Morning Headlines 12/8/14
Alberta moves on integrated health records system
In Canada, the province of Alberta has formed a task force to plan the development of a centralized health information system after the College of Physicians and Surgeons complained that the current system was “woefully inadequate.”
A Response to AMA President Dr. Robert Wah
The Coalition for ICD-10 publishes a harsh reply to AMA president Robert Wah, MD’s outspoken objections to the upcoming transition to ICD-10 codes.
The Woolly Mammoths Of Digital Health Care
Forbes reports on the persistent usability issues that are hindering providers, embarrassing EHR vendors, and frustrating policymakers as the ROI on the nation’s HITECH investment continues to loom just out of reach.
I noticed that the patient's bill in this case included a $12,000 charge for just showing up. I wonder how…