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Morning Headlines 5/1/23

April 30, 2023 Headlines No Comments

Comparing Physician and Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Responses to Patient Questions Posted to a Public Social Media Forum

Researchers find that licensed healthcare professionals preferred ChatGPT 3.5’s responses to patient questions over those that were written by doctors 80% of the time, judging the computer responses to be more empathetic.

VA’s health record ‘reset’ has budget fallout

VA Secretary Denis McDonough tells a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that the agency will need to tweak its $1.86 billion EHR Modernization program budget request by $400 million due to its suspension of new implementations.

CUSP Citizen Petition to Protect Patients

The Center for US Policy petitions FDA to declare Bamboo Health’s NarxCare software a misbranded medical device that should be recalled, claiming that its opioid risk score for patients is being used inappropriately to prevent pain patients from obtaining appropriate opioids.

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  1. I've figured it out. At first I was confused but now all is clear. You see, we ARE running the…

  2. “My bad” does not mean I’m sorry. It means: I screwed up. Mea culpa. Keeping a little Latin in our…

  3. I'd like to circle back to the "slow health tech news day trendy terms" to solution some more synergy on…

  4. RE: HHS positions. I assume the federal interview process would last way past November, but seems to be potentially tricky…

  5. This sounds quite odd, and it would be good to know if this is some different pharmacy module than the…

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