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News 2/19/14

February 18, 2014 News 3 Comments

Top News


A SANS-Norse white paper investigating Internet traffic reports that 94 percent of healthcare organizations have been cyberattacked, with 72 percent of the compromised ports belonging to provider organizations. About a third of those compromised providers are practices with fewer than 10 doctors.The biggest target in healthcare is radiology imaging and teleradiology systems, often because nobody bothers to secure network-attached devices such as printers and cameras that are shipped as insecure and can be discovered by Internet search of IP addresses.

HIStalk Announcements and Requests

Listening: new from St. Paul & The Broken Bones, powerful Alabama Shakes-like soul music that would be equally at home at a Saturday night bar or a Sunday morning church.

Inga put together our guide to exhibitor giveaways, pointing out the sponsor swag that will be available.

HIStalk’s Booth #1995 at HIMSS

It’s a small starter home in a sketchy neighborhood, but it’s ours and it’s paid for. Drop by Booth #1995 and say hello to Lorre. Here’s what we’ll be doing there other than possibly regretting spending the money.


We will be giving away temporary HIStalk tattoos for folks who are somewhere on the continuum between “I sort of like reading HIStalk occasionally” and “I would disfigure my body permanently for HIStalk using actual needles and ink.” Take a photo of the creative anatomical feature on which you’ve applied it and I’ll run it.

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We’ll have our first HIMSS conference lapel/lanyard pin as well as our “10 Years of HIStalk 2003-2013” commemorative pin. You’ll be kicking yourself for not picking one up when these babies are selling for $500 on eBay in a few years. As Lorre says, “I know they aren’t iPads, but consider my budget and come and get them anyway. You will look cool and make me feel good. I may even have items left over from the sponsor event and will selectively dole those out to people who go out of their way to entertain me.”

dr gregg image image

Dignitaries will be on hand in the booth to say hello, including DOCtalk contributor Dr. Gregg Alexander (Monday, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.); CIO Unplugged’s Ed Marx (Tuesday 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.); and Memorial Hermann CMIO Bob Murphy, MD (Wednesday 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.) If your celebrity status warrants a spot on the HIStalk rental carpet with these supporters, contact Lorre. We appreciate it.

HIMSS Conference Social Events

Send us your event details if it’s a good one (i.e., free food and drinks at minimum) and you promise that all HIStalk readers are welcome to attend, even if they work for your most hated competitor as a given reader might well do.

Tuesday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Patientco, in partnership with , will host a reception in booth 4021 with drinks and hors d’oeuvres.

Presidio will offer light hors d’oeuvres and drinks at its reception in Booth 3129 on Tuesday from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

inga_small Hopefully not a foreshadowing of things to come: I received an email from my HIMSS hotel confirming my stay. Unfortunately the reservation appears to be in the name of Chad Somebody. While I am sure Chad is a lovely person, spending a few nights in a hotel together is not my idea of an appropriate first date. The HIMSS reservation service told me to check directly with the hotel. The hotel tells me there is not a reservation in my name, just in my new friend’s name with my confirmation number. Really, who has time for figuring out such nonsense? Chad: if you are reading this, feel free to drop me a note so maybe we can have a Skype date before heading to Orlando.

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inga_small On Monday we posted our rundown on the many free treasures you can collect while cruising the exhibit hall. I plan to schedule my day around the best offerings, starting with coffee at First Databank (1965); a cake pop from PerfectServe (5293); registration for a few high-tech goodies like an iPad from Santa Rosa Consulting (5689), a Fitbit from GetWellNetwork (2219) or one of several other vendors, or a tablet from Versus Technology (3673); freshly baked cookies from T-System (2071); bottled water from CTG Health Solutions (944); and afternoon cocktails at RelayHealth (1665) and Vital Images (1677). I am leaving out details on a couple of dozen other great giveaways but be assured I will do my best to sample all the hospitality the exhibit hall has to offer.

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Mr. H (@HIStalk), Dr. Jayne (@JayneHIStalkMD), Lorre (@Lorre_HIStalk), and I (@IngaHIStalk) will be Tweeting throughout the conference to keep readers posted on the latest happenings, so be sure to give us a Twitter follow.


The band for the evening will be Party on the Moon. They sound good if you like cover bands more than I do, which Imprivata’s events people insisted is the case after hiring them without asking for my input. They’re probably right.

This year I’m feeling like those unheralded Woodstock organizers whose event was more popular than they could handle. I issued the invitations I was given as best I could, but huge demand left 1,000 or so folks — the majority of those who registered, in fact — without one. It feels like at least 500 of those have emailed me pleading for tickets I don’t have, except my own single ticket, which I’m considering just giving to someone else and hitting a bar instead. Next year I’ll either run the event my way or I won’t do it at all.  

Upcoming Webinars

February 19 (Wednesday), 1:00 p.m. ET. What is the Best Healthcare Data Warehouse Model for Your Organization? Choosing the right data model for your healthcare enterprise data warehouse (EDW) can be one of the most significant decisions you make in establishing your data warehousing and foundational analytics strategy for the future. The strengths and weaknesses of three primary data models will be discussed.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock


Cerner shares touched off an all-time high Tuesday, dropping a bit by the market’s close but still rising nearly 1 percent to $60.74. A $10,000 investment in 1990 would be worth $3.4 million today.


2-18-2014 1-48-56 PM

North Mississippi Medical Center selects Wellsoft’s EDIS.

ColumbiaDoctors (NY) will deploy Wellcentive’s population health management solutions.

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Blessing Hospital (IL) adds Allscripts dbMotion population health management and Allscripts Sunrise Financial Manager to compliment its existing Sunrise Clinical implementation.

Greater New York Hospital Association contracts with Premier, Inc. for advisory services and for Premier’s Population Advisor suite, which includes population health analytics solutions from Verisk Health.

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BJC HealthCare (MO) selects ZeOmega’s Jiva population health management software to enhance  care coordination and patient engagement for patients in the BHC ACO.


2-18-2014 8-33-35 AM

SA Ignite hires Jeff Galowich (Initiate Systems) as president.

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Kindred Healthcare (KY) names C. Scott Blanchette (Vanguard Health Systems) CIO, replacing the recently retired Richard E. Chapman.

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Health Catalyst appoints Bryan Oshiro, MD (Loma Linda University School of Medicine) chief medical officer.

Announcements and Implementations


Carroll Hospital Center (MD) upgrades from McKesson Horizon to Paragon. According to the hospital’s interim CIO Jennifer Moore, Carroll stayed with McKesson because project costs were “significantly lower than if we had gone to find another vendor for a new product.’ Jed Rosen, MD, chief of surgery and CMIO, said Horizon is “a product that was a conglomeration of multiple database programs that were squished together … to add functionality on a piecemeal basis. We used to bounce around through several programs to access information, whereas now we can open one program and get everything at a glance.” He didn’t mention why they bought Horizon since that was pretty obviously the case.


Voalte will offer an Android-based version of its Voalte One mobile communications platform running on Motorola MC40-HC devices.

Caradigm and Microsoft will demo at the HIMSS conference a Windows 8.1 tablet-based platform that lets clinicians launch apps such as an EHR session from a clinical desktop and switch back and forth among them. It was developed with UPMC’s commercialization arm and includes Caradigm’s single sign-on and context management, the former Sentillion products.


Nordic Consulting moves into expanded space in Madison, WI. The four-year-old company reported $81 million in revenue in 2013 and has 400 employees, 350 of them Epic consultants and two-thirds of those being former Epic employees. Most of them live in areas other than Madison. It also took in $38 million of investment funds.

QPID Healthcare announces the release of Q-Guide, its procedure decision support application developed with Mass General Hospital and its physician organization.

Government and Politics

The FDA posts a final rule requiring medical device manufacturers to electronically submitting reports on adverse events beginning in August 2015.


Black Book Rankings names CPSI the top ranked inpatient EHR vendor for hospitals under 100 beds based on customer satisfaction

The HEALTHeLINK HIE (NY) estimates that use of the exchange contributed to $1.3 million in cost savings over a six-month period due to the reduction of unnecessary and duplicate CT scans.

Hospitals often underestimate the costs associated with EMR implementations, according to a study published in JAMIA.The most commonly underestimated line items are training, project planning, staff backfill, and system testing.


In Australia, opening of the new, paperless Fiona Stanley Hospital is delayed by six months due to an overly ambitious IT implementation schedule that will cost an extra $151 million. The government expects to spend another $25-50 million to get its systems ready. According to West Australia’s under-treasurer, “You never build stuff that you can buy off the shelf; you never build bespoke stuff that then has to be integrated with generic products; you change your business processes rather than changing the systems to suit the business processes. You never do big bang because big bang goes boom.”

In England, NHS postpones go-live date of a planned national medical records data sharing project after doctors and patients express concerns that it wasn’t made clear how patients could opt out or how their data might be used commercially without their knowledge.

A Bloomberg Businessweek article points out that more than half of ACOs don’t include hospital members. According to the CEO of Amarillo Legacy Medical ACO (TX), “Hospitals, they want to do your robotic surgeries, your heart catheterizations, your PET scans, your MRIs—all the expensive items. We actually felt that hospitals were part of the problem.” Another ACO CEO adds, “If we make people a whole lot healthier, they’re not going to go to the hospital. You’re going to need 20 percent or 25 percent less hospital beds, which means 20 percent are going to close. If we’re successful, the hospitals are going to get killed.”


US News lists its “100 Best Jobs of 2014” based on growth, salary, stress, and work-life balance. The The top 10:

  1. Software developer
  2. Computer systems analyst
  3. Dentist
  4. Nurse practitioner
  5. Pharmacist
  6. Registered nurse
  7. Physical therapist
  8. Physician
  9. Web developer
  10. Dental hygienist


The local newspaper interviews Paul Clark, MD, CMIO of Concord Hospital (NH). “I think this whole concept of population management is really where things are heading. In the past, it was all about the person in front of me at the moment. Now it’s about, ‘Am I providing the best care for all my diabetes patients? Are we making sure we’re preventing readmissions? Are we taking care of everyone’s hypertension?’ Systems need to be made to account for those population measurements.”

The New York Times highlights India’s launch of a spacecraft bound for Mars that cost only $75 million, less than the expense of making the Hollywood movie “Gravity.” NASA’s launch of a similar spacecraft a few days later cost $671 million. It points out GE Healthcare’s research there to develop low-cost medical innovations.

Sponsor Updates

  • The National Testing Program for ICD-10 readiness of HIPAA transactions extends certification Greenway SuccessEHS.
  • SimplifyMD version 14.0 achieves 2014 Edition Complete EHR Ambulatory ONC HIT Certification from ICSA Labs.
  • HIT Application Solutions will integrate its Notifi platform with Merge Healthcare’s Merge RIS and market the product under the name Merge Notifi.
  • Medhost launches YourCareCommunity, which incorporates features of and HIE and an enterprise MPI.
  • Coastal Healthcare Consulting introduces Catalyst to rapidly respond to healthcare organizations in urgent need of assistance.
  • Frost & Sullivan recognizes Allscripts with the 2013 North American Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation Leadership for its open API.
  • NewCrop, an e-prescribing service provider, enables CoverMyMeds prior authorization capability.
  • Greenway is awarded three patents which work together to advance population health through automated medical research.
  • Porter Research publishes a case study highlighting its work with Covisint.

Sponsor Speaking Engagements at HIMSS

  • InterSystems highlights featured presentations in the InterSystems theater (2741).
  • Imprivata posts the Imprivata Theater schedule (2541).
  • CTG offers multiple in-booth sessions (944) featuring industry experts and discussions of hot HIT topics. Also, CTG and Erie County Medical Center (NY) co-present an educational session February 25  at 1:00 p.m. on “Improving Western NY’s Population Health Using Patient Centered Medical Home.”
  • HealthMEDX participates as the first LTPAC EMR in the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase.
  • The HCI Group leads two CHIME CIO focus groups on the complexities of ICD-10 and on the total cost of ownership for enterprise systems.
  • Craneware’s Kathy Schwartz presents during the HIMSS Supply Chain pre-conference Symposium February 23 from 10:00-11:00 on costs, quality, and outcomes.


Mr. H, Inga, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Travis, Lt. Dan, Lorre.

More news: HIStalk Practice, HIStalk Connect.


Morning Headlines 2/18/14

February 17, 2014 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 2/18/14

The Reliability of Teledermatology to Triage Inpatient Dermatology Consultations

A study published in JAMA finds that practice-based dermatologists can effectively provide dermatology consults for inpatients at local hospitals via a remote connection. The study found that remote dermatologists concurred with in person dermatologists 95 percent of the time when recommending a biopsy. The study also found that remote dermatologists were generally the more conservative of the two groups when differences in opinion surfaced.

Medical Device Reporting: Electronic Submission Requirements

The FDA posts a final rule to the Federal Register stating that all adverse events stemming from medical devices are to be reported in an electronic format moving forward rather than on paper.

Seven Leading Health Organizations Join Optum Labs Research Collaborative

Optum Labs, a big-data healthcare collaborative created by UnitedHealth Group and the Mayo Clinic, adds seven new partners to its program including: Tufts Medical Center, Boston University School of Public Health, and Pfizer Inc. The mission of the group is to uncover insights that result in improved outcomes and reduced costs.

HIMSS Analytics Honors 51 Clinics of Northeast Georgia Physicians Group with Stage 7 Ambulatory Awards

HIMSS recognizes 51 clinics within the Northeast Georgia Physicians Group with its Stage 7 Ambulatory Award. The clinics integrate with the Northeast Georgia Health System on a multi-vendor platform and perform data analytics that provides population health analytics, predictive alerting, and identifies care gaps to be addressed during each encounter.

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Curbside Consult with Dr. Jayne 2/17/14

February 17, 2014 Dr. Jayne 2 Comments

Across medical specialties, there’s a little bit of an “us vs. them” mentality when you look at physicians who use their minds more than their hands. We refer to it as cognitive specialties vs. procedural specialties. 

If you guessed that the proceduralists make more money, you’re right. Those of us on the cognitive side of the equation, which includes primary care, worry about keeping our minds sharp as much as surgeons worry about their hands.

Like cognitive physicians, many of us in health IT make a living with our brains and are under a great deal of stress. Sometimes it feels like we’re losing our minds when we have to try to figure out how to accomplish everything that needs to be done on limited budgets.

In doing psychiatry and neurology rotations, I always wondered whether people who are having brain disorders know that something is going wrong or whether things seem OK to them. When I feel unfocused, can’t sleep, and can’t concentrate, I wonder if something sinister is going on or if it’s just stress. I wonder too how many people realize I’m not on my “A Game” when that happens.

I’m excited about the potential for genomics and personalized medicine to be able to predict future illness on an individual basis. The idea of being able to prevent disease at the molecular level or to design targeted treatments after it already occurs is appealing. On the other hand, I’m not sure I’d want to know about conditions that might not be curable. It’s a double-edged sword.

It turns out that Big Data might be able to provide some advance warning at least for those of us who are writers. NPR recently re-ran a story from 2010 about an English professor at the University of Toronto who came up with an interesting way to bring literature and medicine together.

Ian Lancashire has been gathering Big Data on authors, looking at the number of words in their texts and the volume of usage. He tries to identify patterns that help him understand the author’s thought process.

Recently, he took on the work of Agatha Christie. He used computer analysis to review 16 books written over half a decade. He found that in one of her later novels, her word usage changed. The number of unique words decreased by 20 percent. Certain types of words increased in number. His conclusion: Alzheimer’s may have been responsible for the change.

He worked with others (including linguists, pathologists, and statistical experts) to review the work before publication. Although she was never diagnosed, she may have exhibited signs and symptoms of dementia by report. Interestingly, the book where the changes were noted is called Elephants Can Remember and is about a novelist experiencing memory loss.

According to the NPR piece, other Alzheimer’s research also indicates that patterns in writing can help identify those that may develop the disease. A study done with the School Sisters of Notre Dame looked at memory and aging. The sisters also allowed pathology review of brain samples after death. Researcher David Snowdon found writing samples (the sisters’ essays written when they joined the community) and analyzed them.

Those samples with higher “idea density” seemed to be less predictive of dementia than those with lower idea density. It certainly doesn’t prove a cause and effect relationship, but only an association. I wonder what it would look like if we did an analysis of the writings of the HIStalk team? How concordant would our “day job” work be with that written by our HIStalk personas? Would researchers be able to pick out those weeks when our real-world IT departments were crashing and burning around us? Could they identify the pieces we secretly wrote from the beach or other points unknown?

Some of the discussion after the broadcast centered on the large volume of digital communications that we now create each day. Could our employers mine our emails and instant messages to determine whether we are exhibiting symptoms of mental instability? Are we more depressed by failed projects and untenable initiatives than we should be? Does the level of anxiety among analysts predict whether one go live will be more successful than another?

Looking at my Sent Items folder, I’d be scared to have my work analyzed. It’s likely to show symptoms of multiple personality disorder as I have to play games with various providers to get them to comply with organizational initiatives. Throw in some crisis of identity with all the different hats I have to wear (often at the same time) and it could get really interesting.

What do you think your writing says about you? Email me.

Email Dr. Jayne.

HIStalk Interviews Shane Adams, CEO, Sagacious Consultants

February 17, 2014 Interviews 14 Comments

Shane Adams is Founder and CEO of Sagacious Consultants of Lenexa, KS.


Tell me about yourself and the company.

I have to start by giving Epic a lot of credit. It is where I met my wife, but also was the catalyst for starting my company, Sagacious Consultants. They do a lot of things exceptionally well. I wanted to take that and apply it to the consulting industry. 

We focus on our culture and treating everyone like family. I don’t just say that because both of my brothers and my wife works with me, but we put our employees first and they put our clients first. In turn, both our employees and our clients are number one.


Epic has a strong reputation for its culture, which is geared around the demographic of employees they hire. Do you have to compete with that or can you take what you learned from Epic and extend it?

No, I don’t think we compete with that much. They obviously have a lot of great benefits. Some of the benefits we offer are extensions of what Epic offered. We took the things they did well and we tried to do even better. We took the things that maybe we didn’t think were the best for our culture and we flipped those and thought of some new things we could do.


What’s the secret to getting and keeping the best quality Epic certified and experienced people when everyone is looking for them?

We have a team of people that focuses on retention. I worked at Epic. My wife worked at Epic. Our first employees were friends of ours that worked at Epic. It’s really building a team of A players. 

When we recruit people, they know we’re number one in KLAS and they know we have an amazing culture. They want to be a part of that. They want that work-life balance that we’re able to offer. Frankly, a lot of the other firms out there are just after making the difference between their bill rate and the rate they pay their consultants.


What does the Epic consulting market look like and how is it changing?

We see a lot of the market moving from simple staff augmentation to more strategic consulting services. With all the federal stimulus money over the past several years … that was money that was being thrown at these organizations to implement Epic and other EMRs as quickly as possible. 

Now since some of that money is a little bit harder to obtain, organizations are using their own money. They need to see an ROI out of that. They’re now just trying to realize the benefits of an EMR system and squeeze out every dollar that they can. A lot more of our focus is moving from staff augmentation to realizing those benefits through efficiencies, through cost savings, and better use of the system.


Do you think Epic itself will run into a more mature market where the implementation work will taper off and optimization will be the most-demanded service?

I see two things happening. Domestically here within the US, I think the services for the clients already live on Epic will be more the maturing type of client for Epic. But there’s a big market for the smaller organizations, the ones where Epic is indirectly expending via their Connect model. We’ve been getting a lot of interest from smaller organizations who are looking to either partner with a bigger institution to obtain Epic or we’ve been working directly with an organization that has Epic to serve as a vendor themselves to extend to these smaller community hospitals their Epic solution. 

The second part is overseas. There’s still not much market penetration for EMRs. I believe that’s where Epic’s major focus is going to be in the coming decade.


What’s the market pressure been on consulting rates over the last year or two?

I would say they’ve been fairly stable. There is definitely an influx of consultants, so there’s more supply there. But there is also an uptick in demand over the past couple years. Overall, we’ve seen rates stabilize and we think they’ll probably be in this spot for at least the foreseeable future.


Epic limits the consultant supply by who it certifies and by its non-compete agreements. Can they turn out enough supply to meet the demand?

I think they can. There has been an uptick in supply. Epic is getting bigger, therefore there’s more certified people. But there’s also some people with a little bit lower of a skill set who may be credentialed or just have experience. We’ve been seeing a lot of those people turning into consultants. Initially, those are putting downward pressure on the rates. But I believe over the past year or two, clients are starting to realize what it means to have somebody who has that industry knowledge and that Epic certification, that Epic experience.

Over the past couple years, KLAS has noticed that clients are now more interested in engaging with consulting firms that have that direct Epic experience, not just generalists out there. The consultant’s experience really does make a difference.


What’s your reaction to Epic going into consulting?

That’s been something I’ve talked with Epic about over the past several months. They’ve done it on and off over the past few years. 

I believe Epic is most focused on the proliferation of their software. They’re most focused with getting Epic out in as many hands as possible. I like to think of it similar to the Google approach — getting the Android platform out to as many mobile phone users as possible. Because what they’re really interested in is their software and the licensing fees, just like Google is with their ad revenue. 

Epic’s interest and our interests are very aligned. All we do is Epic, so we want Epic to remain the best EMR out there and that’s Epic’s same interest. If Epic were to jump into the consulting, I think it would be more of a partnership with firms like us than a direct competition.


They haven’t said why they’re doing it, but it sounds like one motivation is that they are losing people who quit, sit out their non-compete, and then make more money by going to work for a consulting company. Do you think that will limit your supply of quality candidates?

No, I don’t, for the simple fact of, if we were to just recruit half a percent of the people that leave Epic, we would still be growing like crazy. There are just so many people that have that experience that I don’t think that will limit our growth. I think that the people that are looking to leave Epic, it’s for a number of reasons. The majority of people do not leave Epic to become a consultant.


What do they do after they leave?

I would say the majority of people who leave Epic get into another industry. As you know, Epic hires most of their people directly out of college. They hire without discrimination towards a certain degree. The people who join Epic have various backgrounds. 

Epic’s a great point to get your feet wet in the professional world and use it to launch a career into whatever you might decide to pursue, whether that’s going back to school to get your master’s degree or whether that’s going into another industry that might not be as highly paying. Now you’ve done some time at Epic and you were able to save up some money.


Consulting runs in cycles where the companies that rise to the top get bought. None of the Epic-only consulting companies that have sold to a big firm yet, right?

Not that I know of. The way that we’re trying to prepare ourselves is, we want to be agile, but we also have to be in the lean in the way we conduct business. Whether there’s pressure from competition, tightening up our budget and tightening up our processes, or there’s pressure from an industry level with rates going down or if Epic were to start losing some market shares. 

We’re just concerned about continuing to offer relevant services to our clients, broadening out besides just staff augmentation, and looking to the future what our clients are going to need from a consulting partner three, five and ten years down the road.


You’ve said that you want to create a brand and not just a consulting company. How do you see that happening?

It starts in-house with the culture, with the people we recruit. We recently won Best in KLAS, but prior to that, we also were listed as one of the best places to work in healthcare. We focus on our employees, and making Sagacious a long-term career option for them and by making sure that everybody shares the same vision as Sagacious, which is to become that brand. It’s lining up our interests with our employees’ interests and our clients’ interests. It’s establishing that long-term partnership with our clients, and ensuring no matter what their need is when it comes to Epic — whether it’s staff augmentation, clinical optimization, AR reduction — we are the first vendor they call for support.


How do you see an Epic ecosystem building?

Epic announced that they were going to open up some of their software to outside developers. We see that eventually third-party players that are more so integrated with Epic may start becoming prevalent. We also see a second area is the adoption of the smaller organizations, under 500 beds, adopting Epic via the Connect relationship. We see services such as working with these organizations to increase revenue and decrease AR days. That’s a mix of not just optimizing Epic, but also optimizing their business processes and their operational work flows.

The same thing on the clinical side. Big data is a term similar to what cloud was two or three years ago. Big data is really about, now we have this data within Epic and these organizations have this data at their disposal, how are you going to leverage that to better patient care, better patient outcomes, and to increase your revenue so that you can provide patient care to the community? Those are the areas that we think will be where the industry is moving in the coming years.


How do you see analytics playing out for Epic customers?

We’re going to start seeing a lot more of revenue spent on analytics. The first stage of this EMR life cycle is adoption. We’ve seen that in the US, a lot of big institutions now are on an EMR such as Epic. 

The second phase of that is leveraging the EMR to increase your bottom line and improve patient care. You can’t do that without analytics. We think as an industry that healthcare is far behind retail such as Amazon and Google. They are very far ahead when it comes to leveraging that data and using it for predictive ordering or predictive shipping, which Amazon might be getting into. 

We think that the industry as whole has a long ways to go. We think that will be a big market for Epic and the other EMRs in the coming years.


What do you want the company to be in the next two to five years?

I see Sagacious transforming to more than simply staff augmentation and taking on more of those strategic-level partnerships with our clients. Going into organizations and assessing them from top to the bottom and seeing where there are inefficiencies. These are things that they may know about themselves, but there’s a lot of inertia when it comes to these projects. They’ve been doing things the same way they’ve been doing them for years. They might have gone live on Epic 10 years ago and taken some upgrades, but have they really leveraged the most they can out of that system? 

We’re that outside driving force. We want to come in, provide them with an independent third-party assessment, and determine what are areas where they could strengthen themselves. What are those opportunities to drive patient care and drive their revenue metrics? That’s where I see Sagacious continuing to advance. I see our partners, our clients continuing to go down that path of optimization.


Do you have any concluding thoughts?

As an industry, a lot of people may think that we’re at the peak right now because so many organizations within the US have adopted an EMR and a lot of clients now are live on Epic. But the truth is, that’s just one piece of the overall business cycle. Adoption is just the beginning of it. Next is leveraging the data analytics to optimize. Then, finally, it’s using that data to predict patient outcomes and to make business decisions to drive revenue. 

That’s what I’m most excited about. That’s what we’re most excited about at Sagacious — continuing to partner with our clients and figure out where the future is and help them set some long-term goals to take it to the next stage.

HIStalk’s Guide to HIMSS14 Exhibitor Giveaways

February 17, 2014 News Comments Off on HIStalk’s Guide to HIMSS14 Exhibitor Giveaways



Booth 5175

To enter a drawing for an Apple TV, visit the Access booth and ask “What is the Green Paper Monster?” We’ll do the drawing on the last of the show and e-mail the winner to come pick up their prize. If you can’t make it before the close of the show, we will mail you the Apple TV.

Accreon, Inc  


Mention you were referred to Accreon through HIStalk and receive 15 percent off any resulting business established at HIMSS.



Booth 6144

While at HIMSS, come by AirStrip booth 6144 to register to win an UP wristband. We’ll be giving away one wristband each afternoon to a lucky winner.

Aprima Medical Software


Booth 2621

We will hold a raffle each day at HIMSS for a $250 gift card.



Booth 1831

Experience the magic of Brandon K. Parker throughout exhibit hours. Join Aventura for food, drinks, magic, and fun at the 1800 row block party from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at booth 1831.

Beacon Partners, Inc. 


Booth 4165

Stop by our booth on Monday and Tuesday afternoons for food and beverages and to speak with our team of experts.

Bottomline Technologies   


Booth 1545

Don’t forget to enter to win our daily grand prize, a $500 Delta Airlines eGift certificate. Just ask about the HIMSS14 #Captureit contest.

Capsule Tech., Inc.   


Booth 2329

Visit Capsule’s booth 2329 and enter to win a GoPro Hero 3.



Booth 7293 (Startup Showcase)

We will be offering product demonstrations and holding numerous giveaways throughout the show, including CareSync Plus subscriptions and an iPad Mini.

Certify Data Systems, Inc.


Booth 3729

Stop by booth 3729 for a healthy smoothie.



Booth 3482

Stop by booth 3482 and you’ll receive a complementary set of ear buds and hear how Simpana is much more than a backup and restore recovery solution.

CTG Health Solutions


Booth 944

Visit us at booth 944 for the HIMSS Survival Kit from your friends at CTG Health Solutions. We will also have coffee and bottled water in the booth.



Booth 4372

Visit booth 4372 and help Divurgent raise $5,000 towards the Florida Children’s Hospital. Simply “Spin to Win” and Divurgent will donate the amount you select.



Booth 5151

Come by booth 5151 to discover how Emdeon can help you achieve your business goals and also learn how you can win one of 13 Nike FuelBands that will be given out during the show.

Extension Healthcare  


Booth 1441

Enter to Win a Kindle Fire HD. Extension Healthcare will be raffling three Kindle Fire HD during the HIMSS conference. Stop by our booth to enter to win.



Booth 2128

This year, we featuring a giveaway for a free two-week assessment of our Automated Testing Solutions.



Booth 2219

Giveaways: Samsung Galaxy Gear and Fitbit.



Booth 2503

You can enter to win your choice of unique adventures, including spa getaways, vacations, all-inclusive flights, and more.



Booth 4379

At our booth, we will have a scratch and win prize giveaway, including USB drives pre-loaded with great industry insight, collapsible water bottles (perfect for traveling), and a TV.

Health Care Software, Inc. (HCS)   


Booth 4464

Visit HCS booth 4464 to register to win a $250 AMEX gift card. Get social with HCS by mentioning HCS in a photo and posting it to LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram with #HCSatHIMSS14  and you cold win a $100 AMEX gift card.

Health Catalyst  


Booth 6076

Come checkout our double-decker booth and learn how to win one of several FitBits and the grand prize, an iPad Mini.



Booth 3493

Visit us to learn how we save physicians 30 minutes daily and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare, edited by healthfinch Co-Founder, Chairman, and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lyle Berkowitz.

Iatric Systems, Inc. 


Booth 3217

Booth 3217 is going to be entertaining as well as educational, with Chef Anton providing his amazing magic tricks and giving out great prizes like Visa gift cards and Apple iPod shuffles after each show.

Infor (formerly Lawson)


Booth 3049

Visit us at HIMSS and enjoy free beverages and popcorn in our Relaxation Zone. Take a survey and be registered to win a $2,500 American Express card.

Ingenious Med, Inc.   


Booth 471

Stop by booth 471 to learn more about the new patient encounter platform and enter for a chance to win an Apple TV.

Innovative Healthcare Solutions   


Booth 1729

IHS, along with several of our exhibiting neighbors, will be hosting a block party on Tuesday, February 25th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Please stop by to enjoy a variety of catered food and drinks.

InterSystems Corporation  


Booth 2741

Step into InterSystems’ must-see presentations at HIMSS to win a Fitbit Flex. Each time you step into an InterSystems-sponsored presentation at HIMSS14 you gain another chance to win one of 30 Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity and Sleep Wristbands we’re giving away.

Legacy Data Access, LLC   


Booth 3130   

This year Legacy Data Access has partnered with Zoo Atlanta on a “Protector” level sponsorship for the elephant exhibit. Legacy Data Access will be handing out “I Love Elephants” buttons. For each person that comes by and agrees to wear the button all day, we will donate a dollar to the sponsorship.

Leidos Health


Booth 3753

What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing today? Let us know at booth 3753 and you’ll have an opportunity to win a free Health Check to help with your biggest healthcare challenge. We’ll also make a donation in your name to the Tour de Cure Leidos team which supports the American Diabetes Association.

Lifepoint Informatics 


Booth 6069

Visit our booth for a chance to win a Google Chromecast. Hourly drawings during exhibit hours will be made.



Booth 7867

We will be giving away an ipad. Also, we are offering Starbucks gift cards for attendees interested in viewing a WebEx demo after convention.



Booth 513

HIMSS giveaways: $1,000 Amazon gift card, three $100 American Express gift cards, fresh baked scones every day.



Booth 8354

Come see us at booth 8354 as well as the interoperability showcase and meet our team and pick up an infuser water bottle.

Medicomp Systems  


Booth 2703   

Everyone receiving Quippe training and seated in Quipstar’s live studio audience will have a chance to win one of the latest tablets and an opportunity to become a Quipstar contestant and compete for cash prizes. Maybe you will be chosen to compete against Inga or another HIT heavy hitter!

MediQuant Inc.   


Booth 1929

Stop by our booth 1929 for a chance to win a gift card.



Booth 2130

Enter for a chance to win an Optimization Assessment or Affiliate/Connect Planning Visit. The Optimization assessment is a $7,500 value and includes trip to an Epic customer site with shadowing of users and a system evaluation, followed by a written report listing workflow and system optimization opportunities. The Affiliate/Connect planning visit is a value of $5,000 and includes a one- to two-day visit to an Epic customer site to assist in the development of a written strategy to extend an Epic system to the organization’s affiliated or acquired practices and hospitals. We will contact the winners the week after HIMSS.

Park Place International


Booth: 2186

Stop by booth 2186 to learn more about Park Place International and enter our raffle for a chance to win an gift card.

Passport Health Communications


Booth 2134

Come by for a demo and you will be entered to win an American Express gift card.

PatientSafe Solutions   


Booth 3983

PatientSafe will be raffling a GoPro Hero3+ each day. Come by booth 3983 to visit.



Booth 5293

Grab a yummy cake pop – they’re sure to be a crowd favorite and will give you that needed spurt of energy to get you through the rest of the day.



Booth 3111

Join Qlik at booth 3111 to hear customer testimonials, experience a live demonstration, receive a massage, and more.

Quest Diagnostics  


Booth 3064

Stop by our booth on Tuesday, February 25 to meet New York Giants Super Bowl Champion Stephen Baker “The Touchdown Maker” and get an autographed mini-football. Steve will speak on the value of wellness programs in improving health and outcomes through diagnostic insights.

The first 100 attendees to stop by the Quest Diagnostics booth will be eligible for a special Blueprint for Wellness screening voucher. This screening offers a current snapshot of your health featuring simply-stated insights and highly personalized content that provides an understanding of your health.

ReadyDock Inc.


Booth 8056

Free disinfection during exhibit hours: come by our booth and bring your dirty device with you … we’ll take care of it.



Booth 1665

Please join us for a cocktail reception and presentation with Jersey Health Connect in the RelayHealth booth on Monday during HIMSS.

Shareable Ink   


Booth 2117

Shareable Ink has two special special promotions and one giveaway:

1) Special giveaway – ask for a demo and enter for a chance to win an iPad mini.
2) Special promotions – patient intake starter kit. Includes three patient intake forms: general consent; HIPAA consent; patient history intake, MU structured data. And, 15 percent discount off Anesthesia Cloud for iPad with ShareMU sign-ups before March 31, 2014.

Siemens Healthcare


Booth 3165

Let us swipe your badge for a donation to StandUp 2 Cancer.

The SSI Group, Inc. 


Booth 1745

Stop by our booth to refuel at the beverage station while you charge your mobile devices at the “Power Tower.” The SSI Group, Inc. is “Powering the Business of Healthcare” but we are also powering YOU at HIMSS14.

Streamline Health 


Booth 2829, Knowledge Center Booth 883

Stop by and play our interactive memory game. Daily $100 winner for fastest time.

Summit Healthcare   


Booth 1021

Enter our drawing to win a free iPad. Stop by our booth for a warm, freshly baked chocolate chip cookie.

Sunquest Information Systems, Inc.  


Booth 4447

We will be giving away Labrador puppy plush toys (“Sunquest Lab”),  Sunquest tote bags, ChapStick, and pens.

Surgical Information Systems 


Booth 6465 and the Intelligent Hospital

Schedule a meeting to see SIS Analytics at HIMSS and be entered to win a Bose SoundLink Bluetooth speaker. Register to see your perioperative data in SIS Analytics



Booth 1041   

Mingle with the experts! Join us Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25 from 3:30-6:00 p.m. for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and great conversation with leading healthcare industry experts.

Enter to win! Stop by Symantec booth 1041 and enter to win a home theatre system complete with a 70” 3D Flat-Panel TV, 3D Blu-ray Player, home theater sound bar, and installation.

Talksoft Corporation   


Booth 4466

Visit our booth 4466 to utilize our free charging station for your phone or computer and to pick up your luggage tag.



Booth 2071

Stop by our booth every day starting at noon for freshly baked cookies and more information on our end-to-end solutions for emergency care.

Versus Technology   


Booth 3673

To reduce HAIs (HIMSS-acquired infections), look for the SafeHaven hand hygiene dispensers throughout the convention center. Tear off an entry card from the display to win one of five tablet computers. Or, visit booth 3673 to enter.

Vital Images, Inc. 


Booth 1677

The company will be hosting receptions at  booth1677 on Monday starting at 4 p.m. and Tuesday starting at 5 p.m



Booth 735

Visit VitalWare in booth 735 to view a demo, receive a daily prize, and be entered to win a full one-year license to iDocuMint.

Comments Off on HIStalk’s Guide to HIMSS14 Exhibitor Giveaways

Morning Headlines 2/17/14

February 16, 2014 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 2/17/14

How VA is driving telemedicine

In 2013, the VA used its increasingly popular telehealth platform to deliver care for 600,000 veterans, accounting for a total of 1.7 million episodes of care.

Researchers develop smartglasses that help surgeons see cancerous cells

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis are testing smartglasses that help surgeons as they remove cancer tumors by highlighting the affected cells with a glowing blue pigment. Researchers hope the glasses will help surgeons remove all cancer cells during the first surgery, reducing the need for secondary procedures.

New hospital to open without state-of-the-art medical record system

In Vermont, state legislators are disappointed its new 25-bed state-run psychiatric hospital will open without a modern EHR in place after project planners were unable to come to a deal to enhance its incumbent EHR system. Planners also tried but were unable to reach an agreement with Fletcher Allen Health System which offered a hosted Epic system at an upfront cost of $3 million and $600,000 annual maintenance. The state will issue an RFP for a new system which is not expected to go live until at least a year after the hospital opens.

The Valley Hospital Moves Forward with MEDITECH’s 6.1 EHR

The Valley Hospital (NJ) decides to upgrade from Meditech Magic to 6.1 instead of choosing other finalist Epic, giving the company a win in a bed size (450) that usually goes to Epic or Cerner.

Comments Off on Morning Headlines 2/17/14

Monday Morning Update 2/17/14

February 15, 2014 News 1 Comment

2-15-2014 6-39-12 AM

From The PACS Designer: “Re: Another smart glasses solution. Researchers at Washington University it St. Louis have developed a solution that can help surgeons find all cancer cells. The technique uses custom software that makes cancerous cells glow blue by using a molecular imaging agent to give the cancer a unique color that can be viewed with special glasses.”

2-15-2014 4-45-37 PM

From Mark in Marketing: “Re: HIStalk interview tips. Refreshing! I work in marketing and even I hate marketing people.” I send people I’m going to an interview (or their handler) a tips sheet so they don’t waste my time, so Mark was complimenting me on that as he prepped his client. I’m really lucky because people want to be interviewed on HIStalk, so I get to make the rules in favor of readers. The bad interviews I’ve done weren’t for lack of trying. Some of my guidelines are:

  • I only interview CEOs because readers want to hear from the top person in a company who can talk about the broad strategic landscape, not a VP of sales pitching product.
  • Get on a landline, not a cell phone, and on a handset rather than a speakerphone. People never know how crappy they sound on a cell phone. It takes me an extra 1-2 hours to finish an interview transcription when the person ignores this advice, so now I just stop the interview and tell them to get on a landline or we’re done.
  • I use the CEO’s background to decide whether I’ll do an interview because if the person seems boring, it doesn’t matter how non-boring their company is.
  • Marketing and PR people can join the call, but can’t speak. I also don’t want to hear long pauses as the marketing people thrust boilerplate under the interviewee’s nose trying to get them to read it verbatim.
  • I don’t provide questions in advance and I don’t allow review after the fact. CEOs earn should be able to earn their paycheck without having someone else reviewing their every word for accuracy or intent.
  • I’m an industry person, so I won’t be asking the usual dumb reporter softball questions. It will be a conversation and I’ll ask whatever I think is interesting.
  • My first question is always an invitation to tell readers a little bit about the interviewee and the subject, the emphasis being “little bit.” I emphasize this strongly because in one interview, the executive spent literally 10 minutes answering that question, leaving me little time to ask anything else.
  • Nobody wants to read a company pitch, so put a lid on that and speak honestly about the industry as a whole.

2-15-2014 5-46-14 AM

Two-thirds of poll respondents say “Best in KLAS” products aren’t really the best ones. New poll to your right: does your business card list any certification credentials after your name? That means CPHIMS, CHCIO, PMP, etc. rather than educational credentials or professional licensure. 

My language pet peeve du jour: companies whose announcements say they have “more than 500 customers” or “more than 200 employees.” Either give us an exact number (“we have 502 customers”) or, better yet, just round down and skip the “more” part (“we have 500 customers”) and trust us not to think less of you because you have two fewer customers. Inga’s example was a company whose press release said its product is installed in “more than 87 hospitals.” Others: using the almost never necessary word “currently”; saying “utilize” instead of the simpler and equivalent “use”; using “leverage” for anything other than physics or finance topics; and using the non-word “anymore.”

2-15-2014 10-12-05 AM

Here’s something you need even if you don’t know it, especially with the HIMSS conference coming up when your phone’s battery will drain quickly trying to lock onto a cell signal. This little $30 gadget is an external charger for your smartphone. Charge it up and you can then recharge your iPhone 2-3 times, even while on the go (like on the exhibit hall floor). I used mine this week to recharge my phone when I lost electricity. Many choices exist, ranging from lipstick-sized models to big boys.

2-15-2014 4-07-20 PM

Here’s another thank you note from a teacher who HIStalk readers helped with a grant. I confess this was my favorite project of the several I funded – buying a lectern and supplies for the very poor school’s first National Junior Honor Society ceremony.

Thanks to the following sponsors, new and renewing, that recently supported HIStalk, HIStalk Practice, and HIStalk Connect. Click a logo for more information.

2-15-2014 9-37-43 AM
2-15-2014 9-38-53 AM

Upcoming Webinars

February 18 (Tuesday), 1:00 p.m. ET. Epic 2012 Training and Support: Building Your Team. Sponsored by MBA HealthGroup. The webinar will present a case study of creative staffing solutions for an Epic 2012 upgrade at an academic medical center, describing the institution’s challenge, its out-of-the-box solution, and the results it obtained working with a consulting firm.

February 19 (Wednesday), 1:00 p.m. ET. What is the Best Healthcare Data Warehouse Model for Your Organization? Choosing the right data model for your healthcare enterprise data warehouse (EDW) can be one of the most significant decisions you make in establishing your data warehousing and foundational analytics strategy for the future. The strengths and weaknesses of three primary data models will be discussed:

HIMSS Rundown

  • Our sponsor social event will be Sunday evening.
  • Lorre will be in our tiny HIStalk Booth #1995 all week saying hello and giving away fun trinkets. Stop by on your way to (or preferably from) the restroom, which is conveniently co-located.
  • HIStalkapalooza will be Monday evening.
  • We will use Lorre’s Twitter to tell you about cool stuff Inga, Dr. Jayne, and I find in roaming the exhibit hall, such as interesting giveaways or fun comestibles (the cake pops and freshly baked scones sound good).
  • Our HIMSS Guide describes what our sponsors will be featuring (and giving away).

For overachievers already plotting your candidacy for HIStalk King or Queen at HIStalkapalooza next Monday evening, our judges (Bonny Roberts, Dave Lareau, and Jennifer Dennard) have put together some tips for you. Bonny provides an overview:

Since the secret is out, I can hardly be “Mr. H’s Secret Crush” two years in a row. Fortunately, I will be hitting HIStalkapalooza with another goal in mind:  crowning this year’s King and Queen! Many of you may be wondering, “How do I win?” Granted winning may be tough, but being in the running is EASY. 

  1. Arrive at the House of Blues on Monday night dressed to the nines. 
  2. Be sure to catch the eye of one of three esteemed judges. Don’t worry, we will be sashed and easy to locate. 
  3. Strut, preen and smile!

Speaking of HIStalkapalooza, these are the folks bringing it to you.

2-15-2014 7-09-31 AM

Imprivata is the primary sponsor, meaning they are writing a check with lots of zeroes and doing all the planning. Make sure to thank them. It’s a huge financial and logistical commitment given the visibility and size of HIStalkapalooza.

2-15-2014 7-12-07 AM
2-15-2014 7-14-46 AM
2-15-2014 7-11-22 AM
2-15-2014 7-13-39 AM
2-15-2014 7-16-01 AM

The support of HIStalkapalooza’s co-sponsors (Greenway, Hill-Rom, Nordic, RFIDeas, and VMware) allows us to provide some really nice extras that you’ll appreciate at the event. Three of these five, like Imprivata, are also HIStalk Platinum sponsors and I appreciate them even more (Greenway, Nordic, and VMware.)

2-15-2014 6-44-46 AM

The Valley Hospital (NJ) decides to upgrade from Meditech Magic to 6.1 instead of choosing other finalist Epic, giving the company a win in a bed size (450) that usually goes to Epic or Cerner.

I told ReadyDock Founder Dave Engelhardt last year that he should create a video showing how the company’s mobile device disinfection system works. He’s doing that, but in the mean time, he whipped up a little HIMSS promo video that’s fun. They will also disinfect your device in your booth at the conference, which would be even more fun if there was a way to show what’s growing on it beforehand since I see them used in the bathroom all the time.

The US Patient Office grants a cloning patent to a Korean researcher whose work was found to be criminally fraudulent 10 years ago, in essence granting him a  broad patent for something that doesn’t exist. The Patent Office says its system operates on an honor code and its examiners can’t verify patent claims, adding that while it was aware of the researcher’s history, the patent application complied with all laws.

2-15-2014 7-42-58 AM

Vermont lawmakers are upset that the state’s new 25-bed psychiatric will open this summer using a combination of paper and electronic medical records. The state couldn’t reach an agreement with the incumbent EHR vendor and also noted that the product didn’t have an integrated pharmacy module. It then tried to piggyback the hospital on Fletcher Allen Health Care’s Epic system, but decided it wasn’t worth the $3 million upfront cost and $600,000 in annual maintenance. The state is preparing an RFP and will use its old systems in the mean time. Legislators are also unhappy that the hospital will cost $20 million per year to operate.

2-15-2014 7-45-25 AM

Federal technology magazine FCW profiles the VA’s telemedicine program, which delivered 1.7 million episodes of care in 2013 and is growing 22 percent per year. According to a VA executive, “It’s not just a question of saying, have we got the telecommunications and have we got the clinical model? We then have to think about how we have to train the clinicians to be able to do it. We have to think about how we have to put help desk support for both patients and clinicians in place. The volume of care we’re providing is such that we’re providing care that’s mission critical, and we roll it out with that in mind.” The article also mentions that Alaska’s tribal health system is a big telemedicine user and its CIO expects the EHR to run telemedicine services directly at some point, but for now the system’s 28 EHRs don’t communicate with each other. According to the CIO, “Our goal is to make telemedicine and EHRs look like one system to the clinician.” Another issue with the VA’s national rollout is that broadband service isn’t available everywhere and 45 percent of the VA’s patients live in rural areas.

2-15-2014 8-12-12 AM

2-15-2014 8-15-23 AM

The local New Hampshire newspaper profiles two acclaimed doctors who are retiring in their mid-60s. Peter Mason, MD isn’t a fan of professional communication via email and says the electronic chart is full of unnecessary insurance-mandated information and boilerplate notes, concluding, “We’ve lost the narrative of the medical record.”Mark Nunlist, MD of White River Family Practice (above) saw the value of the team approach and technology when he realized he wasn’t reminding patients to get tetanus shots. Now the practice is looking for population health management software and trying to find $25,000 to improve its EHR interface with Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s systems. The practice, an eClinicalWorks user, won the 2013 Ambulatory HIMSS Davies Award and will be recognized at the HIMSS conference.

2-15-2014 8-51-01 AM

In Canada, Alberta Health Services blocks Web streaming video after employees watching the Olympics slow down its network. Interim CIO Penny Rae’s email to AHS’s 95,000 employees says, “We do not have unlimited Internet bandwidth capacity. Since we have a limited ability to prioritize the Internet traffic, video streaming competes for the same resources as a clinical or business system would. When large amounts of video are streaming through the Internet gateway, all applications that depend on that are at risk of slowdown. Patient care is our priority and we need to ensure that our core services have the capacity they need to run as expected. You can help by catching up on the Olympic coverage from home and refraining from using the Internet for personal use … Thanks for your understanding of this and in the meantime, we join you in cheering on our Olympians! GO CANADA GO!”

A Greek news portal reports that Papageorgiou General Hospital will install a cell phone blocking system in its OR to prevent surgeons from talking on their phones while operating.

In Ireland, at least five hospitals may lose 20 percent of their funding for failing to comply with requirements that limit lavish executive salaries.

Not healthcare related, but bizarre: a former state judge in Alaska sues the state’s bar association, saying its members hazed him mercilessly after noticing that his 2007 appointment letter from Governor Sarah Palin thanked him for his “pubic service” and suggested that his appointment was sexually motivated. He says the typo caused him to experience stress and medical problems and caused him to lose his re-election bid the next year. The bar association has asked the Supreme Court to order the former judge to submit to a psychological exam to determine if he’s fit to practice law.


Mr. H, Inga, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan, Dr. Travis, Lorre.

More news: HIStalk Practice, HIStalk Connect.


Time Capsule: Certification: Third-Party Validation for People Who Are Lazy, Insecure, or Stupid

February 14, 2014 Time Capsule 3 Comments

I wrote weekly editorials for a boutique industry newsletter for several years, anxious for both audience and income. I learned a lot about coming up with ideas for the weekly grind, trying to be simultaneously opinionated and entertaining in a few hundred words, and not sleeping much because I was working all the time. They’re fun to read as a look back at what was important then (and often still important now).

I wrote this piece in March 2010.

Certification: Third-Party Validation for People Who Are Lazy, Insecure, or Stupid
By Mr. HIStalk


I admit that I don’t understand why everything and everybody has to be certified these days. EMRs, CIOs, healthcare IT professionals, and nurses all can – for the right price – earn a third party’s validation of their existence (CCHIT, CHCIO, CPHIMS, and RN-BC, respectively).

Even the word itself is comforting. Your new software, IT leader, project manager, or informatics nurse must clearly be less of a risk because they paid someone else to say so. They have become “certified,” and therefore those lesser unwashed options with fewer letters after their name suddenly seem like a fool’s gamble just because they passed a cookie cutter test.

I don’t get it. Who would turf that suitability decision off on someone else, especially when it’s the incumbent themselves who paid for their seal of approval? Does it really help make a better choice?

(Someone told me once that a prospective CIO employer asked them to leave their CPHIMS credential off their application. The reason: HR’s policy was to validate every claimed credential, which would take time and therefore money, but IT didn’t care a bit whether candidates had CPHIMS or not.)

CCHIT certification hasn’t seemed to reduce the risk of adopting EMRs. Or, for that matter, the adoption rate itself. The government likes the comfort of having a third party preventing dangerously rogue EMRs from finding a home in the hands of willing provider customers. CCHIT is from the government and they are here to help. Theoretical benefits aside, nothing seems to have improved from letting prospects themselves evaluate products they might want to buy, other than costs have increased, a new bureaucracy has been introduced, and vendors now develop what CCHIT requires instead of what customers want.

I really don’t get the certified CIO credential. CHIME says an individual so anointed “demonstrates the commitment, knowledge, and experience required to master the core skills inherent to successful CIOs and IT executives.” In other words, the certificate holder has passed some test of theoretical knowledge. The kicker is this: candidates must have already been working as a CIO for three years. Was there a widespread problem where hospitals were hiring dangerously unqualified CIOs, keeping them on the payroll for years, but then suddenly finding that they suffer from incompetence that a simple test would have detected upfront?

My conclusion: certification makes no sense at all unless the decision-maker is too lazy, too insecure, or too stupid to evaluate for themselves.

In fact, I might be skeptical of choosing something “certified.” Is someone trying to hide their unsuitability by waving a rubber stamp seal of approval around instead of standing on their own merits? Aren’t by definition those certified products or job candidates insecure about their track record? I’m thinking those “certified pre-owned cars” at the local buy here, pay here lot. Why not just have your own mechanic check it over?

The main beneficiary of certification is whoever is doing the certifying. In the case of CCHIT, they got to build up a nice grant-fueled bureaucracy doing government work, but still attached to the HIMSS apron strings. For CHIME and HIMSS, their carefully constructed continuing education renewal requirements for certificate holders create a recurring revenue stream of conference and workshop attendance.

I like the business model. Certification thrives on insecurity and everybody is loaded with that. Insecure candidates earn certifications to impress insecure decision-makers. It’s a certified hit.

HIStalk Advisory Panel: IT Issues Physicians are Worried or Angry About

February 14, 2014 Advisory Panel Comments Off on HIStalk Advisory Panel: IT Issues Physicians are Worried or Angry About

The HIStalk Advisory Panel is a group of hospital CIOs, hospital CMIOs, practicing physicians, and a few vendor executives who have volunteered to provide their thoughts on topical industry issues. I’ll seek their input every month or so on an important news developments and also ask the non-vendor members about their recent experience with vendors. E-mail me to suggest an issue for their consideration.

If you work for a hospital or practice, you are welcome to join the panel. I am grateful to the HIStalk Advisory Panel members for their help in making HIStalk better.

This question this time: What are the biggest IT-related issues your doctors are worried or angry about?

The lack of basic IT support at the hospital level, the doctors complaining all the time about not having anybody on staff to help them when the system goes down, them needing to send an email to the "headquarters" and virtually having to wait for days when they may need to put an order right then and there in ICU. Our hospital IT department is almost nonexistent and consists of a clinical analyst and few hardware guys and it is basically rudimentary. As one doctor put it, "We need speed, speed, speed!”

The increased documentation requirements of ICD-10. The increased direct interaction with the EMR for MU. The changes in their workflow necessitated by our EMR implementation.

The biggest issues are around being forced to use the systems. There is nothing wrong with any of the electronic systems that we use. Our employed physicians aren’t unhappy as they understand the trade-off for their paycheck. The pushback is with the independent physicians.

Biggest IT issue for doctors is lowered productivity. Since this is the new reality, most are resigned to it. At least for those who can successfully mentally separate IT from ICD-10, Meaningful Use, hospital and insurer intrusions into their practices, and Peyton Manning’s deer in the headlight performance.

The two most common conversations I have with physicians are problems with their access to the hospital systems and concern about their EMR and whether or not it will interface with the hospital HIE or CIN (clinically integrated network). Access and usability issues are a huge headache for physicians in my current health system (and previous). It has to be reliable and fast. We can’t seem to get either right consistently. For the physician that drops in to round on patients, we have very little time with them. Depending on the call schedule of the practice, we may see them once a month or less often. An expired password can require a call to the Help Desk because they haven’t logged in during the time allowed to change the password. The physician planned to spend 30 minutes in the hospital seeing patients and instead they spent 30 minutes trying to resolve their access issue followed by another 30 minutes to see patients and now they are late for the office appointments. The other common access complaint I get is the fact that we require two-factor authentication and do not have true single sign-on. I have had two calls just this week from practices that are ready to sign a contract and they want to know if the software will be able to connect to our CIN. I usually have to call the vendor as I have never heard of many of the small ones.

Too many clicks. Citrix. Texting PHI. Cost of IT.

It seems as though it’s increasingly difficult to sort out direct IT issues from indirect ones. For example, many problems that are worrying or angering doctors are blamed on IT but really result from regulatory agencies and others who are using the advent of electronic records to impose an increasing number of inane demands on clinicians for data entry and documentation. Examples include Meaningful Use, ICD-10, and requirements of CMS and the Joint Commission, for those of us who work in hospitals. Billing related documentation is another big source of consternation. In the pre-EMR era, it was clear that no one could humanly keep all of the E&M coding requirements straight. Now with the ability to have EMR templates and the increased emphasis on "optimizing clinician productivity", we are encouraged to code what we’re actually doing rather than chronically under-documenting and under-coding. Meaningful Use and billing compliance also erect roadblocks for using other professionals to help optimize workflow. Many elements could realistically be obtained or entered by someone else (e.g., NP, PA, med student) but the attending has to do the documentation anyway rather than just confirm the information. In many EMR systems, this is less flexible and more time consuming than it was on paper, so the EMR is blamed. As physicians are staying later and later to finish their notes or signing them from home after dinner, the EMR is blamed. But it is the perfect storm of bureaucratic requirements that’s really at fault and ICD-10 hasn’t even hit yet!

We are doing an EMR conversion this year, so that is their main worry. They don’t know enough about ICD-10 to be worried or angry about it yet … but the more we learn, the more we realize how asinine it is for primary care!

Too many clicks. Workflow processes that put the physician’s work at risk: residents and mid-level providers who start a note which the attending physician later amends and extends (this much OK and was consensus workflow). Document is then altered by resident or mid-level provider subsequent to the attending’s note. “Locking” or “finalizing” note not available because of vendor’s implementation requires these functions apply generally and that breaks other workflows.

Cumbersome medication reconciliation process. Workflows in ED and Surgery slow them down. These areas need optimization.

The biggest thing I hear about is usability issues. Providers worries and anger won’t get any better until that is resolved.

We are going Live with CPOM later this year and the majority of physicians that have approached me are worried, angry, or upset about the impact to the workflows they use every day. It has been a real eye-opener for some as they are brought to the table and see what the nurses and unit secretaries do with the paper-based orders they write. We also have a fair number of docs that can’t wait to do CPOM and are excited to be able to do this electronically from their home and office. They see it as a big quality of life win by not having to drive into the hospital and a big patient safety win by having all the relevant information in front of them when ordering medications, not to mention eliminating undecipherable handwriting . Not surprising is the latter group tend to be younger and more comfortable with technology than some of their counterparts.

EHRs from different sites still can’t talk to each other without effort from the clinician changing screens. Frustrated and also workarounds continue to be major things so as to get to the necessary data with the patient sitting in front of them.

Change management — MU2, ICD-10, and lower reimbursement with higher administrative overhead. None of our providers believe that there will be any demonstrable improvements in patient care as a result of ICD-10, and with the continued increase in non-patient care "bookkeeping," they’re questioning the value of remaining in this industry.

Bad, buggy software that is difficult to use, not accurate or timely, and not improving over time.

The rate of changes and workflows with EHR related to MU.

Comments Off on HIStalk Advisory Panel: IT Issues Physicians are Worried or Angry About

HIStalk’s Guide to HIMSS14

February 14, 2014 News Comments Off on HIStalk’s Guide to HIMSS14


Download the printable PDF version of this guide to bring along to the conference here.


2-13-2013 6-35-16 PM

Booth 5175

Contact: Lindsey Eaton, sales and marketing operations manager

Hundreds of hospitals worldwide use paperless Access solutions to integrate e-forms, electronic patient signatures, and clinical data into EHRs.

Access Passport is a web-based forms solution that removes all paper from your forms processes — making them completely electronic from start to finish. Using any device from any location, your clinical and administrative staff can quickly access the forms they need, collect information in record time, and capture patient and other signatures without printing or scanning. Once a form is complete, Passport can kick off a workflow process, instantly deliver the data to the people and systems that need it, perform valuable management tasks and more. Visit the Access booth (5175) at HIMSS to see Passport in action and learn more at

Giveaway: to enter a drawing for an Apple TV, visit the Access booth (5175) and ask “What is the Green Paper Monster?” We’ll do the drawing on the last of the show and e-mail the winner to come pick up their prize. If you can’t make it before the close of the show, we will mail you the Apple TV.

Accreon, Inc  

2-10-2014 8-40-27 AM 

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Gareth Kenton, sales leader

We do look forward to connecting with you in our meeting space at the conference. Accreon is a healthcare technology and business services firm focused on integrating and managing health information.

We assist healthcare organizations to: achieve interoperability by integrating their IT ecosystem; establish an analytical environment that empowers learning, agility, and performance resulting in improved outcomes, finances, and satisfaction; and enhance IT innovation by providing knowledgeable healthcare expertise and tools to bring solutions to market faster.

Accreon has delivered services and built solutions across North America for healthcare provider organizations, government entities, medical device companies, and EMR vendors.

Mention you were referred to Accreon through HIStalk and receive 15 percent off any resulting business established at HIMSS.

ADP AdvancedMD   

2-10-2014 8-43-00 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Jim Elliot, vice president of marketing

ADP AdvancedMD executives will be available at HIMSS to discuss the impact that big data and business intelligence will have on the private physician and how ADP AdvancedMD is addressing the needs of medical practices. They also will be available to address what key challenges doctors are facing in 2014, including Meaningful Use adoption, weathering the implementation of ACA within the industry and its impact on patient population and reimbursements, preparing for the switch to ICD-10, and juggling everyday issues and challenges to ensure today’s claims will get paid in a reasonable amount of time.



2-14-2014 10-08-32 AM

Booth 6144

Contact: Chris Lato, marketing communications manager

Join AirStrip, the leader in clinical mobility, at HIMSS14. Learn more about AirStrip ONE, the first enterprise-capable, vendor-, platform-, and data-source-agnostic clinical mobility solution. AirStrip ONE can help you transform healthcare, giving clinicians access to patient information anytime, anywhere, across the care continuum. Contact us today to request a meeting with AirStrip executives or schedule a demo.

While at HIMSS, come by AirStrip Booth 6144 to register to win an UP wristband. We’ll be giving away one wristband each afternoon to a lucky winner.

Alere Accountable Care Solutions   

2-6-2014 1-29-56 PM

Booth 5345

Contact: Natalie Pietrzak, director of marketing

The only health information exchange platform that leverages the products and services necessary to enable patient participation, improved communication, and access to information throughout each healthcare team:

  • Health information exchange platform
  • State of the art analytics engine
  • At-home monitoring devices and wearable sensors
  • Patient-friendly and comprehensive patient health record
  • National care management staff

See for yourself at HIMSS14 Booth 5345. Learn more by visiting or set up a meeting on the HIMSS showroom floor with any of our division CEOs by contacting

API Healthcare   

2-12-2014 5-38-15 PM

Booth 2664

Contact: Christine Hoxworth, vice president of marketing

API Healthcare, the largest healthcare-specific vendor focused on workforce management solutions, is also the architect of the Healthcare Workforce Information Exchange (HwIE): a revolutionary solution that facilitates the sharing of workforce data across the entire continuum of care.

Driven by the mission to elevate quality and performance across the healthcare community through innovative workforce solutions and services, API Healthcare has been dedicated to the healthcare industry for more than 30 years. The company’s staffing and scheduling, patient classification, human resources, talent management, payroll, time and attendance, business analytics, and staffing agency solutions are used by more than 1,600 hospitals and staffing agencies.

API Healthcare has been rated by KLAS in the Top 20 Best in KLAS Awards Report as the top time and attendance provider system for the last 12 years (2002-2013) and the top staffing and scheduling solution in 2012 and 2013.

Aprima Medical Software


Booth 2621

866.960.6890, option 7

Aprima provides innovative electronic health record, practice management, and revenue cycle management solutions for medical practices. The Aprima EHR/PM is an integrated system built on a single database. Aprima uses a fast, flexible design that adapts automatically to a physician’s workflow and sets the benchmark for ease of use, speed and flexibility. Aprima is one of the few companies with a 15-year track record of success, including Certification for Meaningful Use Stage 2 in 2013. To learn more about the details of this and other certifications click here.

Thousands of Aprima users are benefiting from improved quality of care, improved patient satisfaction, improved quality of life, and an improved bottom line. Based in Carrollton, TX, Aprima performs all development, support, and implementation from the US.

We will hold a raffle each day at HIMSS for a $250 gift card.


Arcadia Healthcare Solutions

2-12-2014 5-41-14 PM

Booth 2029

Contact: Greg Chittim, senior director

Come visit our booth (2029, right down the street from Epic) to relax, refresh, and learn more about a Arcadia. You may not of heard of us, but you certainly know our clients. Five Pioneer ACOs, leading academic medical centers, national health systems, managed care organizations, and leading Blues. We’ve been implementing vendor-agnostic analytics and real system transformation for years, driving real demonstrable value and proven ROI.

Founded in 2002 and headquartered outside Boston, with offices in New York, Seattle, and Nashville, Arcadia Healthcare Solutions is an innovative and nationally recognized leader in the healthcare technology and services industry. Arcadia provides services and technology for EHR outsourcing and consulting; data integration and population analytics; and care delivery transformation and coaching. With a focus on both healthcare provider and payer solutions, Arcadia has a unique cross-industry perspective on using data to drive healthcare transformation.

Aspen Advisors   

1-15-2012 11-48-59 AM - Copy

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Dan Herman, founder and managing principal

Aspen Advisors is a world-class professional services firm dedicated to helping healthcare delivery organizations enhance processes and streamline operations through the strategic and effective use of technology.

From strategy to execution to optimization, our core services have been tailored to help address industry priorities:

  • Reduce operating costs
  • Implement and realize the full benefit of Electronic Health Records
  • Transition from volume to value
  • Harness the power of data and analytics
  • Enable the connected community
  • Position for the future of revenue cycle management

Ultimately, our goal is to help you realize the value of your IT investments and continue to improve the effectiveness of your organization in improving the patient experience of care and the health of populations, while reducing the per capita cost of healthcare.


2-16-2013 7-06-46 AM

Booth 4465

Contact: Candace James, senior marketing manager

In the network of possibilities, wireless and cloud-based solutions enable providers to focus on what they do best. AT&T is working with healthcare providers to embrace the spirit of innovation and collaboration needed to improve care quality and reduce costs. Its AT&T ForHealth practice is developing and delivering advanced IT solutions in five areas: care collaboration platform and health information exchange; cloud-based medical imaging; mHealth; remote patient monitoring; and telehealth. AT&T is committed to utilizing its network, scale, and technological expertise to help the healthcare industry address and solve its challenges.

See the complete AT&T ForHealth portfolio in booth 4465 to learn how healthcare can be more accessible, more affordable, and more connected.


2-15-2013 10-41-37 AM 

Booth 1831

Contact: Catherine Loop, marketing associate

As the leading provider of awareness computing for the healthcare industry, Aventura provides instant-on roaming for virtual and mobile applications in hospitals.

Based on user, role, location, device, and patient awareness, Aventura immediately delivers a virtual desktop and dynamically provisions the applications a user needs, eliminating wasteful clicks and keystrokes. Set up an appointment to see how awareness computing revolutionizes clinical workflow support with roaming desktop at booth 1831.

Scott Raymond, ‎executive director of information services at MemorialCare Health System, explores how Orange Coast’s awareness-based solution provides clinical workflow support with roaming desktops.

Glenn Mamary, vice president and CIO, and Dr. Wayne Fellmeth reveal how awareness computing enhances patient-centered care delivery and facilitates improved clinician collaboration at Hunterdon Healthcare System.

Experience the magic of Brandon K. Parker throughout exhibit hours. Join Aventura for food, drinks, magic, and fun at the 1800 row block party from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at booth 1831.



1-15-2012 11-51-54 AM - Copy    

Booth 1817

Contact: Tarah Kading, marketing coordinator
858.345.5000 x745

Visit Awarepoint’s booth 1817 to learn how the technology optimizes healthcare workflow with the industry’s only cloud-based, Real-time Location System (RTLS) in an integrated solution of software, technology and managed services on a single platform. Dedicated exclusively to healthcare, Awarepoint offers the experience, reliability and proven solutions that drive positive clinical and financial outcomes in the largest healthcare active RTLS deployments in the world.

Key differentiators include:

  • Self-healing mesh network. Utilizing existing electrical outlets, our wireless mesh network is reliable, accurate, and self-healing, and eliminates the risks of WiFi interference and bandwidth burden, with no additional wiring or hardware required.
  • Fully integrated solution. The integrated hardware and software package optimizes identification and resolution of workflow issues, and drives proactive improvements.
  • Managed services. Awarepoint supports and maintains the network infrastructure and hardware devices, lifting the burden from hospital staff.
  • Single point of contact.

Beacon Partners, Inc. 

2-15-2013 10-42-44 AM

Booth 4165

Contact: Jeannette Pforr, marketing and events specialist

Stop by our booth on Monday and Tuesday afternoons for food and beverages and to speak with our team of experts.

Billian’s HealthDATA / Porter Research   

2-15-2013 10-47-10 AM

Booth 3303

Contact: Jennifer Dennard, social marketing director

Find out how your sales and marketing teams can sell smarter, not harder, with the help of Billian’s HealthDATA and Porter Research. Stop by booth 3303 at HIMSS14 to learn more about Billian’s HealthDATA provider benchmarking and vendor sales solutions. While you’re there, learn more about Porter Research’s Go-to-Market Strategy service line and pick up our latest white paper on consumer engagement.


BlueTree Network  

2-10-2014 8-47-07 AM 

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Nicole Meidinger, VP of sales and business development

BlueTree has built a network of over 400 specialized and trusted healthcare IT experts. Our fresh model attracts and supports the best talent and allows us to offer customized and flexible solutions to health systems. Here’s an overview of our unique model which has helped us to become the premier Epic consulting group.

At BlueTree, our philosophy centers on providing and recognizing value. We have some of the strongest healthcare IT people around and have been fortunate to work with incredible healthcare organizations. We enjoy collaborating with our clients to create custom solutions to difficult problems.

Feel free to get in touch by phone or email with any questions or opportunities.

Bottomline Technologies   

2-15-2013 10-48-10 AM

Booth 1545

Contact: Molly Plank, manager of healthcare marketing

Bottomline Healthcare makes it easy to more efficiently complete the longitudinal patient record by eliminating paper from information, signature, and data capture processes – and seamlessly integrates with any downstream system. Don’t forget to enter to win our daily grand prize, a $500 Delta Airlines eGift certificate. Just ask about the HIMSS14 #Captureit contest.

During your visit, you can:

  • Learn more about our partnership with Hyland Software
  • Discuss best practices for replacing paper with mobile tablets, such as iPads, to capture clean, discrete patient data and eSignatures
  • Learn how to simplify operational processes by making captured, completed forms instantly accessible to any area of the facility without document scanning
  • Review enhancements to existing on-demand forms automation products and understand how they can be applied in your environment

CareTech Solutions

2-12-2014 5-52-08 PM

Booth 5275

Contact: Joe Pascaretta, sales executive

CareTech Solutions brings its “Best in KLAS” Clinical Service Desk experience to you at HIMSS14.

Spend a few minutes or stay as long as you like – this is not a sales presentation. In a “live” help desk setting, clinical service desk analysts will be available to answer all of your help desk questions in booth 5275, including:

  • How do I implement a clinical service desk?
  • How are analysts trained to resolve my EMR calls?
  • How can I use the data collected to reduce my call volumes?
  • What is a best-in-class resolution and escalation process?
  • How does a Clinical Service Desk improve the productivity of my IT staff?
  • And so many more…

Additionally, three CareTech customers, Central Maine Healthcare, Broward Health, and Oakwood Healthcare, were selected to speak at HIMSS14 to discuss multiple IT improvement initiatives, including data security, website strategy, and mobile design.

  • Denis Tanguay, CIO of Central Maine Healthcare, and Jeff Bell, director of IT security and risk services at CareTech Solutions, will present on the “Journey to Encryption of Data at Rest,” Wednesday, February 26 at 8:30 a.m. in room 204A.
  • Jennifer Silverio, web and social media manager at Broward Health, and Ted Balowski, web executive at CareTech Solutions, will present on “Aligning Hospital Web Strategy with Generational Shift and Values,” Thursday, February 27 at 10:30 a.m. in room 224A.
  • Mary Zatina, senior vice president of government relations and corporate communications at Oakwood Healthcare, and Anthony Hepp, formerly of CareTech Solutions and now with Team Detroit, will present on “Mobile Website Innovation: The Case for Responsive Design,” Thursday, February 27 at noon in room 330A.

For more information about CareTech Solutions, visit

Capsule Tech., Inc.   

1-15-2012 12-03-51 PM - Copy

Booth 2329

Contact: Brianna Roy, marketing and events coordinator

Capsule’s SmartLinx Medical Device Information System allows hospitals to not only move patient point-of-care data but also use it. As the leader in device integration, Capsule delivers real-time active monitoring with predictive clinical and operational analytics to optimize clinical workflow. With proven connectivity for more than 670 medical devices, Capsule’s flexible platform with centralized management facilitates clinical efficiency and quality patient care across your organization.

Visit Capsule’s booth 2329 and enter to win a GoPro Hero 3.


2-12-2014 5-59-25 PM

Booth 7293 (Startup Showcase)

Contact: Amy Gleason, COO

Feel free to reach out to us in advance by completing this form: which will get you on our HIMSS mailing list.

Meet the CareSync team at the Startup Showcase to learn more about how the patient-centered engagement platform is changing the way patients, care teams, and providers are communicating. CareSync helps all stakeholders in healthcare by giving patients access to their medical information, transcribing, and organizing it into custom Care Reports, making it meaningful and easily shareable so that families and caregivers can collaborate with patients and providers to work together for better outcomes.

We will be offering product demonstrations, and holding numerous giveaways throughout the show, including CareSync Plus subscriptions and an iPad Mini.


3-27-2013 5-14-04 PM 

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Stephane Vigot, president
1.877.872.0027 ext. 153

Caristix technology serves to simplify the development, deployment, and maintenance of healthcare applications for hospitals. We’re building products that help vendors and hospital become more productive. Carisitix enables interoperability and gets your software systems playing well together.

Visit us at the Interfaceware booth 2229 to get a look at out latest software and discuss how we help you get control of the HL7 interface lifecycle.

Certify Data Systems, Inc.

2-15-2013 10-57-55 AM    

Booth 3729

Contact: David Caldwell, EVP, sales and marketing

Together with Humana, Certify and Anvita are redefining value-driven health care. Our fully-integrated population health management platform seamlessly connects disparate health care systems and transforms patient data into real-time Actionable Health Intelligence for improved care coordination.

We empower providers, administrators, and ACOs with the insights necessary to deliver the right information, at the right time, to the entire care team, for better outcomes. Our collective expertise and advanced technologies achieve new care delivery model objectives and improve the health and well-being of populations.

Stop by booth 3729 for a healthy smoothie.

Clinical Architecture 

2-12-2014 6-03-02 PM  

Booth 1077

Contact: Marck DuBois, vice president, sales

Change is here. Clinical Architecture is changing the way terminology and ontology are created, updated, extended, normalized, distributed, and utilized in healthcare. Symedical allows you to manage all terminology and ontology assets from one centralized tool and automates the process of content delivery. Come by our booth and let us show you how Symedical can empower your organization to maximize the value of your terminology assets. Change is here, it’s at booth 1077.

Coastal Healthcare Consulting  

2-10-2014 8-50-03 AM 

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Amy Noel, CEO
Gay Fright, EVP of business development

Coastal Healthcare Consulting, Inc. (“Coastal”) has been a premier provider of healthcare IT consulting services since 1995. We are a national firm based in the Seattle area. We have a proven track record of performance having completed more than 850 projects for more than 80 clients and were awarded “Best in KLAS,” clinical implementation, supportive for 2005-2009.

We began the company with a focus on  providing EMR implementation services for healthcare clients. We have expanded our services to include the major EMR vendors, additional vendor partnerships, legacy support, and project management.


2-12-2014 6-07-51 PM

Booth 3482

Contact: Al Richards, healthcare marketing

See how CommVault Simpana 10 can help you protect, manage, and access your healthcare information like never before.

Stop by booth 3482 and you’ll receive a complementary set of ear buds and hear how Simpana is much more than a backup and restore recovery solution.

CommVault will also be revealing results from its latest healthcare IT survey. Come by the CommVault booth and learn how organizations like yours are overcoming their healthcare IT challenges. Learn how you can transform healthcare data management with Simpana software.

If you’d like to schedule a dedicated appointment with one of our healthcare IT experts, please email us at and indicate your preferred time. A CommVault representative will get back with you to confirm shortly.

Connance, Inc.   

2-10-2014 9-01-06 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Brian Graves, vice president of marketing and communications

Connance brings world-class predictive analytics and insights from hundreds of clinical settings to transform the performance of financial processes at hospitals, physician groups, and outsourcing organizations. Connance solutions sustainably increase cash flow, reduce operating costs, and improve policy compliance in self-pay, denial management, charity, and outsourcing processes. With clients like Centura Health, CHRISTUS Health, Florida Hospital, and Geisinger Health System, Connance is changing the expectations of financial executives.


2-12-2014 6-09-48 PM

Booth 4495

Contact: Scott Rybak, SVP, business development

Health plans, pharmacies, and physicians use CoverMyMeds to automate their prior authorization (PA) process. In doing so, they reduce prescription abandonment and administrative waste. Our network includes several hundred thousand physician offices and most pharmacies in the U.S.

We just launched ePA Now, our EHR integration program. By integrating with our REST API, our partners get a solution that:

  • Supports the NCPDP ePA standard transaction
  • Works for all plans, not just those that support ePA  – turns PA faxes and phone calls from more than 80 percent of US pharmacies into a task-list in the EHR.

To sweeten the deal, we couple our API with a:

  • Financial incentive program that adds a very meaningful revenue stream for the EHR
  • Programmers to fly out to your office to complete the integration with you — marketing and rollout support to help turn your new PA solution into a competitive advantage and revenue driver.

Covisint Corporation   

1-15-2012 12-09-34 PM - Copy

Booth 6751

Contact: Kimberly Leonard, marketing manager

Join Covisint at HIMSS in booth 6751 to discover and learn more about Covisint’s integrated healthcare platform. As the leader in today’s cloud computing market, Covisint offers “One” platform that securely integrates health information wherever it exists, maximizes performance incentives, reduces avoidable healthcare expense, and delivers care more effectively.

At HIMSS, we’ll highlight four key areas: population health management, predictive analytics, care coordination, and our cloud engagement platform. Through informative product demonstrations, engaging client-led presentations, and solutions-oriented one-to-one interactions, you’re sure to see why many providers and payers are using Covisint Healthcare to manage care more effectively.


2-10-2014 9-05-28 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Ann Marie Brown, EVP of marketing

Craneware (AIM: CRW.L) is the leader in automated revenue integrity solutions that improve financial performance for healthcare organizations. Craneware’s market-driven, SaaS solutions help hospitals and other healthcare providers more effectively price, charge, code, and retain earned revenue for patient care services and supplies. This optimizes reimbursement, increases operational efficiency, and minimizes compliance risk.

By partnering with Craneware, clients achieve the visibility required to identify, address and prevent revenue leakage. Craneware Revenue Integrity Solutions encompass four product families: Access Management & Strategic Pricing, Audit & Revenue Recovery, Revenue Cycle, and Supply Management. To learn more, visit and

CTG Health Solutions

2-15-2013 11-33-48 AM

Booth 944

Contact: Amanda LeBlanc, managing director of marketing and communications

CTG Health Solutions, the healthcare division of CTG, is a leading IT consulting firm dedicated solely to helping provider and payer organizations achieve clinical and financial goals through effective technology and business solutions. In more than 25 years of operation, we have provided healthcare IT, operational, and strategic consulting support to over 600 organizations. CTG Health Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of advisory and application/IT support services, including planning, assessment, EHR implementation and optimization, analytics, legacy and production application management/support, revenue cycle recovery and optimization, care management, and solutions to meet regulatory requirements of ICD-10, meaningful use, and accountable care.

Visit us at booth 944 for the HIMSS Survival Kit from your friends at CTG Health Solutions. We will also have coffee and bottled water in the booth.

Culbert Healthcare Solutions   

1-15-2012 12-10-14 PM - Copy

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Brad Boyd

Culbert offers comprehensive management consulting services for physicians, hospitals, and healthcare systems to improve the delivery of patient care in today’s challenging environment.

Culbert’s seasoned healthcare professionals possess strong patient access, clinical, and revenue cycle operations experience combined with IT vendor focused expertise which uniquely qualifies the firm to select, implement, and optimize technology solutions in complex healthcare organizations.

Cumberland Consulting Group   

1-15-2012 12-22-24 PM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: David Vreeland, partner

Cumberland is hosting a hospitality suite at the Hyatt Regency (formerly the Peabody) during the conference. Cumberland Consulting Group, LLC is a national technology implementation and project management firm serving ambulatory, acute, post-acute and long-term healthcare providers, health plan and payors, and life sciences companies. Through the implementation of new technologies, Cumberland helps health organizations nationwide advance the quality of services they deliver and improve overall business performance.

For more information on Cumberland, visit



2-10-2014 9-10-44 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Bob Janacek, CTO,, 973.452.5321
Andy Nieto, health IT strategist,, 502.905.0230
Hugh Gilenson, director business development, healthcare, 201.417.1090

DataMotion provides HIPAA-compliant solutions using strong encryption techniques for secure email and file transfers containing PHI. We are also an ENHAC-accredited Health Information Service Provider (HISP) delivering Direct Secure Messaging services via 18 EHRs including Epic’s EMR.  We help EHRs and HIEs certify for 2014 ONC-ACB using DataMotion Direct as “relied upon software.”

The DataMotion Direct solution allows vendors of certified health IT products to rapidly certify their solutions and enable providers to meet MU2s Direct Secure Messaging requirements. Capabilities include:

  • Interoperability for Direct Secure Messaging
  • Support for both incoming and outgoing messages
  • Routing of CCD/CCDAs through DataMotion’s HISP and exchanged via XDR

You can meet with us at HIMSS by contacting Bob Janacek, Andy Nieto, or Hugh Gilenson.



Booth 4372

Contact: Shane Danaher, VP, business development and marketing

Visit booth 4372 and help Divurgent raise $5,000 towards the Florida Children’s Hospital. Simply “Spin to Win” and Divurgent will donate the amount you select.

As a nationally recognized healthcare consulting firm, we strive to be different, to think outside of the box for innovative healthcare solutions. Our goal is simple: to transform healthcare to our clients and the communities they serve.

Focused on the business of hospitals, health systems, and affiliated providers, Divurgent believes successful outcomes are derived from powerful partnerships. Recognizing the unique culture that every organization offers, we leverage the depth of our experienced consulting team to create customized solutions that best meet our client’s goals. Utilizing best practices and methodologies, we help improve our client’s operational effectiveness, financial performance, and quality of patient care.



10-14-2012 6-23-29 PM

Booth 1891

Contact: Ellie Whims, marketing communications manager, corporate marketing team lead
301.231.9510 x 2808

DrFirst pioneers software solutions and services designed to optimize healthcare provider access to patient information, improve the doctor’s clinical view of the patient at the time of care, and enable more effective, efficient administration and collaboration across a patient’s circle of caregivers. Our growth is driven by a commitment to innovation and reliability across a wide array of service areas, including medication history and e-prescribing, secure messaging and clinical data sharing, and patient behavioral education and medication adherence. We are a Surescripts White Coat of Quality provider, and have the #1-ranked standalone e-prescribing software as rated by Black Book Rankings. We are proud of our track record of service to 40,000 providers and over 290 EMR/EHR/HIS vendors nationwide. For more information please visit


2-12-2014 7-25-57 PM

Booth 2515

Contact: Heather Caouette, marketing

EClinicalWorks delivers ambulatory healthcare IT solutions. Using modern Web-based technology, its solutions extend the value proposition far beyond the practice walls and bring meaningful use of technology within reach of every eligible professional. Healthcare professionals across all 50 states that are part of ACOs, physician practices, outpatient departments of hospitals, health centers, departments of health, and more rely on eClinicalWorks.

Be sure to visit the eClinicalWorks booth to experience live demonstrations showcasing the latest advancements in EHRs, population health management, patient engagement, and revenue cycle management. Learn how 10 recipients of the HIMSS Davies Award achieved excellence in the use of health information technology.

eHealth Technologies   

2-12-2014 7-31-01 PM

Booth MP-10 and the Interoperability Showcase

Contact: Deanna Peters, director of business development, eHealth Imaging Solutions

eHealth Technologies is improving continuity of care for more than half of America’s top 100 hospitals and leading HIEs. Our eHealth Connect suite of services improve, expedite, and provide analytics on the entire patient referral process, retrieving any external medical record and image, streamlining communication with referring physicians and simplifying medical image access and sharing across the healthcare continuum.

We invite you to stop by meeting room MP10 or the Interoperability Showcase to learn about the latest in technology and interoperability with a human touch. Visit to sign up for a demo or to meet with us at HIMSS.

Elsevier Clinical Solutions   

2-15-2013 2-18-49 PM

Booth 6352

Contact: Jaime Cheng, senior marketing manager

With a suite of products that integrate into clinical workflows, Elsevier Clinical Solutions delivers the content trusted by healthcare professionals throughout your institution. By focusing on innovative ways to deliver the knowledge your teams need, we can help drive outcomes today and prepare you for the challenges of tomorrow. Experience it for yourself at booth 6352.



2-15-2013 2-19-45 PM

Booth 5151

Contact: Adrienne Lisoskie, director of product marketing

Emdeon is the largest healthcare network, connecting providers, payers, and pharmacies to maximize business performance and improve payment integrity. Come by booth 5151 to discover how Emdeon can help you achieve your business goals and also learn how you can win one of 13 Nike FuelBands that will be given out during the show.

Emdeon is the single largest clinical, financial, and administrative healthcare network in the nation. In 2013, we processed over seven billion transactions with a value of over $900 billion. Our network moves information between physicians, hospitals, labs, pharmacies, and payers through our interoperable connectivity to their software systems. Emdeon will host several practical, real-world discussions at our booth this year. Three Nike FuelBands will be given away at each session.

Visit us at to view the details.


2-6-2014 1-27-57 PM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Connie Smith, marketing

Since 2000, Etransmedia has developed and delivered integrated cloud-based software and services to hospitals, health systems, and physicians nationwide. Etransmedia’s solutions include revenue cycle management service, the Connect2Care software platform which includes an integrated EHR/PM, financial analytics, care coordination, and patient engagement.

Etransmedia is committed to providing the right solutions to build an effective community of care, driving revenues and efficiencies for ambulatory, acute and diagnostic facilities, and increasing the availability of information to providers making critical care decisions. Etransmedia serves over 12,000 providers and 40,000 users.

Etransmedia is the recipient of seven consecutive Inc. 500/5000 awards, and three consecutive Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Awards.

Extension Healthcare  

2-12-2014 7-36-22 PM 

Booth 1441

Contact: Whitney St. Pierre, director of marketing

Visit Extension Healthcare in booth 1441 to view the next-generation alarm safety solutions and learn why the healthcare community is choosing Extension Healthcare to improve the lives of staff and patients.

Top Six Reasons to Visit Our Booth

  1. Alarm fatigue was recently named as the number one health technology hazards for 2014 by ECRI Institute. Learn how Extension Engage helps reduce alarm fatigue in healthcare facilities by combining advanced alarm management software with unique secure text messaging solution to enable an optimized clinical event response workflow.
  2. Learn about Extension Evaluate, a “black box data recorder” program offered to qualifying hospitals at no charge that collects baseline alarm data for up to 30 days from various system. Extension will generate reports designed to assist an alarm safety committee with the initial evaluate of unfiltered clinical alarms and events recorded from patient monitoring and some bedside medical devices.
  3. Alarms (regulated systems) and alerts (unregulated systems) notifications. Learn about some of the most common alarm and alert generating workflows that include: medical device alarm notification, nurse call alerts, critical lab notifications, clinical order notifications and full report notifications.
  4. Event response and care team collaboration. Clinicians can determine the most appropriate event response to each alarm not matter where they are located. Alarms are delivered via a clinicians’ preferred wireless device, which means they are able to receive vital patient information and communicate with the entire care team through event driven secure text messaging or by phone.
  5. Automated clinical presence. Extension Engage platform enhances event response workflow by automatically narrating elements of the event response dialog with Cisco Jabber, ultimately providing an entirely new level of care team awareness and response orchestration.
  6. Enter to Win a Kindle Fire HD. Extension Healthcare will be raffling three Kindle Fire HD during the HIMSS conference. Stop by our booth to enter to win.

To sign up for a demo or meeting with us at HIMSS, visit


1-15-2012 12-30-58 PM - Copy

Booth 2128

Contact: Jessica St. John, business development director

ESD provides full-cycle implementation services, starting at the point of the system build and continuing through all phases of the implementation process. Our team of clinical and experienced professionals support adoption at the point-of-care through the billing cycle to optimize reimbursement. Our goal is to ensure your system works for your team – from start to finish and everything in between.

This year, we featuring a giveaway for a free two-week assessment of our Automated Testing Solutions. Testing is an essential preparation element when going live with a new system, upgrading to a new version, or even preparing for the transition to ICD-10. By automating the testing process, you can cut the time it takes to test by 80 percent, as well as reduce the amount of resources needed to do the testing itself.

To learn more and to get a free USB featuring our Automated Testing Experience, stop by booth 2128 to talk with one of our ESD team members to learn more about how testing can benefit your organization.

First Databank (FDB)   

2-15-2013 2-41-17 PM

Booth 1965, Interoperability Showcase participant

Contact: David Manin, director of marketing

First Databank (FDB) provides drug knowledge that helps healthcare professionals make precise medication-related decisions. With thousands of customers worldwide, FDB enables our information system developer partners to deliver a wide range of valuable, useful, and differentiated solutions. As the company that virtually launched the medication care guidance category, we offer more than three decades of experience in transforming drug knowledge into actionable, targeted, and effective solutions that improve patient safety and healthcare outcomes. Come have a cup of gourmet coffee with us and meet with FDB specialists.

Learn more about best practices for the utilization of FDB solutions to meet Meaningful Use requirements and improve outcomes. Tackling medication alert fatigue; enhancing medication ordering, and hospital discharge and ambulatory prescription writing; facilitating medication interoperability; improving medication reconciliation outcomes; ensuring medication safety/compliance with REMS; and, controlled substances content.

More information is at

Forward Health Group, Inc.   

2-12-2014 7-45-43 PM

Booth 1694

Contact: Barry Wightman, VP marketing

Does your data drive improvement? Do you trust your data? Is your data guiding your practice forward? The secret to data aggregation, the key to successful population health management, live at booth 1694.

While everybody’s talking about improving health care outcomes, we are actually doing it. Forward Health Group is equipping health care institutions across the country with the necessary tools to impact quality and financial outcomes in the new health care landscape.

With its best-in-class data collection, validation, and analytics tools, Forward Health Group’s PopulationManager helps turn data from disparate sources into fuel to manage populations of patients, driving improvements in the quality outcomes equated with both clinical improvement and financial success.

FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc.

2-12-2014 7-48-56 PM

Booth 4074

FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc. is showcasing its comprehensive Synapse portfolio. Synapse allows management of the complete patient record including non-DICOM imaging, while providing fast, secure access to clinical users via web and mobile platforms. To see how all data – including PACS, RIS, cardiovascular, VNA, and cloud services– is organized all together, by patient, in one seamless system.

For more information, visit


1-15-2012 6-25-39 PM

Booth 2219

Contact: Tony Cook, vice president of marketing

Visit booth 2219 and learn how GetWellNetwork’s patient engagement solutions help health care providers engage, educate, and empower patients along the care continuum. Our patient-centered platform, delivered across multiple technology platforms including mobile devices, computers and televisions, enables providers to implement a revolutionary care delivery model called Interactive Patient Care to improve performance and patient outcomes. The company further extends the value of existing IT investments by integrating seamlessly with electronic medical record and patient portal applications.

GetWellNetwork was just recognized by KLAS as the leader in the Interactive Patient Systems category for the fourth consecutive year.

GetWellNetwork will be showcasing its newest solutions, including the new patient experience and ambulatory solution. CEO Michael O’Neil and CIO David Muntz, former principal deputy director of the ONC, will be available for one-on-one meetings with hospital executives. Contact us at or call 240.482.4213 to schedule a meeting.

Giveaways: Samsung Galaxy Gear and Fitbit.

Greencastle Associate Consulting   

2-10-2014 9-24-39 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Joe Crandall, director of client engagement solutions

Greencastle consultants are agents of change. Our people have the skill and the experience necessary to assume leadership and take responsibility for the success of large-scale clinical projects and business initiatives.

Founded by US Army Rangers in 1997, Greencastle specializes in bringing a sense of purpose to the task of furthering the missions of hospitals, health systems, acute care centers, clinics, medical practices, ambulatory care providers, and other healthcare organizations. We realize the potential of change through disciplined teamwork, innovation, and systematic methods.

With loyalty and integrity as our compass, we partner with healthcare organizations to complement the existing expertise and passion of your teams. Our change agents inspire people, help them perform, and get results. We maximize the value of change for healthcare organizations. By implementing mission-critical solutions, Greencastle helps hospitals increase revenue, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes.


2-12-2014 7-59-01 PM    

Booth 2503

Contact: Leeann Fleming, event marketing director

If your destination is adventure, the journey awaits. The first stop is booth 2503 at HIMSS, where you will experience the latest innovations in health information technology from Greenway. From there, you can enter to win your choice of unique adventures, including spa getaways, vacations, all-inclusive flights, and more.


2-14-2014 10-09-35 AM

Booth 4379

Contact: Amanda Kocefas, marketing manager

We appreciate that it takes more than technical knowledge to excel in today’s healthcare environment.

At Greythorn, we understand how electronic medical records provide accessible patient information, improve clinical processes and ultimately, transform patients’ lives. As experienced sector specialists with outstanding market knowledge, we have access to the best health IT career opportunities with the most respected organizations. That’s why we pride ourselves on being the best healthcare IT recruiters in the market.

At our booth, we will have a scratch and win prize giveaway, including USB drives pre-loaded with great industry insight, collapsible water bottles (perfect for traveling), and a TV.

Hayes Management Consulting 

2-15-2013 2-56-03 PM  

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Pete Butler, president and CEO

Hayes Management Consulting is a leading national healthcare consulting firm focused on healthcare operations. This includes strategic planning, interim leadership, revenue cycle optimization, clinical optimization, project management, IT consulting, and preparation for federal initiatives such as ICD-10, Meaningful Use, and HIPAA compliance.

We also provide software such as MDaudit and other proprietary tools to ensure our clients are operationally efficient. We won’t have a booth, but would like to meet you.

The HCI Group   

2-14-2014 6-34-48 AM

Booth 4992

Contact: Joshua Cossey, senior vice president of operations

Quality, agile, cost-effective solutions set the HCI Group apart. The HCI group is a specialized global healthcare IT consultancy and currently the fastest growing company in the whole healthcare sector in the USA as awarded by Inc Magazine. Our consultants possess unique expertise in Epic, Cerner, Allscripts, McKesson, CPSI, Eclipsys, Cardinal Health, Meditech, HealthStream, and Siemens.

Key service lines include:

  • Software implementation and training
  • Strategic guidance and project management
  • EHR sustaining support
  • Integration and testing
  • Go-live services
  • ICD-10
  • Revenue cycle optimization

For more information, visit

Health Care Software, Inc. (HCS)   

1-15-2012 3-58-32 PM

Booth 4464

Contact: Tom Visotsky, EVP of sales and marketing
800.524.1038 x325

HCS has delivered healthcare information technology to providers since 1969. HCS Interactant is an integrated platform of clinical and financial modules exceeding the expectations of facilities across the spectrum of care including long-term care, long-term acute care, inpatient, outpatient, behavioral health, and rehabilitation. Visit HCS at HIMSS to learn more about how you can lower costs and improve the quality of your care.

Visit HCS Booth 4464 to register to win a $250 AMEX gift card. Get social with HCS by mentioning HCS in a photo and posting it to LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram with #HCSatHIMSS14  and you cold win a $100 AMEX gift card.

Health Catalyst  

2-13-2014 5-05-17 PM 

Booth 6076

Contact: Chris Keller, VP of marketing research

Are you challenged to turn your data into clinical improvements? Struggling to know how to get your data aggregated? Wish you could more quickly deliver more business intelligence into your organization? We can help. Get a deep-dive demonstration that suits your needs. Visit us at booth 6076.

Health Catalyst provides a transformational approach to healthcare data warehousing and analytics. Catalyst’s award-winning Late-Binding data warehouse platform, analytics solutions, and clinical improvement services help healthcare providers make sense of clinical, financial, operational, and patient experience data to identify care improvement opportunities and eliminate waste.

Come checkout our double-decker booth and learn how to win one of several FitBits and the grand prize, an iPad Mini. Booth  6076. Click here to learn more.


2-13-2014 5-06-47 PM

Booth 3493

Contact: Mark Citrone, director of partnerships

Visit us to learn how we save physicians 30 minutes daily and you’ll be entered to win a copy of Innovation with Information Technologies in Healthcare, edited by healthfinch Co-Founder, Chairman, and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lyle Berkowitz.

HealthMEDX, LLC   

2-13-2014 5-07-59 PM

Booth 4483

Contact: Mary Senesac, director of health systems
417.582.1816 x6738

Healthcare reform requires post-acute care technology with advanced clinical, financial, and marketing solutions to support health systems in managing patient care.

Leading health systems select the HealthMEDX EMR to drive post-acute care strategies for care coordination, readmission management, transitional care, and accountable care programs.

HealthMEDX integrates with Epic, Cerner, McKesson, and Siemens.


2-13-2014 5-09-34 PM

Booth 2077, Interoperability Showcase 9001-19

Contact: Dave Mink, business development manager

Experience the Healthwise difference at HIMSS14. We’re everywhere! Get to know us better. Tour the Healthwise information, interaction, and innovation stations in booth 2077. Visit the Interoperability Showcase, 9001-19,to demo the Healthwise Population Health Solution featuring a readmissions prevention program (joint demo with Prompt Alert.) Hear “Meaningful Use Insider” Leslie Kelly Hall at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 25 at the Learning Gallery.

Since 1975 our singular mission has been to help people make better health decisions. The Healthwise mission, combined with our innovative spirit, leads to revolutionary solutions that improve the impact of health education. Healthwise information embedded within the EMR lets physicians deliver patient education within the workflow. Patients can access relevant content, videos, and tools wherever they are on any device. Deliver the right solution for clinicians and patients. Simply.

The most important patient engagement challenge is the one you’re having right now. Let’s solve it on The Whiteboards at booth 2077. Tell us your biggest challenge for engaging patients. Together, we’ll work it out on The Wwhiteboards. You’ll walk away with an action plan to tackle your problem.

Have you had thoughts like these?

  • Herding cats would be easier than getting all of our existing patient education to line up.
  • So much accreditation criteria. So little time. So little staff.
  • My patients are engaged. But how do I prove it?

Those are exactly the kind of challenges we mean. Our experts are ready to listen and roll up their sleeves to help you tackle it. Chances are we’ve already solved a problem like yours. Let us match our experts to your problem. Book your appointment for a complimentary one-on-one expert session at The Whiteboards.

Don’t have a problem to bring, but want to learn more about Healthwise? Take our in-booth tour to experience the Healthwise difference. Visit Healthwise at booth 2077.

Iatric Systems, Inc. 

1-16-2012 8-56-06 AM  

Booth 3217

Contact: John Danahey, SVP, sales and marketing

Join Iatric Systems in booth 3217 at HIMSS14. Iatric Systems helps healthcare providers achieve success by delivering the most comprehensive healthcare IT integration. From connected devices to connected communities and everything in between, Iatric Systems has the knowledge, products, and services to help you leverage your EHR investment.

Regardless of your EHR, we can help you with:

  • Meaningful Use attestation
  • HIE implementation
  • Patient privacy monitoring
  • Patient engagement
  • Medical device integration

Booth 3217 is going to be entertaining as well as educational, with Chef Anton providing his amazing magic tricks and giving out great prizes like Visa gift cards and Apple iPod shuffles after each show.

In addition to the exhibit hall, make sure to visit us in the Interoperability Showcase where our medical device integration solution, Accelero Connect, will be featured. Booth 9001-62.

ICSA Labs, an independent division of Verizon   

2-13-2014 5-13-35 PM

Booth 3937 and the Interoperability Showcase

Contact: Sonia Robins, accounts manager, healthcare

ICSA Labs provides third-party testing and certification of security and health IT products, as well as network-connected devices, to measure product compliance, reliability, and performance. For more information on the following, visit ICSA Labs at booth 3937 or at the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase.

Learn more about ICSA Labs healthcare programs for testing and certification.

ONC Health IT Certification Program. ICSA Labs tests and certifies EHR technology for the ONC’s Health IT Certification Program. ICSA Labs is an NVLAP Accredited Health IT Testing Laboratory and an ANSI Accredited and ONC-Authorized Certification Body for EHR Technology.

IHE USA Certification. ICSA Labs and IHE have partnered to provide an IHE USA Certification program to test and certify advanced interoperability capabilities of EHRs, HIEs, patient dare devices and more. IHE USA Certification was created to bring technologies to market which enable healthcare providers and hospitals to meet today’s requirements for clinical integration. Visit the IHE USA Certification booth in the Interoperability Showcase. For more information:

Mobile App Testing. ICSA Labs delivers mobile app testing for companies that have developed custom-made mobile apps in-house or through the use of a third party. ICSA Labs examines a mobile app across more than twenty high-level assessment objectives mapping back to four key categories: maliciousness, vulnerability, reliability, and privacy. For more information:



2-4-2014 1-30-39 PM

Booth 2541

Contact: Maria LoBrutto, marketing events manager

Imprivata is a leading provider of identity and access management and secure clinical communications solutions that simplify healthcare IT for better focus on patient care. Imprivata OneSign single sign-on and authentication management deliver fast, secure No Click Access to clinical applications. Imprivata Cortext is a powerful communications platform that enables more efficient care team coordination.

By removing technology barriers, Imprivata allows doctors to spend more time being doctors.


Infor (formerly Lawson)

2-20-2013 8-02-16 AM    

Booth 3049

Contact: Tara Waldron, healthcare field marketing manager

Lawson and Cloverleaf are now even stronger with Infor. Visit us at HIMSS and enjoy free beverages and popcorn in our Relaxation Zone. Take a survey and be registered to win a $2,500 American Express card.

To learn more about our solution strategy, “Health 3.0 – The Path Forward” and our products, including financials, supply chain, HCM, analytics, and integration, and HIEs, schedule a demo with an Infor Healthcare representative by visiting

Also, don’t miss our interoperability showcase presentation February 26 from 1-1:30 p.m.

Ingenious Med, Inc.   

2-13-2014 5-18-18 PM

Booth 471

Contact: Courtney Schickel, VP of marketing

With a 15-year tradition of innovation and excellence, Ingenious Med is excited to make its biggest announcement yet at HIMSS14. Beyond debuting substantial changes and upgrades to the existing product line, we at Ingenious Med are unveiling a host of brand new functionality as well as announcing a redefinition of the market space itself, with the introduction of the patient encounter platform. The PEP is a new concept built to serve today’s needs while preparing healthcare enterprises for tomorrow’s challenges.

Ingenious Med continues to break new ground under the leadership of its founder, Dr. Steven Liu, developing useful solutions to increase the quality of care, reduce cost, protect and bolster revenue, and most importantly of all, put physicians’ time where it is needed most: with their patients. Come by booth 471 and find out more.

Stop by booth 471 to learn more about the new patient encounter platform and enter for a chance to win an Apple TV.

Innovative Healthcare Solutions   

2-13-2014 5-19-31 PM

Booth 1729

Contact: Dan Hereid, vice president of business development

IHS, along with several of our exhibiting neighbors, will be hosting a block party on Tuesday, February 25th from 4-6 pm. Please stop by to enjoy a variety of catered food and drinks.

IMO – Intelligent Medical Objects 


Booth 3341

Contact: Dennis Carson, director of marketing and tradeshows

IMO – Intelligent Medical Objects is the most widely-used and physician-preferred terminology service for EHRs. Our technology allows clinicians to use the language they are most familiar with to better capture and preserve true clinical intent. We’re ready to support your transition to ICD-10 and your attestation for Meaningful Use. Visit us at booth 3341 and learn more about how IMO can help.

Our presentations include:

  • All About IMO Problem (IT) Terminology
  • All About IMO Procedure (IT) Terminology
  • Achieving Meaningful Use with IMO
  • Are You Ready for ICD-10-CM?
  • Clinically Coherent Problem Lists with IMO Problem List Management

Click to reserve your spot:

InterSystems Corporation  

2-13-2014 5-21-18 PM 

Booth 2741

Contact: Jerry Hinch, director of North American marketing

What is strategic interoperability and why do you need it?

You need strategic interoperability if your organization is to efficiently:

  • Engage patient and clinician communities
  • Coordinate all patient care
  • Manage population health
  • Turn big data into insights and action

Visit InterSystems at HIMSS14, booth 2741, Hall B to learn more about strategic interoperability. Step into InterSystems’ must-see presentations at HIMSS to win a Fitbit Flex. Each time you step into an InterSystems-sponsored presentation at HIMSS14 you gain another chance to win one of 30 Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity and Sleep Wristbands we’re giving away.

Juniper Networks   

2-13-2014 5-22-51 PM

Booth 3703

Contact: Ryan Witt, global managing director of healthcare industry practice

Juniper Networks is in the business of network innovation. From devices to data centers, from consumers to cloud providers, Juniper Networks delivers the software, silicon and systems that transform the experience and economics of networking.

Additional information about Juniper Networks for the healthcare industry can be found at

LDM Group  

2-13-2014 5-24-09 PM 

Booth 3544

Contact: Todd Helmink, vice president of business development

LDM Group, LLC (LDM) is a leading provider of behavior based prescription management programs. LDM provides timely and clinically relevant healthcare messaging through its patented process which serves to improve patient compliance and outcomes, while preserving privacy. As a targeted healthcare communications company, LDM connects prescribers, pharmacists, and patients. LDM’s network is made up of e-prescribing, electronic medical record (EMR), and electronic health record (EHR) applications, chain and independent pharmacies, and sponsors of healthcare-related educational materials such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, health plans, payors, and PBM’s.

LDM’s products and services:

  • Are delivered in workflow through the trusted healthcare professional thus building better provider-patient relations
  • Allow for a configurable solution that adapts to specific protocols to support consistent and reliable outcomes
  • Provide customized patient education and engagement programs that help meet Meaningful Use and ACO requirements
  • Ensure multiple delivery methods for patients based on patient preferences (print, email, SMS, etc.)

Legacy Data Access, LLC   

2-13-2014 5-26-19 PM

Booth 3130   

Contact: John Hanggi, director of  customer services

Running old applications just to get to the old data? We need to talk!

As an innovator in data storage and web-based solutions, Legacy Data Access provides the industry’s most comprehensive set of software tools for working with data from retired systems. Whether you’re looking to retire old applications, simplify your IT landscape, or meet long-term data retention requirements, Legacy Data Access successfully stores data from health care systems that are being retired and provides secure, web-based and interactive access to the information.

We have been using elephant imagery for many years now. When we first thought of this idea, it was based on the saying “the elephant in the room“; i.e., that large issue that no one wants to acknowledge but is there and needs care and feeding. This year Legacy Data Access has partnered with Zoo Atlanta on a “Protector” level sponsorship for the elephant exhibit. Legacy Data Access will be handing out “I Love Elephants” buttons. For each person that comes by and agrees to wear the button all day, we will donate a dollar to the sponsorship.

Leidos Health

2-13-2014 5-27-19 PM    

Booth 3753

Contact: LeAnne Hester, SVP of strategy and marketing

What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing today? Let us know at booth 3753 and you’ll have an opportunity to win a free Health Check to help with your biggest healthcare challenge. We’ll also make a donation in your name to the Tour de Cure Leidos team which supports the American Diabetes Association.


2-13-2014 5-29-21 PM

Booth 2009

Contact: Jackie Leckas, director of marketing

Medical image exchange has become a mainstream solution for healthcare enterprises. More and more hospitals are adopting it to improve the efficiency of clinical staff, increase patient safety and satisfaction, increase referral volumes, and eliminate wasteful spend. If your team hasn’t already been asked to evaluate image sharing, chances are it will come up at some point this year.

Let lifeIMAGE give you an introduction to image sharing at HIMSS. Why lifeIMAGE? Because hundreds of leading hospitals use our solutions to electronically receive outside study data, integrate it with the EMR, and securely publish exams to referring physicians and patients. We’ve got a proven Epic integration and we were recently named Cerner’s exclusive partner for image sharing. Lastly, lifeIMAGE was given “Category Leader” designation by KLAS as part of its recent 2013 Best in KLAS Awards: Software & Services, an honor based on customer feedback. Leverage our experience to learn how medical image sharing could be the next big thing at your institution.


Lifepoint Informatics 

2-4-2012 3-05-13 PM   

Booth 6069

Contact: William Seay, CEO
201.447.9991 x359

Visit our booth for a chance to win a Google Chromecast. Hourly drawings during exhibit hours will be made.

LightSpeed Health, Inc.   

2-10-2014 9-30-57 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Michael Justice, president

LightSpeed Health is a healthcare software and services company focused on solving IT related issues for ambulatory practices. We are experts in archiving and migrating EMR/EHR and PM systems, our archive systems have been deployed in the largest physician networks in the country, in over 15 states. We work with health systems to develop and execute the IT strategies related to physician practice acquisition – data migration, clinical and financial interfacing (HL-7 and X-12), implementation support, training, workflow analysis, and ongoing user support.

Our team has particular expertise in Allscripts Enterprise and GE Centricity EHR and PM systems.

Specialties: EMR/EHR data archives and migration, Allscripts Enterprise EHR and PM systems, GE Centricity EMR and PM systems, EMR/EHR selection and implement support, and EHR/PM facilities management agreements.



2-13-2014 5-35-23 PM

Booth 7867

Contact: Michele Mick, account executive

LOGICARE provides patient-specific education and discharge instructions across healthcare organizations to support workflow of clinical users and integrate with all major EHR systems. LOGICARE is ONC-Certified for Meaningful Use Stages 1 and 2, helps improve HCAHPS scores, and reduce hospital re-admission.

LOGICARE is a division of The Wellness Network, the largest, most comprehensive in-hospital health TV network in the US.

We will be giving away an ipad. Also, we are offering Starbucks gift cards for attendees interested in viewing a WebEx demo after convention.

The Loop Company

2-10-2014 9-32-44 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact:  Gino Johnson, founder and managing director

The Loop Company is a research advisory firm with more than 20 years’ experience helping healthcare technology organizations grow their business. Our focus is on delivering actionable strategic and tactical learnings to help your organization successfully launch new products/services, enter new target markets, win more new business, and build loyal customer relationships.

What we do:

  • Collaboratively design customized qualitative feedback loop mechanisms to help your organization understand how it is being perceived in the marketplace, by your customers and prospects.
  • Advance organizational improvement across all areas of your business including: sales, marketing, positioning and messaging, brand awareness, product development, roadmap validation, operations, installations/implementation, support, account management.

MBA HealthGroup  

2-13-2014 5-38-21 PM

Booth 3695

Contact: Ethan Bechtel, CEO

MBA HealthGroup has been one of the fastest-growing healthcare consulting groups in North America for three years. We specialize in strategic consulting, Epic and Allscripts consulting, ICD-10, and revenue cycle management services. Our vision is to improve patient care experiences by making hospitals and physician practices stronger and smarter. Our products include OHMD, a secure mobile messaging platform to improve patient engagement, and, FormMation, a form automation tool for EHRs.

McKesson Corporation   

2-13-2014 5-39-48 PM

Booth 1365 

Contact: Ed Domansky, communications manager

McKesson is a leading healthcare services and information technology company dedicated to making the business of healthcare run better.

At HIMSS14, our key Better Health 2020 solutions will be on display in the McKesson and RelayHealth booths (1365 and 1665). You won’t want to miss the latest in solutions for population and risk management, connectivity/interoperability, strategic management, physician performance improvement, Paragon integrated health IT, enterprise imaging and more!

And, McKesson is pleased to offer Expert Chats in booth 1365. A broad range of subject matter experts will be available for discussions on contemporary topics, including population health, the use of analytics to reduce administrative and clinical variation, and profitable medical group management, to name a few.



2-10-2014 9-36-23 AM

To schedule a meeting:


MedAssets (NASDAQ: MDAS) is a healthcare performance improvement company focused on helping providers realize financial and operational gains so that they can sustainably serve the needs of their community. More than 4,200 hospitals and 122,000 non-acute healthcare providers currently use the company’s evidence-based solutions, best practice processes and analytics to help reduce the total cost of care, enhance operational efficiency, align clinical delivery, and improve revenue performance across the care continuum.

For more information, please visit


2-13-2014 5-41-24 PM

Booth 513

Contact: Dustin Whisenhunt, VP of client services and sales – Patient Pay

MedData eliminates confusion and frustration with the medical billing process. We simplify the communication process, consolidating each patient’s bills and focusing on patient satisfaction while increasing our clients’ revenue. We work with patients to make sure they understand their bills and payment options, and help them navigate any insurance issues.

Our proprietary workflow is built around the patient, our ability to consolidate all their bills and help them understand what they owe, and ultimately increase the patient satisfaction scores for our clients. The result is a minimum revenue increase from the patient responsibility portion of the payer mix of over 30 percent while finding an additional 15 percent or more of unfilled insurance, all while generating an ROI of over 100 percent in the first few months. Visit our booth for a quick demo of our proprietary service – no appointment required.

HIMSS giveaways: $1,000 Amazon gift card, three $100 American Express gift cards, fresh baked scones every day.


2-13-2014 5-42-39 PM

Booth 8354

Contact: Jolene LoFrese, marketing manager

Come see us at booth 8354 as well as the interoperability showcase and meet our team and pick up an infuser water bottle.

Medicity, A Healthagen Business   

2-13-2014 5-43-40 PM

Booth 6150 (Healthagen)

Contact: Peter Martin, marketing director

Medicity is one of the most trusted partners in health information exchange, providing industry-leading technology to physicians, hospital systems, and government agencies for more than 15 years. We proudly power a network of more than 1,000 hospitals, 250,000 end users, and 20 regional and state-wide HIEs, all processing more than 2 billion clinical transactions each year. But we aren’t stopping there – we are constantly innovating to put our clinical integration expertise to work in a changing healthcare environment.

Visit to learn more or schedule an appointment with us today.


Medicomp Systems  

2-14-2014 10-07-43 AM

Booth 2703   

Contact: David Lareau, chief executive officer

See Inga do it all! Come by booth 2703 to check out the one solution for all clinical documentation and see Inga headlining Quipstar on Tuesday, February 25 at 3:00 p.m.   

Medicomp Systems will host Quipstar, world’s favorite HIT quiz show. The interactive health information technology quiz show kicks off on Monday, February 24 at 2:30 p.m. Additional shows will be on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Contestants and those seated in the live studio audience will use Medicomp’s easy-to-use nursing and physician documentation tool, Quippe, to answer questions about documentation and coding requirements.

Everyone receiving Quippe training and seated in Quipstar’s live studio audience will have a chance to win one of the latest tablets and an opportunity to become a Quipstar contestant and compete for cash prizes. Maybe you will be chosen to compete against Inga or another HIT heavy hitter! This year, Quipstar will highlight Quippe’s nursing, physician, and patient engagement tools.

MediQuant Inc.   

2-13-2014 5-46-21 PM

Booth 1929

Contact: Mindy Morris, marketing manager

MediQuant provides a feature rich active archiving solution for any clinical, PFS, or ERP application that needs to be retired. Simplify your IT world and reduce the cost of system conversions with DataArk, an active archiving solution that allows you to decommission old systems, maintain interoperable access to old data, and realize up to 80 percent cost savings. FirstComply and AccuRules are MediQuant solutions for medical necessity and ABN compliance.

Stop by our booth 1929 for a chance to win a gift card.


2-13-2014 5-47-23 PM

Booth 3952 and Interoperability Showcase

Contact Mike Sheppard, vice president of marketing

What is the “missing population” and why should you care about it? If you’re managing an ACO, health home, or integrated care organization where value-based contracts are top of  mind, you need to know about one of the highest cost, most underserved populations in healthcare: people with behavioral health disorders. Integrating acute care and behavioral health services is critical to improving overall health outcomes in a population where the severely mentally ill die 25 years earlier than the general population, and co-morbid physical and mental health illnesses drastically drive up Medicaid and other loss ratios.

Netsmart is the leader in clinical coordinated care technology for behavioral health and the larger health and human services provider communities, and the ideal partner to help you link your primary care initiatives with broader, coordinated care for the body and the mind.

Netsmart was selected to participate in the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and with Epic will demonstrate the integration and care coordination of physical health and behavioral health.

Also visit us in booth 3952 to see how Netsmart CareManager seamless integrates clinical data between two or more organizations to efficiently and safely coordinate care delivery.


2-13-2014 5-48-21 PM    

Booth 2130

Contact: Adam Dial, vice president of client relations

Nordic provides top-ranked Epic implementation consulting to over 87 clients across the country. With a team of over 350 Epic-certified consultants, we not only deliver the right resource at the right time, but also know there’s more to consulting than just having the answers. Our passion is in partnering with our clients: providing mentorship, knowledge transfer, and an extra set of hands during key build deadlines. We demonstrate the leadership and confidence that comes from having worked with more than 80 percent of Epic’s customers.

In addition to being ranked #1 by KLAS for Epic implementation and support, Nordic has also launched three lines of business that help clients realize more ROI from their EMR.  Nordic’s Optimization Solutions, Affiliate Solutions, and Remote Solution groups all have dedicated experts who work with clients to create addition efficiency, usability, and satisfaction of their EMR.

Please visit us in booth 2130 to hear more about how we can assist with any Epic needs and enter for a chance to win an Optimization Assessment or Affiliate/Connect Planning Visit.

The Optimization assessment is a $7,500 value and includes trip to an Epic customer site with shadowing of users and a system evaluation, followed by a written report listing workflow and system optimization opportunities. The Affiliate/Connect planning visit is a value of $5,000 and includes a one- to two-day visit to an Epic customer site to assist in the development of a written strategy to extend an Epic system to the organization’s affiliated or acquired practices and hospitals. We will contact the winners the week after HIMSS.

NTT DATA, Inc.  

2-13-2014 5-49-32 PM 

Booth 765

Contact: Larry Kaiser, senior marketing manager

NTT DATA offers healthcare organizations a complete IT solution with applications that increase efficiency, reduce medical errors, and enhance the revenue cycle. Led by our flagship solution, Optimum, NTT DATA helps bring together healthcare consumers and providers to share data and manage care effectively. We back that engagement process with a full range of clinical, RCM, accounting, and mobile solutions.


2-10-2014 9-41-31 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Debbi Gillotti, vice president and general manager

nVoq provides a cloud-based speech recognition platform (SayIt) exclusively endorsed by the AHA. We support real-time dictation for any EMR as well as voice-enabled workflow through automated shortcuts and scripting. SayIt can be used on both Windows and Mac OS computers.

SayIt in Healthcare is sold exclusively through channel partners. Unlike other vendors in this industry, nVoq has no direct sales force and does not provide transcription services.  We want to grow, not compete with, our reseller network.

We welcome inquiries from app developers, EMR resellers, and HIT services firms interested in becoming channel partners. We’re also happy to make contact directly with providers or IT leaders to discuss your requirements and connect you with one of our certified resellers.

Talk to us about building a SayIt practice or using the SayIt SDK to voice-enable your applications platform. Learn why SayIt from nVoq is the sensible alternative for your organization.

Visit for more information.



2-13-2014 5-51-29 PM  

Booth 5665

Contact: Alena Larson, marketing

Find balance in fee-for-service and fee-for-value. Optum helps the health system work better for everyone. We’re a global team of over 65,000 people working collaboratively across the health system to improve care delivery, quality and cost effectiveness. Our innovative technology, services and applications help our clients achieve better patient outcomes and optimize their financial performance today. Visit us at HIMSS and see how our next generation clinical and financial analytics can help you navigate the journey from providing care to managing health.


Orchestrate Healthcare 

2-13-2014 5-52-39 PM   

Booth 2935

Contact: Charlie Cook, president

We’re an agile boutique consulting company delivering back-to-back Best in KLAS technology services with an old-fashioned commitment to customer service. Our healthcare IT consultants concentrate solely on EMR clinical implementation with an Epic concentration, integration, health information exchanges (HIEs) and staff augmentation.

Come see us to learn more about our laser-like focus which attracts the best talent resulting in on-time, within-budget projects and delighted organizations.

Orion Health    

2-13-2014 5-56-36 PM

Booth 965

Contact: Kristin O’Neill, senior marketing manager

Today’s healthcare challenges are driving major change in how we deliver care. Now more than ever, conversations are taking place around the concept of a “coordination of care” platform that provides a single version of the truth regardless of where patients receive care.

Orion Health has you covered with the technology you need to succeed in the age of accountable care. Visit us at booth 965 and see first-hand how our collaborative care and integration solutions can help position your organization for success.

View a demo. Meet our clients. Attend informational sessions. It’s all here for you with Orion Health at HIMSS14. Visit to learn more.

Park Place International

2-13-2014 5-58-32 PM

Booth: 2186

Contact: Bryan Blood, VP of sales

Park Place International provides technology integration, technical consulting, and OpSus|Cloud Services designed to help customers achieve operational sustainability with their Meditech Electronic Health Record.

Park Place is an approved provider of technology solutions for all versions of the Meditech HCIS and offers a full selection of Meditech-certified server and storage platforms.

The Park Place team has extensive Meditech experience and technology expertise and is uniquely qualified to architect, deliver, and support Meditech solutions.

Stop by booth 2186 to learn more about Park Place International and enter our raffle for a chance to win an gift card.

Passport Health Communications

2-13-2014 5-59-37 PM    

Booth 2134

Contact: Stacy Gillespie, vice president of marketing

Passport Health Communications Inc. provides software and solutions to help hospitals and health care providers improve business operations and secure payment for their services. Passport serves more than 2,500 hospitals in addition to more than 9,000 physicians, clinics, and ancillary offices across all 50 states and processes more than 485 million transactions annually through its Passport eCare brand of patient access and payment certainty solutions for the revenue cycle. Passport was recently acquired by Experian Healthcare in November 2013.

Come by our booth to learn more about our revenue cycle solutions and how they can help make workflow more efficient. Come by for a demo and you will be entered to win an American Express gift card.


2-13-2014 6-01-16 PM

Booth 4021

Contact: Pete Heydt, SVP of business development

Patientco provides an intuitive suite of cloud-based revenue cycle automation tools designed to work seamlessly together to maximize patient revenue like never before. From the initial statement to the last payment made, we take a patient-centric approach to handle each step of the process with the same level of care you give to your patients, improving your business, one patient at a time.

Features include:

  • Patient-centric statements and eBills
  • Simple and secure online bill pay
  • Point-of-service payment processing
  • Automated phone payment system
  • Secure patient-to-provider messaging
  • Lockbox paper check processing
  • Correspondence handling
  • Returned mail processing
  • Business intelligence reporting

PatientKeeper Inc. 

2-13-2014 6-02-20 PM  

Booth 1603

Contact: Kathy Ruggiero, senior director of corporate marketing

PatientKeeper is a leading provider of healthcare applications for physicians, with over 50,000 users across North America and the UK. At HIMSS14, visitors can see live, commercially available versions of PatientKeeper’s CPOE (ranked easiest-to-use by KLAS®), med rec, physician documentation, electronic charge capture, and other applications that streamline physicians’ workflow, running as a native app on popular smartphones and tablets, as well as on desktop and laptop computers.

See how PatientKeeper makes healthcare IT painless for physicians and IT professionals alike.

PatientSafe Solutions   

2-13-2014 6-03-38 PM

Booth 3983

Contact: Tim Needham, vice president

PatientSafe Solutions is leading the way in smart point-of-care mobile solutions, driving safe and high-quality care throughout the patient experience. The PatientTouch mobile technology platform supports enhanced clinical workflows and voice/messaging communications on a single, handheld device. Through safety improvements, increased productivity, workforce engagement and satisfaction, and EMR optimization, the PatientTouch solution drives enhanced financial performance in the hospital environment. PatientSafe Solutions works with clients leveraging the PatientTouch system to improve performance management by eliminating harm, reducing waste, and improving productivity.

PatientSafe will be raffling a GoPro Hero3+ each day. Come by booth 3983 to visit.

PDR Network 

2-13-2014 6-04-27 PM  

Booth 454

Contact: Andrew Gelman, SVP of corporate development

PDR Network is the nation’s leading aggregator and distributor of FDA-approved drug safety information and patient support services, reaching healthcare providers directly through the Physicians’ Desk Reference suite of digital and print services. PDR Communications provides direct access to more than one million healthcare professionals with both promotional vehicles (PDR Addenda, drug approval notifications, eDrug updates, and clinical/professional updates), and clinical vehicles (drug alerts, recall/withdrawal warning notifications, and dear HCP letters).

Healthcare professionals access trusted PDR content across channels, including via: the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR), the most recognized drug information reference available in the US, now available in multiple formats; PDR interactive drug services for EHR systems;, the online home of the PDR; and mobilePDR for handheld devices.

For more information on our products and services, please stop by booth 454 or visit

Perceptive Software

2-13-2014 6-05-50 PM    

Booth 4765

Contact: Jeneane Crawford, global campaigns manager

Healthcare organizations and providers are struggling with an incomplete patient story when relying on the EMR alone for patient information. The reason? There’s a vast collection of unstructured content that the EMR does not manage – clinical images, digital photos, scanned documents, and video files – and the volume of this content is growing exponentially.

Join Perceptive Software at HIMSS14 in booth 4765 where we’ll demonstrate how you can deliver a complete patient record by bridging the content gaps in your existing applications. We will show you how to optimize your EMR and other IT systems by bringing all content, no matter the source, into view.

At booth 4765 solution experts will be available to discuss how we can help you:

  • Capture all unstructured content including clinical images, videos, photos and documents making them accessible from the patient record
  • Improve collaboration across content-centric departments and processes
  • Image-enable your EMR
  • Streamline finance and human resources workflows by eliminating manual tasks
  • Unlock valuable content regardless of where it exists with enterprise search.


2-13-2014 6-07-28 PM    

Booth 5293

Contact: Leigh Ann Myers, chief clinical officer

PerfectServe is a single, intelligent, unified communications platform that connects clinicians in any care setting—across the care continuum. Whether you’re part of a solo medical practice or a world-class health system, PerfectServe can help you drive meaningful improvement in your care delivery processes.

Visit us in booth 5293 to learn how we’re helping clinicians connect with each other quickly, easily and securely. And while you’re there, grab a yummy cake pop. They’re sure to be a crowd favorite and will give you that needed spurt of energy to get you through the rest of the day.

To learn more about PerfectServe, visit


2-13-2014 6-10-17 PM

Booth 2092

Contact: Suzanne Trajkoski, director of marketing

Visit PeriGen booth 2092 to learn how our evidence-based fetal surveillance solutions are helping leading hospitals save moms and babies. Meet our client, Baystate Health, a 2014 HIMSS presenter and 2014 Healthcare Informatics Innovator of the Year semi-finalist about the ROI of data-driven obstetrics and the policy they instituted to restrict early labor inductions.


2-10-2014 9-44-22 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Chrissy Braden, director of business operations

pMD develops software that is powerful, flexible, reliable, and easy-to-use. pMD’s mobile charge capture solution enables physicians to enter billing charges anywhere, at anytime from iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. pMD eliminates the tedious paper processes and administrative elements that burden doctors and their practices, while reducing charge capture lag from weeks to less than a day.

Charge capture is unbelievably easy with pMD’s advanced code search functionality, which gives providers a quick and convenient way to select customized codes. pMD’s ICD-10 Converter automatically maps codes in one click and allows customers to incorporate the ICD-10 code system instantly or incrementally. Additionally, pMD’s secure messaging allows physicians to send sensitive information quickly and securely, all directly from within the pMD app.

The pMD team is committed to developing the best solution on the market and providing superior customer service.

Predixion Software 

2-13-2014 6-11-37 PM       

Booth 4893

Contact: Jennifer Dodos, director of marketing

Predixion helps healthcare organizations leverage data to predicatively manage a variety of population health challenges that are distributed via clinical systems or portable devices.

Predixion is a disruptive predictive analytics software company with a unique focus on the development of portable predictive applications via its patent pending Machine Learning Semantic Model and the Last Mile of Analytics – the deployment of powerful predictions to the people who need to act upon them. Predict Everything.

HIMSS products showcased:

  • Predictable Length of Stay: Predixion’s newest predictive health management solution is Predictable Length of Stay (LOS). Predictable LOS gives healthcare providers the ability to identify patients that are at risk of experiencing an extended LOS and, most importantly, directing frontline care providers to interventions that are most likely to reduce the excess LOS as well as measuring the outcomes of those interventions.
  • Predixion and Azure: Predixion’s solutions are now available for deployment utilizing the Azure Cloud Services and available HIPAA BAA.
  • Predictable Readmissions: Predixion’s market-proven solution, Predictable Readmissions, helps identify patients at risk of readmission from the moment they are first admitted to the hospital allowing for more tailored care during the patient’s stay and better continuity of care post discharge.

Prominence Advisors   

2-10-2014 9-46-10 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Bobby Bacci, president and CEO

Prominence Advisors will be hosting an event for current and prospective customers on Tuesday evening. Anyone interested in attending can get details by using the email

Refreshing: that’s the word that comes to mind when talking about Prominence Advisors. This fast-growing healthcare IT consulting firm is doing things differently and finding new ways to apply technology, strategy, and analytics within the healthcare industry.

Proximare Health   

2-10-2014 9-48-38 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Shawn Wagoner, president

If patient access, leakage, and referral management are words you are hearing a lot of lately please take time out to learn how Proximare has helped several organizations with these challenges. Our product was developed in collaboration with clinicians and operations leaders over a decade ago at one of the largest systems in Chicago and has managed over two million patient transitions to date.

Sample client results:

  • Referral processing time was reduced from three months to 5.5 days
  • 22 percent of referrals were screened out as inappropriate
  • Referral volume increased sevenfold with fewer employees needed to manage it.



2-13-2014 6-14-32 PM  

Booth 3111

Contact: Tracy Behar, national director of healthcare

Qlik (NASDAQ: QLIK) is committed to changing the world by making it easier to make more insightful decisions and act on them. The QlikView Business Discovery software platform and Qlik Customer Success Framework provide people, technology and service, helping organizations optimize data as a strategic resource. QlikView uses Natural Analytics to support the way people naturally analyze information. It enables users to see associations, make comparisons, and anticipate outcomes in a natural way, rather than forcing them down inflexible drill paths. QlikView gives the immediate insights businesses need with the enterprise governance IT requires. Qlik serves approximately 30,000 customers in 100+ countries.

Join Qlik at booth 3111 to hear customer testimonials, experience a live demonstration, receive a massage, and more.

QPID Health   

2-10-2014 9-55-31 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Amy Krane, marketing
Connie Thompson, sales

EHRs offer huge promise and great challenges. But as any clinician will tell you, it’s frustrating and time consuming to get the patient story you need for a specific clinical encounter. QPID solves that problem.

Developed and proven through use by thousands of clinicians at the Mass General and other leading hospitals, QPID finds and delivers digests of relevant patient history from anywhere in the patient’s record. From structured data fields and free-form text notes. And across EHRs, HIEs and other data repositories.

Learn why QPID users say, “I can’t believe I ever practiced without this.” If you’re ready to optimize your EHR, let’s talk.

Quest Diagnostics  

2-13-2014 6-16-10 PM 

Booth 3064

Contact: Geena Berry, ChartMaxx marketing

Quest Diagnostics – more than a world leading lab company. Every day, more than 2400 hospitals and 300,000 physicians count on Quest Diagnostics HIT solutions to help improve patient outcomes and empower connectivity. We invite you to visit our HIMSS booth 3064 to learn about the full HIT solutions Quest Diagnostics offers and hear from industry leaders giving brief educational presentations on technology topics including data analytics and security, achieving the financial value of integrated care coordination, and Meaningful Use.

Visit our booth 3064 at HIMSS to learn more about our integrated solutions including:

  • Our award-winning ChartMaxx Enterprise Content Management helps your organization better manage documents and data with integrated clinical, financial, and administrative workflows
  • Care360 Data Exchange and Care360 EHR empowers physicians, health systems, patients, and ACOs to stay synchronized and connected
  • Hospital Diagnostics Services to create lab benefits and value
  • Health IT Quality Solutions to streamline and enhance the quality of your EHR interoperability with us
  • IntelliTest Manager to access and effectively manage new test information, test updates, and changes based on specific account utilization
  • Joint Directory of Services (JDOS) combining Quest Diagnostics laboratory tests and your hospital’s laboratory tests in one succinct directory
  • Patient portal and mobile health app technology to empower better health, promote information exchange, and transparency
  • Blueprint for Wellness to empower measurable health improvement, improve productivity and lower healthcare costs

Stop by our booth on Tuesday, February 25 to meet New York Giants Super Bowl Champion Stephen Baker “The Touchdown Maker” and get an autographed mini-football. Steve will speak on the value of wellness programs in improving health and outcomes through diagnostic insights.

The first 100 attendees to stop by the Quest Diagnostics booth will be eligible for a special Blueprint for Wellness screening voucher. This screening offers a current snapshot of your health featuring simply-stated insights and highly personalized content that provides an understanding of your health.

We are more than a world leading diagnostic lab company, we empower enterprise connectivity. Visit our booth to find out how we are elevating interoperability and helping healthcare organizations maximize their HIT investments.

For more information visit

ReadyDock Inc.

2-13-2014 6-20-04 PM

Booth 8056

Contact: David Engelhardt, founder and president

ReadyDock:UV for mobile devices is the first and only chemical-free disinfection multi-bay docking station on the market. Tablet PCs are high-touch surfaces that require frequent disinfection in clinical and germ-sensitive settings. ReadyDock is a complete solution providing secure storage, charging, and disinfection all in one workflow friendly solution.

ReadyDock will be showing its new mobile device disinfection tray now allowing USB compliant charging and disinfection of tablets and other mobile devices. ReadyDock also provides a free iOS application called CleanMe available on the iTunes store to help remind and education users to clean and disinfect their devices per their own personal disinfection policy.

Free disinfection during exhibit hours: come by our booth and bring your dirty device with you … we’ll take care of it.


2-13-2014 6-21-41 PM 

Booth 1665

Contact: Nastran Andersen, executive director

RelayHealth Clinical solutions provide aggregated, relevant information at the point of care to help organizations coordinate care across settings and make financial reimbursement decisions in evolving care models. Our vendor-neutral ability to capture and aggregate data from a variety of disparate sources including clinical, financial, payer, pharmacy, and government setting provides the broad data aggregation you need for a truly comprehensive view of your patients’ longitudinal records. Efficient, workflow-integrated solutions help your providers access clinically relevant information on the spot and minimize redundant tests, hospital readmissions, and medical errors.

Please join us for a cocktail reception and presentation with Jersey Health Connect in the RelayHealth booth on Monday during HIMSS.

Sandlot Solutions

2-15-2013 8-21-02 PM    

Booth 5783

Contact: Rosalind Bell, director of marketing
817.810.5210 or 512.294.5200

Sandlot Solutions is a physician-inspired healthcare IT company with the expertise to build the connection for any organization exchanging healthcare information to improve the quality of care, manage risk, and reduce costs supporting accountable care and other payment models.

The company’s configurable technology streamlines data-sharing, supporting provider organizations with health information exchange, data analytics, and care management solutions. Sandlot was founded in 2006. Visit for more information.

Stop by the Sandlot Solutions booth to learn about our new product Sandlot Connect Lite. Based on the proven technology of Sandlot Solutions, Sandlot Connect Lite is our simple, entry-level notification solution designed to help you gain immediate efficiencies – encouraging adoption among the physician community and serving as the stepping stone to greater exchange of information, analytics, and community care management.

Shareable Ink   

2-13-2014 6-23-42 PM

Booth 2117

Contact: Chris Driscoll, vice president of sales

Shareable Ink is the clinical documentation and analytics company that allows hospitals and physician practice groups to extend their existing EHR investments.

Using your forms, your efficient workflows powered by our enterprise cloud-based platform. We digitize your workflow starting with your forms. We use natural input tools such as the iPad and digital pen and paper to quickly capture clinical documentation at the point of care. Access to your data becomes immediate, effortless, and actionable, allowing clinicians to stay efficient, focus on delivering quality patient care, and improve financial performance.

Shareable Ink has two special special promotions and one giveaway:

1) Special giveaway – ask for a demo and enter for a chance to win an iPad mini.
2) Special promotions – patient intake starter kit. Includes three patient intake forms: general consent; HIPAA consent; patient history intake, MU structured data. And, 15 percent discount off Anesthesia Cloud for iPad with ShareMU sign-ups before March 31, 2014.

Siemens Healthcare

2-13-2014 6-24-34 PM    

Booth 3165

Contact: Suzanne Edison, marketing specialist

Siemens Healthcare will showcase premier HIT solutions that help providers advance their mission of better financial performance and a better patient experience across the continuum of care. From the EHR, to revenue cycle management, mobility, cloud computing, health information exchange, and population health management, Siemens has solutions for providers in this era of accountability. Stop by to see our newest product: CareXcell.

Siemens has answers for provider initiatives including patient safety, strengthening the revenue cycle, and enabling technology to improve patient care. Let us swipe your badge for a donation to StandUp 2 Cancer.

The SSI Group, Inc. 

2-13-2014 6-26-19 PM  

Booth 1745

Contact: Amanda Elmore, sales promotions manager

SSI is a forward-thinking innovator that is powering the business of healthcare through improved flexibility, connectivity and integration. The company offers a single-vendor, end-to-end Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) solution featuring front-end eligibility; industry-leading, best-in-class billing and claims transmission; contract management, denial management and attachment processing; and an advanced analytics and business intelligence product suite. With over 1,000 payer connections through its EHNAC-certified clearinghouse, SSI processes 600 million transactions annually, totaling in excess of $800 billion in billed electronic claims revenue.

Stop by our booth to refuel at the beverage station while you charge your mobile devices at the “Power Tower.” The SSI Group, Inc. is “Powering the Business of Healthcare” but we are also powering YOU at HIMSS14.

Streamline Health 

2-13-2014 6-27-55 PM   

Booth 2829, Knowledge Center Booth 883

Contact: Matt Seefeld, senior vice president of solutions strategy

Streamline Health is a leading provider of SaaS-based healthcare information technology solutions that enable faster, more informed decisions to help providers meet the challenges of an ever-changing healthcare industry. The company’s comprehensive suite of solutions includes: business and clinical analytics, clinical documentation improvement, computer assisted coding, enterprise content management, and integrated workflows.

Stop by and play our interactive memory game. Daily $100 winner for fastest time.

Summit Healthcare   

2-13-2014 6-29-17 PM

Booth 1021

Contact: Jason Behan, national sales director
781.519.4840 ext. 154

Summit Healthcare delivers the right results — every time, guaranteed. Offering an easy-to-use, flexible, and robust technology platform with proven industry experience, Summit Healthcare is the smart choice. With a complete toolset for addressing integration, workflow automation, and business continuity needs, taking control of your healthcare systems has never been easier. We strive to provide the industry with the most flexible technology with complimentary tailored services and solutions.

Enter our drawing to win a free iPad. Stop by our booth for a warm, freshly baked chocolate chip cookie.

Sunquest Information Systems, Inc.  

 2-13-2014 6-30-12 PM

Booth 4447

Contact: Auna Emery, manager, marketing communications

Sunquest is the market leader in the laboratory, delivering diagnostic information technology and outreach solutions designed to fulfill the business objectives of today’s healthcare leaders. Sunquest is committed to providing comprehensive solutions that deliver quality diagnoses, optimize efficiency, improve patient safety, and respond to a changing market.

With more than 30 years of experience, Sunquest continues to be the chosen partner for more than 1,700 laboratories and over 300,000 end users worldwide. Sunquest serves the global marketplace with reliable technology for mission critical applications, enabling providers to deliver optimal care across their network.

Sunquest has redefined the lab, empowering its partners to turn results into knowledge.

We will be giving away Labrador puppy plush toys (“Sunquest Lab”),  Sunquest tote bags, ChapStick, and pens.

Surgical Information Systems 

2-13-2014 6-31-47 PM   

Booth 6465 and the Intelligent Hospital

Contact: Steven Litton, market analyst

Transform your EHR data into information that can drive big results.

SIS Analytics is now available for use with all leading EHRs ( and perioperative systems, making it easy for you to deliver the insight perioperative leaders need to reach peak performance.

  • Schedule a meeting to see SIS Analytics at HIMSS and be entered to win a Bose SoundLink Bluetooth speaker.
  • Register to see your perioperative data in SIS Analytics
  • See SIS in action at booth 6465 and in the Intelligent Hospital
  • Find out how Robert Wood Johnson used SIS Analytics to add $3.5 million in additional revenue to their bottom line at the HIMSS Clinical and Business Intelligence Knowledge Center

SIS’s proven perioperative IT solution helps hospitals increase operational efficiencies, improve financial performance, and deliver better patient outcomes.


2-13-2014 6-33-17 PM

Booth 1041   

Contact: Margaret Turano, healthcare marketing

Symantec understands healthcare security. Hospitals and providers are struggling to ensure that the sharing and exchange of patient data is private and secure. They are implementing complex IT systems to support and protect EHRs, as well as computerized physician order entry (CPOE) to reduce preventable errors. Simultaneously, they are tasked with meeting regulatory compliance, optimizing IT service levels, and gaining clinician acceptance—all without being distracted from the main focus: delivering quality patient care.

Symantec understands the unique needs of the healthcare market and is working with providers, industry organizations, and technology partners to find the best possible solution to meet their IT challenges.

Visit Symantec booth 1041 and learn:

  • How to best address the rise of mobile devices in your environment
  • How to comply with industry best practices and standards, discover your information vulnerabilities, establish security across the healthcare organization, and help protect your reputation
  • How to harness your clinical and administrative data and ensure it is managed, protected, and stored efficiently and effectively
  • How to maintain secure 24×7 operation of clinical IT systems

Mingle with the experts! Join us Monday, February 24 and Tuesday, February 25 from 3:30-6:00 p.m. for drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and great conversation with leading healthcare industry experts.

Enter to win! Stop by Symantec booth 1041 and enter to win a home theatre system complete with a 70” 3D Flat-Panel TV, 3D Blu-ray Player, home theater sound bar, and installation.

Talksoft Corporation   

2-13-2014 6-44-51 PM

Booth 4466

Contact: Ken Walsh, president

Founded in 1997, Talksoft is an applications service provider (ASP) of reminder and notification services using phone, text, email, and mobile app.Talksoft’s service based approach provides affordable solutions for businesses of any size.

Our appointment reminders, recall, bill reminder, outreach, and broadcast services utilize the latest technology to improve your office’s efficiency and patient engagement.

Visit our booth 4466 to utilize our free charging station for your phone or computer and to pick up your luggage tag. Additional information can be found at or by calling 866.966.4700.

TeraMedica, Inc.  

2-13-2014 6-47-43 PM 

Booth 3843

Contact: Robin Schroeder-Janonis, VP, sales

Visit TeraMedica at booth 3843. Schedule your booth appointment by clicking here.

While at HIMSS14, learn more about Evercore Univision EV, a zero-footprint, multi-modality enterprise viewer supporting a full spectrum of patient images and data, both DICOM and non-DICOM.  Univision EV meets a wide a range of clinical needs by providing a robust toolset. Through next-generation integration with TeraMedica’s Evercore VNA, a comprehensive patient view is delivered using a browser-based, tremendously scalable solution supporting all devices in the enterprise, including iOS and Android mobile devices.


2-13-2014 6-48-43 PM   

Booth 2071

Contact: Ann Baty, senior marketing manager

T-System advances the practice of emergency medicine with technology solutions proven to solve clinical, financial, operational, and regulatory challenges for hospitals and urgent care clinics. Approximately 40 percent of the nation’s emergency departments leverage T-System solutions to provide an unmatched patient experience.

Through gold-standard documentation, revenue cycle management, and performance-enhancing solutions, T-System optimizes care delivery from the front door through discharge and beyond. Today, more than 1,900 hospitals rely on T-System solutions. For more information, visit or follow @TSystem on Twitter.

Stop by our booth every day starting at noon for freshly baked cookies and more information on our end-to-end solutions for emergency care.

Valence Health

2-14-2014 6-02-18 AM    

Booth 4249

Contact: Stacey Pearson, director of sales operations

Valence Health ( helps healthcare providers better manage their patient populations and accept financial responsibility for the quality of the care they provide. With unique data collection and analysis tools, Valence Health has emerged as a leader in population management, serving dozens of clients from small physician groups to Cleveland Clinic.

In-depth actuarial analysis combined with operational excellence allows Valence to not only advise but also provide ongoing services to provider organizations operating under various value-based reimbursement models. From risk-based contracting to accountable care organizations (ACOs) to administering provider-sponsored health plans, Valence has been helping providers appropriately accept and manage financial responsibility while improving clinical quality since 1996.

With headquarters in Chicago and three other office locations, Valence Health helps manage the health of more than 13 million patients nationwide. Follow Valence Health on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Please visit our booth 4249 and stop by for a technology demo.


Versus Technology   

2-14-2014 6-04-01 AM

Booth 3673

Contact: Stephanie Bertschy, director of marketing

Oh yeah, we’ve got “BIG” data. And better yet, it’s accurate, unbiased and collected without data entry.

Our real-time locating system (RTLS) is the most-deployed for patient flow and process improvement, producing analytics that are hard to capture in any other way.

See it in action at our new Experience Center — a live, real-time demonstration — and learn why Versus is the only RTLS accurate enough to automate workflows and effectively monitor hand hygiene. Be one of the first to see our new mix-and-match RTLS platforms, offering interchangeable wi-fi, wireless, and wired options, all featuring the same infrared accuracy Versus is known for.

The new platforms work with the same badges and tags, including two new options: the Mini Asset Tag, the smallest available on the active RTLS market, and our waterproof, wearable Patient Wrist Badge.

And back to that “BIG” data, we’re also unveiling version 5.0 of our advanced reporting software, Reports Plus Analytics. This major upgrade features several new reports developed hand-in-hand with healthcare administrators and clinicians, offering unprecedented insight into facility workflows. Proven software, proven solutions, and multiple platforms including both wireless and wi-fi options — there’s never been a better time to invest in RTLS. To reduce HAIs (HIMSS-acquired infections), look for the SafeHaven hand hygiene dispensers throughout the convention center. Tear off an entry card from the display to win one of five tablet computers. Or, visit booth 3673 to enter.

Virtelligence, Inc.   

2-8-2012 6-49-36 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Akhtar Chaudhri, CEO and founder
Nicole Francen, marketing communications specialist

Virtelligence, a national healthcare and IT consulting firm, offers a unique consulting model that provides a results-driven partnership with clients and a work environment that offers colleagues a path for professional growth unequaled in the industry.

Key service offerings include:

  • Strategic guidance and project management
  • Software implementation and optimization
  • Software development and integration
  • Revenue cycle optimization
  • Clinical transformation
  • Meaningful Use and ICD-10 projects

Virtelligence consultants have practical hands-on expertise and training with major healthcare and technology vendors, including: Allscripts/ Eclipsys, Cerner, Epic, MEDITECH, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and Lawson.

Virtelligence has earned national recognition and numerous awards for being a rewarding work place and delivering lasting client successes: Best Places to Work in the Minneapolis/ St. Paul area, HCI 100, Inc. 5000, and the Minnesota Business Journal’s Fast 50.

Vital Images, Inc. 

2-14-2014 6-05-51 AM   

Booth 1677

Contact: Nichole Gerszewski, marketing manager

Vital Images, Inc. will be providing real-life examples of how it is helping healthcare organizations image-enable their EHRs, HIEs, and EMRs. The company will be hosting receptions at  booth(1677 on Monday starting at 4 p.m. and Tuesday starting at 5 p.m. It will also be participating in the Interoperability Showcase throughout the week with a featured live case study presented by Dr. Rab of Hackensack University Medical Center on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in Hall F.

Stop by the Vital booth to learn more about image-enabling your EHR, HIE, or EMR.


2-14-2014 6-07-02 AM

Booth 735

Contact: Ashlee Piper, marketing coordinator

Visit VitalWare in booth 735 to view a demo, receive a daily prize, and be entered to win a full one-year license to iDocuMint.

Vonlay LLC       

2-10-2014 9-59-09 AM

To schedule a meeting:

Contact: Casey Liakos, director of client relations

Since 2009, Vonlay has been handpicking the best application, technical service and development experts from across the HIT ecosystem to work with our clients. And we are proud of the results: a creative, supportive, hardworking company that has a deep commitment to client success.

Vonlay has a unique focus on technology, leadership, and design in the Epic space and beyond. We’ve helped new clients build strong foundations with their implementations. We’ve helped established clients innovate and create a competitive edge with staffing, portals, development, and reporting services.

For more information, visit

Wellsoft Corporation 

2-14-2014 6-09-07 AM   

Booth 4364

Contact: Denise Helfand, VP, sales and marketing

Consistently ranked #1 emergency department information system (EDIS) by KLAS (most recently awarded Best in KLAS 2013), Wellsoft EDIS offers an exceptional combination of experience, extensive workflow analysis, and award winning customer support. Wellsoft EDIS is certified for Meaningful Use. Software features include patient tracking, clinical documentation, CPOE/results, charge capture including infusion charge capture, risk management, and CCD/CCDA document exchange. Wellsoft is EDIS at its BEST.

Visit Wellsoft at booth 4364 to have a brief demonstration and discuss how Wellsoft EDIS fully integrates with HIS and ancillary systems.

Winthrop Resources   

2-14-2014 6-25-25 AM

Booth 1693

Contact: Dan Mandy, director of business development

Winthrop Resources Corporation specializes in financing information technology projects and clinical equipment to the healthcare industry.  Our goal is simple – to provide hospitals a cost-effective solution with the flexibility to migrate, upgrade or change equipment when/if required during the lease term.

Winthrop is a financially stable single investor owned by TCF Financial (NYSE: TCB); we retain ownership in all of our transactions and are not dependent on 3rd parties for funding. All of this allows us to provide a unique, strategic, high value method to manage change as your technology needs and desires evolve. Cash or simple bank financing work well for other asset classes, but are not designed to accommodate the dynamics associated with technology equipment.


2-14-2014 6-26-16 AM    

Booth MP06

Contact: Kirsten LeMaster, VP of marketing and communications

Today’s Xerox simplifies the way work gets done in surprising ways. Like supporting healthcare professionals in over 1,700 hospitals. With consulting services, Midas+ analytics and adoption solutions from The Breakaway Group, A Xerox Company, we help healthcare providers apply, manage, and use technology that simplifies caregiver workloads. So you have more time to focus on delivering the level of care everyone deserves.

Visit us at MP06  Contact us at or 877.414.2676

Comments Off on HIStalk’s Guide to HIMSS14

Morning Headlines 2/14/14

February 13, 2014 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 2/14/14

RECs surpassed their goals to increase EHR adoption

As the Regional Extension Center program turns four years old, ONC posts a blog suggesting that they have "far exceeded" their goal of supporting 100,000 physicians with their health IT adoption goals.

25 Highest Rated Companies Hiring Interns in 2014; Facebook Debuts at #1

Epic is the fifth-best company to intern for according to a Glassdoor survey of US companies.

House Members Urge HHS To Overhaul Medicare Audit System

A group of 111 lawmakers urges HHS director Kathleen Sebelius to fix the Medicare claims audit system, citing a backlog of 460,000 claims and other institutional issues.

Comments Off on Morning Headlines 2/14/14

News 2/14/14

February 13, 2014 News 9 Comments

Top News

2-13-2014 1-15-27 PM

inga_small ONC reports that RECs have “far exceeded” their goal to support the adoption and use of HIT by 100,000 small practices, CHCs, and rural and public hospitals, while continuing to support providers to reach MU. The “exceeded” goal must involve something other than the 100,000 figure since only 85,000 PCPs had met the MU milestone by the end of November.

Reader Comments

From No Love: “Re: vendor management organizations. I would be interested in hearing feedback from healthcare organizations that contract with them to manage their consulting needs. Our consulting firm spends endless hours meeting client needs. Through vendor management groups, sometimes months go by before we hear anything about the candidates presented if we get a response at all. I’m amazed at the lack of management, coordination, communication, and relevant industry knowledge that the representatives of some of these firms possess. The only thing we are doing is populating the databases of these vendor management groups with contact information for great consultants.”


HIStalk Announcements and Requests

2-12-2014 2-58-17 PM

inga_small A few things on HIStalk Practice this week that you may love: ICD-10 implementation costs for physician practices could be almost three times higher than estimates from 2008. Fifty-one Northeast Georgia Physicians Group clinics win Stage 7 Ambulatory awards from HIMSS Analytics. HealthPoint Medical Group becomes the first practice to earn NCQA Patient-Centered Specialty Practice Recognition. Proposed legislation repealing the SGR formula eliminates future MU and PQRS penalties, provide technical assistance for small practices, and require EHR interoperability. Its the season for love, so show me some by signing up for email updates when checking out these stories. Thanks for reading.

Listening: Year of the Rabbit, a one-album (2003) band formed by Ken Andrews, a former member of my current favorite band, Failure (which reunited after a 16-year absence for a live show Thursday night in LA).

Those who are new to healthcare IT may wonder why significant news (which is only about 2 percent of total even in a good week) is so scarce this week. Reason: companies save up their big announcements until the HIMSS conference, which starts next weekend, hoping to draw traffic to their expensive booths. What nearly always happens instead is that their announcements get lost because every vendor is equally unimaginative. For me, the newsworthiness bar is raised a lot during the conference because I’m busier, meaning I won’t mention announcements that I might have this week or next because I don’t have time. Less-earthshattering announcements have a better chance of getting exposure if held until the week after the conference, when there’s nothing left to write about.

Just a reminder: we’ll have our first-ever HIStalk booth (#1995) at the HIMSS conference. Our price range and lack of HIMSS clout means it will be a microscopic, sparsely furnished patch of rental carpet in Booth Siberia near the restrooms, but for intrepid seekers, Lorre will be dispensing trinkets and the occasional visiting celebrity will be on hand to say hello. Lorre will also be tweeting out reports from Inga, Dr. Jayne, and me about who has cool giveaways and which booths are interesting, so follow her if you want to know who is giving chair massages or serving margaritas at 10 in the morning.


2-13-2014 6-51-24 PM

I’ll have more information about the HIStalkapalooza schedule, entertainment, food, and co-sponsors next week. The basics are that buses will run a circuit between the convention center’s Hall F and the House of Blues from 6:30 until 11:30 p.m. We’ll have a full dinner buffet and open bar. Entertainment will include music outside, a live band, our usual red-carpet entrance with video and still photographers, and several activities inside the HOB. There will be IngaTinis and spiffed up ladies wearing hot shoes. Beauty queen sashes will be donned. Handling the HISsies awards will be Ross Martin, MD of AMIA and Missy Krasner of Box. We’ll have the winners of three big categories on hand to accept their awards in person – Most Effective Provider HIT Executive, HIT Lifetime Achievement Award, and HIT Industry Figure of the Year. The long-range weather forecast is looking good so far with highs around 80 degrees. Stay tuned and use hashtag #histalkapalooza if your level of anticipation warrants tweeting.

People who apparently don’t read HIStalk keep emailing to ask if they can bring guests. Answer: no, unfortunately, but we turned down 900 people and it wouldn’t have been fair to hold spots for an undetermined number of guests. Print your invitation and bring it along since the nice registration folks will let you in only if you were invited.

In case you’re wondering what HIStalkapalooza is all about, here’s the official Medicomp video from last year’s event in New Orleans. That’s Jennifer Lyle from Software Testing Solutions deftly handling the red carpet interviews, a role she will reprise this time.

HIMSS Conference Social Events

Send us your event details if it’s a good one (i.e., free food and drinks at minimum) and you promise that all HIStalk readers are welcome to attend, even if they work for your most hated competitor as a given reader might well do.

2-13-2014 7-35-19 AM

EHealth Initiative will host a Mardi Gras cocktail reception sponsored by Elsevier Clinical Solutions Monday, February 24 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Rosen Centre Hotel. Register here.

Upcoming Webinars

February 18 (Tuesday), 1:00 p.m. ET. Epic 2012 Training and Support: Building Your Team. Sponsored by MBA HealthGroup. The webinar will present a case study of creative staffing solutions for an Epic 2012 upgrade at an academic medical center, describing the institution’s challenge, its out-of-the-box solution, and the results it obtained working with a consulting firm.

February 19 (Wednesday), 1:00 p.m. ET. What is the Best Healthcare Data Warehouse Model for Your Organization? Choosing the right data model for your healthcare enterprise data warehouse (EDW) can be one of the most significant decisions you make in establishing your data warehousing and foundational analytics strategy for the future. The strengths and weaknesses of three primary data models will be discussed: enterprise data model, independent data marts, and late-binding solutions.


Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock

2-13-2014 3-14-37 PM

Welltok, developer of the CaféWell Health Optimization platform, raises $22.1 million in Series C funding. IBM was an investor and and will work with Welltok to build a Watson-powered application that will guide consumers through health questions.

2-13-2014 3-20-47 PM

Specialists on Call, a provider of specialty physician teleconsult services, closes $32 million in financing.

2-13-2014 3-21-38 PM

GetWellNetwork reports 86 percent revenue growth in 2013, as well as the addition of 50 new client facilities and a 60 percent increase in employees.


The Seniors Wellness Group of Michigan selects WRS Health to provide EMR and PM solutions for its 170 skilled nursing facilities.

Meritage ACO (CA) will implement CareInSync’s Carebook evidence-based mobile care coordination platform and expand its use of the Mobile Care Navigation Network.

Philips Healthcare will provide home monitoring technology to the home care program of Partners HealthCare (MA), including alert and medication dispensing systems.



2-13-2014 11-16-59 AM

Catholic Health Initiatives names Rand Strobel (UW Medicine Valley Medical Center) CIO of its Franciscan Health System region.

2-13-2014 11-24-22 AM 2-13-2014 11-23-42 AM 2-13-2014 11-22-55 AM

LDM Group hires David Green (Eli Lilly) as VP of payer market solutions, Wes Galbo (A&K Global Health) as VP of product management, and Jim Rockel (The Breakaway Group) as senior director of business development.

2-13-2014 5-18-11 PM

Consultant and former Cerner EVP Jack Newman is appointed to the University of Kansas Hospital Authority.

MedHOK appoints Troy Smith (Computer Science Corporation) COO.

Announcements and Implementations

Memorial Medical Center (IL) upgrades to the Carestream Vue PACS and Vue for VNA.

2-13-2014 7-09-46 AM

Hilo Medical Center (HI) and its outpatient clinics launch the East Hawaii Patient Portal.

The Tiger Institute Health Alliance (MO) and Lewis and Clark Information Exchange (MO) begin sharing patient information.

2-13-2014 11-57-15 AM

Scribes STAT, which offers scribe programs and EMR implementation services, rebrands as Essia Health and appoints Matthew J. Kirchner (Medtronic) president and CEO.

2-13-2014 4-10-20 PM

University of Michigan startup AlertWatch earns FDA marketing clearance for its anesthesia monitoring system.

2-13-2014 4-41-55 PM

AirStrip launches an Innovation Marketplace program to push evidence-based research results into clinical practice, extending its initial partnership with Palomar Health that resulted in the development of AirStrip ONE.

2-13-2014 5-32-06 PM

Box says healthcare was its fastest-growing sector of 2013, up 400 percent.


Government and Politics

A group of 111 lawmakers urges HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to reform the auditing system for Medicare claims, citing a massive backlog of more than 460,00 claims and an audit system that gives contractors an inventive to deny claims.

A Congressional panel investigates how the government is safeguarding MU funds following the recent indictment of Shelby Regional Medical Center’s (TX) former CFO for falsely attesting to MU.



2-13-2014 10-42-29 AM

Epic ranks number five on Glassdoor’s annual report on the “25 Highest Rated Companies Hiring Interns.”

John Lynn did a Google+ Video Hangout with Elsevier CMIO Jonathan Teich, MD, PhD this week on the topic of clinical decision support.

Farzad Mostashari gives HIStalk and HIStalk Practice kudos (a Farzie, actually) because on both sites we questioned the validity of a physician EMR survey performed by MPI Group and Medical Economics. The magazine loaded up the hype machine in screaming out its questionably obtained conclusions, calling it “physician outcry” that will “shake the health information technology sector.” However, the survey’s methodology was this: “Physicians were invited to respond to an online questionnaire.” Who was invited and from what information sources were there names obtained? How were the questions worded? Was participation limited to those invited or were haters emailing each other the link to pile on? Did anyone follow up with respondents to verify their identities? What was the response rate? What was the spread by geography, practice setting, and specialty? Online surveys are self-selecting and therefore are close to worthless, which is why I almost never run their results. The same publication did a “Top 100 EHRs” report a few weeks ago in which they contacted 549 vendors to ask them to self-report their annual revenue, received only 56 responses back, and then just winged it with phone calls and Web searches to finally SWAG it to the magic number of 100 EHRs (since Americans only like round numbers.) Plenty of sites and publications jumped all over both “studies” with their own catchy and uncritical headlines, desperate for eyeballs and hoping readers won’t question the value or validity of their story.

2-13-2014 7-09-36 PM

Pittsburgh-based hospital and insurance operator Highmark lays off 132 employees, 120 of them from its insurance business’s IT department, but says it will add 96 IT jobs in the next few months. Highmark acquired West Penn Allegheny Health System in April 2013 for $604 million, but that system is losing ground to UPMC, which says its hospitals won’t accept Highmark’s members after their contract runs out at the end of this year.

Weird News Andy opines that this pharmacist put the “harm” in “pharmacist.” A Tennessee pharmacist is charged with attempted murder after visiting his wife’s hospital room and injecting her with an unknown substance.

Sponsor Updates

  • HMFA extends the “Peer Reviewed by HFMA” standard to The SSI Group’s billing product.
  • ICSA Labs extends 2014 Edition Modular EHR ONC Health IT Certification to ChartMaxx, the enterprise content management solution from Quest Diagnostics.
  • RelayHealth Financial achieves full EHNAC HNAC accreditation for the 14th consecutive year.
  • Four Ellis Medicine (NY) primary care locations deploy PCMH transformation management and analytics tools from Arcadia Healthcare Solutions to earn Level 3 NCQA PCMH recognition.
  • The Drummond Group certifies Merge Healthcare’s Merge PACS, iConnect Access, and Merge RIS for MU under the 2014 criteria.
  • Consulting magazine recognizes Aspen Advisors with its 2014 Small Jewel award based on the company’s growth, culture, and accomplishments
  • Accreon partners with LCN Services to deliver technical integration services to hospitals and healthcare providers.
  • Predixion Software releases Predixion Insight 3.2.
  • SimplifyMD offers up to $5,000 for customer referrals.
  • Virtelligence posts its list of 2014 events.
  • Medhost officially adopts the EHR Developer Code of Conduct.
  • Truven Health Analytics announces the global availability of its Micromedex Pharmaceutical Knowledge solution to improve research for non-hospital environments.
  • Optum Labs, the healthcare research initiative created by Optum and the Mayo Clinic, adds seven new partners with interests in public health, pharma, and the biosciences.

EPtalk by Dr. Jayne


Saturday was National Girl Scout Cookie day. I admit I look forward to the time every year when the cookie order forms go up on the sides of people’s cubes or on the doors of those lucky enough to have doors. Office policy prohibits solicitation for fundraisers other than United Way, but employees can hang them as “decorations” in their personal work spaces as long as they don’t talk about them. Most of our readers know that Inga and I enjoy a nice glass of wine, so I was thrilled when I came across this article about pairing wine and Girl Scout cookies. I’m definitely going to try some port with my Samoas this year. Another site recommended Madeira to go with Tagalongs – another option to consider.

Speaking of my BFF, we’ve been working hard to put together our HIStalk Ladies’ Social Schedule for HIMSS. On Monday, we hope to hit an event or two prior to HIStalkapalooza. For those of you who didn’t receive invitations this year, there are a couple of other good events, including the Perceptive  party at Margaritaville that is open to readers. Tuesday night is extremely packed, so we can’t promise that we’ll make it to every event we have on the schedule. If you attend any evening vendor events, feel free to be our roving reporters and share your opinion of the social scene.


I wanted to attend the IBM SmarterCare lunch on Monday, but it’s apparently full. Sunday is looking pretty light as well, so if you have an event where sassy bloggers are welcome, please let us know. On the other hand, it might be a good thing that Sunday is low key since I’ll be running the Disney Princess Half Marathon in the morning. I’m raising funds for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and have an outstanding princess costume, so it should be a lot of fun. It starts bright and early at 5:30 (possibly dark and early depending on how you look at it) so I might be dragging later in the day. It’s also influencing my choice of hot shoes since I know I want something comfortable — suggestions are welcome.

Now that I have the fun social items out of the way, I’ll share a bit about my week as an end user. In two words, not great. I do beta testing for our EHR vendor, so I keep a local install of the application on my laptop. I ran into some issues applying a recent patch and needed some assistance. You know it’s bad when they ask, “Do you have any patient data in here that you really need?” I actually didn’t since it was full of test patients, but forgot to specify that indeed I did have a lot of provider-specific macros, defaults, and short cuts saved. That little tidbit would come back to haunt me later.

The analyst who was helping me out seemed very thorough and eager. He camped out in my office trying to fix it. Unfortunately, since it wasn’t an actual laptop problem, I wasn’t eligible for a loaner. I made do with my iPad and a Bluetooth keyboard. Although it’s a great setup for taking notes in meetings, I missed the full functionality of a laptop as well as all my files and data.

After nearly two full days’ of work, he had the database back up and running. I was ready to log in and get back to work since I owed the vendor some quick feedback on a new feature.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t log in. The analyst had changed my password to “something easier” but didn’t tell me what it was. After tracking him down and finding out it was changed to “password,” I changed it back and started testing. That’s when I found my macros and defaults were gone.

I called him on it and was informed that he had to do a “clean install” and it was all removed. It would have been nice to have that discussion while he was working on it rather than being surprised. I could have exported them somewhere that would be easy for me to pull them back in, but wasn’t given that chance. It felt like a patient must feel when they wake up from surgery to find that a slightly different procedure was performed than the one discussed.

I finished up my testing despite the challenges and got ready to email our vendor. The Desktop looked strange, but couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Not resolution, not font. After 15 minutes of digging, I figured out that the ClearType text settings had been manipulated. Why in the world would an analyst need to change my font appearance?

That was only the tip of the iceberg, however. Everywhere I turned I found something that was altered – window layout, window organization properties, default folders for searching, and more. He even renamed my C: drive. It took another 20 to 30 minutes to get everything back just the way I like it.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had an analyst adjust settings while they were working on my machine. Sometimes it makes sense, like when they extend the screensaver lockout interval so they don’t have to keep logging back in while they’re watching an upgrade). That’s OK as long as they change it back. This guy was all over the place however.

I asked our IT department if there is any policy on analysts adjusting end user settings. The answer was no. I would add creating such a polity to my to-do list if it wasn’t already so full that I’ll never complete it.

Does this happen at other places? Do you have a policy or is everyone kept on an institutional standard? Email me.


Mr. H, Inga, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan, Dr. Travis, Lorre

More news: HIStalk Practice, HIStalk Connect


Morning Headlines 2/13/14

February 12, 2014 Headlines 1 Comment

The Cost of Implementing ICD‐10 for Physician Practices

A study published by the American Medical Association predicts that ICD-10 conversion costs will end up at least three times higher than originally predicted, with a typical medium size practice investing $200,000 – $800,000. The study includes the cost of purchasing or upgrading an EHR system.

Creators Still in Demand on Health Care Website

The federal government is negotiating with CGI, the now notorious contractor, for several months of continued technical support while its replacement, Accenture, gets up and running. Meanwhile, Accenture is aggressively recruiting the CGI employees who had worked on the project.

Congressional panel investigates stimulus funds after TX hospital boss indicted

Representative Michael Burgess (TX) has launched an inquiry into the audit process in place for the EHR Incentive Program after last weeks news that the former CIO of Shelby Regional Medical Center defrauded CMS of $800,000 by attesting to MU without actually implementing and using the necessary technologies.

Top HIE vendors of 2014 named

Black Book names the top HIE vendors of 2014, with Covisint, ICA, Cerner, Allscripts, and Infor all taking top spots in their respective segments.

CIO Unplugged 2/12/14

February 12, 2014 Ed Marx 2 Comments

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are mine personally and are not necessarily representative of current or former employers.

Mentoring 2.0

Next week, I will accept the 2013 HIMSS/CHIME John E. Gall Jr. Award for CIO of the Year. At my table will be three of my mentors. I chose them because these men coached me during various phases of my personal and professional life. Mentoring is everything to me. Everything.

Two-plus years ago, I wrote on this subject. The Lost Art of Mentoring quickly became one of my most popular posts. I have given a dozen speeches around the country on mentoring. I am passionate on the topic because it shaped who I am today and where I will be tomorrow. I want to share with you one method to accelerate the adoption of mentoring in your organization and get you to 2.0.

We started the Business Technology Leadership Academy (BTLA) two years ago. Its purpose is to accelerate and enhance our pipeline to produce business technology leaders at all levels of our organization. The curriculum is designed to prepare candidates to take on positions of increasing responsibility by developing and sharpening their leadership skills. Major props to our People & Culture (HR) division who helped the BTLA vision become reality.


The Academy lasts 10 months during which my direct reports and I serve as mentors.


The Academy meets once per month for two hours. The first meeting focuses on developing relationships and establishing the rules of the road. Student goals are agreed upon based on 360-degree feedback, developmental needs, and career objectives. Both mentor and mentee sign a contract. This covenant identifies the specific roles and responsibilities of both parties, and outcomes are clearly identified.

The next eight seminars focus on the eight BTLA “Success Factors.” Mentors co-teach the specific subject areas along with their mentees. Success factors vary from setting strategy, value realization, leadership, and life balance. The final meeting is run by the cohort, where the mentees present their capstone BTLA projects.

Individual Sessions

2-12-2014 2-46-59 PM

Each month the mentor and mentee meet privately for 90 minutes. There are few rules here, but the time is focused to help the mentee meet defined goals and to talk about real-world situations they face. Some of this time is also used to develop assigned presentations and special projects.

Shadow Opportunities

Students have opportunities to spend additional time with their mentees through shadowing. This provides more time for coaching and gives the mentee a chance to see their mentor in action. Often, the best mentoring is when nothing is said, just observed. At any time, we will have mentees participate in our leadership meetings, offsite retreats, and attend conferences or our own presentations.

Professional Development

Students are automatically enrolled in any special development activities we might have during their course. Examples include high-impact presentation classes and personal development courses.

Special Projects

Students are expected to volunteer for special projects. These will vary and must be agreed upon by both mentor and mentee. A student might help lead our annual TEDx event, while another leads our organization’s annual employee giving campaign. These projects provide real-world opportunities for leadership while under the careful eye of a mentor and are ideal for real-time coaching.


2-12-2014 2-45-06 PM

Selection is a highly competitive process. Every employee is encouraged to apply. We have an average of 100 applications. We open up an online questionnaire consisting of roughly 20 questions. There are no right or wrong answers, but some answers receive a higher point value than others, which remain unknown to the prospective students. The questions, point values, and criteria change each year dependent on our target cohort. Our leadership needs change, so the tool is built to allow us ultimate flexibility in the selection process.

Typically, the top 25 scoring submissions are selected for the next round, which consists of a 360 peer and manager review. Once the results are in, we look at the final 12 or so candidates. Our People and Culture team runs special reports for us based on the questionnaire and 360 to allow us further insight into each prospective student.

With all the data points in hand, my team holds a vigorous debate about which candidates to select for that year’s cohort. We try to ensure a diversity of individuals with respect to title, responsibilities, and gender. After the finalists are decided upon, we debate further to decide the mentor/mentee combinations. Again, we use leadership judgment to make the best matches possible. We have few rules here, but we do ensure that the mentor is not already in that person’s chain of command. The side benefit is significant cross-pollination. For instance, we may have an applications vice president as a mentor to a technical analyst or our CTO may have a governance manager as a mentee.


2-12-2014 2-45-59 PM

Everyone wants to know the specific criteria and scoring formulas we utilize. We purposely do not share these. We do not want candidates applications focused on maximizing point values.


Clearly we are making a material investment in the students. Joining BTLA means the person is making a long-term commitment to our organization. It also means that, when calls for volunteers are made, BTLA graduates should be the first to respond. There is nothing worse than investing but getting no return. Mentors are expected to make their mentee a top priority and are making a significant time and mind investment.


2-12-2014 2-47-51 PM

We have observed tremendous growth in our inaugural cohort. They are more confident and effective. As we continue this program year after year, we will have multiplied the leadership capabilities of our IT organization tenfold.

But here is another reason we do BTLA. We the mentors learn. We may in fact learn more than the students! My hope is that one day a few years from now, one of our graduates will be accepting an important award and their mentor will be sitting at the table cheering them on! Just as mine will be next week.

Ed Marx is a CIO currently working for a large integrated health system. Ed encourages your interaction through this blog. Add a comment by clicking the link at the bottom of this post. You can also connect with him directly through his profile pages on social networking sites LinkedIn and Facebook and you can follow him via Twitter — user name marxists.

HIStalk Interviews Justin Dearborn, CEO, Merge Healthcare

February 12, 2014 Interviews Comments Off on HIStalk Interviews Justin Dearborn, CEO, Merge Healthcare

Justin Dearborn is CEO of Merge Healthcare of Chicago, IL.

2-12-2014 11-28-34 AM

Tell me about yourself and the company.

I’ve been in enterprise software for approximately 16 years, all at public companies. I joined Merge in June 2008.

Merge has been around since the late ‘80s to early ‘90s. I gave a range because it was a much smaller company that merged with another company a few years after it started and formed what Merge is today. It has been focused on the radiology solution space since its inception.


Imaging has become unbundled over the years, with modalities separate from the image storage and software separate from both. How will that play out?

It has. Part of what has driven that is corporate purchasing groups. On the GPO schedules we are on, everything gets line-itemed out and identified separately. The days of bundling an MRI with a PACS solution can still happen, but those are mostly in the past. Purchasing groups want to see what they’re being charged for — each line item. The software’s not free. If it is free, then it’s not worth much. So it has been unbundled.

We’ve integrated with 65 different PACS companies even though we’re a PACS company. We’ll be in multi-vendor situations as well. With the state of integration, that’s not much of a challenge. It used to be a little more challenging, but with standards and with the integration across the board where it is today, doesn’t pose much of a problem. 

We do see buyers looking for best-of-breed across the board. Most hospitals, even if they’re an Epic or a Cerner shop, so to speak, still have numerous, numerous other best-of-breed clinical applications they will plug in.


Describe a vendor-neutral archive and how Merge addresses that market demand.

It’s not a very creative name, but pretty descriptive. We would go into a situation and our ROI is to be an essential repository for all imaging. Not imaging data, but heavily the values in imaging data and DICOM data, DICOM being the format of medical imaging.

We would pull in DICOM data. If it wasn’t DICOM data, we’d wrap it in a format that stored it as such. We would be able to pull in from many different styles in a hospital — cardiology, radiology, dermatology, pathology. They can all be local PACS systems in that siloed environment from different vendors and we could pull in all that data, normalize it, and keep track of it. Make it available in a unified format to any other groups within or outside the four walls of the hospital.

That’s been accelerated a little bit. There have been stops and starts in the market, but interoperability and then being able to share information tying into some of the ACO payment models and some other new bundle payment models, and the overall pop health management buzz you hear — it’s all about sharing data and having a vendor-neutral archive that allows for that to happen much easier than if you’re pulling data from six or seven different siloed environments within a single hospital.


How important is interoperability to customers and what are the advancements that could be coming that now that it’s available?

It’s very important, but there have been other things in the last few years that have taken budgetary priority, ICD-10 being one of them right now. But putting that aside, there’s always a few speed bumps in healthcare, but interoperability is on every CIO’s road map. They’re being asked to share information with additional constituents. Early on, sometimes it was just to consolidate the data with any hospital or the hospital network. Now it’s making sure the data’s available in a secure, HIPAA-compliant manner to partners. Everybody in every hospital is partnering with outpatient groups and being required to share data and pull data in from other sources. 

Interoperability is extremely important through our vendors that of course just focus on the data flow. We focus on that, but shine in situations where there’s imaging involved. Your file format’s a little more sophisticated routing and that’s where a Merge solution would excel.

Part of that also is not only having the data, but making it available. We make it available in two formats. We can just make the image itself available in a hosted manner, so with any Web browser, a user could log in and access an image and they would just be accessing a piece of the image or the slice that they need to view at that time. Or we can make it available to download. There are different privacy concerns and security concerns. Every hospital has their own policies around that. But either format allows the referring physician or the patient to access a DICOM quality or a diagnosis quality image. 

It is becoming more relevant, absolutely. Where it started as just a way to make the hospital itself more efficient internally because it was fairly siloed, now it’s external or partner facing. Most hospitals and most large groups have these issues. Some of the vendors, the bigger EMR vendors, have solved it if you’re 100 percent on one solution, but we haven’t run across too many situations where it’s Epic everywhere. If it were, they have a nice solution for that. But any other partners you share or other data you’re pulling in, you need to be able to look at in a vendor-neutral manner.


Once people have moved their data and images that you described into a vendor-neutral archive, what patient care improvement opportunities are available?

Everyone would agree that having a full patient record, and by that I mean all the priors — and we would focus on the imaging priors, of course – but all the priors, all the radiology reports, all the special reports. We are involved in radiology, cardiology, ophthalmology, and orthopedics. Having all that information available for the next visit is incredibly important. 

As you think about the ACO models and a provider willing to take on total financial and clinical responsibility for a patient, they’re going to want to know everything about that patient, have access to all the prior data, even down to the simple thing — if you had an MRI last year out of network or out of this particular payer’s network, that payer is going to want to grab that and not reimage you.

Part of it is around patient safety as well. If it’s a CT scan, you’re obviously exposed to radiation, so you can limit that. Limit the duplicate imaging that goes on. There’s no ill intent there right now, but there’s a lot of duplicate imaging that goes on in this country because there’s not access to the prior images. I’ve seen the number as high as 30 billion dollars and that’s not lost on the federal government. There are going to be some new restrictions around paying for duplicate imaging. I’m not sure if Medicare or Medicaid will be driving that or the payers themselves, but it’s a hot topic and it’s one that’s the most easily solved. There are solutions to help solve that. Technology will not be the barrier.


What technical steps can help prevent over-ordering of images and making sure that previous images are available at the time new ones are being considered?

A couple of items. There’s one self-serving comment. We have a solution called the iConnect network that we rolled out last month. This solution will store images in the cloud. Always assuming proper security and authorization, we will have an archive of all the images that go through our network in a cloud solution, easily accessible from a technology perspective. Once that gets populated, we think that will be pretty powerful. 

There will be constituents that want to query that before they approve the next MRI or the next CT scan. They’ll be going out and asking that question of multiple repositories. Merge iConnect network will be one. The state or local health information exchange. One of the goals of the HIE is to have all the patient data available. There’s different adoption levels there across states and regions, of course. But ultimately, that was one of the goals of the federal government handing out the money — to make patient data available to those authorized to receive it. Between an HIE once it gets up and running. 

There might be a local ACO that has put some tools in place from vendors like us or other vendors that just focus on HIE-like technology or the iConnect network. It will be easy to go and query those and pull in all the prior results because it’s better at clinical care, but also if you did have an MRI or a simple X-ray within a reasonable amount of recent history, grab that, look at that. It helps with the comparisons, as well as it might alleviate the need to have another image.


How do you see consolidation, both hospitals buying each other and buying medical practices, changing your business?

Positive and negative. The negative side would be when you’re working with a group and the communication goes silent. M&A is a sensitive topic, so nobody likes to speak about it. Of course they typically don’t share that with the vendor, so we’ll find out about it after the fact. There’s been some fairly significant, large IDN transactions. I’m sure there were a lot of things in the works a year before those big deals were announced and probably filled in a lot of gaps and blanks we had as to why communication ended in some of those. So it’s disruptive.

It’s impacting the hospitals, but it’s more impactful on the outpatient or the ambulatory side because you’re dealing with owner-operators of businesses and it’s very meaningful to their lives. With hospitals, there are incentives to do acquisitions with other hospitals, but it doesn’t hit home as much as when you own the practice. They’re all facing reimbursement constraints and figuring out how to operate more efficiently. Traditional M&A rules apply – synergy, bigger is better, and build better relationships with vendors, and in this case, with payers. It’s impacting sales cycles for sure.

On the positive side, when those do transpire, there are opportunities. There’s a lot of integration and interoperability opportunities, because rarely do the large groups go in and rip and replace the existing systems. They need to be able to connect to it and share information. It plays into the VNA strategy and our iConnect network strategy. But absolutely disruptive on the front end. Again, it’s usually something that they’re not at liberty to share with you for obvious confidentiality reasons. But it does create some opportunities for us. There’s always going to be M&A in this space.


What do you see as the market’s biggest opportunities and threats?

Opportunities … I don’t want to keep pointing to the iConnect network, but we think we’ve solved a real problem in report delivery and order delivery. It’s handled pretty rudimentarily right now. We think we’ve solved a real problem in the space. Anything that can help work flow. 

Our core business is around radiology, ophthalmology, and orthopedics. Those are practices that rely on referrals and need to focus on ease of doing business on top of the clinical care they provide. But in addition to that, they are reliant on primary care physicians for referrals right now. It is about ease of doing business and generating additional volume and then having the tools to be able to improve work flow, which we do with our solutions. I think we play into the work flow efficiency. 

Everyone in healthcare’s trying to figure out how to do more with either the same or less. We have solutions that play to that. It’s a trend that’s unfortunately hit radiology probably earlier than a lot of other specialty areas. We started to see it in 2007-2008. Some of the cuts, the results from the Deficit Reduction Act, hit radiology a little harder than other practice areas. Unfortunately, the industry’s conditioned for further reimbursement cuts and I think those are coming. 

It is about doing more volume with the same team you have, and I don’t know of any other way but technology to do that. We have solutions that enable teleradiology in a positive manner. If you own 10 physical sites, you can have less than 10 physicians covering those by using teleradiology. It’s a simple example of how you can handle the volumes more efficiently with software solutions.


Merge has had challenges with financial results and share price. You’ve been on the job since last summer. What is the plan and the priority going forward?

Good question. I’ve been at Merge for about five and a half years in different roles. Our challenge over the last few years has been relying on large enterprise license transactions.

We have struggled to change our pricing model. We have per-transaction pricing model and we can deliver our solutions in a hosted manner, but hospitals are not buying that way right now and I don’t know when that will change, if it will change. I think it’s because of the capital budgets. All budgets are tight, but capital budgets are a little bit easier, I believe, so they’re still buying a perpetual license. Pay once, then pay annual maintenance. That leads to lumpy quarters if we have a miss. 

When we’ve had poor quarters, it’s been the result of three, four, five opportunities we thought were going to close in the quarter that pushed out a quarter or two. It looks dramatic because the last deals are usually heavy software, good margin. When you look back over three or four years when we’ve had really good quarters, I could point to three or four deals each quarter and say, those are the deals that really moved the top line and all that dropped to the bottom line.

We have been challenged. We went out with a per-study pricing and transaction model. It didn’t take at all. So with our new solution, iConnect network, we’re only going to price it in a transaction fashion. That has been well received. We’re going to continue to do that. That’s going to build recurring revenue. 

That’s been the issue for the company. We only have about 60 percent recurring revenue. That means every quarter we have to go find 40 percent. If there’s any pauses in the market driven by the sequester or some employer mandate pushed off or what have you that causes a pause in the market for a quarter, we’re left holding the bag. It’s tough to operate that way. The companies that are performing really well have high recurring revenue — and I point to athenahealth as probably the best at that right now — have done a great job and been very disciplined on how they go to market. They built a nice recurring revenue model. 

We’re to some degree emulating that. The market’s accepting of charging to deliver an order and to deliver a report. There’s small fees that will add up due to the size of our installed base. That’s what we talked about quite a bit on our earnings call. We’ve done a couple of great press releases around relationships with athena, Surescripts, and the largest imaging group in the country for the solutions. 

That’s where we need to get to as a company to increase performance. Once we start executing that, the stock price will follow. Obviously we’re cognizant of it, but doesn’t drive the decisions right now. We think we’ve really landed on a great white space opportunity for the company and we’re focused on executing on that.


What are your priorities for the next one to three years?

On top of continuing to improve upon on our enterprise solutions, I’ll say non-iConnect network, which we’ve done and we’ve actually overspent in the industry, I feel like sometimes we’re on the bleeding edge, so sometimes we’ve been ahead on MU for radiology and that didn’t really buy us much. But we were out there evangelizing, making sure radiology qualified, making sure our solution was MU1 certified. We were the first one for full certification. Then it quickly became table stakes. 

We’ll continue to do that, to take care of our installed base. We were just named by KLAS as number one in cardiology and number one in hemodynamics. We’re a few percentage points ahead of our competition, we think, in investment on the R&D side. We’ll continue to do that. To grow the business in a repeatable, scalable manner, the recurring revenue has to be there. 

The iConnect network leverages a lot of the technology we’ve built and leverages our installed base. It all plays hand in hand. Growing that recurring revenue stream is the future of the business. Number one product in cardiology according to KLAS, which we do think is a great, great report card. They beat us up when appropriate. They’re very objective, as you know. With the number one product, we didn’t grow that business that much last year. We’ve outgrown the market a few times and a few quarters, but you can’t do that consistently. 

What do you next? We think we’ve innovated a really, really interesting, compelling solution and we’ll continue to invest in those core solutions because they bring the customers and there’s the opportunities for those customers then to participate in the iConnect network. But it’s really driving the transaction revenue of the business. The next one to three years, seeing that 60 percent number I gave you approaching and then eclipsing 70 percent. That makes it a lot easier to run a business when you have a little more predictable revenue.

Comments Off on HIStalk Interviews Justin Dearborn, CEO, Merge Healthcare

Morning Headlines 2/12/14

February 12, 2014 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 2/12/14

Physician outcry on EHR functionality, cost will shake the health information technology sector

Medical Economics publishes a survey of 1,000 US physicians in which 45 percent of respondents say patient care is worse since implementing an EHR and 79 percent of respondents report that they do not believe that EHRs have been worth the resources, cost, and effort of adopting them.

Medical Information Technology, Inc: Investor Insert

Meditech reports that it will delay its Q3 SEC filing while it sorts out a revenue recognition issue that goes back more than a decade, but that its auditors just now caught. The company says that customers will not be affected and that, other than possibly hiring new auditors, its future plans remain the same.

Behind the ballooning medical e-records cost

A local news outlet covers Hawaii Health Systems Corporations struggling Siemens implementation. The behind-schedule project was originally budgeted to cost $50 million, but is now projected to cost $109 million.

Welcome to the NIST EHR-Randomizer application

CMS and ONC launch a new web-based tool called the EHR randomizer that will allow providers to demonstrate cross-vendor health information exchange capabilities required in MU2.

Comments Off on Morning Headlines 2/12/14

News 2/12/14

February 11, 2014 News 12 Comments

Top News

2-8-2014 3-16-29 PM

I’ve confirmed with several sources that Epic will soon offer consulting services beyond implementation work, very much as described in the original rumor report from EpicConsulting. Epic employees with at least four years’ experience will be allowed to live somewhere other than Verona to take on more post-live consulting work. My sources say the consultants will offer work that isn’t strictly even in the systems domain, such as implementing clinical programs and doing Lean Six Sigma work for clients. Many questions remain: (a) how will this decision affect Epic’s relationships with consulting companies?; (b) how will Epic price its services?; (c) will skilled Epic people really want to stay with Epic, or just leave as they’ve been doing to take higher-paying jobs with consulting companies?; (d) is Epic going this route because customers want it, to try to reduce project cost by offering lower-priced consulting, to avoid losing experienced employees, or because they know implementation work will eventually dry up and the market will move toward other services?

Reader Comments

2-11-2014 5-02-30 PM

From Anonymous Health System CIO: “Re: HIStalk RFI Blaster. I recently used your RFI Blaster to solicit consulting company proposals. I have found your sponsors who responded to be capable and professional. Compliments to these companies that have good skills and follow-through: Aspen Advisors, Encore Health Resources, Impact Advisors, Leidos, Lucca Consulting, and Santa Rosa Consulting.” I created the RFI Blaster as suggested by a CIO who wanted an easy way to give HIStalk Platinum Sponsors a chance to earn his business. Filling out the short online form blasts your request out to companies of your choosing, and I specifically didn’t make “contact telephone” required since not everybody wants to be called about their request. I appreciate the report and the shout-out to the sponsors who were good to deal with.

From Jay: “Re: Melanie Pita, chief product officer and general counsel of Prognosis Innovation Healthcare. Has left the company.” Unverified, but her bio has been removed from the company’s executive page.

HIStalk Announcements and Requests

2-11-2014 1-45-27 PM

inga_small We’ve posted our annual guide to HIMSS meet-ups, which includes details on how to connect with HIStalk sponsors that are not exhibiting but are available for one-on-one meetings. We will publish our full HIMSS14 guide this weekend, which includes details on over 100 vendors (all which happen to be sponsors). Look for our guide to exhibitor giveaways next week so you’ll know where in the exhibit hall to find the best free coffee, fun trinkets, and cookies during the day and of course cocktails before heading out on the town.

inga_small Speaking of HIMSS, I’ll be participating in Medicomp’s Quipstar HIT Quiz show Tuesday, February 25 at 3:00 p.m. and looking forward to having a big crowd in the live studio audience. Even though I came in last when I played a couple of years ago, I agreed to give the game another go because Medicomp is making a generous donation to my favorite charity.

2-11-2014 4-27-51 PM

Fans of the Smokin’ Doc now have another reason to drop by HIStalk’s HIMSS Booth 1995 and say hello to Lorre, who will selectively dole out these potentially collectible (probably not) HIStalk pins from her treasure trove of cool things that were in our price range.

2-11-2014 4-50-33 PM
2-11-2014 4-41-31 PM
2-11-2014 4-43-04 PM
2-11-2014 4-44-16 PM

I mentioned that I agreed to run a new short-term ad at the top of the HIStalk page only so I could donate most of the proceeds to the DonorsChoose charity that helps financially strapped classrooms (to which I’ve donated personally for years.) I fully funded the following projects totaling $2,870 on behalf of all HIStalk readers this week, all projects submitted by Teach for America teachers because I respect that organization’s work just as much as I do that of DonorsChoose. I’ll be funding more projects shortly thanks to the sponsors who have booked the ad space: VMware, InterSystems, GetWellNetwork, Aspen Advisors, IngeniousMed, Billians HealthDATA, and Greenway. Above are excerpts from some of the notes the teachers sent in response to the help we as readers provided to their students. We funded:

  • $604 for a New York City eighth grade teacher for a podium and certificates to create a National Junior Honor Society ceremony for her students in the poorest Congressional district in the US
  • $506 for a Glendale, AZ teacher to provide interactive math stations for her sixth graders
  • $255 for a La Place, LA teacher, whose second grade class is meeting in a trailer after their school flooded last year, to expand their Listening Learning Center of read-along books
  • $234 for a Baltimore teacher who needs a Chromebook to access learning websites that offer classroom practice
  • $226 for a Chicago teacher whose elementary school students need non-fiction books that the school can’t afford
  • $201 for a North Charleston, SC classroom whose high-poverty, at-risk students need white boards and supplies for interactive activities
  • $185 for a Jackson, MS elementary school class for write-and-wipe markers and erasers
  • $187 for a Rosedale, MS high school for toner and a file cabinet for printing college applications and practice standardized exams
  • $167 for notebooks and pencils for a Chicago teacher’s 35 freshman girls to create College Bound Journals
  • $185 for a Memphis teacher’s need for pencils for her third graders
  • $249 for a Salt Lake City, UT teacher’s need for fourth-grade books

2-11-2014 4-49-29 PM

A reader notified a friend who happens to be a DonorsChoose executive team member that I was donating on behalf of HIStalk readers. That DonorsChoose executive donated to a project of her own choosing in honor of HIStalk’s readers, which is pretty cool.

2-11-2014 5-53-49 PM

Welcome to new HIStalk Platinum Sponsor PDS. The Madison, WI-based company, founded in 1986, offers an ITIL-compliant, 24x7x365 Patient Portal Support Service Desk to assist patients with Epic MyChart, Medseek, and other patient portal systems. PDS offers HIPAA-trained analysts, transparent service, and a first-call resolution rate above 90 percent. Check out their site to see a list of health systems PDS supports across the country and to read a success story from Bon Secours Health System. Thanks to PDS for supporting HIStalk.

HIMSS Conference Social Events

Send us your event details if it’s a good one (i.e., free food and drinks at minimum) and you promise that all HIStalk readers are welcome to attend, even if they work for your most hated competitor as a given reader might well do.

Physician Technology Partners is hosting a dinner Tuesday, February 25 at Roy’s Fusion Cuisine to introduce a new Epic MyChart implementation and help desk solution. RSVP online or by email.

2-11-2014 5-06-04 PM

Perceptive Software will host an event at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville at Universal CityWalk on Monday, February 25 from 8:00 to 11:00, with shuttle service provided to and from the major hotels. They will have food, drinks, and a live Caribbean band. RSVP here.

Upcoming Webinars

February 12 (Wednesday) 1:00 p.m. ET. Healthcare CO-OPs and Their Potential to Reduce Costs. Sponsored by Health Catalyst. Presenters: David Napoli, director of performance improvement and strategic analytics, Colorado HealthOP and Richard Schultz, VP of clinical care integration, Kentucky Health Cooperative. Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs) were established by the Affordable Care Act as nonprofit health insurance companies designed to compete in the individual and small group markets. Their intended impact was to provide more insurance options for consumers to pay for healthcare.

February 13 (Thursday), 12 noon ET. Advancement in Clinician Efficiency Through Aware Computing. Sponsored by Aventura. In an age of information overload, a computing system that is aware of the user’s needs becomes increasingly critical. Instant-on roaming for virtual and mobile applications powered by awareness provides practical ways to unleash value from current HIT investments, advancing efforts to demonstrate meaningful use of EHRs and improve clinical efficiencies. The presenters will review implementation of Aventura’s solution at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center.

February 18 (Tuesday), 1:00 p.m. ET. Epic 2012 Training and Support: Building Your Team. Sponsored by MBA HealthGroup. The webinar will present a case study of creative staffing solutions for an Epic 2012 upgrade at an academic medical center, describing the institution’s challenge, its out-of-the-box solution, and the results it obtained working with a consulting firm.

February 19 (Wednesday), 1:00 p.m. ET. What is the Best Healthcare Data Warehouse Model for Your Organization? Choosing the right data model for your healthcare enterprise data warehouse (EDW) can be one of the most significant decisions you make in establishing your data warehousing and foundational analytics strategy for the future. The strengths and weaknesses of three primary data models will be discussed: enterprise data model, independent data marts, and late-binding solutions.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock

2-11-2014 3-41-59 PM

Nuance Communications reports Q1 results: revenue flat, adjusted EPS $0.24 vs. $0.35, beating estimates.

2-11-2014 3-44-45 PM

Employee health management site Castlight Health, co-founded by US CTO and athenahealth co-founder Todd Park, files for a $100 million IPO that values the company at $2 billion. Castlight reported a net loss of $62.2 million last year on revenues of $13 million.

2-11-2014 3-45-20 PM

The Advisory Board Company announces Q3 results: revenue up 13 percent, adjusted EPS $0.26 vs. $0.28, missing estimates.

Virtualization technology vendor Sphere 3D will acquire V3 Systems, which offers desktop cloud management solutions.

2-11-2014 5-51-53 PM

I wondered why Meditech was so late in posting its Q3 SEC report since I’ve been watching for it for months and now I know: the company reports that it improperly recognized revenue and is figuring out how to keep its auditors and the SEC happy. In the mean time, the company can’t issue new stock or complete its filings. Meditech isn’t publicly traded, but still has to comply with SEC rules. The issue sounds relatively minor and accidental – revenue was recognized in cases where the company’s implementation employees didn’t complete all the contractually required visits. Customers paid and the work got done, but 100 percent of visits must be completed to book the revenue. The company refreshingly concludes:

We are less embarrassed than you might think. There is no question of fraud or malfeasance here. We acknowledge we should have been following the revenue recognition rules as specified by our own policy, but one of the reasons we have auditors is to find issues like this promptly. They didn’t do it. However, because of the urgency of resuming our SEC filings, we’ve decided to put our unhappiness with them into abeyance at this point, and deal with that later. From an operational point of view, there should be absolutely no effect on the company, other than the additional expenses we are incurring with the auditors and the outside analysis firm to fix the problem (not to mention the huge amount of extra work our accounting and implementation staff are undergoing to provide the required information). The cash is still in the bank, free to be used – the only question is how the revenue was supposed to be reported on our filings. Customers should not be affected in any way. Our plans for the future remain the same.


Christus Health selects Wellcentive’s population health management platform.

2-11-2014 3-49-36 PM

MaineHealth chooses MediQuant’s DataArk active archiving system.

Privia Medical Group (VA) will implement athenahealth’s PM, EHR, patient communication, and care coordination services for its 154 providers and affiliated ACO.

2-11-2014 3-48-15 PM

Blanchard Valley Health System (OH) will deploy Merge Healthcare’s VNA interoperability and cardiology solutions.

Humana will implement CoverMyMeds to allow physicians to submit drug prior authorizations directly to Humana via an online portal.

Georgia Physicians for Accountable Care selects eClinicalWorks Care Coordination Medical Record.

Dean Health Plan (WI) chooses Health Language for terminology management.


2-11-2014 10-58-17 AM 2-11-2014 10-59-01 AM

AtHoc names Mary-Lou Smulders (Oracle) VP of marketing and Matthew Gloss (Mellanox Technologies) general counsel.

2-11-2014 3-51-52 PM

Healthfinch hires Sanaz Cordes, MD (Cogent Healthcare) as COO.

2-11-2014 6-22-22 PM

Kevin Fickenscher, MD, formerly of Dell and AMIA, is named president of health services for remote patient monitoring company AMC Health.

2-11-2014 7-25-50 PM

LDM Group names Paul Hooper (Emdeon) as VP of retail innovations and product commercialization.

Announcements and Implementations

Ontario’s Hôpital Montfort uses Summit Healthcare’s InSync and SST for dictionary migration to Meditech 6.0.

Healthcare Access San Antonio, Holon Solutions, and the Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals will connect area hospitals, clinics, physician offices, and other providers to a regional HIE across 22 South Texas counties.

Memorial Health (CO) launches its $30 million Epic implementation.

Athenahealth announces that it has integrated drug monographs from its Epocrates acquisition into athenaClinicals.

Government and Politics

2-11-2014 6-40-49 AM

CMS and ONC introduce Randomizer, a tool that allows providers to exchange data with a test EHR in order to meet measure #3 of the Stage 2 transitions of care requirement.

2-11-2014 7-00-50 PM

ONC launches a challenge to develop a Javascript/HTML-based, easily understood Notice of Privacy Practices that can be incorporated into websites. Submissions are due by April 7 and the winner gets $15,000.

2-11-2014 7-38-53 PM

CMS announces that won’t accept new insurance enrollments this weekend because the Social Security computer system has a planned 62-hour maintenance downtime starting Saturday, which is also the deadline for applying for coverage that will become effective March 1.

Innovation and Research

A screening program for abdominal aortic aneurysms integrated into an EHR reduced the number of unscreened at-risk men by more than 50 percent within 15 months, according to a Kaiser Permanente study.

Penn Medicine (PA) announces that it will work with analytics vendor Teqqa, LLC to provide real-time antibiotic sensitivity information to physicians via a mobile app as part of its antimicrobial stewardship program. Penn received equity in Teqqa as part of the agreement.


2-11-2014 6-06-51 PM

I may have missed this article from a week or so ago even though I see Inga picked it up on HIStalk Practice. Walgreens clinics will use ePASS software from Inovalon (formerly MedAssurant) that prompts its clinicians to ask patient-specific questions based on data from 100 million patient visits and records of the patient’s own behavior. The software will suggest problems that the patient might have, walk the clinician through asking questions, and then create a SOAP note that goes back to the EHR. The same software is integrated with Greenway, NextGen, and Allscripts.


The local paper highlights the struggles of United Hospital District (MN) in implementing Meditech. Administrators blame internal workflow problems for registration-related pains and interface issues for difficulties exchanging data between Meditech and the hospital’s NextGen system.

2-11-2014 4-10-45 PM

A TV station in Hawaii reviews the cost of implementing Siemens Soarian at taxpayer-supported Hawaii Health Systems Corporation (HHSC), originally budgeted at $50 million but now estimated at $109 million. The health system’s regional CEO says IT and support staffing estimates were so far off that headcount had to be doubled. The hospital workers’ union expressed concern that a Siemens employee serves as HHSC’s CIO, saying, “It’s like the wolves watching the henhouse,” but the health system responded that it hired another consulting firm “to oversee Siemens.” Siemens responded that the scope of the work of the original $29 million contract hasn’t changed, but HHSC keeps asking for more modules, services, and staffing that weren’t in the contract.

2-11-2014 7-12-55 PM

A survey of 1,000 physicians finds that 70 percent don’t think the HITECH program was worth its cost, 45 percent say EHRs have made patient care worse, and 43 percent say EHRs caused them to lose money. A third say they doubt their current EHR will even be around in five years. A key fact was omitted in the press release – what was the survey’s methodology? In other words, how were respondents selected; how were the questions presented; what was the demographic, specialty profile, and practice type of respondents, etc.? The findings are pretty big news if the survey’s methods were sound.

John Lynn hosted a Google+ video hangout on cloud technology and data centers that can be streamed from his site.

OCR files a HIPAA complaint against a Las Vegas hospital and Dignity Health, claiming the hospital used its medical records to contact former patients to get them to switch to the health plans the hospital accepts. The hospital denies the charge, saying its contacts were intended to be “informative.”

2-11-2014 7-29-24 PM

OK, who proofed this press release’s headline?

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By Brian Weiss

2-11-2014 6-42-42 PM

REST is a techie thing. It’s another way for computers to talk to each other. Another flavor of API (application programming interface.)

What matters in this context is not how it works or why it’s better or worse than anything else, just that it’s a very well established and widely deployed standard that software developers are using today (and have for the past few years) to develop applications that work over the Internet, like smartphone applications that reflect data from Web servers in the cloud or Web servers that talk to each other.

FHIR uses REST as its technical underpinnings to do the same kinds of things that HL7 has always done — enable the exchange of healthcare information (patient clinical summaries, lab orders end results, etc.) between systems.

When most people say, "We’re using HL7," they usually mean HL7 version 2 messaging, which defines a format for one system to send healthcare information to another over a network. It’s a point-to-point communication (think email) between two systems, though often there is a specialized message router that sits in between to help translate the variations in the message format that each side understands.

The Meaningful Use (MU) regulations have ushered in broad use in the US of a newer generation of HL7 standards focused on something called CDA — clinical document architecture. In CDA, what gets transferred between systems is a document (think word processor file) that contains the same kind of information as HL7 v2 messaging, but using XML format. XML is a document format that is used a lot on the Internet when data is exchanged in document format. The HTML exchange between browsers and web servers today is a form of XML.

CDA is part of version 3 of HL7, which is a very broad framework that describes the underlying theoretical model for how data should be represented and encoded, regardless of whether it’s communicated via messages like HL7 version 2 or CDA documents (version 3) or other formats. There is thus a version 3 messaging protocol that replaces the version 2 messages, but it hasn’t caught on much, especially in the US. So as a practical matter, HL7 version 2 usually means point-to-point messages and HL7 version 3 usually means CDA documents.

HL7 data interchange today for most people is either version 2 messaging or version 3 CDA documents. The specific flavor of CDA called out in Meaningful Use Stage 2 today is termed C-CDA, which stands for consolidated CDA, so named because it "consolidated" various CDA-derived standards that came before it.

Though I speak on behalf of nobody other than myself and am not taking sides, there is a oft-cited position that HL7 standards historically have been a bit too formal and academic and also too open to varying interpretation. Even if both sides of an exchange are using HL7 v2 messaging or HL7 v3 CDA documents, there’s still a lot of work to do (one integration at a time) to ensure that what the receiver understand is what the sender intended.

FHIR is also part of HL7 v3, only instead of using XML documents like CDA does, it uses REST interfaces.

FHIR looks like it has passed the "shiny new object to get excited about" phase and is being worked on actively by many vendors and other clinical data interoperability stakeholders. Relative to the early stage of its lifecycle that it is currently in, FHIR has significantly more momentum than any previous HL7 standard. In addition to using REST (which makes it a great way to exchange healthcare data for things like mobile applications), the folks working on FHIR are doing their best to learn the right lessons (good and bad) from past generations of HL7 standards.

It will be a while before we can know for sure if FHIR delivers on its promise and even longer before we know for sure what it means for the evolution from the entrenched HL7 v2 messages or the currently MU-mandated CDA documents. Some of that probably depends on if, when, and how future editions of MU mandate the use of FHIR, but also how quickly it achieves critical mass of application developers.

I think for most HIStalk readers who work at healthcare providers and non-vendor stakeholders, FHIR is more something to be aware of than something that requires action right now. In the software development side of vendors and consultants (and IT groups within other healthcare interoperability stakeholder organizations,) more concrete action is required to learn FHIR, work on prototypes, and participate in some of the connectathon testing between servers and applications that are taking place.


Mr. H, Inga, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan, Dr. Travis, Lorre.

More news: HIStalk Practice, HIStalk Connect.


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