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March 26, 2014 Headlines 2 Comments

ICD-10 Delay, SGR Temporary Fix Up for Congressional Vote

A bill that would delay the ICD-10 transition until October 2015 and extend the current Sustainable Growth Rate for 12 months will be voted on in the House this Thursday.

AAO officially launches IRIS Registry

The American Academy of Ophthalmology has launched the Intelligent Research in Sight Registry (IRIS), a comprehensive national database that will be used for research and benchmarking. The database will interface with 18 EHR systems and aggregate 20 million patient records by 2017.

Cedars-Sinai Designing ‘Operating Room of the Future’ to Streamline, Improve Trauma Care

Cedars-Sinai and the US Military will work together to build an "Operating Room of the Future" that will focus on improving coordination of care during the so-called “golden hour,” when prompt medical attention can mean the difference between life and death.

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Currently there are "2 comments" on this Article:

  1. If for some bizarre political reason the SGR vote passes with Sec. 212 (I-10 delay) cooked in, it will end up costing billions in re-training efforts. I can’t find anywhere that says where this pork came into the bill, but I guarantee their pockets are stuffed by lobbyists for the consulting companies already gouging hospitals with i-10 training and readiness fees. No one will want to move to I-10 in 2015 when I-11 is just around the corner, which could mean billions of dollars lost to the void of government compliance.

  2. Brendan Smith Elion,

    I couldn’t agree more with your post! All of us patients who have no political capital to get things done in Congress are being thrown under the bus. The move to ICD-10 now is the practical approach to better healthcare determination this year, but with another delay the cost of change will double or triple for every provider because ICD-11 is going to be so drastically different. Going to ICD-10 now would mean the whole world can go to ICD-11 together in a few years. The way things are done in Washington, you can be sure that the delay will remain in the Medicare SGR bill being sent to the Senate. Everyone should be calling their Senators to demand that Section 212 be removed with a modification to the House version!


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