Happy to be staying home. Will be interested in your impressions. Is HIMSS bringing real value to healthcare or just…
Morning Headlines 4/3/20
The HHS Office for Civil Rights loosens HIPAA regulations to give healthcare business associates more leeway in sharing PHI “in good faith” during the pandemic.
As remote workforces increase, Microsoft alerts several dozen hospitals to VPN infrastructure vulnerabilities that may attract ransomware attackers.
Google’s AI accurately predicts physicians’ prescribing decisions 75% of the time
Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco and Google develop an algorithm using EHR data capable of predicting physician prescription choices 75% of the time.
FCC Adopts $200 Million COVID-19 Telehealth Program
The FCC allocates $200 million to help qualifying providers purchase telecommunications, broadband services, and devices essential for offering telehealth services.
I feel like I could also probably predict physicans’ prescribing habits with 75% accuracy (which isn’t very accurate) just by looking at their patient problem and med lists. That doesn’t seem like a particularly tough nut to crack.