ve packed three good books to get me across the time zones and back with some reading material in the middle. One is serious, one is a book club pick, and one is the pure unadulterated madness that only comes from Carl Hiaasen.

What strategies have you used to refresh and recharge during 2020? Leave a comment or email me.

Email Dr. Jayne.

HIStalk Interviews Blake Marggraff, CEO, CareSignal

September 28, 2020 Interviews 1 Comment

Blake Margraff is CEO of CareSignal of St. Louis, MO.


Tell me about yourself and the company.

I co-founded the company CareSignal, which was previously called Epharmix, and I serve as CEO. CareSignal is a simple enough concept. We create device-less remote patient monitoring solutions to help support risk-bearing providers, payers, and the patients or members they serve, with a primary focus on chronic condition long-term management and support.

What led you five years ago — as a 22-year-old coming out of pre-med — to form a company in an industry that is notoriously hard for newcomers to crack?

There’s a pragmatic answer and a philosophical answer. The pragmatic answer is that I saw an opportunity to do one of my favorite things, which is to orthogonally combine technology – which, to your point, a lot of people have thought would work by itself and hasn’t — with evidence. The basis of our company is evidence first, sales second.

Philosophically, though, if I could spend my time doing anything, I want to be able to look back in one month, one year, 10 years, 50 years, and be proud of the impact it had and the scale of that impact. I think healthcare, and specifically health technology, is the best one-two punch out there.

Some wellness technology companies offer solutions that, if they work at all, won’t deliver ROI for years, when the cost savings of improving chronic conditions will finally pay off for some other employer or insurer. How do you approach a prospect who questions return on investment?

These are two really important concepts. The credibility of the argument, fundamentally, always involves return on investment. That credibility comes in the form of defensible impact clinically and then financially, but also the time horizon of that impact. Getting a person to stop smoking is a good thing, but financially it might not actually be a good thing for one, five, or 10 years.

To the people who have abused the concept of evidence-based or clinically validated outcomes — and you can bleep this in the written version — but frankly, f*** them. They are treading on one of the most elegant and powerful parts of medicine, which is the concept that you can advance the standard of care by thoughtfully conducting high-impact research and iterating on innovation in the process.

In terms of CareSignal, we announced recently that we now take risk on any contract we sign. We are confident that we can engage through all the patients, drive clinical outcomes, and return financial benefit to our partners with the time horizon of less than a year, and generally within six months. That touches on all the points that you mentioned. It’s not enough just to do it — you have to do it in a way that is financially compelling to your partner.

What portion of patients show a willingness to interact honestly with automated messages about a concerning condition, but would not have taken the initiative to reach out directly to their provider?

You are hitting on selection bias, and maybe touching on the transtheoretical model of behavior change as well. It is true that some healthcare innovations can only help people who want to be helped. That’s always true to an extent, but I fundamentally reject that as a barrier to bending the cost curve, or even engaging the vast majority of patients who need to be engaged and supported.

The argument that I provide is a simple one. When providers, meaning physicians primarily, want to effect change, they leverage this power of the prescription. There is still an element of healthcare that is relationship driven, stemming from the strong relationships that many providers still have with their patient populations. The best technology sits at that intersection of clinical and relationship.

Does the political concept of campaigning only to the undecideds make sense in population health management in focusing resources on patients who are most likely to benefit from health messaging?

I don’t have deep background, so I’m almost wary of speaking to that and I would just be pontificating on it. I will say that looking at chronic conditions, there’s kind of an ironic behavior trend that we see across our patient population and partners. Patients who are doing just fine wind up disengaging faster than patients who are experiencing adverse outcomes or adverse symptomatology. The heart failure patient who hasn’t had pedal edema or nocturnal dyspnea for months, maybe even years, is going to be much less inclined to stay engaged and to provide clinically helpful, actionable patient-reported outcomes. Whereas the one who’s struggling is going to do so more.

A well-designed system will support people who are doing just fine for the long term, but will then allow the benefit to be had by the people who decompensate or get worse, whenever that happens, and that could happen a month or a year down the road.

Does the interaction between care managers and patients in your system populate other systems, such as EHRs?

Absolutely. CareSignal can operate as a standalone system. That’s important because a lot of groups need to operationalize and prove any new partnership or investment. We integrate with Redox and have a whole lot of respect for Niko, Luke, and the team. They can integrate with any EHRs that they touch.

Providers might react to a patient’s response to automated messages by either assuming that they are fine or that they need to come in for an office visit. What other kinds of communication do you see?

Our system is white-labeled, so from the perspective of our partners and patients, it is always their system. It’s essentially a warm line that is always ready. For patients who are in that rising risk bucket with barely-controlled chronic conditions that could go south at any moment, having a direct line to the care management team that you already know is powerful.

How is your system being used differently in the pandemic?

It’s just being used more. I’m grateful for the new opportunity from a business perspective, but the whole team and I have been pretty humbled to see that it’s doing what we always thought it could do in virtual health. Telehealth is table stakes and is increasingly quite present and quite high quality, but providers especially are emphasizing the need to defend relationships and grow revenue, and sometimes the reverse depending on their financial position. It’s the long-term engagement, ideally long-term, clinically actionable engagement, that seems to speak to them as we all go through this frustrating process.

What advice would you offer to people like you who didn’t come up through the health IT ranks or who may be disappointed by its bureaucracy and long purchasing cycles?

There’s a great mental model of Chesterton’s Fence. A couple of guys come across a fence in a field. One says, “Let’s tear this down. This is stupid. This is pointless.” The other guy says, “That’s fine. You can do that, but at least first tell me why it was built.”

That’s how I approach a lot of the conversations. It can seem like there’s too little of one type of thing and there is too much of another thing that seems unnecessary. You have to understand why it was put there in the first place if you’re going to effect sustainable change that will benefit all of the stakeholders. I guess that has  brought me to the conclusion that everybody in this space deserves a huge amount of respect, if only for their patience and often their iterative investment in a pretty weird industry over the past decades.

What is good and bad about how investors may take a company in a different direction that it originally planned?

Founders have to remember that investment is a means to an end. Folks who want to raise money so that they can raise money … most investors will not invest in that type of founder or business. More positively, I can cite investors such HealthX, UnityPoint, OSF, and others that are deep in healthcare, as well as many more that are immediately adjacent to health IT. They are run by operators and industry incumbents. It’s too complex of an industry for me to think that I can come in and figure everything out. The best investors not only provide good direction, but help you learn faster.

You started your entrepreneurial journey at a young age. What do you hope to accomplish?

Impact. Help as many people as possible live better lives and live longer lives. It comes back to the beginning. That’s what keeps me so motivated, even in a sometimes slow-moving industry, to keep pushing.

Morning Headlines 9/28/20

September 27, 2020 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 9/28/20

Allegheny Health Network, Innovation Works Announce New Startup Accelerator Focused on Health Care Technologies and Life Sciences

Allegheny Health Network (PA) and a Pittsburgh investor create AlphaLab Health, an innovation hub that will provide seed funding to companies that are involved in diagnostics, therapeutics, medical devices, and health IT.

‘Big ripple effect’: Cybersecurity issue causes problems across Neb. Med network

Nebraska Medicine officials say normal operations should soon resume across its Epic network, shared by several other hospitals across the state, as it works to recover from last week’s cyberattack.

CloudMD Signs Definitive Agreement to Acquire Snapclarity Inc., an Enterprise Mental Health Platform, Expanding Telehealth Offering to Include Mental Wellness

Canadian health IT vendor CloudMD will acquire mental health assessment and care coordination vendor Snapclarity for $2.5 million.

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Monday Morning Update 9/28/20

September 27, 2020 News 2 Comments

Top News


Allegheny Health Network (PA) and a Pittsburgh investor create AlphaLab Health, an innovation hub that will provide seed funding to companies that are involved in diagnostics, therapeutics, medical devices, and health IT.

The hub will be housed in the former Suburban General Hospital in Pittsburgh’s Bellevue community, which Allegheny Health Network has mostly closed since acquiring it in 1994, leaving only an urgent care center and outpatient clinics.


A predecessor organization to Allegheny Health Network was AHERF, which went from running just Allegheny General Hospital to Pennsylvania’s largest health system, which include acquisitions of Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann Medical College and their hospitals. AHERF filed bankruptcy in June 1998 in what was then the largest non-profit healthcare system failure with $1.3 billion in debt. West Penn Hospital  was merged with the Pittsburgh assets of AHERF to form West Penn Allegheny Health system, which struggled to compete with UPMC and eventually sold itself to insurer Highmark, which was anxious to strike a deal since its relationship with UPMC was deteriorating. Highmark Health remains AHN’s parent. AHERF’s Philadelphia-area hospitals were bought out of bankruptcy by Tenet in becoming that area’s first for-profit hospital chain.

Reader Comments

From CIO: “Re: HIStalk. Just wanted to let you know that I still make my team read HIStalk and occasionally quiz them to make sure they do.” Thanks. Similarly, a CEO recently told me that a new investor made him promise to read HIStalk daily. I appreciate that even if I can’t really comprehend it since my view of HIStalk is an empty screen that I fill in solitude each day with whatever interests me.

HIStalk Announcements and Requests


Vendor experience with virtual conference exhibit halls hasn’t been good. Commenters note that the volume of leads is good but the quality is not, while low engagement leaves reps starting alone at a Zoom screen for hours.


New poll to your right or here: How has your job changed since the pandemic began? Click the poll’s comments link after responding to explain further with your anonymous thoughts.


Welcome to new HIStalk Platinum Sponsor Newfire Global Partners. The Boston-based company partners with healthcare businesses globally to make innovation happen, such as in developing custom digital health solutions, speeding up the drug development cycle, and de-risking growth without compromising interoperability and security to turn the new normal into a durable, competitive advantage. Nearly 90% of the company’s 350 employees hold advanced degrees, working from offices in the US, Ukraine, Croatia, Singapore, and Hong Kong to offer services in advisory (assessments and due diligence, strategic marketing, interim operating roles); talent (blended teams, dedicated teams, specialized expertise); and AI-powered software development management. Healthcare-specific offerings include FHIR integration, data science and analytics, provider and patient adoption, and interoperability. Chairman and CEO Stephen Hau, MS is an industry long-timer who founded PatientKeeper and co-founded Shareable Ink. Thanks to Newfire Global Partners for supporting HIStalk.


September 30 (Wednesday) 11 ET. “The Hidden Threat: New Research on Security Vulnerabilities and Privacy Gaps in Healthcare Apps.” Sponsors: Verimatrix, NowSecure. Presenters: Neal Michie, MEng, director of product management, Verimatrix; Brian Lawrence, direction of solution engineering, NowSecure. The presenters will present research on the security risk profile of 1,000 healthcare apps in managing patient privacy, how they compare to those in other industries, and where the biggest vulnerabilities lie. Attendees will learn how to make their healthcare apps more secure in managing protected health information.

Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present your own.



Ori Lotan, MD (Universal Health Services) will join MultiCare (WA) as VP / chief health information officer. 

image image image

Central Logic hires Maija Costello, MBA (Accenture) as VP of people and culture; Samantha Endres, MBA, CPA (West Acadamic Publishing) as CFO; and Robert Zdon (RAZR) as chief marketing officer.

Government and Politics


UT Southwestern Medical Center Assistant Professor of Radiology Lorraine De Blanche, MD pleads guilty to intentionally misleading federal agents who questioned her in a telemedicine fraud investigation that occurred while she was employed as a radiology professor at University of Arkansas. She admitted that she prescribed durable medical equipment and compounded prescription drugs without talking to the patients involved. She faces five years in prison and will pay $213,000 in telemedicine proceeds and fines. 


HHS takes $300 million from CDC’s budget to run a “defeat despair” advertising blitz that features celebrities and administration officials discussing the pandemic and the White House’s response to it, with airings to begin before Election Day. Interviews have already been recorded with Dennis Quaid (who has publicly praised the administration’s COVID-19 response) and CeCe Winans (who was chosen for improving messaging with black viewers). HHS spokesperson Michael Caputo said before he took medical leave that President Trump demanded personally that he create the campaign, which he says will draw ire from Democrats and “their conjugal media and the leftist scientists that are working for the government” because he’ll be running $250 million worth of taxpayer-funded ads.

A White House aide demands that FDA justify its toughened standards for a COVID-19 vaccine on the same day that the President branded the changes as a “political move.” FDA planned to release the guidance last week, but is instead working on its explanation of extending safety studies to two months after the second injection, which makes a pre-Election Day vaccine release unlikely.

Minnesota stops a door-to-door coronavirus survey after public health workers were intimidated by people who shouted ethnic and racial slurs, followed the workers, videotaped them, and threatened to call police. The mayor of one small town says it is reasonable that residents become concerned when they see a car with California plates.


Just about all infectious disease experts warn that it will be a gloomy US winter as people move back indoors, schools and business return to some degree of normal with increasing contact, and people gather for holidays. The predicted post-Labor Day case jump is already happening. IHME projects 372,000 US COVID-19 deaths by January 1, with daily deaths increasing from today’s 780 to 3,000 (or 6,600 if mandates are eased) and ICU bed demand rising from 8,400 to 31,000. California’s HHS secretary warned Friday afternoon that he expects COVID-19 hospitalizations to double by late October.


ProPublica reports how the CEO of a telemedicine vendor, who was also an ex-convict, convinced two South Texas elected officials to promote local government use of his telemedicine services during the pandemic and to urge other leaders to buy his unapproved COVID-19 tests.



USA Today lists several new consumer gadgets devices can serve – now or down the road — as a dedicated Zoom devices, including Amazon’s Echo Show 10 for $250, a webcam plugged into a Fire TV Cube that can be displayed on large-screen TVs, and Facebook Portal TV. Benefits include freeing up hands and computer screens for taking notes and untethering webcam placement. The Echo Show 10 even auto-frames the user with pan and zoom. It will also connect with Amazon Chime pay-per-use service for business calls and meetings. Amazon sells the Alexa-powered Facebook Portal TV for $149. I suspect remote work and videoconferencing is here to stay, so the modest investment to make it better and easier seems worth it.


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
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Weekender 9/25/20

September 25, 2020 Weekender Comments Off on Weekender 9/25/20


Weekly News Recap

  • CMS is reportedly preparing to notify the 76% of US hospitals that aren’t submitting daily COVID-19 reports to HHS’s new reporting system that their Medicare payments may be halted.
  • A business associate of Community Health Systems will pay $2.3 million to settle charges that it failed to secure its systems even after the FBI warned it that hackers had penetrated them.
  • FDA launches the Digital Health Center of Excellence that will advise it on digital health policies and regulatory approaches.
  • Microsoft launches Cloud for Healthcare.
  • A KLAS Arch Collaborative survey finds that EHRs are not a significant cause of nurse burnout.
  • The Carlyle Group acquires a majority stake in global health research network TriNetX.
  • Healthcare robotic process automation vendor Olive raises $106 million.
  • Informatics pioneer Bill Stead, MD announces that he will retire from Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s senior leadership team after a 29-year career.

Best Reader Comments

A person’s birth sex matters in lab results and medications. How they feel does not and could get them misdiagnosed or possibly killed if I am asked to send how they identify in PID:8. If HL7 wants to add an additional field for delivering how a patient feels about their gender identity, Interface Engineers will deliver it, as we do with all fields. (Don’t Blame The Interfaces)

You aren’t wrong about birth mattering in some situations, but also important to keep in mind that deliberate mis-gendering or dismissiveness of patient gender identity can present a lot of harm to a patient. (Alex)

Congratulations to Dr. Stead. I had the pleasure – as many – at McKesson to work with him on the CPOE system. A gentleman and obvious scholar who was practical is his approach to many of the problems faced by physicians and informatics folks at the time. Dr. Stead, may the sun shine on your face and wind be at your back always. (Mark P)

Your employer / insurer wants to decrease your use of healthcare so that they don’t pay as much. Sending you advertising for healthcare (services) typically increases utilization. Care coordination is expensive in itself and often actually drives up utilization. The majority of Americans at this point are putting off some healthcare issue. Get them into a care management program and suddenly you’re paying for the issue they neglected for the last five years in order to make rent. Pay close attention to their issue and now you catch all the stuff that needs more medical attention. In conclusion, the answer to the question “Why don’t they X?” Is because X doesn’t make them money. (IANAL)

Watercooler Talk Tidbits


Readers funded the Donors Choose teacher grant request of Ms. M in Michigan, who asked for two interactive learning tablets for her elementary school class. She reported in mid-March, “The PBS Kids tablet is a wonderful edition to our classroom. The already installed games really excite our students and help them in the areas of literacy and math. The students are also able to explore with music, art, audible stories and more. They honestly know more about the tablet than I do through exploring. We use the tablet during choice time and also during individual learning time. This tablet really helps the students to have fun, develop technology skills and learn all in one. We could not have gotten this obviously without all of you generous donors. Thank you for caring about our classroom.”

The Los Angeles Chargers team doctor punctures the lung of starting quarterback Tyrod Taylor while administering an injection into his cracked ribs just before kickoff, sending him to the hospital with breathing problems.


Time names Johns Hopkins University engineering professor Lauren Gardner, MSE, PhD as one its 100 most influential people in the world. She led the team that developed the COVID-19 Dashboard in late January in working with first-year PhD student Ensheng Dong, MS while COVID-19 was still contained to China. Her Hopkins role is as associate professor, which seems a bit light for someone who has changed the world. 


A Virginia TV station profiles Nigerian-born otolaryngologist Samkon Gado, MD, who played football for Liberty University, spent six years as an NFL running back, went to medical school and residency, and is now back in Virginia working in an ENT practice with his former college roommate and football teammate. His dream was medical school, not pro football, so he hoped for a four-year NFL career to pay for medical school. He finished his residency caring for COVID-19 patients in St. Louis.


Friends and family of a former World War II Army nurse celebrate her 100th birthday with drive-by greetings. Georgia-born Virginia George says of her post-war move to Binghamton, NY, “I came here over 70 years ago and I haven’t been warm since.”

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  1. Great seeing Dave Furhmann get a shout-out! Since he helped grow Epic Care Everywhere from its early days, I'd bet…

  2. Interesting comment that Cerner hospitals could not share information. That’s simply not true. They could have shared data but the…

  3. Not to reveal myself as a baby, but I'm still using the checkbooks I received with my first checking account.…

  4. Oh, I should have said, go look back at her older posts. Look for "See Previous". Really helps explain how…

  5. I would highly recommend reading the Hey Judy thing. I've never read it before. Working for what used to be…

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