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Morning Headlines 3/22/24

March 21, 2024 Headlines No Comments

New Report Finds That Digital Diabetes Management Tools Fail to Deliver Meaningful Health Benefits to Patients While Increasing Spending

Digital diabetes management solutions increase healthcare spending without delivering meaningful clinical benefits, according to a review of evidence by the Peterson Health Technology Institute.

Sharp, UCSD affected by computer outage that briefly diverted ambulance deliveries

A power outage at an Epic data center in California knocks several hospitals offline for two hours, prompting them to temporarily divert ambulances.

Syllable Corporation Announces Purchase of Actium Health

Process automation vendor Syllable acquires Actium Health, whose system reviews EHR data to identify patients who may need specific medical services.

Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates

New HHS guidance reiterates that covered entities can’t use web tracking technologies that might result in PHI disclosure, but clarifies that webpages that don’t require users to log in and that don’t have access to PHI don’t fall under HIPAA’s purview even if the user can be tied to an IP address.

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  1. I believe it is this: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/warrant.asp So an option, but one provided by the original company.

  2. What does a 'warrant' mean in this context? Is it related to an option?

  3. The problem is the conflict of interest. When you own a warrant, you make more money if the company's value…

  4. Death Bots - on this topic, in addition to Star Trek, I highly recommend Black Mirror, Season 2 Episode 1:…

  5. Ask them the same about Epic Toolbox

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