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Monday Morning Update 6/13/22

June 12, 2022 News 5 Comments

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Oracle Executive Chairman and CTO Larry Ellison says in a Cerner acquisition update that hospital EHRs – he names Cerner, Epic, and Allscripts – fragment records across providers because each hospital buys and operates its own, preventing providers from accessing a patient’s records in an emergency and limiting the value to public health researchers.


Ellison says Oracle will create a national EHR database that is continuously updated via updates from provider EHRs. Providers will be able to access identifiable information if authorized by the patient, while public health researchers would be limited to a de-identified view.


Ellison says Millennium will be significantly enhanced with voice UI, AI models, and automated clinical management. He mentioned the oncology decision support work of Project Ronin, of which Ellison is a co-founder.

Much of the presentation touted Oracle’s other healthcare offerings, such as ERP, workforce management, clinical trials, and cloud services.


Cerner will operate under the name Oracle Cerner, according to several references in the presentation.

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Poll respondents are evenly split about feeling welcome and appreciated when contacting their preferred hospital. One commenter says the hospital person always reads the appropriate script even though it’s clear their main job is as a goalie to keep people from talking to someone who could answer questions. ServiceWithaSnarl says that the academic medical center where they work as a physician faculty member at least gives everyone equally horrible service, physician or not.

New poll to your right or here: How often do you read or send work-related email and messages on evenings and weekends?


None scheduled soon. Previous webinars are on our YouTube channel. Contact Lorre to present your own.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock

IBM Chairman and CEO Arvind Krishna tells attendees at a stock market analyst conference that the company sold Watson Health to Francisco Partners for $1 billion in January because IBM just didn’t have the domain expertise to keep the product viable in healthcare. The company is now focused on developing Watson’s AI capabilities for automated order-taking at fast-food chains and IT operational efficiencies.


  • The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services awards Cognosante a $16 million contract to migrate the state’s Patient and Provider Network and Public Health Gateway to a new HIE platform the company will also help to develop.



First Databank hires Any Comeau (Greensea Systems) as SVP of sales and marketing.


Mobile Heartbeat names Annabaker Garber, RN, PhD chief clinical officer.


Matthew Grose (Optum) joins Ōmcare as CTO.


Thomas Bartiromo (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia) joins Tower Health (PA) as VP/CTO.

image image

Doctivity promotes Cathryn Connolley-Kluck to president and Haili Coombe to VP of client engagement and software product innovation.

Announcements and Implementations

Carilion Clinic (VA) integrates TytoCare’s telemedicine software and devices into its virtual care program.



In Canada, Hamilton Health Sciences employees celebrate the seven-hospital system’s Epic go-live.


A recent study from Net Health company Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes finds that 82% of physical therapy patients with low back pain who received rehabilitation via telemedicine during the pandemic were very satisfied with their treatment results. Outcomes were found to be equally effective and visits as efficient as in-office appointments.

Sponsor Updates

  • EVisit wins a silver Digital Health Award in the connected digital health: telehealth/RPM category.
  • Black Book Research announces that Netsmart has earned the 2022 award for highest customer satisfaction in its annual client experience performance ratings for enterprise behavioral health EHR vendors.
  • Everbridge joins the AWS Independent Software Vendor Accelerate program.
  • FDB names Patrick Mulry customer success manager.
  • Nordic posts a video titled “The Impact of Cloud on Patient Care.”
  • Healthwise wins a merit Digital Health Award in the digital health media/publications: video category.
  • Imprivata wins three awards from Cyber Defense Magazine in the categories of most comprehensive identity and access management, next gen identity security, and market leader privileged access management.
  • The Empowered Patient Podcast features Medicomp Systems CEO Dave Lareau.
  • NTT Data publishes a new case study showcasing how its solutions have improved Independent Health’s IT experience for employees and transforms its infrastructure services.
  • Symplr partners with human resources analytics company Visier to develop healthcare workforce analytics to help organizations more effectively recruit, hire, and retain staff.

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Currently there are "5 comments" on this Article:

  1. IBM CEO’s statement that “IBM just didn’t have the domain expertise to keep the (Watson) product viable in healthcare.” and instead they will focus on automated order taking for fast-food chains… is admirable and somewhat funny

    First of all, it’s good to see that they had the courage to acknowledge that they didn’t have what it takes – and to admit it and move on. My respect for them increased a notch. Meanwhile Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc… still continue to believe that they have the medicine that the healthcare providers, payers, and patients need.

    That said, I was tickled for a second that – the big opportunity for Watson will be in helping BK, McD figure out how to predict what I want for lunch today…! (okay, I am sure they could use AI to predict whether I want fries and whether I would up-size). But I am sure there’s more to it than that, and a few $B can reveal all sorts of productivity with ordering in the world of fast-food. Can’t wait to see what comes next.

  2. Seeing that I order the same thing every time I go to McD, it shouldn’t take long for them to recognize what my favorite servers at my local haunts call “the usual”. hooray for AI. If they would have asked, I would have gladly told them for a free milkshake and they could have saved almost $1billion.

  3. RE: Oracle and data aggregation. I have been in healthcare data and systems for 30 years. Even worked as Director of the Healthcare vertical for BellSouth for 10 of those, helping drive connectivity and secure data as they expanded by tying in clinics and physician offices to their mainframes in the early 2000’s.

    The industry dream of people who do not understand healthcare has always been to have one’s medical record available at the point of service regardless of where that may be. It is a false dream, and promotes a false reason, and Oracle will again learn that point. We tried building “COINS” (Community of Interest Networks) to at least share patient data among hospitals just in the Atlanta area. No dice. While there were technical reasons for some of that inability a few years back, there is a core reason that it won’t and cannot work, and that has nothing to do with technology. Health systems have zero interest in sharing their very valuable data with anyone, especially competitors.

    The idea that I, living in Atlanta, take a rare trip to Los Angeles, get in an accident and am unconscious, and the doc needs at least my co-morbids and meds to know how to treat me, is literally one in a four or five million need – thus a false premise. It uses the ATM model, where I would NEED access to cash and my bank if I travel, but not my healthcare. Once that is off the table, then sharing my medical data with any organization who gains legal access to it has no benefit to me, and it invades my privacy.

    And I note that Oracle is promoting a centralized data storage where all providers upload their patient data on a frequent basis to a massive repository (what else?, they are the major data base provider – the hammer-nail scenario) – as opposed to at least using a federated design with look up table directories, (which is what we DID build as a demo back then). Supposedly to make it accessible to other providers and to medical researchers. A very big danger for data breaches as we’ve seen.

    And with the trepidation that many Americans see now with lack of trust in government’s promise they are here to protect us, there will be a massive push back from the population once they learn about this. And with a noticeable trend politically that is pointing at a globalist end goal, people will not agree to this because they understand if you control my healthcare, you control me in many facets of my life (not just health), because of the personal knowledge you have on me.

    And it mentions Epic and AllScripts – two MAJOR competitors to Cerner – and without force or government regulations, I highly doubt they’d play along. One of the key locks to keeping your EMR/system installed is the difficulty of transitioning the data to a new system. Having it all in one place will negate any competitive advantage. I would doubt that even Cerner clients would agree to play in the big sandbox. Much more cost to comply, with little to no benefit to them.

    I have my popcorn out to watch the show. If Oracle would like input and some real solutions, I’d be happy to discuss. But going to a repository model will never be adopted UNLESS it is forced by governmental edict. And I don’t see that happening. My only question is, were there many healthcare data experts involved in this plan, since it has been tried several times to no avail?

    • I believe the real play here, especially given who is involved, is all about capturing and monetizing the data. Your points on the false premise of a shared data repository and the barriers to adoption are spot on. Now, if Cerner can put together a revenue model for those that participate it might just be enough to incentivize their existing customer base to stick with them. They certainly need something to stop the continued market share erosion to Epic, and as we all know, nothing speaks to healthcare system executives as loudly and a new revenue stream.

  4. Cerner will operate as “Oracle Cerner”?

    Lame! This was the ideal opportunity to rebrand around syllables, as “OraCern”. I conducted a focus group (no, I did not) and we rejected “Cernicle”.

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