It’s a little unclear from the commentary what SAAS means to people. Epic is clearly interested in targeting smaller hospitals…
Morning Headlines 5/5/16
Email from insider led to Epic Systems’ $940 million legal win
A disgruntled Tata Consultancy employee working at Kaiser Permanente alerted Epic that the company had been illegally downloading trade secrets through Epic’s UserWeb. The employee had reportedly been passed up for a promotion.
IBM Gives Free Storage to ResearchKit Users
IBM announces that it will host ResearchKit apps on its Watson Health hosting platform for free.
Acting Administrator Slavitt Speech at the American Hospital Association’s Annual Membership Meeting
During the AHA Annual Membership Meeting, CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt called on doctors to engage in the rule writing process while MACRA was in its public comment period.
Medical Errors Are the Third Leading Cause of Death: Study
A BMJ study estimates that medical errors kill 250,000 Americans each year, making it the third leading cause of death in the US.
And I thought that medical errors were to be cured by EHRs. Dumb me!
I had nothing to do yesterday, so I read the nearly 1000 pages of MACRA gibberish. Most doctors I know will quit rather than putting up with this Soviet system of surveillance.