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Morning Headlines 9/24/15

September 23, 2015 Headlines 2 Comments

Accenture Adds Distinctive Electronic Health Record Consulting Capabilities with Acquisition of Sagacious Consultants

As reported by HIStalk readers yesterday, Accenture acquires Sagacious Consultants for an undisclosed sum.

GE Healthcare Announces $300 Million Commitment to Support Emerging Market Health

GE Healthcare, the $18 billion healthcare technology division of GE, announces the creation of a new business unit that will focus on bringing low cost, high impact health technology solutions to Africa and parts of Asia.

Interoperability Tops ‘To-Do’ List According to Medical Students

Athenahealth publishes findings from its annual Epocrates Future Physicians of America survey, which finds that 96 percent of medical students believe that improving EHR interoperability is important to patient care, while 87 percent support the creation of a universal patient record.

Why Cleveland Clinic Shares Its Outcomes Data with the World

Michael Kattan, PhD and the chair of the quantitative health sciences department at the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute, writes a Harvard Business Review article explaining how the Cleveland Clinic captures and analyzes its outcomes data and why it publically reports all of its findings.

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Currently there are "2 comments" on this Article:

  1. KPMG, Huron, Accenture have all completed take overs of Epic focused consulting firms. Which independent firms are left out there for consumption? Who’s the next big buyer? Deloitte?

  2. Who is the next buyer? Maybe nobody.

    I believe the other firms you mentioned needed an acquisition to become a player in the Epic services market. Deloitte already has a presence there. Any additional acquisitions for them would merely be an acqui-hire.

    Plus, based on news posted here in the past, Epic doesn’t like it when big companies acquire small vendors who operate in their niche. While there is not much Epic can do about it, it will be interesting to see how they react to Accenture now being in their space. By far the largest corporation to buy an Epic firm to-date.

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