Morning Headlines 5/27/13
More than Half of Doctors Now Use Electronic Health Records Thanks to Administration Policies
The White House blog posts a self-congratulating piece as EHR adoption hits the 50 percent mark among eligible providers.
Thomas Friedman of The New York Times publishes an editorial in which he points to a rapid increase in health IT startups as an unforeseen positive consequence of HITECH and ACA.
Allscripts names 2 new directors to board
Allscripts adds former Epic CFO Anita Pramoda and former Brocade Communications CEO Michael Klayko to its board of directors.
Greenway Earns Two U.S. Patents for Care-Coordination Technology
Greenway earns patents for a server configuration that aggregates data from multiple EHR systems and auto-completes accreditation or certification forms and another related to tracking clinical events across multiple EHR systems.
Does anyone believe Seema Verma's story that "this is a dramatically improved system"? What is more likely, is that Oracle…