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Morning Headlines 2/6/23

February 5, 2023 Headlines 1 Comment

Tallahassee Memorial Making Progress Managing IT Security Event

Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (FL) continues to operate using downtime procedures following “an IT security event” – reportedly a ransomware attack — that occurred late Thursday.

Duke Health enters deal to share de-identified patient data

Duke Health (NC) will sell de-identified patient data to drug companies via Nference, with which it may also create a for-profit spinoff business.

Athenahealth announces layoffs, possible office move

Athenahealth will lay off 178 employees, re-deploy 100 to more high-priority areas, and consider making changes to its office space in Watertown, MA.

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Currently there is "1 comment" on this Article:

  1. Interesting quote at the end of the Athena article: “When you think about athena, it was a great public company and it lost its way a little bit,” said Segert. “We’ve transformed that, created a ton of value. It’s ready to go public again, if we so choose that path.”

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  1. Did S&P Consultants divorce from Nordic? Looks like the merger was not successful? Or maybe just rebranding?

  2. Re: Vot-ER You know, I've worked in healthcare for nearly 30 years, with constant contact with the hospital environment. It…

  3. Looking back, I am considering whether I would have been able to make an appointment 9-12 months in advance. Probably…

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