Morning Headlines 6/14/16
American Medical Association CEO James Madara, MD speaks at the AMA Annual Meeting about the state of technology in healthcare, saying, w“e’re seeing digital tools in medicine that, unlike digital tools in other industries, make the provision of care less, not more, efficient.”
Walgreens formally cuts ties with Theranos
Walgreens ends its relationship with Theranos, effective immediately, citing bad test results and ongoing federal investigations.
ONC Publishes New Reports on Health IT Safety
ONC publishes two health IT safety reports: Report of the Evidence on Health IT Safety and Interventions, and Goals and Priorities for Health Care Organizations to Improve Safety Using Health IT. The reports were drafted eternally with ONC support as part of ONC’s Health IT Safety and Surveillance Plan.
Americans’ Experiences with ACA Marketplace and Medicaid Coverage: Access to Care and Satisfaction
The Commonwealth Fund publishes survey results measuring the impact marketplace insurance coverage has had on consumers. The survey found that over 80 percent of consumers were satisfied or very satisfied with the insurance they purchased, while just over 70 percent report that coverage options are good, very good, or excellent.
I'm going to focus on just one part of the Bloomberg editorial, that is problematic. They characterized the EHRs on…