Appreciated the update on the value of school nurses in a changing environment. Been two decades since I served as…
CMS Proposes Meaningful Use Stages 2/3 Pushback
CMS has proposed a new Meaningful Use timeline that would extend Stage 2 through 2016. Eligible providers who have completed two years of Stage 2 would begin Stage 3 in January 2017.
CMS and ONC say the relaxed timeline will allow more thoughtful review of stakeholder feedback and data collection and give vendors more time to prepare their systems for Stage 3 requirements. Several industry groups had called for a Stage 2 delay.
ONC is proposing that certification criteria be updated more frequently, including a 2015 Edition that would be optional for providers and vendors already certified under the 2014 Edition criteria.
Most vendors I know are not ready with the reporting tools leaving providers literally weeks till attestation
Mass prayers do help
Reason prevailed
Does this announcement change the deadline for Stage 1 Year 2 attestation for those EH that have not completed this? Does this change the deadline for the first Stage 2 attestation that is required by EH who have already attested for Stage 1? Or does this just delay the move from Stage 2 to Stage 3?
Since we already attested to 3 years of stage 1, do we get a year off this year? More analysis to come…
Guess who is not happy, to put it mildly, with the news of MU2 being pushed back ?
All the CFOs (and their CEOs…) that have millions in their spreadsheets that now is not going to materialize
The worst part ? Nobody (not the CMIO, not the physicians, the IT department, not even the vendor) – NO ONE -to blame but themselves!
There has been a fair amount of confusion caused by some poorly worded media summaries. THERE IS NO DELAY TO STAGE 2 – all timelines, incentives and penalties remain in place. The only thing that changes for Stage 2 is that you will do a third year of Stage 2 if you started MU in 2011 or 2012. Otherwise, nothing changes for Stage 2!
This doesn’t affect the beginning of Stage 2. Stage 2 is not being pushed back. It only delays the onset of Stage 3 for a year. Those expecting to start Stage 2 in 2014 still must do so or face penalties.!
As mentioned Stage 2 is not pushed back, CMS is extending the time for MU attestations under Stage 2, and allowing vendors more time to test out under Stage 2 either using 2014 test criteria or a new 2015 criteria (not yet ready for prime time).
If you are a vendor here’s the ‘gotcha’. In my experience having worked through many 2014 tests with clients- the criteria for 2014 got considerably more complex and extensive as each month passed. For example the relatively simple test for Safety Enhanced design (170.114g3) went from giving a simple description of your design/development process to submitting detailed test scenarios per NISTIR 7742 standards. So if you wait for a new set of 2015 test criteria in my experience the tests will be more difficult. My advice, don’t wait too long. In the healthcare world regulations only grow…never shrink!
I’m sure the Practice Fusion leaders are pushing hard for this. You get what you pay for and there is a reason why only about 13 or so vendors are certified for stage 2. They just happen to be industry leaders and this is a chance to weed out poor infrastructure decisions and weak EMR vendors.
Let’s not forget, there is a huge difference between “certified” and “usable!” At least in our case, our Stage 2 Certified system is so full of bugs, I find it difficult to believe that we will be able to attest to anything by the end of fiscal 4th quarter.