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Morning Headlines 7/15/22

July 14, 2022 Headlines No Comments

Making Electronic Health Records Both SAFER and SMARTER

Informatics leaders call for expanding use of the SAFER guides to align health systems and EHR vendors in improving safety and usability, and for developing a similar set of SMARTER guides to protect the cognitive attention of clinicians.

Healthcare Triangle Announces Closing of $6.5 Million Private Placement

Healthcare cloud and data transformation vendor Healthcare Triangle closes a $6.5 million private placement.

The New Electronic Health Record’s Unknown Queue Caused Multiple Events of Patient Harm

A new report from the VA’s Office of Inspector General confirms that an “unknown queue” within the VA’s Oracle Cerner system led to 150 adverse patient events.

HPG, a Leader in EHR Technology Integration, Acquires HIT Consulting Services Provider HDS

EHR consulting firm Healthcare Performance Group acquires competitor Health Data Specialists.

Canvas Medical Achieves ONC Certification, Raises $24MM to Power Clinicians and Developers Building and Scaling Digital Health Companies

EHR and developer tools vendor Canvas Medical raises $24 million in a Series B funding round.

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  1. I believe it is this: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/warrant.asp So an option, but one provided by the original company.

  2. What does a 'warrant' mean in this context? Is it related to an option?

  3. The problem is the conflict of interest. When you own a warrant, you make more money if the company's value…

  4. Death Bots - on this topic, in addition to Star Trek, I highly recommend Black Mirror, Season 2 Episode 1:…

  5. Ask them the same about Epic Toolbox

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