Morning Headlines 11/27/23
DOD’s EHR Deployment Nearly Complete
The Department of Defense completes the last of 23 MHS Genesis go-live waves.
BSA diverting ER patients after ‘potential security incident’ causes network outage
BSA Health System (TX) reverts to downtime procedures including ER diversion due to a Thanksgiving Day network outage.
Hackers accessed sensitive health data of more than 8 million Welltok patients
A notice filed by Virgin Pulse-owned Welltok says the personal information of 8.5 million people was exposed in a breach of its Moveit file transfer system, with affected customers including BCBS plans, Sutter Health, Stanford Health Care, and The Guthrie Clinic.
Saint Joseph’s Medical Center (NY) pays $80,000 to settle HHS OCR charges that it provided photos and information of three patients in April 2020 to the Associated Press, which was writing an COVID-19 story, without the approval of the patients.
Such compassion for the relative you showed--not likely to be built into EHR/AI soon, as it is increasingly so lacking…