Morning Headlines 2/26/19
GE Healthcare IPO this year ‘looks unlikely’ after Danaher deal, CEO Culp says
GE shelves plans to IPO its healthcare business after selling its biopharma business to global conglomerate Danaher for $21.4 billion.
The FDA and Flatiron Health Expand Real-World Data Cancer Research Collaboration
Flatiron Health and the FDA’s INFORMED program renew their collaboration, which uses real-world evidence derived from de-identified EHR data to inform regulatory decision-making and enhance cancer research and treatments.
New milestones in helping prevent eye disease with Verily
Google and Verily launch an eye-screening program in India that uses a machine-learning algorithm to screen for diabetic eye disease.
FDA guidance regarding SaMD is confusing and a distinction without a difference. Either just bite the bullet and classify all…