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Published on June 27, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News 14 comments

Top News A cyberattack of an unspecified nature against Nuance takes all of its cloud…” Acute wins for 2015-2016 for Cerner -- 249 (includes one Soarian add-on in 2015). Cerner’s net growth -- 196 acute hospitals for 2015 and 2016.

Published on June 27, 2017 by Lt. Dan in Headlines 1 comment

Nuance: Special Communication Service A cyberattack against Nuance takes down all of its cloud services,… Senators urge VA to lean on DOD in health record push In a June 26 letter, Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and John McCain (R-AZ) urge VA Secretary David Shulkin to lean on the Pentagon for advice as they move forward with their plan to implement Cerner across all healthcare facilities.

Published on June 29, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News 5 comments

Top News Nuance’s most recent update from Wednesday afternoon says it is still recovering servers… Affected cloud services include transcription, radiology critical test results, Assure, Dragon Medical Advisor, Cerner DQR, Computer-Assisted Coding, Computer-Assisted CDI, CLU software development kit, and all Quality Solutions products. Reader Comments From Gordon Gecko: “Re: my KLAS-corrected comments about Cerner. I included all Cerner losses. Looks like for every Weirton and Pinnacle that sues Cerner to escape Soarian, there are dozens who don't dare.

Published on July 2, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News 3 comments

Top News Nuance’s post-malware update says the company is bringing Emdat (aka eScription RH) clients… In England, Cerner complains to Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust that its EHR bidding process was a sham and that it had already settled on Epic before launching it. The chairs of the Senate Veterans Affairs and Armed Services committees urge the VA to seek the DoD’s advice in its Cerner contract negotiation and implementation. Sales Wisconsin’s Department of Health chooses Cerner for its seven care and treatment centers in a 10-year, $33 million contract. Rankin County Hospital District (TX) will go live on Cerner by November 2017. Liberty - Dayton Community Hospital (TX) will go live on Cerner in March 2018.

Published on July 5, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in Interviews No comment

  Peter Smith is co-founder and CEO of Impact Advisors of Naperville, IL. Tell me… Is Epic starting to look more like Cerner as it broadens scope to offer hosting and revenue cycle services? I don't know if their specific strategy is to look more like Cerner. Obviously there's some gaps in the industry around that and some of those services are probably ripe for the same level of aggregation, consolidation, and high-quality services that Epic has historically brought to the table, as well as Cerner. That and the fact that there's probably client demand, and if you look at Cerner and Epic particularly, they have both been fairly consistent at the higher end of the market, the larger, more complex organizations. Cerner has had a long track record of being very successful and I suspect Epic will as well. What was your reaction when the VA announced that it was going to implement Cerner before it negotiated a contract or developed a broad project plan? I was encouraged that the VA and the DoD went in the same direction.

Published on July 5, 2017 by Lt. Dan in Headlines No comment

Heritage Valley Health System Restores Services at All Locations Heritage Valley Health System (PA) announces… What Jared's office actually does Poitico reports that Jared Kushner and his Office of American Innovation worked behind the scenes with VA Secretary David Shulkin and DoD Secretary James Mattis to resolve the agencies longstanding IT issues, brokering an agreement between the two to consolidate on a Cerner EHR platform and approving the VA’s request to side-step normal procurement procedures.

Published on July 6, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News 17 comments

Top News Patrick Soon-Shiong’s NantWorks buys a controlling interest in hedge fund-owned Verity Health, which…” Reader Comments From Pithy Aside: “Re: Cerner wins/losses.” A reader previously subsetted the KLAS data in an attempt to focus on what he or she thought would be most interesting to Wall Street analysts, but the bottom line per KLAS (as commented here previously) is, “Acute wins for 2015-2016 for Cerner: 249 (this number includes 1 Soarian add on in 2015). Cerner’s net growth is thus 196 acute hospitals for 2015 and 2016. There’s also the unusual opportunity since CERN is publicly traded to simply look at the metrics Wall Street really cares about that go far beyond hospital count – revenue, bookings, and earnings, all of which reflect Cerner’s overall activities (not all of which involve hospitals) and the efficiency with which it operates its business. Weirton Hospital has sued Cerner claiming poor support, while Cerner sued PinnacleHealth for trying to walk away from its Soarian contract after signing with Epic. Health IT websites created the self-serving notion that it’s cleverly-observed big news when a customer in Wisconsin or Missouri chooses Cerner or Epic, respectively, but that’s ridiculous. Government and Politics Politico suggests that the VA’s abrupt announcement that it will implement Cerner under a no-bid contract was influenced by the White House’s Office of American Innovation, run by presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Published on July 9, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News 1 comment

  Neal Patterson, co-founder, CEO, and chairman of Cerner, died Sunday of complications following a…  Neal Patterson, co-founder, CEO, and chairman of Cerner, died Sunday of complications following a reoccurrence of cancer." Cerner says its CEO selection process is nearly complete.

Published on July 9, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News 1 comment

Top News Neal Patterson, co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Cerner, died Sunday of cancer complications.…Top News Neal Patterson, co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Cerner, died Sunday of cancer complications. Cerner says its succession plan will allow it to name a new CEO shortly. A gaunt Patterson made an unscheduled appearance at the Cerner Health Conference in November 2016, when he vowed to return to work in January 2017. I never met Neal other than a brief encounter at some kind of Cerner CIO executive retreat that I once attended (and my impressions then were mixed, although he seemed to be enjoying himself and was pretty genuine), but I interviewed him a couple of times and found him to be thoughtful and patient even though he was clearly no-nonsense. Industry newcomers won’t recall the huge Wall Street hit Cerner took when Patterson decided to re-architect Cerner’s entire product line into Millennium in the 1990s, one of few times in corporate history where a ground-up software rewrite turned out to be the key positive event in a company’s future. Patterson took Cerner into the stratosphere, accomplishing the unusual in remaining in charge the whole time and reshaping the company’s strategy to grow consistently and to move into new markets tangential to healthcare IT. I certainly had a lot of fun with his famous “tick, tock” email that in retrospect was probably entirely appropriate given the circumstances even though it was uncomfortably (and in my mind, admirably) blunt for the CEO of a publicly traded company, but looking back on where he took Cerner and the industry, the “tick, tock” might now serve as a reminder to us all that our time here is limited. Orlow says the financial weakness of 137-hospital CHS threatened to drag the hospital down and says CHS had approved only of the 26 IT-requested Cerner EHR modules until the 10 doctors went public with their gripes, after which CHS approved all 26.

Published on July 9, 2017 by Lt. Dan in News No comment

Cerner Announces Passing of Chairman and CEO Neal Patterson Neal Patterson, co-founder, chairman, and CEO…

Published on July 10, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News No comment

I invited readers to share their thoughts and memories about Neal Patterson following his death… As an EHR veteran for 20 years, I've always felt that Cerner was a “good guy” in the emerging market. (Judy Faulkner) Neal Patterson was controversial in and out of Cerner.  It wasn’t easy to sell clinical applications to CFOs who ruled IT back in the 80s and 90s, yet Cerner always prevailed. His vision that eventually the revenue cycle would become subservient to the core of patient care, where the patient is treated and where medical knowledge resides, proved true as the industry moved to his vision allowing Cerner to become a dominate healthcare companies in the world. While Neal was a tornado of a businessman, he not only leaves the legacy of Cerner, but also leaders who spawned out of Cerner to run many of the major corporations in our industry - maybe more than any other healthcare company. I’ve met many of those leaders and they all have the same get-it-done, make-no-excuses, grit that Neil fostered in them in building the culture of Cerner. (Ivo Nelson) I got involved with our Cerner EMR Committee at the start of my career, and worked on Cerner pretty happily for 15 years. Because of his amazing leadership, Cerner will be a place where I am proud to be for another 16 years. I remember when Neal started Cerner. (Cynthia Porter) I bumped into Neal at the Cerner Health Conference one year and made him laugh with my impersonation of an Irish presenter at CHC. As a Cerner customer, I had the opportunity to meet Neal on several occasions. Condolences to Neal's family and the entire Cerner family. I interviewed with Neal for my start at Cerner in 1990. (Michael Silverstein) With a heavy heart, I express infinite gratitude for being in the Cerner family. (Jean Scherschel) I started working for Neal I the early years of Cerner. I am proud I worked for Cerner and was led by a man I must say impacted more people to be better and accomplish more than any other man I've personally met. His imprint is upon so many other companies because of the leaders he and the Cerner team built. Condolences to his family and the entire extended Cerner family. RIP and my condolences to his family and all Cerner employees. (Ken Boyett) I have had the opportunity to be both a client and an employee of Cerner. Cerner is the company that I measure all other vendors against. I hope Cerner continues to challenge the status quo and move us to new heights. The recruiting program at Cerner Corporation has brought scores of talent into our industry. The Cerner jumpstart program was a constant feeling of drinking from the fire hose. By changing Cerner, he inadvertently changed all of his competitors who designed, developed and sold hospital information systems – whether we knew it, or even liked it, we became better vendors because of Neal. I worked at Cerner for a brief time and everyone always referred to him as Uncle Neal. When the news of his passing was made public, I received at least 10 text messages among my Cerner friends- all of us in shock. Did you know that Cerner requires all new staff to receive orientation in Kansas City no matter where their home base is? Kansas City is a different place because of Cerner and Uncle Neal. Even though I only got to meet him twice during my 14 years at Cerner, he was a daily inspiration to me and helped me get some very tough days. He just could have not been nicer, and even remembered that I had told him that my wife regularly utilized Cerner programs in her management job at a local hospital. I have infinite gratitude to my Cerner family and remember my time there fondly. Building Cerner from a meeting on a park bench with friends Cliff and Paul and idea born on the back of a napkin, very few CEOs can lay claim to Cerner's shareholder ROI over the years. I met him when he was taking the young lab IT company to a new level with an inpatient system and Cerner was installing it in a brand new hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland. We made an attempt to buy Cerner after that -- you can imagine how long it took him to turn us down. Neal built a great team -- the Cerner culture is one of a strong sales culture backed by execution and delivering. The people I've hired out of Cerner know how to get things done. Look at the tremendous same store sales record Cerner has had with its customers over the years as a testament. I had the good fortune of working for Cerner for 16 years, half of it in the early days. The world is a much better place because of Neal Patterson and Cerner. It was an honor to have had the pleasure to know him, to have been a proud member of the Cerner family, and watch him build a formidable legacy which will continue to unfold far into the future. (Mark Edelstein) I never worked for Cerner, but as a business partner of Cerner's many years ago, I was in a handful of meetings with Neal, always a small group of four or six. (Jim Hall) All of us who worked in the Cerner family learned from Neal Patterson's passion, drive, and vision. If you don't have a Neal Story or two (even if handed down), you didn't work at Cerner. His legacy isn't just Cerner, but also the leaders he created that went on to lead many other companies -- creating a much wider AND generational impact. (Cynthia Davis) Though we met only a couple times -- in the Cerner Vision Center when I was a much younger Cerner implementation project manager -- your enormous Midwestern presence in those meetings made an endless impression on me. From labs, to hospitals, to health systems, to integrated delivery systems, CINs and ACOs and National Delivery models they and all the leaders who grew up in Cerner (the list is too long to list here) brought so much energy and commitment to making things better for patients, people/employees, and now consumers. My best wishes to all those in his family at home and all those Cerner family members who shared their lives with him. We will not disappoint you! (Alan Portela) Neal's Cerner was an adventure ride unlike anything Disney had ever imagined. My hope is that we (not just Cerner, but this industry) continue to do what is right for the person, the patient … us.

Published on July 11, 2017 by Mr. HIStalk in News 2 comments

Top News A memorial service for Cerner co-founder, CEO, and chairman Neal Patterson will be…Top News A memorial service for Cerner co-founder, CEO, and chairman Neal Patterson will be conducted at 11:00 a. Patterson’s extensive and well-written obituary was published in the Kansas City Star and on Cerner’s site. The CEO of TractManager – which offers products under the MediTract and MD Buyline names -- is former Cerner, TriZetto, and Nuance executive Trace Devanny, who took the job in October 2016.