Does anyone believe Seema Verma's story that "this is a dramatically improved system"? What is more likely, is that Oracle…
Morning Headlines 4/11/14
Health Secretary Resigns After Woes of
Kathleen Sebelius has resigned following a five-year span as secretary of HHS. Her term was marred by the failed rollout of, despite a late surge that helped it meet its original enrollment goals. On Friday, she will nominate Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, to replace her.
Laptops ‘could save doctors’ time’
Researchers at the Birmingham Women’s Hospital in the UK find that physicians in its neonatal unit who use laptops or tablets spend an hour-per-day less on paperwork, compared to those that still document on paper.
WelVU Wins Dignity Health and Box Developer Challenge
Patient engagement platform WelVU takes first place and a $100,000 prize in a Dignity Health and Box sponsored developer challenged which called for "innovative health applications that will revolutionize the way physicians and hospitals educate patients."
Capturing Social and Behavioral Domains in Electronic Health Records: Phase 1
A new Institute of Medicine report recommends expanding the use of EHRs to capture social and behavioral data on patients, saying that EHRs are currently limited in what they can capture, and concluding that this information would be helpful to physicians and public health researchers alike.
Capturing social domains is an admirable endeavor, probably invading privacy, considering how it will be used. Whose time will be used to collect the data? Let’s make the doctors do it as a condition of getting paid!