Morning Headlines 2/11/16
Obama budget would lift HHS spending to $1.1 trillion, entice Medicaid expansion
The President’s 2017 budget includes $82 million for ONC with $5 million earmarked for use on interoperability efforts.
Walgreens Threatens to End Theranos Agreement
As lab vendor Theranos works to resolve inspection issues discovered by CMS auditors, its primary customer, Walgreens, threatens to end the business relationship altogether.
What’s a $4.5B campus look like? Get a sneak peek
Cerner streams a live tour of the Kansas City campus is its currently constructing. The project will add 4.7 million square feet of new office space at a cost of $4.5 billion.
HIMSS Submits Comments on NIST Cybersecurity Framework RFI
HIMSS responds to NIST’s recently published cybersecurity framework FRI, in which it applauds the effort, but calls for the framework to be a voluntary, private-sector led initiative that could be used as a tool to develop best practices around cybersecurity.
I'm pleased you raised the issue of the Star Trek computer interface(s)! Why do we keep coming back to Star…