Wellness is a legitimate term but a wellness journey requires a long-term commitment from both patients and medical providers. Many…
News 7/11/12
Inga and I are on a short break for another couple of days, so I’ll keep my posts brief (and rather Spartan) so that Mrs. HIStalk doesn’t feel neglected on vacation. If I’ve missed anything important, let me know.
From UK Lurker: “Re: Epic. As Epic projects get going in the UK, is there any indication of how UK customers will be handling their project team staffing? Are they using US-based consultants who have experience with Epic? UK firms that know the NHS?"
The CEO of Baptist Memorial Health Care (TN) says he is “thrilled” to announce that the organization has signed with Epic. We reported the rumor from Jog that Epic would replace McKesson Horizon there on July 6.
Kevin Shimamato is named interim CEO of Tulare Regional Medical Center (CA). He was previously CIO at Sierra View District Hospital and says it’s a trend that hospitals are hiring CEOs with a technology background. He applied for the job through his consulting company.
MyHealthDIRECT names board member Tom Cox (Healthways) as CEO. He replaces founder Jay Mason, who will remain with the company and continue serving on its board.
University of Virginia and GE Healthcare head off to court this week over what UVA says is the failure of the former IDX to meet hospital information system implementation milestones going back to 1999. GE Healthcare bought IDX in 2006, the hospital says GEHC didn’t resolve the issues, and it’s suing for $30 million after already moving to replace IDX with Epic. GEHC says UVA didn’t make an effort to fix its own project and still owes it money.
Weird News Andy is glad to see that these nurse assistants have been banned from healthcare. While working on contract for the Virginia Veterans Care Center, they took four wedding rings from elderly veterans suffering from dementia and other chronic conditions, pawning them immediately for a total of $405 (their appraised value was over $4,000.) The first was found guilty, but says she took only two of the rings and claims she didn’t remove them forcibly, although at least one of the victims had bruised fingers. She could be sentenced to up to 120 years in prison. Her partner in crime (check out her photo above – would you voluntarily choose her as your caregiver?) will be tried later this month.
Sponsor Updates
- University Physicians (CO) will deploy GE’s Centricity Business solution across its hospitals and physician practices.
- Legacy Health (OR) selects ProVation Medical software by Wolters Kluwer Health for its GI lab documentation and coding at five hospitals.
- Hartford Healthcare Corporation realizes $15.3 million in financial improvements within a year of selecting MedAsets revenue cycle solutions.
- DrFirst launches an e-prescribing task force to assist New York physicians in meeting the requirements of i-STOP.
- Southwest Community Health Center (CT), an FQHC, will deploy NextGen EHR, PM and Electronic Dental Record across its 12 locations.
- InMedica, a division of IMS Research, names Merge Healthcare as the #1 vendor neutral archive provider in its recent market study.
- OrthoKC (KS) selects SRS EHR for its 10 providers.
- e-MDs congratulates its client, Princeton Healthcare Affiliated Physicians, for the successful MU attestation of all 21 eligible providers.
- Optum launches coding technology to facilitate and accelerate hospitals transitioning to ICD-10.
- NextGate highlights two wins by its partners, Orion Health and Covisint, using its EMPI and provider registry.
- New York City Health & Hospitals Corporation attests to Stage 1 MU in all 11 hospitals and met interoperability requirements by exchanging data with New York’s RHIOs using QuadraMed solutions.
- James Backstrom MD of Foundation Radiology Group and Robin Brand of The Advisory Board Company will present strategies to increase imaging referrals during a free webinar July 19.
- Memphis Obstetrics & Gynecological Association (TN) selects MED3OOO’s InteGreat EHR for its 24 providers.
- MEDSEEK partners with BrightWhistle to resell its social patient acquisition solutions.
I think someone doesn’t understand the meaning of “vacation”….
Mrs’ CoolerKing has promised to throw my laptop, iPad and iPhone in the ocean if she catches me using them while away later this month.
I don’t intend to learn the lesson the hard way.
Step away from the laptop Mr HISTalk and enjoy some well deserved R&R. We’ll survive a few days without you!
UVA and GE/IDX settled:
I am also very interested in knowing how to help the UK staff their Epic implementations.