EPtalk by Dr. Jayne 3/27/25
It looks like I’m one of the users who have been selected to test the beta version of the new Amazon Health AI digital assistant.
According to news articles, the tool is designed to field health and wellness questions, and of course to suggest products. Some responses have a “clinically verified” indicator that shows that the information has been “reviewed and confirmed as accurate by medical experts.” I couldn’t find any indication of their definition of “experts,” which can vary widely. It also didn’t indicate how often such information is reviewed or how long ago this particular excerpt was reviewed.
I tried a number of scenarios, including questions about an ongoing cough and a query about what a measles rash looks like. For the cough question, it suggested that I might be interested in purchasing Lipton tea or an over-the-counter inhaler.
For the measles question, I was shocked that it answered the question by providing a correct answer, but for a different question than the one that I actually asked. If I’m asking what a measles rash looks like, I would expect to see a photo of a measles rash (there are dozens out there that are easily accessible from search engines) rather than a description of a vaccine-associated rash.
Initially, when I read the answer, I missed the word “vaccine” because I skipped over the regurgitated question directly to the bullets. I would want to read more carefully next time. I also thought it was odd to add a disclaimer about “while I cannot provide an exact cause for your symptoms” when I didn’t indicate that I was asking about symptoms. I was just asking a health educational question, so the system isn’t sophisticated enough to understand that and probably assumes everyone has a symptom. Users have the ability to provide feedback on the responses, so you can bet I gave that one a thumbs down.
Next, I specifically asked whether the tool had a picture of a measles rash. It apologized for not having an image, but then went on to again discuss a rash that is related to a measles vaccine. It then offered me the opportunity to join Amazon One Medical, which I guess is not surprising.
I also asked how to care for a sprained ankle. The output was missing key information in the form of sentences that didn’t populate correctly: “Over-the-counter like or can also help manage pain and inflammation.” I guess the model forgot to throw in medication names like “acetaminophen” or “ibuprofen.” This search generated a suggestion that I may be interested in buying an elastic bandage as well as visiting Amazon One Medical. I repeated these questions in another search engine and frankly got better answers, so overall I’m going to give Amazon’s new tool a D-minus. Try again, folks.
From Primary Care: “Re: this article Did you see this article in JAMA Network Open? It talked about the fact that states with less regulation of health insurance offerings have higher rates of diagnosis for late-stage cancers. I don’t understand how people can see this data and not think we need payment reform or overall healthcare reform.” I can’t say that I’m surprised. Here’s the full scoop: the study looked at 1.3 million patients in states that had either no regulations or limited regulations on short-term, limited-duration (STLD) insurance plans. These are sometimes purchased by patients who are between jobs or who lose coverage for other reasons. They’re usually pretty poor plans and have waiting periods and other elements within the policies that essentially discourage the patient from receiving care. They typically have high deductibles and high out-of-pocket costs for patients. They are not compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements, which results in higher patient responsibility for tests that would have been fully covered by an ACA-compliant plan.
The study was led by the American Cancer Society and looked at adults aged 18-64 years who had a cancer diagnosis between January 2016 and February 2020. It covered 47 states plus the District of Columbia and used information from the National Cancer Database. States were classified as to whether they prohibited these plans before and after 2018, stopped them after 2018, allowed them with restrictions, or had no additional regulation of the plans. The study adjusted for social and demographic factors, year of diagnosis, and state random effect.
The authors found that in states with no additional regulations of STLD plans, there was a net increase of 0.76 percentage points in late-stage cancer diagnoses compared to those states that continuously prohibited such plans. States with some regulations had a net increase of 0.84 percentage points compared to those with continuous prohibition.
The authors concluded that “the 2018 federal policy loosening restrictions on STLD plans was associated with an increase in late-stage cancer diagnoses in states without or with inadequate additional STLD plan regulatory protections. Findings were consistent among cancer types with recommended screening tests (i.e., female breast and colorectal cancers) and extended prior research conducted in a limited number of states, underscoring the importance of state policies and federal efforts to limit STLD plans.”
This illustrates the difference between allowing healthcare and healthcare finance to be regulated at a state level versus at the federal level. The latter would promote more consistent care delivery across our population. Looking at my own state, the level of education of many of our legislators varies greatly and very few have any firsthand experience with healthcare policy. The year is 2025 and I can’t believe we haven’t gotten on board with the idea that everyone in the US deserves high quality healthcare and that a state patchwork of rules isn’t going to do that for us.
Doctors’ Day is March 30 in the US, celebrated on the day when ether was first used for general anesthesia back in the 1840s. It’s on a weekend this year, so hopefully hospitals and healthcare institutions are planning to do something either before or after. It’s been a while since I worked anywhere that had any kind of formal recognition of the day, so if you have doctors in your life, please consider doing something nice for them or at least just wish them a Happy Doctors’ Day.
How does your organization celebrate Doctors’ Day? Is there a pizza party or a challenge coin involved? Leave a comment or email me.
Email Dr. Jayne.
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