I'll be visiting a 92-year old cousin and his 90-year old SO this week. I'll watch what they eat!
Morning Headlines 9/11/18
Cerner President Zane Burke to Step Down
Cerner EVP of Worldwide Client Relationships John Peterzalek will assume the responsibilities of President Zane Burke when he steps down November 2.
Clarify Health Solutions Raises $57 Million in Series B Financing Round Led by KKR
Clarify Health Solutions raises $57 million to further develop and scale its analytics-based Care Journey software.
FDA awards $225M IT contract to track drug performance
The FDA awards Acumen, Dovel Technologies, and IQVIA Government Solutions $75 million apiece to develop data, tools, and infrastructure for its Biologics Effectiveness and Safety Initiative, which will ultimately include a network that can analyze large health data sets from sources like EHRs and claims.
With Zane out the door as a scapegoat for the first three years of DoD vaporware delivery, who does Cerner send up next to stammer empty assurances to Congress? John Peterzalek? Or does the world finally get to meet Brent Shafer?