Oracle snippy email: reminds me of Neal's famous pizza email.
Morning Headlines 1/23/23
Fitch Downgrades Marshfield Clinic Health System (WI) Ratings to ‘BBB+’; Outlook Negative
Fitch Ratings downgrades the bonds of Marshfield Clinic Health System, blaming its Oracle Cerner implementation for aging receivables, throughput errors, lower collections, and an unexpected level of productivity disruption that has impacted top-line revenue.
Electronic health record giant NextGen dealing with cyberattack
NextGen secures its network and returns to normal operations after a ransomware attack on Tuesday.
HealthLynked Announces Sale of ACO Health Partners
HealthLynked, a membership-based, tech-enabled healthcare network, will sell its ACO Health Partners subsidiary to PBACO Holding for up to $3 million.
Re: Fitch/Marshfield.
I am curious to understand the process by which a credit rating agency such as Fitch gets access to information like the one that they mentioned in downgrading Marshfield. This info is deep in the belly of the beast – did Marshfield willingly shared it with them because that’s a requirement for continued access to the debt market? Or, did Fitch do some sleuthing by having its employees hang out in bars close to the executive boardroom of Marshfield?