Morning Headlines 9/23/13
Pricing Glitch Afflicts Rollout of Online Health Exchanges
Less than two weeks before the October 1 launch of ACA-mandated health insurance exchanges, the government is still working through significant technical issues within the infrastructure. If not corrected by the October 1 go-live, the issues could affect consumers across the 36 states that are relying on the federal infrastructure to support its exchange.
U.S. FDA issues final rule on medical device identifier codes
The FDA issued a long-awaited rule on Friday requiring companies to include codes on medical devices that will allow regulators to track the products, monitor them for safety, and expedite recalls.
20-bed Heart of America Medical Center’s (ND) migration from Healthland to Epic is covered by the local paper. HAMC’s go-live is scheduled for November 1.
My understanding is they're not a covered entity, although they have other privacy laws just for them that probably justify…