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Morning Headlines 6/30/20

June 29, 2020 Headlines 4 Comments

Flexwise Health Completes Merger with Prescience Health

On-demand nurse staffing company Flexwise Health merges with predictive staffing analytics vendor Prescience Health under the Flexwise brand.

System shutdown puts hold on Tennessee COVID-19 report; far SWVA adds another case

The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System Base System suffers a system failure over the weekend caused by high volumes of data input, compromising the the State of Tennessee’s ability to accurately report COVID-19 data.

Healthy.io, Israeli maker of smartphone urinalysis tech, buys its largest U.S. rival

Smartphone urinalysis company Healthy.io acquires competitor Inui Health, formerly known as Scanadu, for $9 million.

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Currently there are "4 comments" on this Article:

  1. Can the EHR vendors or other help figure out if the recents spikes in COVID cases can be attributed to protests? Media seems to want to say Memorial Day was a cause that that was May 25th this year and seems too long ago to be attributed to these spikes.

    • https://www.nber.org/papers/w27408

      This found that the protests caused a net reduction in the transmission of COVID, due to more people staying at home to avoid the protests. The aggregate day-to-day activity would have increased cases more than the protests did.

    • If protests were a significant vector to spread COVID, I would expect Minnesota to be much worse than where they are.

  2. Also, seems like Texas hospitals were last week saying they were being overrun so the Gov shut down electives in all the major urban areas only to have the hospitals come on record saying they are not being overrun. Does anyone know what is really going on with this new wave as far as severity? Is it a younger crowd being hospitalized or are younger people just transmitting it more often in their homes to older parents and such?

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