I noticed that the patient's bill in this case included a $12,000 charge for just showing up. I wonder how…
Morning Headlines 7/16/18
CMS Proposes Historic Changes to Modernize Medicare and Restore the Doctor-Patient Relationship
CMS issues a massive draft set of rule changes that it says will reduce provider administrative burdens, encourage price transparency, revamp the longstanding E/M codes to a single code in which physician payment is driven by time spent or medical decision-making required, and paying for virtual visits.
The VA creates an Office of Electronic Health Record Modernization to oversee its Cerner implementation, to be headed by ONC Principal Deputy National Coordinator Genevieve Morris.
Billings Clinic employee’s email hacked during overseas travel; breach affects 8,400 people
The email account of an employee of Billings Clinic (MT) is hacked while he or she is traveling overseas, exposing the information of 8,400 people who were mentioned in the employee’s emails and attachments.
Blount Memorial Hospital to get medical records backup system following computer problems
Blount Memorial Hospital (TN) sets aside $30,000 to purchase a medical records backup system for its physicians group after unexpected computer downtime in May resulted in the cancellation of numerous appointments.
No one is commenting on the CMS announcement, I suppose because no believes they are serious, or capable of executing any part of this grand plan.
Ha ha! How true… although somewhere out there, there is a newcomer to the field who is very excited about this announcement (I’m picturing them now).