Morning Headlines 2/21/23
LVHN reports cyberattack from suspected Russian ransomware group
Lehigh Valley Health Network (PA) refuses to pay the ransom demanded by the Black Cat group, which launched a cyberattack on an LVHN computer system that supports one of its physician practices.
Winners revealed in VA’s $20M Mission Daybreak Grand Challenge to reduce Veteran suicides
The VA awards a combined $11.5 million to the 10 winners of its Mission Daybreak Grand Challenge, which aims to discover new suicide-prevention solutions including those that incorporate digital health.
Scribes linked to 27% lower burnout rate in primary care
Primary care physicians who use scribes report lower levels of burnout, improved workflow satisfaction, and less time spent documenting in the EHR.
As one of the Y2K army of programmers, I can assure you there would have been major outages and errors…