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Morning Headlines 5/16/18

May 15, 2018 Headlines 2 Comments

Sutter Health experiencing systemwide communications failure

Sutter Health confirms that some of its electronic systems remain down from an unstated problem that started late Monday. Sutter’s Epic system in at least some of its facilities as well as its public website are offline.

Medical Records: Fees and Challenges Associated with Patients’ Access

A GAO investigation commissioned under the 21st Century Cures Act finds that patients are sometimes charged more than HIPAA allows for copies of their medical record.

Pentagon’s EHR Setbacks ‘Don’t Bode Well’ for Potential Veterans Affairs Rollout

Former VA CIO Roger Baker comments on the military’s report that called out extensive problems with its MHS Genesis pilot sites, ultimately pointing out that the VA has gone too far down the Cerner path to reconsider despite the DoD’s report.

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Currently there are "2 comments" on this Article:

  1. Wondering if it was just me, so I looked up this definition of “pilot” on the internet:

    ADJECTIVE… “done as an experiment or test before introducing something more widely.”

    With Genesis, I think the majority correctly see the pilot as a test. (Maybe I’m just projecting.) I can’t fathom how any vendor would treat the pilot as anything but their opportunity to put their best foot forward. I think this IS the best foot we’re going to get from these guys. It’s a test and the grade is F.

    Then, there’s a minority (which you seemed to have joined, Mr. H?) that views the pilot as an experiment … apparently the place where these folks are learning how to deploy a baseline-functional EHR? They’re seemingly stumped by operability, never mind interoperability. I think most would call this inappropriate and dangerous.

  2. ““I think VA’s too far down the road at this point,” Baker said.”

    Something something sunk costs fallacy

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  1. Even if you don't get transported, you pay. I had a seizure; someone called an ambulance. I came to, refused…

  2. Was the outage just VA or Cerner wide? This might finally end Cerner at VA.

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