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Healthcare AI News 10/16/24

October 16, 2024 Healthcare AI News No Comments


Patient engagement startup Parakeet Health launches its generative AI voice platform for health system contact centers and raises $3 million in seed funding.


Luma Health announces AI products for healthcare call centers: a fax processing tool and a patient-facing voice AI concierge.


MIT News profiles alumni-founded Ambience Healthcare, which offers an ambient documentation solution that is being used in 40 large institutions.

Johnson & Johnson lists six ways it is using AI:

  • Creating and analyzing videos of surgeries to create “highlight reels” for training, collaboration, and support.
  • Create 3D maps for surgical procedures.
  • Analyze de-identified EHR data to identify disease targets and drugs.
  • Support clinical trial recruitment.
  • Analyze genomic and clinical data from diagnostic tests to target treatments and identify candidates for clinical trials.
  • Predict drug supply and demand to optimize distribution of products where they are needed most.


A retrospective cohort study of Yale New Haven Health System medical-surgical inpatients finds that the accuracy of six AI-powered early warning tools for patient deterioration varies widely. ECARTv5 and the National Early Warning score were the top performers, while Epic’s Deterioration Index had the lowest positive predictive value. The authors recommend that health systems verify how the tools work and oversee their use.



Angela Elena Olazaran Laureano, a 17-year-old student in rural Mexico, is chosen from 11,000 nominations to win a $100,000 student prize for her work developing an AI-powered virtual medical assistant that provides basic diagnosis for 21 conditions and warns users if they are likely to be contagious. She was previously part of robotics team that won the national Home Care Challenge. She will use the award to create a STEM classroom in her home town.


Mr. H, Lorre, Jenn, Dr. Jayne.
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  1. I don't understand this ASTP critique: "... Some EHRs allow connection only to generic API endpoints..." What is the issue…

  2. I expect, and would expect, CMS to be filing the first round of fines. Followed by a class action. Love…

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