Morning Headlines 11/9/15
Quality Systems, Inc. Board of Directors Elects Jeffrey H. Margolis as Chairman of Board
Sheldon Razin, founder and board chairman at Quality Systems, Inc., retires after 41 years leading the company’s board of directors. He will be replaced by Jeffrey Margolis, a QSI board member, as well as the CEO of Welltok and founder of Trizetto.
Hartford Hospital, contractor to pay $90,000 in 2012 data theft
Hartford Hospital (CT) and its contractor, EMC, will pay the state a $90,000 settlement stemming from the 2012 theft of an EMC employees unencrypted laptop. The laptop, which was stolen from the EMC employees home, containing PHI on 8,000 patients.
In 5 Minutes, He Lets the Blind See
The New York Times profiles Sanduk Ruit, MD, an ophthalmologist working in Nepal that has reduced the cost of a cataract replacement procedure to just $25 per patient. The American Journal of Ophthalmology published an RCT study confirming Ruit’s technique has exactly the same outcomes as modern Western techniques, both resulting in 98 percent success rates at a six-month follow-up.
Bellevue doctor sues patient who blasted him on Yelp
In Washington, a surgeon acting as his own lawyer sues a patient over a bad Yelp review, citing defamation of character and damage to his business and reputation.
Carol Harris, the GAO representative testifying, seemed comfortable estimating hundreds of millions of dollars to get the remaining 94% of…