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Morning Headlines 5/11/23

May 10, 2023 Headlines 1 Comment

Shares in Babylon fall sharply on news of moves to take private

London-based virtual care vendor Babylon Health will revert to a privately-run company as part of a debt restructuring plan and new funding arrangement with Albacore Capital.

VA Pharmacists Don’t Trust new EHR System, Survey Finds

VA pharmacists surveyed by the House Veterans’ Affairs Technology Modernization Subcommittee say they don’t trust the new Oracle Cerner system in use at their facilities, causing them to work in a constant state of hypervigilance.

Norton Healthcare Network Update

Norton Healthcare (KY) works to restore systems impacted earlier this week by a cyberattack on its computer network.

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Currently there is "1 comment" on this Article:

  1. Escapes me why Congress and the Media talk about Cerner’s risks at VA without comment on if our service members at similar risk from a Cerner EHR widely deployed now at Military Treatment Facilities.

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  1. I've figured it out. At first I was confused but now all is clear. You see, we ARE running the…

  2. “My bad” does not mean I’m sorry. It means: I screwed up. Mea culpa. Keeping a little Latin in our…

  3. I'd like to circle back to the "slow health tech news day trendy terms" to solution some more synergy on…

  4. RE: HHS positions. I assume the federal interview process would last way past November, but seems to be potentially tricky…

  5. This sounds quite odd, and it would be good to know if this is some different pharmacy module than the…

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