Morning Headlines 9/16/15
The CEO and finance director of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Epic’s first UK customer, resigns following a growing financial deficit and “significant performance and quality concerns” related to IT.
An HHS OIG report on the rollout of finds that CMS failed to “provide adequate contract management and oversight for Federal marketplace contracts,” which resulted in delays, performance issues, and unauthorized costs.
Google Bets on Insurance Startup Oscar Health
Two-year old tech-savvy insurance startup Oscar Health raises a $32.5 million funding round from Google Capital, bringing its total raised to $325 million and its valuation to $1.75 billion.
Identifying preventable readmissions: an achievable goal or waiting for Godot?
Researchers question the accuracy of readmission risk metrics, arguing that future research efforts should be shifted away from hospital care and toward “developing quality care measures of complex disease management across a patient’s continuum of care.”
No worries on HIPAA - they don't bill normally. It certainly suggests the same levels of due diligence as other…