I noticed that the patient's bill in this case included a $12,000 charge for just showing up. I wonder how…
Morning Headlines 1/18/18
Senator seeks answers on pause in VA’s Cerner deal
Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS), a member of the committee that must approve the VA’s request to move money to fund its Cerner project, expresses frustration with the VA’s contract signing delay, questioning whether the VA did its interoperability due diligence, asking if it is seeking contract changes or considering alternate solutions, and wondering if Cerner can reschedule 900 engineers that were supposed to start work on the project in the Pacific Northwest.
The UPMC spinoff provides cancer care management best practices and decision support.
Senate panel endorses Trump’s pick for Health secretary
The nomination of former drug company executive Alex Azar for HHS secretary moves on to a Senate confirmation hearing.
Forget Diets, Weight Watchers Wants You for Life
Weight Watchers International attempts to reposition itself from short-term weight loss support to becoming a life-long wellness service.
Will this Cerner dust up with the DoD now give us a real granular discussion on a national level as to what Interoperability really means as far as how much is exchanged, degree of exchange and access, and who is responsible for it ($$$$ from vendors or hospitals paying for the infastructure)? More realistically will it force Cerner deeper in to a “commitment” to the Commonwell Health Alliance? Commitment in quotes means a lot of things. Really publicizing how well (and how much) it shares between itself and the other vendors and Epic? Having to commit more resources to it including education and architecture for their customers and hospitals using other vendors. Perhaps how Cerner has to address this could chip away at the conventional wisdom that eventually you will have to be on either Epic or Cerner.