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Morning Headlines 8/2/13

August 2, 2013 Headlines 3 Comments

Cerner to redevelop Bannister Mall site as office park with as many as 15,000 workers

Cerner has purchased a 236-acre former mall outside Kansas City that it will use to house its growing workforce.

EDCO Awarded Patent for Medical Record Scanning Technology and Process

Frontenac, MO-based EDCO Health Information Solutions has been granted a patent for a scanning solution capable of identifying a document type by analyzing its content, rather than requiring a bar code.

Hospitals Face Challenges Using Electronic Health Records to Generate Clinical Quality Measures

The American Hospital Association reports that hospitals are struggling to adopt automated clinical quality reporting following a study that tracks the implementation of electronic clinical quality measures across four hospitals.

Quality Systems Seen Luring Bids Amid Pressure: Real M&A

According to Bloomberg, NextGen parent company Quality Systems, Inc. could attract buyout bids from Siemens and McKesson.

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Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. Recently, I’ve noticed a trend in IT departments recently: The concept of a “Need to Know” mentality.

    Since we’re not engaged in espionage, there are no national security operatives in play, and from what I can tell, Hospitals don’t look to attack each other other than through marketing campaigns, I have to wonder why.

    Then, there’s this: 3 ways to screw up your business. If you find that you control information to create a power differential, encourage teams to silo to not “bother” other teams, and look to compartmentalize projects to avoid input from other deparments, then you may be setting yourself up to fail: (And in all likelyhood, you probably already have, but luckily, your project was so compartmentalized that no one actually had all the dots to put together to know)


    1. You think your team is on a “need to know” basis. – No healthy flow of information upward,downward, and across silos

    2. You think you told your team once, and it was important enough that they’ll get it. – Downtimes, change controls, and budget priority / governance changes anyone?

    3. You think just saying it to your team is the most important part. – “We’re going with Epic – see you in 2015”. Yeah, doesn’t cut it.

  2. The EDCO patent is interesting but will not help health care professionals in managing patients. BTW, how does it read bad handwriting?

  3. The AHA should be looking at the quality of the HIT infrastructure as the doctors and nurses are struggling to keep their patients safe since the EHRs demand so much attention.

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