Morning Headlines 8/1/19
DOD’s Next Electronic Health System Rollout Will Be Different, Officials Say
DoD officials assure the next round of MHS Genesis end users that they will receive improved training, change management, and infrastructure during the September roll outs.
Google’s DeepMind says its A.I. tech can spot acute kidney disease 48 hours before doctors spot it
DeepMind announces its AI software can detect acute kidney disease up to 48 hours before physicians recognize its symptoms.
32 Million Breached Patient Records in First Half of 2019 Double Total for All of 2018
Protenus reports that 31,611,235 patient records have been breached in the first six months of 2019 – more than double the number reported for all of the previous year.
Happy to be staying home. Will be interested in your impressions. Is HIMSS bringing real value to healthcare or just…