Thank you for writing "homogeneous" instead of "homogenous".
Morning Headlines 11/21/16
Factom, Inc. Receives Grant to Create Secure Medical Records Using its Blockchain Technology
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation issues blockchain vendor Factom a grant to build a tool to secure electronic medical records with blockchain technology.
NHS trusts overshoot maximum annual deficit in just six months
Six months into its fiscal year, the NHS has passed its permissible deficit for the year and is on pace to end the year $3 billion over budget.
What Does the Trump Presidency Imply for Healthcare and Healthcare IT?
John Halamka, MD discusses the impact President-elect Trump will likely have on health IT.
Association Between the Opening of Retail Clinics and Low-Acuity Emergency Department Visits
A study investigating the relationship between availability of local retail clinics and ED utilization finds no decrease in the use of emergency services for low-acuity conditions.
Come on Mr. H. The statement “About 60 percent of poll respondents expect their companies to fare as well or better under a Trump presidency than now. ” is not significant statistically. If you add the ones that thing they will fare worse with the ones that think about the same you have an even higher percentage, 72.69% to be exact, talk about slanting statistics… 🙂