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Morning Headlines 6/14/24

June 13, 2024 Headlines No Comments

Ascension cyberattack caused after employee accidentally downloaded malicious file

Ascension confirms that its May 8 ransomware attack was launched by a malicious email opened by an unsuspecting employee.

VA awards second option period to Oracle Health in support of Federal Electronic Health Record modernization contract

The VA extends its contract with Oracle Health for a second term of 11 months with an eye to deploying the EHR at new sites in 2025 once reset goals have been met.

Founder/CEO and Clinical President of Digital Health Company Arrested for $100M Adderall Distribution and Health Care Fraud Scheme

Federal agents arrest the CEO and clinical president of ADHD telehealth provider Done on charges of distributing Adderall, healthcare fraud, and obstruction of justice.

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  1. Online scheduling... My provider lets you schedule on line, but you can't get an appointment! Really, the portal has all…

  2. I am skeptical of the AMA and AHA claims of PA interfering with patient care. As a Medicare Advantage member…

  3. What is especially infuriating? When the illegal behaviour yields more money than the fines and penalties. Oh, and corporate fines…

  4. Re: Online educational sessions There's one detail that I've noted, and I wonder if anyone else has. I often find…

  5. Break the law, pass Go and collect millions, pay a nominal fine accessed by a gov’t agency, and continue to…

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