Morning Headlines 9/28/18
Athenahealth fields multiple bids, but offers not much higher than current stock price, sources say
Shares of Athenahealth rise slightly after CNBC reports that two private equity firms and one strategic buyer have expressed interest in acquiring the company for close to $131 a share.
‘State of the VA is better,’ Wilkie says, but not ‘good’ or ‘excellent’
VA Secretary Robert Wilkie tells the Senate VA Committee that he and representatives at the DoD are working to create a “single point of authority” for their respective EHR projects with Cerner.
Dozens more jobs being cut at Adventist Health Bakersfield
Adventist Health Bakersfield (CA) will do away with 60 financial services jobs early next year as part of a billing and collections outsourcing deal with Cerner that has already impacted 175 employees over the last six months.
Jawbone founder and CEO Hosain Rahman says the company has pivoted from fitness trackers to a device-agnostic remote patient monitoring business that will act as a health check-engine light for monthly subscribers.
FDA guidance regarding SaMD is confusing and a distinction without a difference. Either just bite the bullet and classify all…