Morning Headlines 5/14/15
Stiff Interoperability penalties in new 21st Century Cures Act
The revised 21st Century Cures Act was introduced in Congress today, and the new changes included funding to develop metrics to quantify and report on the exact state of interoperability available between EHR systems today, and then report on whether each EHR vendor was in compliance with new interoperability certification criteria that would go into effect in 2018.
Meaningful Use Stage 3 NPRM Comments
At Tuesday’s Health IT Policy Committee meeting, four workgroups shared comments on the Stage 3 MU proposed rule, with three of the four expressing some form of concern over the increases to the view, download, or transmit requirement.
Patients six to ten times more likely to get HPV vaccine after electronic health record prompts
Researchers with the University of Michigan find that pediatric patients are three times more likely to start the three-dose series of HPV vaccinations, and are 10 times more likely to complete them, if their pediatrician receives EHR alerts reminding them to start or continue the regimen.
No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…