Does anyone believe Seema Verma's story that "this is a dramatically improved system"? What is more likely, is that Oracle…
Morning Headlines 4/6/15
Allscripts To Pay $10M To End Investor Suit Over Merger Woes
Allscripts will pay $10 million to settle a class action lawsuit with its shareholders stemming from its 2010 Eclipsys acquisition, which shareholders say was presented with overly optimistic integration plans and revenue projections.
Premier comments on ONC Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap
Premier comments on ONC’s interoperability roadmap, suggesting that ONC develop comprehensive interoperability standards and mandate EHR vendor compliance through its EHR certification criteria.
Forbes Hospital prepares for digital transformation
Forbes Hospital (PA), which was acquired by Highmark in 2013, will go live with Epic on April 11, moving off paper and onto its first full EHR.
Thanks for good resources 🙂
Forbes Hospital is in PA not FL!
[From Mr H] Fixed! Lt. Dan must not have spent time in Picksburgh like I have.