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Morning Headlines 7/19/22

July 18, 2022 Headlines No Comments

GE Unveils Brand Names for Three Planned Future Public Companies

GE, which is separating itself into thee public companies that will focus on the growth sectors of healthcare, energy, and aviation, will name the healthcare business GE HealthCare when it spins it off early in 2023.

Cerner integration with Oracle will include new roles for Feinberg, Dalton

Former Cerner CEO David Feinberg, MD will become chairman of the new Oracle Health Global Industry Unit, while former Cerner Chief Client and Services Officer Travis Dalton will become general manager.

Eleven Enforcement Actions Uphold Patients’ Rights Under HIPAA

HHS OCR settles 11 cases in which providers failed to give patients copies of their medical records in a timely manner, assessing civil money penalties that range from $3,500 to $240,000.

Biden’s FTC Has Blocked 4 Hospital Mergers and Is Poised to Thwart More Consolidation Attempts

The Federal Trade Commission, noting the market dominance of the largest health systems and the failure of mergers to reduce costs, signals that it will more aggressively investigate planned hospital mergers and acquisition of physician practices.

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  1. If I'm not mistaken, Glens Falls was one of Epic's customers from WAY back, late 80s-early 90s. Cadence perhaps?

  2. I think they're referring to the practice of an EHR vendor using a single API endpoint for all of their…

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