Morning Headlines 6/8/20
A GAO review finds that the VA has implemented effective configuration decision-making in its Cerner implementation by holding national workshops and creating 18 EHR councils, but needs to improve representation at local workshops.
NorthShore provides real time genomic decision support to 10,000 patients using the ActX Service
NorthShore University HealthSystem completes a precision medicine program in which genetic data is loaded into ActX’s genomic service, then used within Epic to alert medication-ordering clinicians of potential genetics-related side effects, efficacy, or dosing considerations.
Hospitals could struggle — and more will go bankrupt — until they get patients back in the door
Many hospital operators say the pandemic-induced surge of telemedicine visits over the last several months won’t be enough to keep them from bankruptcy or from consolidating with neighboring health systems.
The UHC hiding the breach notice page is one thing but it looks like Nebraska is suing Change Healthcare for…