Does anyone believe Seema Verma's story that "this is a dramatically improved system"? What is more likely, is that Oracle…
Morning Headlines 1/21/13
athenahealth and MedOasis will partner to provide an anesthesia-specific billing solution that combines athenahealth’s claims processing solution with MedOasis’ anesthesia coding, charge-entry, contract management, and compliance capabilities.
UCSF Medical Center throws a great outside curve ball, keeps EMR rollout under wraps
The local paper profiles University of California San Francisco’s $160 million Epic implementation, which quietly reached its completion one year overdue and $100 million over budget. In May of 2011, then CIO Larry Lotenero was shown the door after implementation costs ballooned to three times expectations.
Identifying Personal Genomes by Surname Inference
A group of fifty men who anonymously donated DNA to genome research have been positively identified by scientists who were able to identify the patient, their address, and their relatives by taking the little demographic information maintained on the donors, and supplementing that with the wealth of information extracted from the donors genome.
Allscripts to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2012 Financial Results on February 19
Allscripts announces that it will report year-end financials during a February 19 investor call.
In spirit of NFL Sunday, as T.O. would say, getcha popcorn ready.