Morning Headlines 5/15/14
Royal Devon edges towards Epic
In England, Epic is named vendor of choice at Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust. Financial details were not disclosed, but an insider familiar with the process explained, “Epic presents incredibly well to clinicians, when they’ve seen it they just don’t want anything else, but affordability is a huge issue.” Epic’s total project costs at Cambridge University, its first and only UK site, came in at $335 million over 10-years.
Health IT Summit: Halamka predicts only 20% will achieve MU Stage 2
During a speech at the iHT2 Health IT Summit, BIDMC CIO John Halamka, MD predicts that only 20 percent of hospitals will attest for Stage 2 Meaningful Use this year.
Big Data Treasure Trove From Routine Medical Checkups
The Wall Street Journal reports on several recent clinical research projects that use retrospective EHR data analysis rather than clinical trials. In some instances, the findings resulted in new medical discoveries, and the development of new clinical tools.
RE: Epic and Agentic AI: Operational & Business Model Risks Disrupting Its Own Ecosystem: Agentic AI threatens Epic’s traditional software…