Recent Articles:

Readers Write: Never Had a Breach?

Never Had a Breach?
By Kev Larson

Never had a breach? I find it remarkable that so many on the HIStalk Advisory Panel can answer so swiftly, so confidently, and so authoritatively, “No, we have never had a breach.” 

I want to know how they know that. I want to know what they are doing — day in and day out — to monitor, audit, and confirm their operational performance that allows them to make that bold statement – the one that they report to HIStalk and its readers, their boards, and their patients.

I am sure you know the old saying, “The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.” For those that are reporting no breaches, just how hard are they looking? Would their staff even know what to report or how to report a potential breach? 

I am not saying that a perfect record is not in the realm of possibility. It is just so incredibly improbable that it defies common sense. I would really love to know the secret formula that has gotten those CIOs that report no breaches to the place where they have that level of confidence and certainty. I am sure others would, too.

Along these lines, I finally got a chance to read ISMG’s Healthcare Information Security Today Annual Survey in which 35 percent of the 200 respondents reported that their organizations had not suffered a breach of any size in the past 12 months. I realize that this is a dangerously low sample size, but let’s just take it at face value for the sake of illustration. The trend is not too terribly off from the responses from the HIStalk Advisory Panel. 

The question and response that really got me chuckling was this one, though. “What type of breach (of any size) has a BA with access to your organization’s patient information had in the past 12 months?” Can you believe that 59 percent of the respondents answered that their BAs had no breach of any size in the past 12 months? That is downright laughable and borderline reckless.   

CEs are doing precious little to evaluate, interrogate, or assess BA risk or compliance performance. Again, the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. If a CE responded to this question based on the BA’s self-report to them alone, that should not be enough information to give that BA a clean bill of health. We have to hold them to more rigorous criteria than that. 

The certain truth is the universe of BAs is exponentially larger than that of CEs, and BAs have only recently received the formal mandate to fully comply with HIPAA.  We have a long way to go in the BA community and CEs should be guarded, probative, and assertive in the management of their BAs. We cannot wait 10 years for our BAs to catch up.

What really matters in this discussion is what has changed under Omnibus. One of the most significant changes is that the Omnibus Rule replaces the “risk of harm” test that was so contentious in the interim final rule with a default presumption that any acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of PHI in a manner not permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule is a breach unless the CE or BA “demonstrates that there is a low probability that the [PHI] has been compromised based on a risk assessment.” [78 Fed. Reg. at 5,695] 

Kudos to the organizations that have employed a breach risk assessment process and have implemented it consistently. Interestingly, they seem to be the ones reporting their breaches in real time, even the small ones that they could have reported later. They have a real process and are actively demonstrating a posture of continuous compliance, which is the desired state according to OCR. 

However, there are a whole bunch of organizations that are just winging it. They have no process, no criteria, no tools, and no commitment. We see it all too often and it is just not enough.

Take the five-month window before you must comply with Omnibus to shore up this part of your program –  all things related to breach risk. Consider working with an expert consulting firm to help you. This is probably an area where a little investment can go a long way. 

Readers Write: Are Hospital EHR Vendors Primarily Software or Services Companies?

Are Hospital EHR Vendors Primarily Software or Services Companies?
By Kyle Samani

Hospital EHR vendors are not primarily software companies with professional services divisions. They are primarily professional service companies with software divisions.

Although the core value of hospital EHR companies is the software they develop, the bulk of the value they provide is in training, data conversion, setup, logistics, and support. These services are built on top of the software that they support, but are collectively more valuable than the software itself.

I’ve seen the challenge of deploying an EHR in a hospital first hand. Most of the challenges are with the people, not the software. Hospital EHR vendors derive most of their value for their professional services.

Hospital EHR vendors employ more services staff than software staff. At least 60 percent of the employees at the major hospital EHR vendors are in deployment and support services, not software design, development, testing, or administrative functions. Employees, especially road warriors, are expensive. The more employees involved in a given division, the more expensive and valuable that division is.

But perhaps even more important than sheer costs, healthcare IT staff need to receive sophisticated training in hospital workflows and software systems. Before the HITECH Act, there weren’t enough people with healthcare IT skills to deploy the entire country in five or six years. Many argue that there still aren’t enough people. The EHR vendors had to develop large-scale internal training programs to teach all of these people how to set up, train, deploy, and support hospitals. This is one of the greatest sources of value that the big EHR vendors have generated: an educated healthcare IT workforce. The scale and scope at which they’ve done that has been remarkable.

Epic employs 6,400 people and Cerner 11,900. I would estimate that at least 60 percent of those – or 11,000 people in just these two companies – work in training, deployment, and support roles. These companies and many others have developed phenomenally large internal training programs for their employees, who are usually fresh college graduates.

To provide a sense of scale, the University of Texas at Austin — one of the largest universities in the country by enrollment (60,000+ students) and located in a major US technology center — boasts that it has graduated a grand total of 333 people in its 9-10-week-long healthcare IT program since its inception a few years ago. Vendors are educating the workforce, not the educational system.

Training and conversion costs usually prevent hospitals from switching EHRs. These costs are multi-dimensional, spanning financial cost, employee personal costs, and opportunity cost of working through other initiatives such as Meaningful Use 2 and ICD-10.

As an employee at a smaller hospital EHR vendor, I’ve experienced this phenomenon. We are trying to spearhead the replacement market for hospitals that are dissatisfied with their legacy EHRs. Most of them love our product and are even willing to pay, but aren’t willing to change systems because the non-financial costs of change are too great for the organization.

Because the costs of switching are high, the cost of choosing the wrong EHR the first time is even higher. Most large software projects that fail do so because of the people, processes, and cultures, not because the software isn’t capable. In that sense, the services surrounding the software implementation are even more important than the software itself. The majority of the value that the vendors provide is in services, not software.

Looking at hospital EHR vendors as service companies can help understand management decisions that may not have made sense when looking at them as software companies. Decisions are made based on training and deployment realities, not software limitations. This analytical framework can also help explain vendor practices and methodologies (especially hiring), release cycles, growth rates, stability, and many other operating metrics.

Kyle Samani is inpatient deployment manager at VersaSuite of Austin, TX.

CIO Unplugged 5/1/13

May 1, 2013 Ed Marx 6 Comments

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are mine personally and are not necessarily representative of current or former employers.

It’s Not About the Rock: The Remote Village that Turned our Lives Upside Down
(Part 2 of 2)

While the majority of us climbed Kili, five of our team — including my wife and daughter — went to the village and succeeded in making introductions, finalizing plans, and educating. The village elders opened the schools, and the advance team covered critical subjects on the basics: nutrition, health, and universal precautions.

By the time the rest of us arrived, clinic construction was still a few days behind. We would open without water or electricity.

June 22, opening day. Seventeen of 20 senators plus the former Tanzanian Prime Minister attended the incredible ribbon-cutting celebration. Doug and Martha represented our team, and with the Prime Minister, blessed the clinic. Villagers dressed in a vast array of colors, surrounded their new clinic, singing in Maa. This put most of our team in tears; I hid mine behind a camera lens. We were all humbled and a little shocked by the fanfare and how much this meant to the Maasai and their country. Media from all over Tanzania rolled cameras and a major party wrapped up opening day.

5-1-2013 3-51-36 PM
Talitha Marx

The following morning, we opened for business. Winjie and Liz had us well organized. We had a doc and medical assistant for each of the four treatment rooms plus another working in the lobby. The triage unit included two assistants and two translators. They started the medical records, took vitals, and prioritized patients. Two women manning the supply room / pharmacy / break room dispensed meds and supplies. The rest of us rotated between crowd control and entertaining all the kids. We played lots of soccer and taught them football and Frisbee.

Our first patient was a young mother who had not felt her baby move in 36 hours. “Oh great,” I heard myself saying. “What if our first two patients die?” What would be the risk to the clinic longevity? Would the villagers turn hostile? Had we lured all these people here to die? Even if the village accepted the deaths, it would cast a dour vibe over our clinic. What an ominous beginning. I prayed, but, as much as I hate to admit it, I was more negative than positive.

While I was getting uptight, the team swung into action. One of our docs happened to be an OB/GYN. Liz also went into our “birthing suite.” She held the mother’s hand and assisted her OB/GYN husband with the delivery.

Outside, it seemed the entire village had gathered as news spread quickly (without FaceBook). Crowds pressed in and my thoughts grew darker as we held the line. I could hear the rest of the team behind me going in and out of the room, but no baby. Someone shouted for one of the other docs, who by coincidence happened to be a neonatologist. When he entered the room, I figured the baby had been born. Unbeknownst to me, our CEO, his wife, and some of our ladies met inside the pharmacy room, held hands, and prayed.

Silence fueled my anxiety. The eager crowd grew antsy. Some had traveled many miles to receive treatment and this incident held things up.

Resuscitation attempts were underway. Lacking requisite equipment, improvisation came into play. A plastic baggie turned into an ambu bag; a shoelace became a clamp. Ten minutes passed. The baby took a breath on her own. The precious infant pinked up, and then … the cry that loosed hope. Those in the birthing room heaved deep sighs and shed tears. That one cry carried a message to all the villagers and (as we found out later) reached the Serengeti, a four-hour drive away.

Open Arms Clinic is a good place!

5-1-2013 3-55-16 PM
Baby Elizabeth at birth, with neonatologist Darryl Miao, MD

Isina suffered a second-degree tear. The only suture available was a 5-0 chromic suture, and no needle driver. The OB/GYN found makeshift suture scissors and sewed up the tear. All this time, Liz had been consoling Isina, acting as her birthing coach. She had built a bond with this first-time mother. Toward the end, Isina asked her name, and she replied, “Elizabeth Ransom.” While the physicians are working, Isina announced, “I am naming my baby Elizabeth.” 

Everyone in the room broke out in tears. Nine months prior, Elizabeth Ransom had been the doctor who originally suggested we set up a clinic. Coincidence?

Talitha Marx at TEDxKids

We learned many things in June 2011. A few universal leadership gems include:

5-1-2013 3-50-14 PM
THR CEO Doug Hawthorne and UNTHSC  CEO Scott Ransom, MD

  • Leaders serve. We saw this over and over again, but perhaps nowhere as poignantly as when we caught the Texas Health CEO and UNTHSC CEO kneeling and wiping up urine from an exam room floor. This was not posed.
  • Want what you have because you may not have what you want. We had sparse equipment and facilities. But compared to the locals, we were blessed. Had we focused on what we did not have, our time would have been miserable and full of complaint. Rather we learned to accept the circumstances and did what we could. That is where joy came.
  • Influence knows no boundaries. My then 17-year-old daughter Talitha was the bridge between the villagers and our team. From the mouth of babes. Don’t ever tell me title or experience matters. This video above tells the story from her perspective via TEDxKids.
  • Innovation. Our clinical improvisation saved lives and healed wounds. Always think outside of the box. When the right tools don’t exist, make them.
  • Rewards beyond the vision. We came prepared for any opportunity. While Open Arms Clinic was our mission focus, the team was ready for anything. When the elders realized we could teach the village about universal precautions and nutrition, school was called back in session.

5-1-2013 3-58-14 PM
Baby Elizabeth at age 20 months, two months ago

The Open Arms Clinic continues to serve the village today. An African physician and nurse run the operation. Residents from UTSW will begin rotations there in 2014. The government continues to honor its commitment of service. Several from our team continue to offer in-kind support.

We took care of 350-plus patients and witnessed various other miracles that week. We went to climb a mountain, but found our trip wasn’t about Kilimanjaro. While we impacted a village of 10,000 in a remote part of the world, that village turned our own world upside down. We came back changed, transformed, as the villagers were. We grew as leaders. As friends. As individuals. We found ourselves. We deepened our faith. Our lives will never be the same. It’s not about the rock.

Ed Marx is a CIO currently working for a large integrated health system. Ed encourages your interaction through this blog. Add a comment by clicking the link at the bottom of this post. You can also connect with him directly through his profile pages on social networking sites LinkedIn and Facebook and you can follow him via Twitter — user name marxists.

Morning Headlines 5/1/13

April 30, 2013 Headlines 1 Comment

Texas lawmaker introduces bill to ban ICD-10 implementation

Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) introduces H.R.1701, "Cutting Costly Codes Act of 2013," which would prohibit HHS from replacing ICD-9 with ICD-10. The bill has no co-sponsors and has been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Ways and Means for further consideration.

Nuance shares sink on profit drop

In Q1, Nuance’s net income drops to $110.4 million, down from $138.8 million last year. EPS $0.34 vs $0.43. Shares dropped 19 percent by the close of trading Tuesday. The company also announced a $500 million share buyback plan today as hostile corporate takeover specialist Carl Icahn continues to build his stake in the company, which now stands at 10.7 percent.

Case study: Breach increases risk of fraud

A case study examining the 2012 Utah Department of Health data breach that compromised 780,000 individuals found that in 2010, one in 10 individuals who received a data breach notification became a victim of fraud, but that in 2012, that number jumped to one in four.

Senators urge Obama to help resolve veterans claims backlog

A bipartisan group of 67 senators sent a letter to President Obama asking that he take direct action in resolving the VA’s backlog of veteran disability claims.

News 5/1/13

April 30, 2013 News 4 Comments

Top News

4-30-2013 7-09-06 PM

Greenway Medical announces that it will swing to a loss for the current fiscal year because of declining sales and deferred revenue. The company’s fiscal year earnings estimate of $0.10 to $0.17 on $145-$150 million in revenue was revised to a loss of $0.11 to $0.13 on revenue of $132-$134 million. The fiscal year ends June 30. Shares dropped from Friday’s $16.05 close to just above $12 by Tuesday morning, but had rebounded to $13.47 by Tuesday’s close. Above is the one-year GWAY share price (blue) vs. the S&P 500 (red).

Reader Comments

4-30-2013 10-18-31 PM

From Big Tex: “Re: Epic deals. St. David’s Healthcare in Austin and Methodist in Houston are both heading to Epic, though I don’t think either has officially announced yet.” Unverified.

From John: “Re: interesting comment from an FBR analyst covering Nuance’s poor earnings announcement. ‘While several industry/external (smart phone consolidation, transcription transition, EMEA weakness) factors have put pressure on mobile and healthcare growth, we believe the blame lies squarely around Nuance’s execution in the field, coupled with management’s feverish acquisition strategy over the last year, which has put onerous integration risks back into the Nuance story. While we believe potential activism could put a floor on Nuance shares and ultimately enhance shareholder value over time (e.g., management changes, split-up of the company, M&A path), we find it hard to remain positive on the Nuance story as the company goes through a challenging transition process in its business over the next six to nine months.’” Carl Icahn just announced that he’s loaded up on more shares, so the surprisingly poor results for both revenue and earnings help make his eventual argument that the company should be broken up or sold outright.

4-30-2013 8-17-49 PM

From Mr. Eko: “Re: HIMSS Middle East. Started Monday. Some American-based companies there are Cerner, GE, and Medicity. Judy Faulkner, CEO of Epic, was spotted yesterday morning eating breakfast in the Four Seasons hotel. Rumor has it they are pitching to the Ministry of Health for Saudi Arabia.”

From Giles: “Re: healthcare IT decision making. Interesting reader comments. What’s your opinion?” I agree with some of the comments that healthcare organizations are quicker to promote and retain executives who wouldn’t qualify for comparable jobs in most other industries based on their education and experience. However, healthcare is a different world, trying to balance the demands of an increasingly interventionist government, regulators, special interests, politicians, clinicians, community leaders, and giant insurance companies with the patients and families who are hardly typical customers. I’ve seen cases where hotshot IT people from allegedly more progressive sectors were brought in with near disastrous results, even though the IT shop looked like a showcase on paper. Some healthcare CIOs are not very good at strategic planning, management, and customer engagement, but they have a small domain with minimal clout and high operating and capital expenses due to decisions almost always made by someone else with more influence. Healthcare CIOs also aren’t given a lot of unilateral decision-making over anything other than infrastructure – everybody likes to suggest and approve massive change management projects that get incorrectly tagged as IT initiatives, but those folks disappear when their own lack of leadership ability starts sending the project down the drain due to poor user acceptance, lack of resources, and poor project decisions. My opinion, therefore, is that healthcare IT leaders aren’t empowered to make a lot of decisions on their own, are struggling to deal with the mess foisted upon them by their fellow executives and third parties, and are trying to deal with the squeeze of ever-increasing demand with an ever-decreasing budget. I’m fairly certain that swapping them out with fat-resume private sector CIOs wouldn’t make much difference on the plus side of the ledger, but would cause all kinds of unintended consequences to patient care. It’s easy to shoot the messenger, and with regard to many high-profile projects, that’s all the CIO is allowed to be. If nothing else, consider the high degree of CIO turnover – if all it took was new people in the chair, you’d be seeing wide swings in success from that alone and that’s not the case.

HIStalk Announcements and Requests

Nick van Terheyden, MBBS, CMIO of Nuance, posted the cool photo above on Twitter. If you’re traveling anywhere interesting, send a fun local photo with something that identifies HIStalk and I’ll run it here.

4-30-2013 8-00-00 PM

Welcome to new HIStalk Gold Sponsor Porter Research, A Billian Company. The company provides its clients with customized market intelligence and research insight that includes go-to-market strategy, focus groups, win-loss analysis, prospect profiling and lead generation, competitive analysis, customer and market analysis, and M&A research. Don Graham (GM of both Porter Research and Billian’s HealthDATA) and Cynthia Porter (president) have many years of industry experience with major healthcare IT firms. The company offers a brochure, case studies, a newsletter, and white papers that illustrate its expertise. Thanks to Porter Research for supporting HIStalk.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock

4-30-2013 7-39-52 PM

Emdeon completes re-pricing of its existing senior secured credit facilities, securing lower interest rates on its term and revolving loans.

4-30-2013 7-38-31 PM

Nuance reports Q2 results: revenue up 15.9 percent, EPS $0.34 vs. $0.43, missing estimates on both and sending shares down 18 percent and increasing speculation that activist investor Carl Icahn will use his recently acquired 10.7 percent of the company’s shares to force a breakup.

4-30-2013 7-47-17 PM launches, which offers same-day medical second opinions. Radiology-related reports range from $29 for an X-ray to $99 for an MRI. The company also offers second opinions for primary care, surgery, dermatology, and other services.

4-30-2013 9-10-16 PM

Forms automation vendor FormFast opens a UK-based subsidiary.


Trinity Health (MI) signs a multi-year agreement with Explorys for data analytics solutions.

Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center (NV), Renown Health (NV), and Chandler Regional Medical Center (AZ) select MRO Corp.’s ROI Online platform to manage release of information.

West Florida ACO will deploy Sandlot Connect, Dimensions, and Metrix from Sandlot Solutions for patient health information management.

Methodist Health System (NE) selects Wolters Kluwer ProVation Medical software for its gastroenterology procedure documentation and coding.

Amerinet contracts with Cornerstone Advisors Group to provide HIT advisory and implementation services to its group purchasing members.

Tri-State Orthopaedics (IN) selects SRS EHR for its 24 providers.

4-30-2013 10-35-53 PM

Saudi Arabia’s King Fahd University Hospital will implement Nuance Healthcare Dragon Medical 360 | Network Edition hospital-wide.

The Cleveland Clinic’s MyPractice Healthcare Solutions will provide project management and implementation assistance to Glens Falls Hospital (NY) as it deploys Epic at its physician and specialty practices.


4-30-2013 12-25-15 PM

MedMatica Consulting Associates appoints Jerry Howell (KPMG) CEO and a member of the company’s board of directors.

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Thomas H. Lee, MD (Partners HealthCare) joins Press Ganey as chief medical officer.

4-30-2013 12-54-50 PM

CSI Healthcare IT hires Martin O’Neil (Charts In Time) as health information management practice director.

4-30-2013 1-23-24 PM

Meditab Software appoints Adele Nasr (WebMetro) VP of marketing.

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A. John Blair III, MD, CEO of EMR consulting firm MedAllies, is elected chair of independent Direct community

4-30-2013 8-19-02 PM

Christopher Mansueti, former VP of client services for RelWare, died Friday, April 26 of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. He was 53.

Announcements and Implementations

VHA, Inc. adds physician dashboards to enhance its VHA IMPERATIV Advantage performance improvement solution, which leverages transactional-level data through Truven Health Analytics and UHC.

MDI Achieve, provider of the MatrixCare EHR for long-term acute care, will integrate with Homecare Homebase, a provider of homecare and hospice technology solutions.

Heywood Hospital (MA) streamlines clinician workflow following its implementation of Accent On Integration’s Accelero Connect integration platform.

4-30-2013 3-38-00 PM

Samaritan Albany General Hospital (OR) moves from Meditech to Epic this week.

Transylvania Regional Hospital (NC) goes live on Cerner.

Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota implements wireless data transmission between Cerner’s EMR and CareFusion’s infusion pumps.

PeriGen recognizes its client Banner Health (AZ) for reducing unnecessary early-term deliveries by 22 percent, earning the health system a Showcase in Excellence Award from the Arizona Quality Alliance.

Florida Hospital Tampa implements the EarlySense bedside patient monitoring system.

A Modern Healthcare article covers the State of West Virginia’s VistA implementation. It’s paying Medsphere $8.4 million per year for support and an unspecified amount to InterSystems for Cache’ licenses. The state also added financial systems from NTT DATA to replace VistA’s minimal capabilities. Update: Modern Healthcare issued a correction to this article – Medsphere has been paid $8.4 million over the life of the contract (since 2005), around $940,000 per year.

4-30-2013 9-37-04 PM

The Pittsburgh paper profiles Omnyx, a five-year-old digital pathology systems vendor formed as a joint venture between UPMC and GE Healthcare.

Government and Politics

Arizona lawmakers pass legislation that will require health insurers to pay for telemedicine treatment for certain specific conditions for patients living in 13 rural counties.

Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) introduces a bill that would prohibit HHS from mandating providers to switch to ICD-10 code sets, which Poe contends would cost about $80,000 for individual doctors and $250,000 for practices with five to 10 physicians.

4-30-2013 3-33-08 PM

A bipartisan group of 67 senators sends President Obama a letter calling for him to be more directly involved in the VA’s disability claims backlog situation. The senators note that the average wait time for first-time disability claims is around 316 days, with a delay of up to 681 days in certain parts of the country. Of 900,000 pending claims, more than 600,000 are over 125 days old.

Innovation and Research

4-29-2013 2-10-36 PM

A peer-reviewed article published by the CDC finds that the interface technology of Intelligent Medical Objects is superior to population classification techniques as a disease surveillance tool. The findings are based on a study that showed IMO terminology service was 32 to 42 percent more accurate in identifying coronary heart disease compared to algorithms using reimbursement coding and classification techniques in identifying coronary heart disease.


AirStrip Technologies settles its patent dispute with MVisum, Inc., a competitor it accused of infringing on its patent for real-time viewing of patient data on mobile devices. MVisum agreed not to offer infringing products that include “streaming or displaying real time or near real-time patient physiological data.”

NextGen Healthcare launches Comparison Utility, a proprietary ICD-9/ICD-10 comparison tool that is available a no charge to its customers.

4-30-2013 9-04-40 PM

Healthcare Holdings Group acquires the exclusive rights to 3D-Practice’s patient education graphics technology, which it will embed in its ChartZoneMD EHR.


Athenahealth and MIT’s H@cking Medicine host a May 4-5 Hack-a-Thon aimed at at bringing about disruptive and meaningful solutions to healthcare challenges.

4-30-2013 7-24-51 PM

Anthony Weiner, the former Congressman who resigned after admitting to sending sexually suggestive text messages and photos to several women, is making big money as a corporate consultant. One of his clients is EMR vendor CureMD.

4-30-2013 8-15-35 PM

Here’s Imprivata’s latest HIT cartoon.

Sponsor Updates

  • DrFirst publishes a white paper highlighting the 428 percent growth in e-prescribing for controlled substances.
  • Medseek holds the inaugural meeting of its Clinical Advisory Council , formed to enhance patient engagement.
  • MedAptus highlights three customers and their seamless integrations between the MedAptus charge capture solution and their EHRs.
  • GetWellNetwork recognizes 12 hospitals and individuals for improving clinical care and outcomes through the use of IPC technology.
  • Inland Northwest Health Services releases its 2012 Community Report.
  • Martin’s Point Health Care (ME) discusses how its use of PopulationManager by ForwardHealth Group has improved its ability to respond to patient needs, identify gaps in care, and make systemic changes based on performance.
  • Imprivata hosts May 9 Webinar introducing the benefits of OneSign for healthcare.
  • Nuesoft hosts a May 8 Webinar on  using technology to improve revenue cycle.


Mr. H, Inga, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan, Dr. Travis.

More news: HIStalk Practice, HIStalk Connect.


Morning Headlines 4/30/13

April 29, 2013 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 4/30/13

Greenway Revises Fiscal 2013 Outlook

Greenway revises its full-year 2013 outlook, lowering total revenue from $145-$150 million to $132-$134 million and revising its EPS forecast from a profit of $0.10 to a loss of $0.13. The stock dropped 22 percent by the closing bell.

Hospital to adopt new record system 

Samaritan Albany General Hospital on Thursday will become the second facility of five-hospital Samaritan Health Services to go live on Epic. The entire health system is scheduled to be implemented by the end of the summer.

athenahealth Hosts Health Care Hack-a-Thon

Athenahealth and MIT partner to host a hackathon at the company’s Watertown, MA headquarters on May 4-5. The event brings together innovators from science, medicine, and health IT to pitch disruptive solutions to the problems faced in healthcare. Judges from Harvard University, Blueprint Health, and others will select the winners.

Patient satisfaction with health care hits two-decade high

A recent American Customer Satisfaction Index report finds that heath care satisfaction has reached 80 on a scale of 100, up 1.9 percent from the previous year, the highest satisfaction scores have climbed in 20 years.

Comments Off on Morning Headlines 4/30/13

Readers Write: Achieving Value, A Different Kind of Medical Miracle

April 29, 2013 Readers Write 1 Comment

Achieving Value, A Different Kind of Medical Miracle
By David Bond

4-29-2013 8-37-19 PM

Practice management system (PMS) vendors have long sought to provide their physician customers with more capabilities than just traditional practice management and EHR capabilities. Specifically, providing outsourced patient statements and RCM services are some of the most important opportunities that have been identified to bring greater value to their customers and increased revenue to their firm.

However what I’ve seen is quite frankly an assortment of “half-measure” solutions that don’t efficiently utilize today’s interconnected world: portals that aren’t truly integrated, systems that don’t enhance a practices workflow or focus on usability for both the practice and patient alike. More importantly, that seek to find a solution that yields untapped profit opportunities for those PMS vendors that are able to satisfy these requirements.

In fact, many PMS vendors are mired in paper-based billing methods or a clunky billing portal instead of looking to implement an integrated solution that truly drives value for both the practice and the patient. I also find it interesting that most of these current billing mechanisms do little to significantly boost the profit margins of the PMS vendors offering these services in addition to their core offerings.

My aim is not to criticize these companies, as many have been very successful and offer fantastic products that are of use to their customers, but instead offer insight into new opportunities they can adopt to increase their efficiency and profitability. While the PMS providers might feel their current outsourced paper billing solutions put them in a more favorable light with their physicians, they do little to put more profits in their own pockets, streamline the billing process, help practices with their workflow, create clarity for patients, speed time to payment, or reduce errors on the back end.

Instead of going with a traditional solution that only marginally helps PMS vendors, how about something that can be easily integrated with most solutions and be welcomed with open arms by medical practices and patients alike?

Online billing, patient balance management, and reconciliation services that can be easily integrated with most PMS vendor offerings is in fact a reality today. It drastically reduces the need for paper bills and the cost and delays they create and makes obsolete billing portals that are not truly integrated. Presenting patient statements that are easily understood and allocate the remittance precisely to the services that were received creates clarity for everyone and is highly profitable for any PMS vendor looking to bolster their bottom line through a recurring revenue stream.

Want proof? A major PMS vendor ran the numbers and realized an additional $3 million in pure profit by integrating this capability with its core practice management offering used by 3,500 medical practices. I don’t care who you are, this is real money.

If you’re a PMS vendor and want to achieve real value, both in profitability and long-term customer retention, providing a simple and integrated online bill pay solution will get you there.

David Bond is EVP of PatientPay of Durham, NC.

Curbside Consult with Dr. Jayne 4/29/13

April 29, 2013 Dr. Jayne 2 Comments


Mr. H posted a question in the Monday Morning Update about the decision-making habits of healthcare IT leadership. It brought in a fair amount of reader comments and I thought I’d contribute my two cents.

First, to the original question/comment:

Healthcare IT leadership seems unable or unwilling to take meaningful actions that would benefit their organizations … In a corporate world, leaders who don’t act on revenue opportunities or cost savings don’t last long. Is it asking too much for healthcare IT to make responsible decisions to avoid wasting money?”

Many of the so-called leaders I work with suffer from analysis paralysis. It’s not just IT leaders – it could be finance, revenue cycle, practice operations, or just about anyone. They spend so much time thinking through various options that they ultimately miss the opportunity to make a decision that would make a difference. There’s no understanding of the concept of opportunity cost.

I tend to see this more in so-called non-profit health systems where the business just isn’t run like a business at all. Sometimes I think altruism or the thought that everyone is “trying to do their best” becomes a smoke screen for failure to lead.

It’s not just analysis paralysis, but there are quite a few healthcare leaders I’ve worked with who are simply ineffective. I’ve worked for and with people who range from passive-aggressive to missing in action. One group I worked with in a consulting relationship had an EHR project head who was missing in action. His favorite pastimes included casino gambling and hanging out at the local coffee klatch with a group of wealthy retirees. He’d come to steering committee meetings completely unprepared and expected his subordinates to bail him out. His direct reports were rewarded by having their one-on-one meetings canceled and receiving performance evaluations that were written by other division directors because he was unable to meaningfully assess their performance.

Inept leadership isn’t the only thing that contributes to poor decision making. Awkwardly constructed team structures can be a factor as well, where different verticals end up unknowingly (or intentionally) confounding the needs of other teams. Teams where leadership obviously doesn’t like each other or share any kind of mutual respect can lead to bickering and efforts to block others just do be difficult. When teams don’t get along, it’s up to the next level of leadership to demand cooperation and congeniality or let people go.

Although I agree that the level of involvement (read: interference) of government in medicine makes it difficult to say ahead of the curve, that often sounds more like an excuse than a reason. I’ve seen more than enough healthcare organizations that have no concept of the true cost of the care they’re delivering, and instead of focusing on the bottom line, spend their time whining about payers. Physicians underestimate the value of their time and shift resources the wrong way, taking on additional work rather than “burdening” their staff members. I see too many administrators who are penny-wise but pound-foolish, trying to do complex projects in-house due to perceived cost savings when a team of experienced consultants could have delivered higher quality product with fewer errors, delays, and cost overruns.

Another major problem that leads to ineffective (or no) decision making is failure to understand the value of active change management within an organization. Sometimes unpopular decisions need to be made, but rather than using a formal change management program to smooth the transition, leadership elects to make no decision at all. Guess what, folks? This isn’t high school. You’re not here to be liked — you’re here to do a job and improve patient care. It’s not a popularity contest.

I also see a fair number of “leaders” who don’t understand their core business or its needs. My favorite corporate “stupid human trick” is the lateral outplacement move, where you take someone who is ineffective in your vertical and move them to another vertical in the organization where they may know even less about the business line. Just because someone knows the inpatient setting doesn’t mean they know beans about ambulatory care, and vice versa.

In the same vein, I also see too many people that place stock in certifications and degrees over experience. I’ll take an experienced CMIO who has had to work with the DBAs to resurrect an enterprise app in the middle of the night, whether they have fellowship papers or not. In my neck of the woods MBAs are a dime a dozen and I continue to watch hospital administrators hire people with no healthcare experience at all, then feign surprise when failure occurs.

Is it really that much worse than other industries, though? I’m not sure. Having worked in healthcare most of my career (unless you count a string of fascinating summer jobs), I don’t have a lot to reference against. My friends in non-healthcare IT seem to have managers and decision trees that are as crazy as those I deal with every day. Sometimes running away to become a rodeo clown looks pretty good – until I remember that’s what I already do every day.


E-mail Dr. Jayne.

Advisory Panel: Surprise Projects for 2013

April 29, 2013 Advisory Panel Comments Off on Advisory Panel: Surprise Projects for 2013

The HIStalk Advisory Panel is a group of hospital CIOs, hospital CMIOs, practicing physicians, and a few vendor executives who have volunteered to provide their thoughts on topical industry issues. I’ll seek their input every month or so on an important news developments and also ask the non-vendor members about their recent experience with vendors. E-mail me to suggest an issue for their consideration.

If you work for a hospital or practice, you are welcome to join the panel. I am grateful to the HIStalk Advisory Panel members for their help in making HIStalk better.

This question this time:  What "surprise" IT or informatics projects have come up recently that you didn’t expect to have to deal with in 2013?

We’re about four months away from a pretty big EHR rip-and-replace go-live. The surprise for me has been the steady drumbeat of “business as usual” requests: a new POC lab system, new offices, clinics and moves, interfaces to the legacy system that will be replaced 30 days after go-live, etc. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised — just a little freaked out.

When we began the fiscal year in October, we had not planned on applying for a CMS Shared Savings ACO. The learning curve was steep on this, and now that we were awarded one in January, we are being cautious to make the right decision on an IT platform to support the ACO.

Not sure that it’s a surprise, but the increased focus on meeting regulatory demands have shifted the focus of IS. Even though the organization focuses well on our EHR and Meaningful Use progress, it is difficult to find the funds to refresh our infrastructure and deliver the smaller application needs of the organization (food management and employee health are recent examples that come to mind). Our average age of infrastructure continues to creep upwards while our MU efforts monopolize most of the IS capital. On top of that, there is renewed focus on patient access and experience that have impact to the IS "pot o’ gold" (and for my organization it’s not really much of a pot to begin with – maybe a cup is more accurate). I have had to redirect money away from the non-regulatory projects and leave organizational needs unmet. Old equipment and unhappy customers create uncomfortable CIOs. Not a complaint really, just a reality of the job. These demands on capital make it more critical for IS to be able to tell the story on how we are
going to decrease costs, increase revenues, avoid penalties, etc.

The surprise projects are currently getting planned for 2014 in our organization. Many of them are focused on Meaningful Use – both for 2014 Stage 1 and Stage 2. From our organization’s perspective, it will probably late 2014 or 2015 before we can focus on any significant IT project that isn’t driven by a regulation or a dependency for a project that is.

Multiple instances in my organization where a doctor or department had spent time and money to build out an application for their use and want to now commercialize it. Who knew there would be so much entrepreneurial spirit going on under our hood? Begs the question – should we better create an atmosphere and infrastructure to support these projects, and what is the best way to support them moving forward (e.g. do we help to spin them off into new companies to help create a way to sustain them?) And of course we
have to work through the IP issues as well.

A couple of large HR system and outpatient business analytics projects competing for resources with ICD-10 and Meaningful Use Stage 2 prep projects.

Replace our software for calculating month end reserves. Replacing software for electronic claims submission.

I’m not sure I would call these a complete surprise, but what has surprised me is the volume of good, value-added ideas that are coming up related to using our EMR to further improve quality, safety, efficiency. Multiple IT-enabled optimizations using our EMR and analytic tools to help further reduce readmissions, provide an early warning on septic patients, reduce catheter -associated urinary track infections, and the like. In addition to ensuring readiness for Stage 2 Meaningful Use, we are spending much effort and energy on optimizing our EMR.

No real surprise projects. What is creating unrest is BI, ACO support, and keeping up after we cut our staff by 20 percent.

Interestingly, most surprises here are due to our operational need to jettison existing partners, in my case, in rad onc and imaging. This was primarily due to the relationships going south fairly quickly. Standing up linear accelerators et al, as well as a new PACS, was definitely not even on the radar. Both are significant projects.

HIMSS Healthcare Transformation Project.

Major modifications to our revenue cycle system and the interfaces to our insurance companies, based upon changes to reimbursement policies, particularly capitated payments. Still reeling.

We have a solid strategic plan that’s updated each year. We also have an engaged IT Governance group. I can’t think of any surprises, but we are only halfway through the fiscal year. My mindset is that IS should expect them and not overreact. This is where you can see what your team is made of. Also, surprises provide teaching and growth opportunities.

We have to go through three major code upgrades before February 2014, rather than just two. And we have to implement our EHR vendor’s HIM module upgrade, to our surprise, because none of the vendor’s new functionality works with our current HIM module. That turns out to be a major project, and a prerequisite that has set several other projects (such as physician documentation) back by nearly a year. Lastly, our pharmacy had been trying to "skate by" the MU Stage 2 regs by only implementing bar-coding for IV meds, but we realized after some calculations and CMS FAQs that still wouldn’t hit our required 10 percent. We’re going to have to do a full medication barcode implementation under very tight time frames.

Most surprises have been in the realm of infrastructure upgrades (additional storage and additional wireless capability). Under the heading of wireless capability, the organization chose many years ago to implement a guest wireless network. Our administration wanted to bring their own devices — they balked at having to give permission to sign on to the guest network even with something as simple as an acknowledgement. Because of this, our guest network is regularly exceeding its connection limit. We are working to create a third network for employees and their devices.

New hospital process reengineering projects that will have IT implications.

There is possibility of squeezing in (at least the beginnings of) more inpatient EHR implementations during the latter part of the year than anticipated as we get ever closer to Stage 2 requirements kicking in.

Not a total surprise, but our physicians and our key ambulatory vendor are very rapidly moving toward multiple mobile solutions as well as patient centric solutions. More quickly than we had anticipated, we are learning to support the iPad EMR version, iPhone  apps, and patient portal.  The vendor is providing new cloud computing solutions and we’re learning how to implement and support these very rapidly.

Comments Off on Advisory Panel: Surprise Projects for 2013

Morning Headlines 4/29/13

April 28, 2013 Headlines Comments Off on Morning Headlines 4/29/13

Computer Programs and Systems, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2013 Results

CPSI announces Q1 results: net income increased 23 percent to $6.9 million on $49.5 million in total revenue, EPS of $0.63.

Providence lays off 132 people in Washington state 

Providence Health & Services announces layoffs for 150 employees as a result of an Epic install that it says will streamline processes and reduce the need for certain positions.

Cybertheft heists $1 million from Leavenworth hospital

Hackers have stolen more than $1 million from Leavenworth WA-based Cascade Medical Center by accessing the hospital’s Automated Clearing House account.

UNM Hospital stands by its outsourcing decision

Sen. Tim Keller of Albuquerque, NM is asking UNM Hospital to halt its recently announced plan to outsource transcription services to Nuance and eliminate 50 local jobs. The hospital says that the move will save more than $500,000 a year and that all affected employees have been offered jobs with Nuance.

Comments Off on Morning Headlines 4/29/13

Monday Morning Update 4/29/13

April 27, 2013 News 18 Comments

From Healthcare Outsider: “Re: making decisions. I’m in corporate IT, but a recurring theme appears where healthcare IT leadership seems unable or unwilling to take meaningful actions that would benefit their organizations. They can’t seem to make decisions, and in a corporate world, leaders who don’t act on revenue opportunities or cost savings don’t last long. Is it asking too much for healthcare IT to make responsible decisions to avoid wasting money?” An interesting question that I will pose to readers – leave a comment with your thoughts about whether hospital IT leaders really are missing bottom-line opportunities simply because they can’t make a decision.

4-27-2013 3-43-24 PM

From The PACS Designer: “Re: iPad cancer app. UBM Medica LTD has just released Version 1.5 of their Cancer Management Handbook for the iPad. Now clinicians can get all of the great content from this popular reference tool as well as the latest care updates on their iPad. TPD will add this app to TPD’s List upon the next update release.”

4-27-2013 1-59-54 PM

More than two-thirds of poll respondents don’t like the idea of ONC charging vendors a fee to support its certification programs. New poll to your right, triggered by Bill Rieger’s recent Collective Action post about TEDMED: Should conferences focusing on health IT innovation de-emphasize the involvement of hospitals and physicians because they are part of the problem? There’s a “comments’ link on the poll once you have voted, so feel free to defend your argument.

Rural and community hospital systems vendor CPSI announces Q1 results: revenue up 11 percent, EPS $0.63 vs. $0.51. Chairman David Dye said in the earnings call that, “Several of our competitors are clearly struggling with failed EHR system implementations. As a result, the number of new prospects and contracts that our competitor replacement is increasing.” The company also says that it has been writing contracts that allow customers to defer paying maintenance and support until they achieve Meaningful Use and that is impacting revenue.

4-27-2013 5-00-15 PM

Texas Health Resources is featured in a subscription-only Wall Street Journal article about “exercise meeting rooms”  where employees can meet while using stationary bikes or treadmills. CIO Ed Marx is quoted. He tells me that they also have a meditation room as well as a stand-only meeting room that encourages ending on time.

4-27-2013 5-01-59 PM

New Mexico State Senator Tim Keller urges UNM Hospital to reconsider its decision to eliminate 57 transcriptionist jobs in outsourcing the transcription function to Nuance at an annual savings of $500,000. Nuance has offered jobs to the transcriptionists, but at what the employees claim is a 20 percent pay cut, reduced benefits, and a requirement of an unrealistic 99 percent accuracy rate. Keller says shipping the jobs out of New Mexico will reduce state income tax collections.

4-27-2013 5-03-10 PM

Hackers break into the Automated Clearing House account of seven-bed Cascade Medical Center (WA), diverting more than $1 million to 96 banks. The hospital, whose operating budget is $13 million, recently announced plans to seek affiliation, saying that the Affordable Care Act will require deliver care to more patients without increasing funding and that three of ACA’s cost-savings programs (results-based payments, EHRs, and ACOs) all require major investments.

Providence Health & Services announces plans to lay off 150 billing and medical records employees whose jobs it says will no longer be necessary when it moves to Epic. The system originally notified 687 employees in 2011 that their jobs would be secure for only 18 months, but most of those employees have already transferred to other jobs or quit.

4-27-2013 5-05-44 PM

A former patient registrar sues Integris Grove Hospital for violating her religious beliefs by requiring her to register patients using the identity-confirming PatientSecure palm vein biometric system. She told her supervisor the hospital is lying about the information it collects and that the system resembles Bible’s “mark of the beast” because only the right hands of patients are scanned. Integris says using the system is a job requirement but offered her a transfer to another facility, which she declined saying it wasn’t worth the one-hour commute.

4-27-2013 4-09-32 PM

Members of a Congressional panel hear testimony about physician misinterpretation of HIPAA requirements. Rep. Phil Gingrey, MD (R-GA) and others said they wonder if doctors don’t hide behind HIPAA to avoid answering awkward family questions or in their urgency to move on to the next patient,  whole Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) said doctors aren’t HIPAA experts and simply remember colleagues “who have been grabbed by the law and not let loose until every one of their personal resources have been exhausted.” Also testifying was the widow of an Iowa high school football coach who was killed by a mentally ill man with a recent history of violence and animosity toward the victim who had been released from a hospital without notification to his parents or law enforcement officials because of HIPAA requirements. OCR later clarified that providers can disclose mental health information to families and law enforcement officials if such disclosure might be expected to prevent harm.

Weird News Andy says this woman was taking us for a ride. A TV investigative report finds that a 51-year-old South Carolina woman summoned EMS ambulances at least 100 times in the past seven years with vague 911 medical complaints just to get a free ride to downtown Charleston, where she would sign out AMA and then run errands. Upon being arrested, the woman said the rides, billed at $425 plus mileage, were part of her Medicaid benefits. Taxpayers are on the hook for at least $400,000.

A woman who failed a pre-employment drug screen sues her would-be employer, the hospital that administered the test, under the Americans With Disabilities Act. She says her “shy bladder” syndrome leaves her unable to urinate in public restrooms unless she runs the faucet, but the hospital forced her to provide her sample in a sink-less room.

Vince continues this week with his HIS-tory of GE Healthcare.

Sponsor Updates

  • Sunquest Laboratory version 7.0.1003 earns 2014 ONC HIT certification as an EHR module.
  • Mount States Health Alliance (TN) completes implementation of Perioperative Management by Surgical Information Systems.
  • Aventura is named one of the “Top 10 Coolest Startups” by startup group Built In Denver.
  • Mercy Four Rivers Division selects Forward Health Group’s PopulationManager for a population health initiative with The Guideline Advantage.


Mr. H, Inga, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan, Dr. Travis.

More news: HIStalk Practice, HIStalk Connect.


Time Capsule: This Is No Time for Timidity: Contrarians Who Take Bold Steps Instead of Moaning About Poor Financial Conditions Will Win

April 27, 2013 Time Capsule 3 Comments

I wrote weekly editorials for a boutique industry newsletter for several years, anxious for both audience and income. I learned a lot about coming up with ideas for the weekly grind, trying to be simultaneously opinionated and entertaining in a few hundred words, and not sleeping much because I was working all the time. They’re fun to read as a look back at what was important then (and often still important now).

I wrote this piece in September 2008.

This Is No Time for Timidity: Contrarians Who Take Bold Steps Instead of Moaning About Poor Financial Conditions Will Win
By Mr. HIStalk


I bet every healthcare IT vendor wishes they were a mortgage lender. You make enormous profits for generations, pay gunslinging financial cutthroats salaries of up to hundreds of millions of dollars, and when the music stops on all those illogical investments that racked up obscene profits for years, you cry "Uncle." Uncle Sam, that is. Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up … come quick and bring your checkbook.

Unlike those investment clowns, healthcare IT companies die quietly when their time comes. Maybe they run out of cash, exceed the abilities of their founders, or learn the hard way how little they really know about their business. Those who can’t cut it slink off to the Great Vision Center in the Sky. Tough old world.

I’m not only a free marketer, I’m a Darwinist contrarian. You cannot succeed just doing what everyone else is doing. Sheep happily follow each other to the slaughter. The time to take bold action is when everybody else is too scared to, like now.

I have no data to back it up, but here’s what I believe. You hit your financial home runs when times are bleak, not when the exuberance is irrational. Buy when everyone else is selling. Expand when your competitors are cutting back. When the pendulum inevitably swings back, you’ll look like a genius. Those with the big brass ones will win.

There’s no doubt that credit will be hard to get, and rightfully so. But think about this: investors looking for stock market alternatives weren’t raised on plunking cash into unsexy bonds or gold funds. Companies with a track record and a good story will find investors. Maybe it isn’t the best time to run an IPO since stock prices follow the market down, but private investment should be ripe for some smart deals. Buy a competitor, replace unproductive employees, and make unpopular decisions while everyone is preoccupied with the Dow’s latest drop.

Vendors may see the customer pipeline start to dry up. Fear, rational or otherwise, makes people hunker down. That’s not the ideal situation, but it’s a good time to take a breath, look hard at product lines and strategies, and figure out a strategy for 5-10 years down the road. Sharpen the saw in preparation for the spring that inevitably follows winter.

It would be great if economic conditions sucked less, but you play the cards you’re dealt. Down markets eliminate weaklings. Survivors come back stronger than ever. The decisions you make today may well lock in a future (good or bad) that will persist for decades.

While all the timid MBA suits are whining, stuffing their money into mattresses, and telling everybody how well they could have done if the bad old market hadn’t betrayed them, real businesspeople will be quietly making moves to take advantage of current conditions. It’s a zero-sum game. You get to pick: on your feet or on your knees.

Readers Write: The Shady Side of Value-Based Purchasing

April 27, 2013 Readers Write 1 Comment

The Shady Side of Value-Based Purchasing
By Data Nerd

Beginning October 1, 2013, CMS is implementing what it is calling “Value-Based Purchasing.” As a lifelong policy student, I cannot help but admire the mathematical and administrative intellect behind the program.

Even politically speaking, it has a stroke of genius to it. The funds come from a pre-determined source (starting at 1 percent of reimbursement payments) and the payouts cannot exceed a set amount (said 1 percent of payments). This is achieved by several stages of normalization, where scores are weighted and examined as part of a ratio rather than on their own merit. Hospitals can earn in excess of their 1 percent withheld payments either by improving their own scores over time or scoring better than the other hospitals participating in the program. This differential is then weighted and reweighted to ensure that payouts never exceed the 1 percent amount withheld from all participating hospitals. Awards are all dependent on industry performance as a whole, since the same sum of money will be awarded overall even if every hospital had perfect scores.

CMS is to be commended on the clear and concise way they made the details of the program readily available, providing everything from a slide deck to a recorded provider call to walk through examples. But that is where the understanding (and compliments) end for this data nerd.

By sharing all of the plans for the program, it was easy to get the impression that numbers could easily be crunched from data that is already open. However, open data sources cover quality metrics that were taken over measurement periods that differ greatly from the measurement periods being used by CMS to calculate awards and penalties. Even though we’re talking about the same metrics, we have different reporting periods, so the data is not going to be the same.

One could argue it is another stroke of administrative genius to craft a program then ensure that no one has the data needed to either predict or verify financial outcomes. Based on the latest release of quality data, none of the open datasets are compatible with what CMS will be using to perform VBP calculations (in green and yellow). Some data have yet to be released, while other archived datasets use different timetables, making it impossible to determine hospital eligibility for the program. MedPAR data could theoretically be used to calculate reimbursement withholdings, but without knowing which hospitals are eligible, it makes it impossible to predict which will participate, much less any other aggregate observations (will more hospitals lose than gain, will losses or gains be great or small, etc.).

With all of the talk about transparency, this whole program looks shadier to me with each passing fiscal year.


Morning Headlines 4/26/13

April 25, 2013 Headlines 3 Comments

Cerner profit up as support, maintenance grows

Cerner reports Q1 results with a $110 million profit, up from $88 million, on $680 million in revenue. EPS $0.62 vs. $0.51. Support, maintenance and services revenue increased 16%, but system sales revenue dropped 12%.

Certification for electronic health record product revoked

ONC has revoked the EHR certification status of two EHRs, Santa Fe Springs Cali-based EHRMagic-Ambulatory and EHRMagic-Inpatient, after complaints from customers led auditors to discover that the platforms did not have the minimum required functionality and should never have passed certification tests in the first place.

Doctor: ‘I gave up on health care in America’

A family practice doctor from Colorado unwilling to comply with Meaningful Use requirements moves to Australia where he reports making $100,000 more than he made practicing in Colorado and with a much lighter schedule.

Nuance Communications Taps Goldman for Advice as Icahn Amasses Stake

Nuance has turned to Goldman Sachs for strategic guidance as billionaire Carl Icahn, known for his penchant for hostile corporate takeovers, continues to amass the company’s outstanding stock. Icahn currently holds a 9.3 percent stake in the company.

News 4/26/13

April 25, 2013 News 8 Comments

Top News

4-25-2013 7-33-10 PM

Cerner posts Q1 results: revenue up 6.1 percent, EPS $0.62 vs. $0.51, beating adjusted earnings estimates but falling short on revenue. A 12 percent decline in system sales was balanced by a 16 percent increase in support, maintenance, and service revenues. From the conference call, the company announced one win over Epic in the quarter, talked up its international business, and touted its population health management efforts. Neal Patterson participated, finishing up with, “You can see from the CommonWell Alliance that we use our leadership position in the industry for the greater good, but also to basically highlight where basically we have bad actors around subjects such as interoperability.”

Reader Comments

From Med Student: “Re: Meaningful Use Stage 3. If you could change anything in Stage 3, what would you include or cut out?” I’m curious about that myself, so please leave a comment with your thoughts.

From Herky: “Re: warm-blooded. Spotted at TEDMED last week, riding the bus together from the Kennedy Center to GWU for Great Challenges Day: Allscripts CEO Paul Black and former CEO Glen Tullman. I guess all those rumors about bad blood between the two were ill founded.”

HIStalk Announcements and Requests

inga_small Some hot news you may have missed this week on HIStalk Practice: compensation for medical directors is increasingly tied to quality metrics, as are job responsibilities. Advice for physicians engaging in Web-based messaging services. Details on athenahealth’s emergency response process, which was activated during last week’s manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects. EMR adoption by primary care physicians in Canada has doubled from 23 percent in 2006 to 56 percent in 2012. Rather than sell out to hospitals, practice management consultants offer alternate alignment models for consideration. Dr. Gregg puts his spin on the phrase that pays and playing in the healthcare sandbox. Take or moment or three to catch up on the latest ambulatory HIT news and sign up for e-mail updates while you are there. Thanks for reading.

Acquisitions, Funding, Business, and Stock

4-25-2013 7-30-54 PM

Hill-Rom Holdings reports Q2 results: revenue up three percent,  EPS $0.37 vs. $0.43.

4-25-2013 7-31-34 PM

Streamline Health’s Q4 numbers: revenue up 49 percent, EPS –$0.63 vs. $0.00.

4-25-2013 7-32-28 PM

Lexmark subsidiary Perceptive grew Q1 revenue 47 percent to $44 million.

4-25-2013 9-05-02 PM

Informatica reports Q1 results: revenue up 9 percent, EPS $0.16 vs. $0.24.

4-25-2013 9-08-55 PM

Qlik Technologies announces Q1 results: revenue up 22 percent, adjusted EPS –$0.09 vs. –$0.03, beating expectations on both.

Nuance seeks the advice of Goldman Sachs following the acquisition by activist investor Carl Ican of 9.3 percent of the company’s shares.


The Michigan Health Information Network partners with Surescripts to allow users of Surescripts’ Clinical Interoperability network to send electronic health information to the State of Michigan’s public health reporting system through the HIN and the Michigan Department of Community Health.

Presence Health (IL) awards Harris Corp. a three-year contract to create a private HIE.

4-25-2013 7-35-58 PM

The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center purchases MDaudit Professional billing compliance software from Hayes Management Consulting.

Syracuse Community Health Center (NY) selects NextGen Healthcare’s Ambulatory EHR, PM, and Electronic Dental Record solutions for its 16-location FQHC.

MModal signs seven new hospitals and imaging centers for its Fluency for Imaging radiology workflow technology.

4-25-2013 7-35-00 PM

Fisher-Titus Medical Center (OH) selects Wolters Kluwer’s ProVation Order Sets.

UC Davis Medical Center (CA) selects TriZetto’s ClaimLogic as its claims processing solution, where it will integrate with Epic.


4-25-2013 6-17-53 PM

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute hires Bryan Luce (United BioSource Corporation) as chief science officer.

4-25-2013 6-18-33 PM

Interactive patient care system provider Skylight Healthcare Systems names Lisa Romano (TeleTracking Technologies) chief clinical officer.

Cleveland Clinic Innovations names its current GM of IT Commercialization Gary Fingerhut as the organization’s interim director, taking over for founding executive director Chris Coburn, who is heading to Partners HealthCare to lead innovation efforts.

Announcements and Implementations

Atlantic General Hospital (MD) implements Allscripts Sunrise.

Physicians’ Alliance of America launches iMedicor SocialHIE, giving its 34,000 physician members the ability to electronically exchange clinical information.

4-25-2013 9-57-08 PM

Athenahealth announces its marketplace for third-party solutions.

4-25-2013 8-24-52 PM

HCS, which offers the Interactant suite, launches a new logo and website.

UMass Memorial Health Care deploys MedAptus Technical Charge Capture.

4-25-2013 8-11-18 PM

Patient Logic launches its physician documentation system at three small hospitals. Its sister HealthTech companies are HMS and Medhost.

Children’s Specialized Hospital (NJ) launches GetWellNetwork’s GetWell Town interactive patient system, funded by a grant from L‘Oreal USA.

The physician informaticist who heads up MedAppLab in Germany says diagnostic or prescriptive smartphone apps present too many possible sources of error to be recommended for use, including the quality of peripherals such as headphones.

4-25-2013 8-54-16 PM

Online storage vendor Box says its product is now HIPAA compliant, also announcing 10 partner applications that include the drchrono EHR, in which Box has taken an undisclosed equity position.

Lott QA Group and HRS announce an ICD-10 testbed for coding and clinical documentation.

4-25-2013 7-37-03 PM

John Halamka says in his blog that Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center will go live on its homegrown electronic medication administration record in June. He says it’s Web-based, mobile-friendly, and integrated into existing systems. It will support the use of iPhones for viewing, iPads to verify orders at the Omnicell cabinets, and wall-mounted computers with bar code readers for verification.

Government and Politics

CMS proposes raising the maximum reward for reporting Medicare fraud from $1,000 to $9.9 million; denying Medicare enrollment to providers affiliated with an entity that has unpaid Medicare debt; and denying or revoking billing privileges to individuals with felony convictions.

ONC revokes EHR certification on EHRMagic-Ambulatory and EHRMagic-Inpatient following notification that the products did not meet the required functionality and should not have passed certification. InfoGard Laboratories, which certified the products originally, retested them after reviewing additional information and gave them a failing score. Above is the reaction of Candid CIO Will Weider.

AHA tells CMS not to add additional HIE requirements for providers, but instead focus more on implementing current HIT initiatives.

4-25-2013 3-49-10 PM

Meanwhile, the founding members of the CommonWell Health Alliance tell CMS they are committed to collaboration with HIT suppliers, adding that they will use existing standards and supplement them only when needed. Members also emphasized the importance of creating an open forum for secure patient data exchange and removing data access barriers.

4-25-2013 8-04-04 PM

A North Carolina Senate panel approves a bill that would require hospitals to create easily understood bills that include definitions for any medical terminology. State Senator Jeff Tarte, a former hospital CIO via a stint with Ernst & Young, says transparency is tough to solve and just creating nicer bills isn’t going to fix the problem.

A federal grand jury convicts the former medical records director of a Florida-based partial hospitalization program for leading a scheme that submitted $63 million in fraudulent Medicare and Medicaid claims. The therapy provided to the severely mentally ill patients involved watching Disney movies and playing bingo.


4-25-2013 7-24-03 PM

A new KLAS report says that patient accounting systems are the next hot thing in 200+ bed hospitals because of accountable care needs, the tapering off of Meaningful Use system selections, and the impending transition to ICD-10. Integration is a priority, leaving Epic and Cerner as the only inpatient billing systems that also cover ambulatory billing, with Cerner still scoring low but trending up. Update: KLAS says my summary is misleading, so here is their exact wording: “Epic and Cerner are the only vendors whose inpatient billing systems are integrated with both their inpatient EMR and ambulatory billing systems.”

4-25-2013 7-52-13 PM

A solo family physician in rural Colorado says he “gave up on healthcare in America,” sold his practice to a hospital, and moved to Australia because of the 2 percent Medicare penalty he would have been charged in 2015 for not adopting an EHR that he couldn’t afford anyway. He says in Australia people love his American accent, he gets a lot of time off, and he makes $250,000 a year for a light schedule vs. the $100,000 he was making for being overworked in Colorado. “Primary care is highly respected here. That’s not the case any more in America. In the United States, health care has become more about the business of making money. The personal side of medicine is going away.”

CommonWell, challenged directly on Twitter by Terry Bequette, state HIT coordinator for the State of Vermont, says “all HIT developers” are welcome to join.  

WakeMed (NC) creates a video celebrating its 52 years and touting its new $100 million Epic system, which it is implementing along with nearby Triangle-area academic medical centers Duke University Hospital and UNC Health Care.

Truven Health Analytics reports that 71 percent of ER visits made by patients with employer-sponsored insurance coverage are for conditions that did not require immediate attention or could have been prevented with outpatient care.

Medhost files a lawsuit against Health Management Associates, claiming the hospital operator continues to use its ED software despite not having paid the third installment of $4.5 million last year.

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Henry Ford Health System (MI) reports a 15 percent decrease in net income, primarily due to an increase in uncompensated care and the $36 million it spent to implement Epic. According to the CEO, “We knew that 2012 and 2013 would not be easy years for the system because of the Epic costs.”

A court orders UPMC to allow employees to use its computers and e-mail system for union-organizing activities.

Weird News Andy says this is like a reality show for doctors. Utah pediatricians trying to relate better to their teen patients hire acting students to simulate clinic visits and act out medical scenarios. The students are enjoying it so much that they have volunteered to continue after school is out.

WNA also likes this story, in which Seattle police are investigating reports that a nurse imposter entered patient rooms at Swedish Medical Center and cut the IV lines of patients to steal what sounds like narcotic-containing PCA cartridges.

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inga_small In patient fashion news, Henry Ford Health System introduces a new double-breasted hospital gown that closes in the back, uses snaps instead of ties, and is made of thicker fabric than traditional gowns. One of the gown designers notes that, “By creating a hospital gown that is safe, stylish, and comfortable, we’ve made the patient feel more at home, like they’re wearing their own garments." Kind of makes me want to schedule some elective surgery just to try one out.

Sponsor Updates

  • Aprima Medical Software, Greenway Medical Technologies, and Allscripts forego interface fees as preferred partners for Greater Houston Healthconnect’s regional HIE.
  • Elsevier issues a brief that identifies the need for and potential impact of evidence-based medicine.
  • Wellsoft will participate in next month’s 2013 Emergency Medicine Update conference in Toronto and the e-Health 2013 conference in Ottawa.
  • Barb White, director of healthcare solutions for AT&T, discusses cyber attacks and security breaches in healthcare. 
  • MedAssets’ Sandy Hoffman co-hosts the Fifth Annual Mouse Races for MS in Cape Girardeau, MO on April 27.
  • Laura Kreofsky, principal advisor with Impact Advisors, discusses how EPs are spending their Meaningful Use incentives.
  • Prognosis suggests topics to discuss with current or potential vendors to avoid EHR dissatisfaction.
  • Penn State makes the DynaMed clinical reference database available to all students and staff. 
  • Boston Children’s Hospital Chief Innovation Office Naomi Fried and Carnegie Mellon University professor Alan Russell will provide the keynote addresses at the iHT2’s Health IT Summit in Boston May 7-8.
  • ADP AdvancedMD hosts a May 8 Webinar on engaging patients in their healthcare. 
  • NextGen Healthcare hosts a May 1 Webinar on effective claims processing.
  • Stuart Long, Capsule’s chief marketing and sales officer, discusses the benefits of medical device integration and how it works in a hospital.

EPtalk by Dr. Jayne

ONC issues the Apps4TotsHealth Challenge to encourage integration of the TXT4Tots message library into new or existing platforms. The library includes evidence-based messages focusing on nutrition and physical activity and is targeted to parents and caregivers of children 1-5 years old.

The National Institutes of Health is using IT to boost energy savings. Maneuvers that would benefit healthcare entities include forcing computers to go on standby at the end of the day and software to aggressively manage environmental systems.

Children’s National Medical Center is using video games as a way to measure and manage chronic pain. Applications are used for physical therapy as well.


Overheard in the physician lounge: two of my colleagues were discussing slick new carts that have appeared on the floors. I’m happy to note that they are from HIStalk sponsor Enovate.


I received a HIMSS e-mail regarding the annual conference experience and asking me to take a brand survey on my “emotional connection” to HIMSS. I was asked to select images that fit attributes for the HIMSS brand on “touch, taste, scent, sight, and sound.” Maybe I’m too much of a literal person, but I found the concept odd. It also didn’t fit my screen without scrolling, making it a non-starter.



Mr. H, Inga, Dr. Jayne, Dr. Gregg, Lt. Dan, Dr. Travis.

More news: HIStalk Practice, HIStalk Connect.


Morning Headlines 4/25/13

April 24, 2013 Headlines 1 Comment

FDA Device Surveillance to Tap Phone App

The FDA Adverse Event Reporting System will be revamped in part by launching a smartphone app for streamlined adverse event reporting by physicians.

Electronic health records key to patient care quality improvement

In England, a survey of physicians reveals that 94 percent believe that patients should have at least some access to their electronic medical records, but only 34 percent like the idea of full access. Physicians also overwhelmingly support allowing patients to update standard sections of their own electronic records, including demographics, family history, allergies, and home medications.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to Invest Up to $68 Million to Develop a National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network

PCORI has committed $68 million in funding to support the development of a national infrastructure to advance patient-centered clinical research that enables efficient participation from broad patient populations.

athenahealth Marketplace Brings Shopping to Health Care IT

athenahealth launches a marketplace of bolt-on pfferings for its cloud-based practice solution from a variety of vendors, including Experian Healthcare, InHealth Clinical Documentation Solutions (ICDS), NHXS, iTriage, and Entrada.

Collective Action 4/24/13

April 24, 2013 Bill Rieger 2 Comments

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author personally and are not necessarily representative of current or former employers.

Reflections on TEDMED 2013

Unpacking my TEDMED experience will be challenging, much like it would be to unpack HIMSS or CHIME conference, but in some ways more difficult. At HIMSS and CHIME, you walk away tired and overstimulated, but have a sense that we’re all in this together.  Walking away from TEDMED, I am exhausted mentally from all of the stimulating presentations and conversations, but I have a sense of being the bad guy. 

TEDMED is a TED conference dedicated to science and medicine innovation. I attended this conference in conjunction with The Breakaway Group’s annual conference, which was very good and stimulating as well and was a great beginning to the TEDMED experience. 

As we transitioned from The Breakaway Group to TEDMED, I had high expectations of people sharing collaborative ideas and experiences on how we can make healthcare better. I was not disappointed. There were some great ideas expressed at TEDMED. Phenomenal medical and scientific research is being conducted all around the world and it was well presented on the TEDMED stage and in The HIVE. 

The HIVE was similar to the vendor floor at HIMSS, but at a much smaller scale. There were only 50 vendors present, all startups in healthcare. None were allowed to reach out to attendees beforehand and they were not allowed to bring propaganda other than their business cards. Each was given a 50-inch monitor and a small table to show their product. There was no sales pressure at all — attendees were able to approach the vendors and ask exploratory questions without pressure. That was a refreshing experience. 

TEDMED was comprised of 10 sessions each lasting about two hours. In each session were several speakers who had their 20 minutes on the big red carpet. Big data, medical research, community health, indigent care, global health, and even end-of-life issues were discussed and presented from various perspectives. It was thought-provoking to say the least. 

The one sense I left with — and perhaps the biggest discussion at dinner with other attendees and guests of Xerox Health — was how both physicians and hospitals were looked at and talked about as being a big part of the problem and not a part of the solution.  There were physician presenters sharing personal stories of what they have done that is cutting edge, but there was absolutely no representation from any hospital or health system on stage. There was an entrepreneurial spirit there and TEDMED clearly puts the future hope of our healthcare system in the hands of entrepreneurs.

We can all agree that our current healthcare system is unsustainable. Farzad Mostashari spoke at The Breakaway Group event, and while he represents CMS and was talking about the end of fee-for-service, he also said that none of us know exactly what the payment model will look like in five years. He acknowledged that more government was not the answer, but a partnership with payers and providers alike working together to blaze a new trail. He was not asked to speak at TEDMED, probably because he represents the establishment. 

I believe very strongly in the capital system and encourage innovation and starting something new and creative, but that innovation has to be partnered closely with hospitals and with our government. That part was clearly missing at TEDMED. As a result, I believe it took away from its effectiveness.

The mission of TEDMED can be derived from its website. "In its core, TEDMED is a celebration of human achievement and the power of connecting the unconnected in creative ways to change our world in health and medicine." Did they achieve this mission? I would say yes, but did they connect the unconnected with the right people? 

Next year, I hope to go again. I will send TEDMED some suggestions about how it can stick it to the man a little less, and instead maybe partner with the man and talk to the man about news ways of doing things. It sounds like the man is listening.

Bill Rieger is chief information officer at Flagler Hospital of St. Augustine, FL.

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  1. I think if you'd look at the recent hearings, VA was saying Cerner would require a 10% increase in staff…

  2. At what point do we quit pretending Oracle has an EMR suitable for the VAs. needs and revert back to…

  3. Friend of mine faints occasionally, and a poor well-intentioned coworker called an ambulance. She refused to move until he went…

  4. Don't forget the announcement the day before about cutting 80k VA jobs! Really an incredible combination.

  5. In my case, they said they were going to send the bill to collections if I didn't pay, and since…

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