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Curbside Consult with Dr. Jayne 1/27/25

January 27, 2025 Dr. Jayne 3 Comments

Several people have reached out this week to try to schedule meetings with me at ViVE, which is coming up next month in Nashville. As much as I would like a good excuse to visit a city that can be a lot of fun, I just couldn’t justify the expense of another conference, especially given how close it is to HIMSS.

Registration for ViVE is over $2,000, which is a substantial sum when you’re paying for it out of your own pocket. I’ve attended in the past as a boutique consultant, and once I factored in travel and other costs, the return on investment just wasn’t there.

When I’ve written about the expense of going to conferences in the past, I’ve been asked why I don’t just get a media pass and go for free. It’s tricky to do that when you’re an anonymous blogger, since conferences undoubtedly want your real name. I managed to get CES to approve my application to attend virtually under the Jayne HIStalk, MD identity the year they had a virtual show. That made sense because people couldn’t see me as I listened to pitches and presentations. I can’t exactly walk around with a name badge that says “Dr. Jayne” without a lot of questions.

As for HIMSS, it’s still a place where I can accomplish a lot of meetings and gather the information that I need to help my clients, in an atmosphere with less hype. I’ve grown accustomed to the predictability of the large convention hall atmosphere and don’t need a lot of flashing lights or bold visual displays pulling my attention from the work at hand.

Exhibitors tend to send larger teams to HIMSS compared to other shows, so it’s easier to connect with resources when you find a new vendor that you want to explore. My past experiences at ViVE and HLTH have been that the person I need to talk to isn’t at the show, although I understand that I’m a small sample size and that experience might not be typical.

I got my first HIMSS party invite this weekend, which always makes me smile. I’ve already got my dancing shoes ready for the occasion, which puts me ahead of where I usually am with planning efforts.

I’ve done a fair amount of consulting work in non-traditional areas, so I wasn’t surprised when an organization contacted me to help with a project to migrate school health records from one system to another. I’m not new to technology in the school health setting or to record conversions.

If you haven’t been in school or haven’t had children in school in the last decade, you might not be aware that schools have been embracing healthcare IT. Initially, the uptake I saw was mostly around digital health histories and immunization records, which certainly made it easier for school health officials to identify students who might not be in compliance with state laws or district policies. Electronic systems were also used to track the forms that parents submitted to allow their children to self-administer medications such as asthma inhalers and allergy rescue injections. These are pretty straightforward uses of technology and wouldn’t make most people think twice.

As schools began to have more medically complex students wo attend full time (as opposed to being in a specialized school setting), I started to see districts invest in systems that supported medication administration documentation, not unlike those that are used in hospitals. I also saw inventory tracking systems and triage systems come into play.

Even before the arrival of COVID, school districts were starting to use technology to deal with the inability to staff a nurse into every school due to budgetary constraints. In situations where schools don’t staff a nurse, many of those nursing tasks fall to school secretaries, teacher aides, or other administrative staffers. If a nurse was shared between buildings, those resources could host a video conference while evaluating an ill or injured student.

Around the same time, we also started to see hospitals and health systems partner with school districts to deliver health services in the schools in an attempt to close gaps in care and reduce preventable visits to the emergency department. These school-based clinics often involved rotating nurse practitioners who would evaluate and treat patients in consultation with a hospital-based physician, using shared electronic health records hosted by the health system. Funding for these programs was often tenuous, however. As true telehealth rose to prominence, we started to see hospitals and health systems pull back on those in-person clinics and opt instead for virtual care, which could be delivered in a less costly way.

As I was putting together my proposal for the records conversion, I decided to see what was out there in the literature regarding school health. It was a timely search since there was a great article posted this week in JAMA Health Forum. It’s a good reference to learn about the history of the school nurse role and how much it has changed. The authors talk about health and hygiene efforts in the early 1900s and the evolution to where we are today.

I think most people consider issues like vaccines, injuries, illness, and preventive screenings as the purview of the school nurse. Unless they have personal exposure to other health needs in the school setting, they might not consider other responsibilities, such as assisting students with insulin pumps or with tube feedings. The number of students who are taking medications at school is much higher than 40 years ago, and people who don’t work regularly with young people are often surprised to learn how many people under age 18 are taking at least one daily medication.

School nurses are also more involved in behavioral and mental health interventions than in previous decades. In some areas, they serve as the only healthcare professionals who might interact with a child. I’m excited to see schools and communities that realize the value of school nurses as key members of the healthcare team, especially those who are willing to use data captured in the schools to better inform community health decisions.

Even though this project is primarily a records conversion, I’m excited to potentially become a resource for future projects involving health data in the schools. It’s much easier to craft a proposal around an area of informatics where I’m passionate, so here’s to hoping I ultimate win the contract.

What are your thoughts about the role of informatics in the schools? Have you worked on a school-based health project? Leave a comment or email me.

Email Dr. Jayne.

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Currently there are "3 comments" on this Article:

  1. Appreciated the update on the value of school nurses in a changing environment. Been two decades since I served as medical director for this state’s Office of Children, Youth and Families, providing policy advice to agencies with children in substitute care which included delinquents, foster children, adoptions and–in those days, day care. Similar trends as the school settings–more children in the programs and children with higher acuity needs. Two big successes then–requiring the vaccination of delinquents entering treatment programs at a time when the state immunization registry was still not up to speed and promulgating programs to set standards for non-health care licensed caregivers to administer medications. The latter was most important due to the fact that most of these substitute care settings had fewer then ten children and could never afford having a licensed nurse on site daily, similar to many schools now given the shortage of nurses. The trends point that this will not get easier.

  2. Thank you for featuring our article in your recent edition of Curbside Consulting! I am one of the co-authors of the newly published JAMA article you referenced: “Role of School Nurses in the Health and Education of Children,” and a practicing school nurse in my 24th year serving the students and families of Camden, NJ. My co-authors, Elizabeth Dickson, PhD, RN, and Rosa M. Gonzalez-Guarda, PhD, MPH, RN, and I are encouraged by the positive response the article has received. School nursing is a complex and challenging nursing specialty with the extraordinary responsibility of caring for our nation’s most vulnerable, our children/teens. The scope of our practice has been greatly misunderstood and undervalued, even though the history of school nursing in the U.S. spans almost 125 years. We have been a hidden healthcare system for far too long and it is well beyond time that school health is prioritized as an investment in student success and a partner in education.

  3. I appreciate the information you have shared via this blog. Your insights on school health IT are fascinating, and I think there’s a lot of untapped potential in this space. The integration of tech into school health records is so important, especially when it comes to managing chronic conditions and mental health. It’s a bit shocking to think about how much more involved school nurses are today than in previous decades. The work you’re doing on the health record conversion project sounds exciting, and it’s great to see how the role of informatics continues to grow in this area. It’s so important to ensure that health data from schools is integrated and actionable for broader community health initiatives.

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