Morning Headlines 12/23/14
Supreme Court to Hear Arguments in Big Health Care Case on March 4
The Supreme Court will hear King v Burwell on March 4. The case argues that the Obama administration overstepped its authority by providing federal subsidies to users when the ACA’s language only authorized subsidy payments for insurance acquired through state-run exchanges.
89 ACOs will join Medicare Shared Savings Program in January
CMS announces that 89 new ACOs will join the Shared Savings Program effective January 1, 2015.
Accretive Health Provides Updated Timeline for Completion of Restatement
Accretive Health, a Chicago-based revenue cycle management company, will file its long overdue 2012 and 2013 year-end financial statements next week. The company will also publish restated 2011 statements.
A proposed rule by the FDA will require that pharmaceutical companies replace the paper-based prescription drug handouts written for doctors with electronic ones that can be updated in real-time.
The UHC hiding the breach notice page is one thing but it looks like Nebraska is suing Change Healthcare for…